656 resultados para Flanagan


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N-Heterocycles can be prepared using alcohol oxidation as a key synthetic step. Herein we report studies exploring the potential of Cu/TEMPO as an aerobic oxidation catalyst for the synthesis of substituted indoles and quinolines. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012


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In a double-blind crossover study the efficacies of Agiolax, a combination of fibre and senna pod, and lactulose were compared in 77 long-stay elderly patients with chronic constipation. Mean daily bowel frequency, stool consistency and ease of evacuation were significantly greater with Agiolax than lactulose. The recommended dose was exceeded more frequently with lactulose than Agiolax (chi 2 = 8.38, p <0.01). Adverse effects were not different for the 2 treatments. In long-stay elderly patients with chronic constipation Agiolax and lactulose were well tolerated, but Agiolax proved a more effective treatment.


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Copper/TEMPO catalysts can be used to prepare nitriles from aldehydes or alcohols using aqueous ammonia. Readily accessible methods were developed that enable standard glassware to be used with air as the source of O2. It was further shown that, at higher temperatures in a pressurised reactor under limiting oxygen conditions (8% O2), catalyst loadings of 1 mol% could be employed.


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The microbial contribution to soil organic matter (SOM) has recently been shown to be much larger than previously thought and thus its role in carbon sequestration may also be underestimated. In this study we employ C-13 ((CO2)-C-13) to assess the potential CO2 sequestration capacity of soil chemoautotrophic bacteria and combine nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with stable isotope probing (SIP), techniques that independently make use of the isotopic enrichment of soil microbial biomass. In this way molecular information generated from NMR is linked with identification of microbes responsible for carbon capture. A mathematical model is developed to determine real-time CO2 flux so that net sequestration can be calculated. Twenty-eight groups of bacteria showing close homologies with existing species were identified. Surprisingly, Ralstonia eutropha was the dominant group. Through NMR we observed the formation of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins produced directly from CO2 utilized by microbial biomass. The component of SOM directly associated with CO2 capture was calculated at 2.86 mg C (89.21 mg kg(-1)) after 48 h. This approach can,differentiate between SOM derived through microbial uptake of CO2 and other SOM constituents and represents a first step in tracking the fate and dynamics of microbial biomass in soil.


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This paper reports the impact on confinement and power load of the high-shape 2.5 MA ELMy H-mode scenario at JET of a change from all carbon plasma-facing components to an all metal wall. In preparation to this change, systematic studies of power load reduction and impact on confinement as a result of fuelling in combination with nitrogen seeding were carried out in JET-C and are compared with their counterpart in JET with a metallic wall. An unexpected and significant change is reported on the decrease in the pedestal confinement but is partially recovered with the injection of nitrogen.