967 resultados para First record


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Cyprinid fish, Hemiculter leucisculus, Cultrichthys erythropterus and Culter dabryi, were sampled from Liangzi, Honghu and Tangxun lakes in the flood plain of the Yangtze River. The cestode Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, 1934 was found in the 3 lakes, but C. erythropterus sampled from Liangzi lake was found uninfected due probably to the small sample size. Findings of the cestode in the 3 lakes represent the first record of the parasite in the flood plain of the Yangtze River, indicating that B. acheilognathi may be distributed much wider in China than previously recognized.


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The genus Leucogyrophana Pouz.was found from Yunnan Province,southwest China,and it was the first report from China.Accordingly,Leuogyrophana pseudomollusa(Parm.)Parm.was the first record of the Chinese fungal flora.L.pseudomollusa grew on rotten wood of Pinus.The present paper provided a detailed description and illustration based on the Chinese material.


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A new species of the previously monotypic xanthid genus Crosnierius Serene & Vadon, 1981 is described from the South China Sea. The species differs from Crosnierius carinatus Serene & Vadon, 1981 in the structure of the anterolateral teeth, ambulatory leg proportions and form of the male first pleopod. Paramedaeus planifrons (Sakai, 1965) is also reported from the South China Sea, the first record of the species outside its type locality of Japan.


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This thesis aimed to provide an understanding of how human-induced changes in the economic sectors of agriculture and transport affect carabid diversity, potential carabidmediated biocontrol and predator-pest interactions. The research involved both observational and manipulative laboratory and field-based studies. Observational research consisted of two large-scale investigations of (1) the impact of Miscanthus and oilseed rape production (n=45) and (2) the impact of horticultural and ecological based landscaping of roadside verges (n=64). This research is the first record of carabid diversity, potential biocontrol and community assemblage with respect to bioenergy crop production and roadside landscaping in an Irish context and it is also an important addition to the limited knowledge of carabid populations in these ecosystems internationally. Manipulative work involved the examination of the role predator identity, diversity and biomass play in the suppression of pollen beetle larvae (an economically damaging insect pest of oilseed rape in Europe), using a novel experimental design called ‘simplex’. To complement this research, an additional field study on the impact of low and high oilseed rape pesticide management on carabid species richness and abundance, and crop yield, was also conducted. This research is a great contribution to the existing understanding of what constitutes the important components of predator biodiversity and expands the knowledge of the usefulness of carabid predators in the context of pollen beetle larvae control. In particular, the work shows that the abundance or biomass of beetles has an effect that is far larger than the effect of diversity on the capacity of beetles to consume prey. In turn, the field study showed that pesticide applications had little impact on yield, or carabid richness, but that carabid abundance/biomass declined drastically. The work provides compelling evidence that management practices erode the useful components of biodiversity that are essential for the delivery of biocontrol services.


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Probable relation between temperature and the annual catch of anchovies in the Schelde District Halosphaera viridis (first record at Plymouth)


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The authors present here a list of 32 mosses belonging to 15 families: Brachytheciaceae, Cryphaeaceae, Entodontaceae, Hedwigiaceae, Hypnaceae, Leptodontaceae, Meteoriaceae, Neckeraceae, Pilotrichaceae, Polytrichaceae, Pterobryaceae, Racopilaceae, Rigodiaceae, Stereophyllaceae, and Trachypodaceae, all collected in the mountainous forests of the Yungas of the NW of the Argentina (Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca and Tucumán provinces), and also in the rainforests from the NE of the country (Misiones province). Eight species: Atrichum polycarpum, Chrysohypnum elegantulum, Pilosium chlorophyllum, Pilotrichella flexilis, Porotrichodendron lindigii, Pseudotrachypus martinicensis, Steerecleus scariosus, and Thamnobryum fasciculatum are new records for the bryologic flora from Argentina. Braunia imberbis and Squamidium brasiliense are two new records for the bryophytic flora of the Catamarca province; Porotrichodendron superbum is new for the Salta province, while Forsstroemia coronata is the first record for the Catamarca and Jujuy provinces. Aerolindigia capillacea, Braunia reflexifolia, Chryso-hypnum diminutivum, Meteorium deppei and Meteoridium remotifolium are five new citations for the Jujuy province, and Schoenobryum concavifolium is new for the bryophytic flora of the Misiones province. Many studied species occur more frequently in the Yungas than in the NE rainforests; others show separated distribution but live in both areas, the Yungas and Paranaense area, and others are more or less restricted to the Paranaense rainforest of the NE of Argentina. The taxonomy of species is updated, and comments are included on bibliographical precedents, ecology and chorology of each taxon.


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Les nombreuses études cliniques sur les maladies affectant les noyaux gris centraux (NGC) ont montré l’importance des déficits moteurs engendrés par un dysfonctionnement de ces structures. La locomotion est particulièrement affectée chez ces patients, ce qui suggère un rôle important des NGC dans le contrôle de celle-ci. En revanche, très peu d’études fondamentales ont enregistré l’activité des neurones des NGC durant la locomotion chez des modèles intacts. Le globus pallidus, en tant qu’une des principales structures de sortie des NGC, constitue une cible idéale pour étudier le signal transmis par les NGC au thalamus et au tronc cérébral. L’objectif de notre étude est de mieux comprendre la contribution que joue le segment externe du globus pallidus (GPe) dans le contrôle de la locomotion sous guidage visuel. Cette étude constitue le premier rapport d’enregistrements de l’activité des neurones du GPe lors de modifications volontaires de la marche sous guidage visuel. Notre hypothèse générale est que le GPe contribue au contrôle de la locomotion, et particulièrement lors des modifications de la marche. Nous avons enregistré l’activité des neurones du GPe de chats au repos, puis marchant sur un tapis et enjambant des obstacles. Nos résultats ont révélé que la plupart des cellules montraient peu de changements lors de la locomotion non-obstruée par rapport au repos. En revanche, la moitié des neurones enregistrés présentaient une modulation significative de leur décharge durant l’enjambement de l’obstacle. Nous avons observé une majorité de ces cellules qui diminuaient leur fréquence et un tiers de neurones qui l’augmentaient pendant le pas modifié, suggérant que le GPe exerce sur le mouvement un contrôle dépendant du contexte, permettant sélectivement l’augmentation ou la diminution de l’activité motrice. De plus, presque toutes les cellules déchargeaient durant la totalité de la phase de balancement du membre antérieur controlatéral, ce qui semble indiquer une contribution du GPe dans le timing et la durée de cette phase. Finalement, la moitié des neurones présentaient un changement réciproque entre la condition de lead et la condition de trail. Ce résultat suggère que le GPe participerait à la sélection d’action du membre lors des modifications de la marche. Nos résultats illustrent la complexité de l’activité du GPe lors de la locomotion sous guidage visuel et ils sont compatibles avec une contribution plus générale au mouvement que celle exercée par le cortex moteur.


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aportar les primeres dades sobre l'ecologia del silur (Silurus glanis) introduït a la Península Ibèrica i estimar els seu impacte ecològic sobre la biota nativa. Es van mostrejar les comunitats de peixos de 14 embassaments catalans. El silur es troba actualment introduït a quatre conques Ibèriques: a la de l'Ebre fa uns 30 anys, a les del Ter i Tajo fa uns pocs anys i recentment al Llobregat. Hem demostrat la utilitat de comparar estadis d'invasió recents i avançats per mirar d'entendre els canvis ecològics causats per espècies invasores: les introduccions recents presenten silurs més joves, de menor mida i amb taxes de creixement superiors a les de les poblacions introduïdes anteriorment i també respecte les poblacions natives; a més, depreden majoritàriament sobre peixos, en contra de les poblacions més antigues que s'alimenten sobretot de cranc. Finalment, aportem les primeres dades publicades de telemetria del silur.


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• UV-B radiation currently represents c. 1.5% of incoming solar radiation. However, significant changes are known to have occurred in the amount of incoming radiation both on recent and on geological timescales. Until now it has not been possible to reconstruct a detailed measure of UV-B radiation beyond c. 150 yr ago. • Here, we studied the suitability of fossil Pinus spp. pollen to record variations in UV-B flux through time. In view of the large size of the grain and its long fossil history, we hypothesized that this grain could provide a good proxy for recording past variations in UV-B flux. • Two key objectives were addressed: to determine whether there was, similar to other studied species, a clear relationship between UV-B-absorbing compounds in the sporopollenin of extant pollen and the magnitude of UV-B radiation to which it had been exposed; and to determine whether these compounds could be extracted from a small enough sample size of fossil pollen to make reconstruction of a continuous record through time a realistic prospect. • Preliminary results indicate the excellent potential of this species for providing a quantitative record of UV-B through time. Using this technique, we present the first record of UV-B flux during the last 9500 yr from a site near Bergen, Norway.


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The Collared Crescentchest (Melanopareia torquata) is endemic to the Cerrado Biome, and distributed mainly in Brazil, but extending to Bolivia and Paraguay. Although considered of least concern globally, it is threatened in the state of Sao Paulo in south-eastern Brazil. In this study we examined the morphology and some aspects of behaviour of the Collared Crescentchest. Birds were captured with mist-nets using playback in September-December 2006 and October-November 2007. For each captured bird, we took a range of morphological measurements, looked for brood-patches and moult, and took a blood sample for genetic determination of sex. Of the 35 individuals captured, only five were female, probably as a result of behavioural differences between sexes, with males apparently responding more readily to the playback. Furthermore, birds with white dorsal patches exhibited more aggression or risk taking behaviour than birds without patches. However, there was no sexual dimorphism in any of the morphological or colour traits measured ( although the female sample was small). Brood-patches were present mainly in October and November, but we did not detect any cloacal protuberance. Among the four species that comprise the family Melanopareiidae, this is the first record of brood-patches in males.


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Emphanisporites rotatus McGregor emend. McGregor 1973 is a distinctive Devonian spore with a known primary source age range in Australia spanning the upper Givetian to early Frasnian (Middle to Late Devonian). This is the first record of the species from Victoria. It occurs as a reworked element in an Early Permian assemblage belonging to the Granularisporites confluens Zone derived from glacigene diamictite in the Bacchus Marsh area. As the predominant direction of Permian ice movement recorded in the Bacchus Marsh district was south-west to north-east, it is possible that the reworked spores were transported from Antarctica.


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Introduction. Do child obesity prevention research and intervention measures have the potential to generate adverse concerns about body image by focussing on food, physical activity and body weight? Research findings now demonstrate the emergence of body image concerns in children as young as 5 years. In the context of a large school-community-based child health promotion and obesity prevention study, we aimed to address the potential negative effects of height and weight measures on child wellbeing by developing and implementing an evidence-informed protocol to protect and prevent body image concerns. fun 'n healthy in Moreland! is a cluster randomised controlled trial of a child health promotion and obesity prevention intervention in 23 primary schools in an inner urban area of Melbourne, Australia. Body image considerations were incorporated into the study philosophies, aims, methods, staff training, language, data collection and reporting procedures of this study. This was informed by the published literature, professional body image expertise, pilot testing and implementation in the conduct of baseline data collection and the intervention. This study is the first record of a body image protection protocol being an integral part of the research processes of a child obesity prevention study. Whilst we are yet to measure its impact and outcome, we have developed and tested a protocol based on the evidence and with support from stakeholders in order to minimise the adverse impact of study processes on child body image concerns.


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This report investigated the lichen flora of the Mt Donna Buang Scenic Reserve in Victoria, There were several aims: to describe the lichens of the region, to produce a pictorial key enabling field identification and to determine any distribution patterns. A floristic survey covering approximately 50 square km was undertaken to determine lichen diversity of the region generally. Lichens were sampled along roads, tracks, walking trails and in sections of bush, taking into account forest type and, particularly, areas that were lichen rich. Seventy-five lichen species in 43 genera and 27 families were identified and described from the region. An unknown, species H, also was described. Of the 76 lichen species, 22 were crastose and the remainder macrolichens. The best represented families were: Cladoniaceae (8 species), Hypogymniaceae (6), Lobariaceae (7), Lecideaceae (6), Pannariaceae (6) and Parmeliaccae (6). This study described 12 species (17%) which previously were not known for Victoria and which are a first record for the state. These include: Cladonia sarmentosa (J.D. Hook & Taylor) Dodge, Graphis librata Knight, Parmelinopsis neodamaziana (Elix & Johnston) Elix & Hale, Pertusaria novaezelandiae Szatala, Placopsis pardlina f. microphylla Lamb, Porina leptalea AX. Sm., Pseudocyphellaria ardesiaca Galloway, Trapeliopsis congregant (Zahlbr.) Brako, Menegazzia myriotrema (Mull. Arg.) P. James, Bunodophoron scrobiculatum (Church. Bab,) Wedin, Parmelia testacea Stirton and Menegazzia purpurascens S. Louwhoff sp. nov.. The last eight species are new to the mainland and, apart from Menegazzia purpurascens, previously were known only from Tasmania. Five main elements of distribution were identified for the lichen flora of the Mt Donna Buang Scenic Reserve: cosmopolitan, austral/australasian, paleotropical, pantropical and western pacific. The majority of species (68%) had austral/australasian distributions, eleven (16%) were endemic to Australia and nine (13%) occurred only in Tasmania , Victoria and New Zealand. A pictorial, dichotomous key was constructed for the lichen flora of the Mt Donna Buang Scenic Reserve. Previously, keys to the lichen flora of Tasmanian rainforests were suggested as appropriate to similar areas in Victoria, however, the Victorian forests include a significant sclerophyll element The key presented is specific for the study site but is appropriate to similar regions in Victoria and has been tested in a number of these areas. The key was designed to be ‘user-friendly’ so that the experienced and inexperienced alike are able to use it. A more detailed investigation of the lichen flora of the Mt Donna Buang Scenic Reserve was carried out in order to determine distribution. A total of 50 quadrats, each 20m x 20m in size, were sampled. Within each, the dominant vegetation type was determined and individuals were identified and location noted. The cover abundance of each lichen species on each individual tree was estimated using a modified Braun-Blanquet scale. A total of 710 trees, representing 13 different species, were examined. Nothofagus cunninghamii (Hook.) Oerst, Eucalyptus regnans R Mull., Acacia dealbata Link, A. melanoxylon R. Br., Hedycarya angustifolia A. Cunn. and Atherosperma moschatum Labill. were the six most common tree species encountered at the study site. Nothofagus cunninghamii supported the greatest lichen diversity (39 species), although most species occurred on less than 10% of the trees. The majority of lichens occurring on N. cunninghamii A. melanoxylon, A. dealbata and H. angustifolia were foliose or crustose, those on Ł. regnans fruticose and foliose and those on A moschatum crustose. Bunodophoron australe was the only lichen species at the study site to occur on one host, Nothofagus cunninghamiL Many occurred on a number of different hosts, but were most common on one particular tree species. The distribution of lichens at the study site was analysed with a rnultivariate statistical package (PATN) which dealt with ‘pattern analysis’. The program ‘SSH’ in PATN which uses the Bray-Curtis ordination technique, was used to create scatterplots displaying the degree of dissimilarity between quadrats in terms of presence/absence of lichen species. The program ‘TWAY’ in PATN was used to construct a two way table to display which lichen species occurred in each vegetation type. The pattern analysis revealed that the lichens of the Mt Donna Buang Scenic Reserve were not restricted to any particular forest type, but particular lichens, or groups of lichens, tended to predominate in certain vegetation communities. This concurs with work done by others in Tasmanian forests. Quadrats which were situated in cool temperate rainforest were grouped more closely with each other than with quadrats in other vegetation types. These also supported the greatest number of lichen species. This was not surprising since N. cunninghamii the dominant tree species in cool temperate rainforest, supported the greatest lichen diversity.


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Three new and a single open nomenclature species are described in this thesis which contains the first record of Erixanium from Human. Also included is the first systematic description of the carbonate platform margin slope deposits and paleogeography of the study area and a comprehensive analysis of the tribolite community features and paleoenvironments.


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Albugo Candida races of Australian isolates from B. oleracea var. italica (broccoli), B. rapa var. pekinensis (pak choi) and var. chinensis (Chinese cabbage), and Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse) were identified on a set of Brassicaceae hosts. Isolates from broccoli were identified as A. candida race 9 (Ac 9), from pak choi and Chinese cabbage as the sub-race V of Ac 7 or as a mixed population of sub-races A and V of the same race. Isolates from Shepherd's purse were identified as Ac 4. Australian Ac 9 isolates caused white blister disease on broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, Brussels sprout and other related Brassicaceae hosts including B. nigra (black mustard), B. napus (oilseed rape), and on B. rapa (turnip rape) 'Torch' (a differential host of Ac 7). All cultivars of cabbage (B. oleracea var. capitata) and one new broccoli 'Booster' inoculated with isolates from broccoli were immune to the isolate tested. This result indicates that the Australian A. candida varies from the European one that causes disease on cabbage as well as on other B. oleracea varieties and additionally on shepherd's purse and an American one that causes disease on cabbage. The genotype of B. nigra tested was susceptible to both Ac 9 and Ac 7. This result indicates that B. nigra can serve as a host for both races. This study provides the first record of white blister disease on B. napus ('Hobson' and 'Regent') in Australia.