957 resultados para First Person Narration


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To achieve academic success, children with learning-related disabilities often receive special education supports at school. Currently, Canada does not have a federal department or integrated national system of education. Instead, each province and territory has a separate department or ministry that is responsible for the organization and delivery of education, including special education, at the elementary level. At the macro (national) level, inclusive education is the policy across Canada. However, each province and territory has its own legislation, definitions, and policies mandating special education services. These variations result in little consistency at the micro (individual school) level. Differences between eligibility requirements, supports offered, and delivery methods may present challenges for highly mobile families who must navigate new special education systems on behalf of their children with medical or learning challenges. One of the defining features of the Canadian military lifestyle is geographic mobility. As a result, many families are tasked with navigating new school systems for their children, a task that may be more difficult when children require special education services. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of geographic mobility on Canadian military families and their children’s access to special education services. The secondary objective was to gain insight into supports that helped facilitate access to services, as well as supports that participants believe would have helped facilitate access. A qualitative approach, interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA), was employed due to of its focus on individuals’ experiences and their understandings of a particular phenomenon. IPA allowed participants to reflect on the significance of their experiences, while the researcher engaged with these reflections to make sense of the meanings associated with their experiences. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with civilian caregivers who have a child with special education needs. An interview guide and probes were used to elicit rich, detailed, first-person accounts of their experiences navigating new special education systems. The main themes that emerged from the participants’ combined experiences addressed the emotional components of experiencing a transition, factors that may facilitate access to special education services, and career implications associated with accessing and maintaining special education services. Findings from the study illustrate that Canadian families experience many, and often times severe, barriers to accessing special education services after a posting. Furthermore, the impacts reported throughout the study echo the existing American literature on geographic mobility and access to special education services. Building on the literature, this study also highlights the need for further research exploring factors that create unique barriers to access in a Canadian context, resulting from the current special education climate, military policies, and military family support services.


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Face-to-face interviews are a fundamental research tool in qualitative research. Whilst this form of data collection can provide many valuable insights, it can often fall short of providing a complete picture of a research subject's experiences. Point of view (PoV) interviewing is an elicitation technique used in the social sciences as a means of enriching data obtained from research interviews. Recording research subjects' first person perspectives, for example by wearing digital video glasses, can afford deeper insights into their experiences. PoV interviewing can promote making visible the unverbalizable and does not rely as much on memory as the traditional interview. The use of such relatively inexpensive technology is gaining interest in health profession educational research and pedagogy, such as dynamic simulation-based learning and research activities. In this interview, Dr Gerry Gormley (a medical education researcher) talks to Dr Jonathan Skinner (an anthropologist with an interest in PoV interviewing), exploring some of the many crossover implications with PoV interviewing for medical education research and practice.


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Reassembled, Slightly Askew is an autobiographical, immersive audio-based artwork based on Shannon Sickels’ experience of falling critically ill with a rare brain infection and her journey of rehabilitation with an acquired brain injury. Audience members experience Reassembled individually, listening to the audio via headphones while lying on a bed. The piece makes use of binaural microphone technology and spatial sound design techniques, causing listeners to feel they are inside Shannon’s head, viscerally experiencing her descent into coma, brain surgeries, early days in the hospital, and re-integration into the world with a hidden disability. It is a new kind of storytelling, never done before about this topic, that places the listener safely in the first-person perspective with the aim of increasing empathy and understanding. Reassembled… was made through a 5-year collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of artists led by Shannon Sickels (writer & performer), Paul Stapleton (composer & sound designer), Anna Newell (director), Hanna Slattne (dramaturgy), Stevie Prickett (choreography), and Shannon’s consultant neurosurgeon and head injury nurse. It’s development and production has been made possible with the support of a Wellcome Trust Arts Award, the Arts Council NI, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast's Metropolitan Arts Centre, and grants from the Arts & Disability Award Ireland scheme. In its 2015 premiere year, Reassembled had 99 shows across Northern Ireland, including at the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival (the MAC, Belfast) and BOUNCE Arts & Disability Forum Festival (Lyric Theatre, Belfast). It was awarded 5 stars in the Stage, a Hospital Club h100 Theatre & Performance Award, and been shared at medical conferences and trainings across the UK. It continues to be presented in diverse artistic and educational contexts, including as part of A Nation’s Theatre Festival in 2016 at Battersea Arts Centre in London where it was given 4 star reviews in the Guardian, Time Out London and the Evening Standard. "A real-life ordeal, captured by a daring, disorientating artistic collaboration, which works brilliantly on so many levels…It should be available on prescription.” — The Stage ★★★★★ www.reassembled.co.uk Audio clips and documentary footage available here: http://www.paulstapleton.net/portfolio/reassembled-slightly-askew


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Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'un Ph.D.interdisciplinaire en Psychologie, en création littéraire et en orthopédagogie. L'impact de la création littéraire a été étudié chez des adolescents atteints d'une maladie chronique au CHU Sainte-Justine de Montréal. Cette recherche est exploratoire car la création littéraire n'a jamais été étudiée dans cette perspective. Elle a été réalisée sous la direction de Catherine Mavrikakis, professeure et écrivain à la Faculté des arts et sciences au Département des littératures francophones de l'Université de Montréal et de Jean-François Saucier, psychiatre et anthropologue à la Faculté de médecine au Département de psychiatrie de l'Université de Montréal et chercheur au CHU Sainte-Justine. Interdisciplinary Study.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-09


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Deficits in social communication and interaction have been identified as distinguishing impairments for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a pivotal skill, the successful development of social communication and interaction in individuals with ASD is a lifelong objective. Point-of-view video modeling has the potential to address these deficits. This type of video involves filming the completion of a targeted skill or behavior from a first-person perspective. By presenting only what a person might see from his or her viewpoint, it has been identified to be more effective in limiting irrelevant stimuli by providing a clear frame of reference to facilitate imitation. The current study investigated the use of point-of-view video modeling in teaching social initiations (e.g., greetings). Using a multiple baseline across participants design, five kindergarten participants were taught social initiations using point-of-view video modeling and video priming. Immediately before and after viewing the entire point-of-view video model, the participants were evaluated on their social initiations with a trained, typically developing peer serving as a communication partner. Specifically, the social initiations involved participants’ abilities to shift their attention toward the peer who entered the classroom, maintain attention toward the peer, and engage in an appropriate social initiation (e.g., hi, hello). Both generalization and maintenance were tested. Overall, the data suggest point-of-view video modeling is an effective intervention for increasing social initiations in young students with ASD. However, retraining was necessary for acquisition of skills in the classroom environment. Generalization in novel environments and with a novel communication partner, and generalization to other social initiation skills was limited. Additionally, maintenance of gained social initiation skills only occurred in the intervention room. Despite the limitations of the study and variable results, there are a number of implications moving forward for both practitioners and future researchers examining point-of-view modeling and its potential impact on the social initiation skills of individuals with ASD.


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Projeto de investigação no âmbito da Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor, da Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.


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The first section of this unfinished novel, titled Silk Butterflies is a diptych about a woman named Sarah, and her desire to acquire ancestral truth regarding her identity to negate the pain she feels from losing her unborn child. Her story, told in a guarded, first person point-of-view is paralleled with Ling’s story, an unconventional, ninety-two year old Shanghainese woman who, against her desires, had her feet bound in China during the early 1920’s. Ling’s story is also told from a lyrical first-person perspective that focuses especially on sensory details, and delves into the sacrifices we make to attain standards of beauty, and the loss Ling has never recovered from. As this historical fiction progresses, their stories overlap in an unexpected way, as both Sarah and Ling attempt to revitalize forgotten histories, including how Sarah’s grandparents fled to Shanghai in the 1930’s to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.


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A questão dos retornados é ainda uma questão sensível na nossa sociedade. Alguns de nós conhecemos alguém, familiares ou amigos, que tiveram de fugir do Ultramar. No espaço de poucas décadas, o território ultramarino passava de Terra Prometida a pesadelo, com milhares de colonos a terem de regressar à metrópole, muitos apenas com a roupa que traziam colada ao corpo. Este artigo divaga sobre as razões pelas quais se iniciou a colonização de África, enumera os principais problemas da ocupação efectiva, principalmente no início do século passado, e fala sobre a vida social e económica no Ultramar até à independência dos territórios, com foco no caso angolano. Aborda ainda histórias contadas na primeira pessoa de situações sobre a fuga das colónias até à chegada a Portugal.


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Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'un Ph.D.interdisciplinaire en Psychologie, en création littéraire et en orthopédagogie. L'impact de la création littéraire a été étudié chez des adolescents atteints d'une maladie chronique au CHU Sainte-Justine de Montréal. Cette recherche est exploratoire car la création littéraire n'a jamais été étudiée dans cette perspective. Elle a été réalisée sous la direction de Catherine Mavrikakis, professeure et écrivain à la Faculté des arts et sciences au Département des littératures francophones de l'Université de Montréal et de Jean-François Saucier, psychiatre et anthropologue à la Faculté de médecine au Département de psychiatrie de l'Université de Montréal et chercheur au CHU Sainte-Justine. Interdisciplinary Study.


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A principios de 1990, los documentalistas comienzan a interesarse en hacer aplicaciones matemáticas y estadísticas en las unidades bibliográficas. F. J. Coles y Nellie B. Eales en 1917 hicieron el primer estudio con un grupo de títulos de documentos cuyo análisis consideraba el país de origen (White, p. 35). En 1923, E. Wyndham Hulme fue la primera persona en usar el término "estadísticas bibliográficas".Y propuso la utilización de métodos estadísticos para tener parámetros que sirvan para conocer el proceso de la comunicación escrita y, la naturaleza y curso del desarrollo de una disciplina. Para lograr ese aspecto empezó contando un número de documentos y analizando varias facetas de la comunicación escrita empleada en ellos (Ferrante, p. 201). En un documento escrito en 1969, Alan Pritchard propuso el término bibliometría para reemplazar el término "estadísticas bibliográficas" empleado por Hulme, argumentando que el, término es ambiguo, no muy descriptivo y que puede ser confundido con las estadísticas puras o estadísticas de bibliografías. El definió el término bibliometría como la aplicación de la matemática y métodos estadísticos a los libros y otros documentos (p. 348-349). Y desde ese momento se ha utilizado este término.


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O desenvolvimento da sociedade nos últimos anos contribuiu para um desenvolvimento das condições de vida e dos cuidados de saúde, levando a um aumento da esperança média de vida, e permitindo assim alterações demográficas de entre as quais se destacam o envelhecimento. Este facto provoca alterações profundas a vários níveis, entre os quais económicos, sociais, familiares e de saúde. Numa época em que o progresso científico e o desenvolvimento tecnológico têm proporcionado importantes avanços a todos os níveis, paralelamente têm emergido novas ameaças à saúde de todos nós. O cenário atual em que vivemos não é fácil, os recursos são cada vez mais escassos e as disparidades socioeconómicas começam a acentuar-se. O envelhecimento é um tema que tem suscitado interesse no meio político, social, económico e académico, e há um reconhecimento de que o seu processo pode ser mais ou menos complexo, com mais ou menos pesar para os que o experienciam na primeira pessoa, mas também para aqueles que de perto vivem este fenómeno. Apesar de estar disponível muita informação sobre este assunto, acreditamos que nunca é demais abordar e estudar esta problemática. A sua persistência e aumento significativo, previsivelmente duradouro, merecem todas as soluções, propostas e intervenções que possam ir ao encontro destas necessidades, para que assim, possam ser colmatadas ou minimizadas. Tendo em conta estas premissas, o estágio de intervenção comunitária decorreu no período de 16 de Setembro de 2013 a 31 de Janeiro de 2014, na Freguesia de Tramaga, sendo a população alvo os idosos com 65 ou mais anos. A intervenção comunitária foi desenvolvida com base no planeamento em saúde, mas no âmbito da promoção da saúde todas as atividades foram baseadas na Teoria de Organização Comunitária, uma vez que no decurso das atividades desenvolvidas, o principal objetivo passou pela capacitação dos idosos, incentivando ao empowerment. Enquanto profissionais de saúde, o propósito da intervenção comunitária passou pela transmissão de conhecimentos e sensibilização aos idosos, para que estes possam participar de maneira informada e consciente na tomada de decisão relativamente à sua saúde. O objetivo final será a sensibilização positiva para a mudança de comportamentos, traduzindo ganhos em saúde, ainda que a longo prazo. Este estágio de intervenção comunitária permitiu-nos adquirir a maioria das competências gerais do Enfermeiro Especialista, bem como as competências específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária e de Saúde Pública definidas pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros.


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La literatura de la Shoá va unida al silencio desde sus orígenes como la escritura al silencio. Escribir sobre la Shoá y relatar la experiencia vivida en primera persona o mediante la transmisión generacional implica abandonar el silencio en el que, durante años, se buscó refugio. Con esta investigación centrada en la producción literaria de Viviane Forrester, nos adentramos en las distintas manifestaciones del silencio que caracterizan su escritura. El silencio es el grito que subyace en lo más profundo del ser que regresa de los campos, cual Lázaro de entre los muertos. Es un silencio que se convierte en grito porque la escritura de Forrester, casi en paralelo a la escritura fragmentaria de Blanchot, anuncia el livre à venir, aquel que logrará expresar el grito en el silencio sin fin de la palabra.


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Individual cues to deception are subtle and often missed by lay people and law enforcement alike. Linguistic statement analysis remains a potentially useful way of overcoming individual diagnostic limitations (e.g. Criteria based Content Analysis; Steller & Köhnken, 1989; Reality monitoring; Johnson & Raye, 1981; Scientific Content Analysis; Sapir, 1996). Unfortunately many of these procedures are time-consuming, require in-depth training, as well as lack empirical support and/or external validity. The current dissertation develops a novel approach to statement veracity analysis that is simple to learn, easy to administer, theoretically sound, and empirically validated. ^ Two strategies were proposed for detecting differences between liars' and truth-tellers' statements. Liars were hypothesized to strategically write statements with the goal of self-exoneration. Liars' statements were predicted to contain more first person pronouns and fewer third person pronouns. Truth-tellers were hypothesized to be motivated toward being informative and thus produce statements with fewer first person pronouns and more third person pronouns. Three studies were conducted to test this hypothesis. The first study explored the verbal patterns of exoneration and informativeness focused statements. The second study used a traditional theft paradigm to examine these verbal patterns in guilty liars and innocent truth tellers. In the third study to better match the context of a criminal investigation a cheating paradigm was used in which spontaneous lying was induced and written statements were taken. Support for the first person pronoun hypothesis was found. Limited support was found for the third person pronoun hypothesis. Results, implications, and future directions for the current research are discussed.^