947 resultados para Faiança fina
Certifica la copia Antonio Martínez Salazar.
Contiene con portada y pag. propias: Resumen historico del primer viage hecho al rededor del mundo, emprendido por Hernando de Magallanes, y llevado felizmente á termino por el famoso capitan español Juan Sebastian del Cano ... / su autor ... Casimiro de Ortega ...
Ruiz Fidalgo,
An abridgement of the author's work ʻIqd al-ajyād fī al-ṣāfināt al-jiyād.
The reverse time migration algorithm (RTM) has been widely used in the seismic industry to generate images of the underground and thus reduce the risk of oil and gas exploration. Its widespread use is due to its high quality in underground imaging. The RTM is also known for its high computational cost. Therefore, parallel computing techniques have been used in their implementations. In general, parallel approaches for RTM use a coarse granularity by distributing the processing of a subset of seismic shots among nodes of distributed systems. Parallel approaches with coarse granularity for RTM have been shown to be very efficient since the processing of each seismic shot can be performed independently. For this reason, RTM algorithm performance can be considerably improved by using a parallel approach with finer granularity for the processing assigned to each node. This work presents an efficient parallel algorithm for 3D reverse time migration with fine granularity using OpenMP. The propagation algorithm of 3D acoustic wave makes up much of the RTM. Different load balancing were analyzed in order to minimize possible losses parallel performance at this stage. The results served as a basis for the implementation of other phases RTM: backpropagation and imaging condition. The proposed algorithm was tested with synthetic data representing some of the possible underground structures. Metrics such as speedup and efficiency were used to analyze its parallel performance. The migrated sections show that the algorithm obtained satisfactory performance in identifying subsurface structures. As for the parallel performance, the analysis clearly demonstrate the scalability of the algorithm achieving a speedup of 22.46 for the propagation of the wave and 16.95 for the RTM, both with 24 threads.
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Medicina Interna. Bienio 2007-2009. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar o consumo de energia na indústria de faiança e identificar medidas de poupança energética. Em 2014, o consumo específico foi de 191 kgep/t e a intensidade carbónica 2,15 tCO2e/t, tendo havido uma redução de, respectivamente, 50,2% e 1,3%, comparativamente a 2010. O consumo total correspondeu a 1108 tep, sendo 66% relativo ao consumo de gás natural. Foi utilizado um analisador de energia eléctrica nos principais equipamentos consumidores, e na desagregação de consumos térmicos, efectuaram-se leituras no contador geral de gás natural e foram utilizados dados das auditorias ambiental e energética. O processo de cozedura é responsável por 58% do consumo térmico da instalação, seguido da pintura com 24%. A conformação é o sector com maior consumo de energia eléctrica, correspondendo a 23% do consumo total. As perdas térmicas pelos gases de exaustão dos equipamentos de combustão e pela envolvente do forno, considerando os mecanismos de convecção natural e radiação, correspondem a cerca de 6% do consumo térmico total, sendo necessário tomar medidas a nível do isolamento térmico e da redução do excesso de ar. A instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderia resultar em poupanças significativas, em particular, no consumo de gás natural – redução de 4 tep/ano e cerca de 2500€/ano– tendo um tempo de retorno do investimento inferior a 1 ano. Deverá ser, no entanto, garantida a alimentação de ar combustão a todos os queimadores, bem como, a combustão completa do gás natural. O funcionamento contínuo do forno poderia resultar no aumento da sua eficiência energética, com redução de custos de operação e manutenção, sendo necessário avaliar os custos adicionais de stock e de mão de obra. Verificou-se que as medidas relacionadas com a monitorização de consumos, eliminação de fugas de ar comprimido e a instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderiam resultar em reduções de consumo de 26 tep e de emissões de 66tCO2e, num total de quase 14 000€.
A escassez de estudos empíricos dos sistemas radiculares limita a precisão das predições relativas à economia de carbono, pois eles representam até 55% da biomassa florestal. Somente as raízes finas (diâmetro <2 mm) respondem por cerca de um terço da produção primária líquida dos ecossistemas terrestres. A hipótese de que a maior disponibilidade de água e nutrientes no solo reduz a alocação de biomassa nas raízes tem sido contestada na literatura cientifica tanto em relação às raízes finas (BRF) como a toda biomassa radicular. Avaliou-se aqui a correlação (Pearson) entre BRF e variáveis edáficas até 10 cm de profundidade em seis fragmentos florestais (48 amostras.fragmento.estação-1) na Baixada Litorânea Fluminense, nas estações de seca e de chuvas. Os solos apresentaram diferentes níveis de fertilidade. A BRF média geral foi de 641 g.m-2 (florestas similares = 140?1040 g.m-2). As médias de BRF obtidas no período chuvoso ou na várzea foram significativamente mais elevadas. Foram detectadas correlações positivas e significativas de BRF com Ca + Mg, K, P e N. Os resultados não respaldam a hipótese de redução da BRF em resposta ao aumento de água e nutrientes do solo.
As estimativas atuais de biomassa florestal contêm erros não dimensionados pela escassez de dados dos sistemas radiculares. Esta lacuna se deve às custosas estratégias de amostragem de raízes, que demanda grande quantidade de labor manual enquanto a estimativa da biomassa aérea pode ser feita com apenas a medida de diâmetro do tronco (DAP) conforme apontado por Chave et al, Houghton recomenda um valor geral de 20% da parte aérea para quantificar biomassa radicular, apesar de Silver haver demonstrado que o clima, o solo e a qualidade da serapilheira devam ser levados em conta. Dentre os principais determinantes da biomassa radicular destacam-se, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, as contrastantes condições de clima e solo, além da composição e estrutura dos diferentes fragmentos florestais que ocorrem na paisagem. De acordo com Davis & Naghettini, ocorre expressiva variação climática representada por precipitações anuais desde 750 mm no Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul a 4000 mm na Serra da Mantiqueira. Há grande variedade de solos no estado. A título de ilustração, em dois municípios costeiros, um deles incluído no presente estudo, Lumbreras et al encontraram a dominância, nas partes elevadas, de Latossolos, Argissolos, Nitossolos, Luvissolos, Planossolos, Cambissolos e Neossolos. Já nas baixadas, relacionadas aos sedimentos recentes, ocorrem as classes: Espodossolos, Planossolos, Gleissolos, Neossolos e Organossolos. Associados a outros atributos da feição paisagística, compuseram 45 unidades de mapeamentos. Nesse ambiente distribuem-se diversos fragmentos florestais, alguns remanescentes, em geral interferidos ou de difícil acesso e vegetação secundária em sua maioria. Os fragmentos florestais fluminenses resultam, primordialmente, da conversão das florestas nativas em cafezais e pastagens nos séculos 19 e 20, do uso crônico do fogo nas pastagens (ou por vandalismo), e da extração seletiva de árvores, cujo impacto pode ser detectado na ciclagem de nutrientes, conforme demonstrado por Villela et al., que deve influenciar significativamente a biomassa radicular. Ante o exposto o presente estudo visou estimar a biomassa radicular fina de diferentes fragmentos florestais da Planície Costeira Fluminense, comparando-as entre si.
The recently-proposed Bethesda reporting system has offered clinical recommendations for each category of reported thyroid cytology, including repeated fine-needle aspiration (FNA) for non-diagnostic and atypia/follicular lesions of undetermined significance, but there are no sound indications for repeated examination after an initial benign exam. To investigate the clinical validity of repeated FNA in the management of patients with thyroid nodules. The present study evaluated 412 consecutive patients who had repeated aspiration biopsies of thyroid nodules after an initial non-diagnostic, atypia/follicular lesion of undetermined significance, or benign cytology. The majority of patients were female (93.5%) ranging from 13 to 83 years. Non-diagnostic cytology was the most common indication for a repeated examination in 237 patients (57.5%), followed by benign (36.8%), and A/FLUS (5.6%) cytology. A repeated examination altered the initial diagnosis in 70.5% and 78.3% of the non-diagnostic and A/FLUS patients, respectively, whereas only 28.9% of patients with a benign cytology presented with a different diagnosis on a sequential FNA. Repeat FNA is a valuable procedure in cases with initial non-diagnostic or A/FLUS cytology, but its routine use for patients with an initial benign examination appears to not increase the expected likelihood of a malignant finding.
The clinical and neurological findings of three neonates with the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease are reported. The neuropsychological evaluation disclosed impairment of fine motor function, coordination, language, perception and behavioral disturbances. Brain SPECT imaging revealed perfusional deficits in the three cases.
This in vitro study evaluated the temperature of dentures after different microwave irradiation protocols. Two complete dentures (one maxillary and one mandibular denture) were irradiated separately 4 times for each of the following 5 protocols: dentures immersed in water (G1- 6 min, G2- 3 min); dentures kept dry (G3- 6 min); dentures placed in the steam sterilizer (G4- 6 min, G5- 3 min). The final temperature of the dentures was gauged in a thin and in a thick area of each denture with an infrared thermometer. All groups presented an increase in the resin base temperature. The thin areas of the dentures underwent greater heating than the thick areas. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the final mean temperatures of dentures immersed in water for 6 (G1) and 3 min (G2). However, the final mean temperatures recorded in G1 and G2 exceeded 71°C and were significantly higher (<0.001) than the final mean temperatures recorded in the other groups. It may be concluded that denture base resins subjected to microwave irradiation immersed in water may be exposed to deleterious temperatures.
The mineralogical characterization through mineral quantification of Brazilian soils by X-ray diffraction data using the Rietveld Method is not common. A mineralogical quantification of an Acric Ferralsol from the Ponta Grossa region, state of Paraná, Brazil, was carried out using this Method with X-Ray Diffraction data to verify if this method was suitable for mineral quantification of a highly-weathered soil. The A, AB and B3 horizons were fractioned to separate the different particle sizes: clay, silt, fine sand (by Stokes Law) and coarse sand fractions (by sieving), with the procedure free of chemical treatments. X-ray Fluorescence, Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Infrared Spectroscopy and Mössbauer Spectroscopy were used in order to assist the mineral identification and quantification. The Rietveld Method enabled the quantification of the present minerals. In a general way, the quantitative mineralogical characterization by the Rietveld Method revealed that quartz, gibbsite, rutile, hematite, goethite, kaolinite and halloysite were present in the clay and silt fractions of all horizons. The silt fractions of the deeper horizons were different from the more superficial ones due to the presence of large amounts of quartz. The fine and the coarse sand fractions are constituted mainly by quartz. Therefore, a mineralogical quantification of the finer fraction (clay and silt) by the Rietveld Method was successful.
The present research deals with two mural paintings made in 1947 with the fresco technique by Fulvio Pennacchi in the Catholic Chapel of the Hospital das Clínicas (São Paulo City, Brazil), namely the Virgin Annunciation and the Supper at Emmaus. This study regards the materials and painting techniques used by the artist, based on historical research,on in situ observations and laboratory analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy,scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffractometry, electron microprobe, images obtained with UV-light), aiming to improve the methods of characterization of objects of our cultural heritage, and to enhance its preservation accordingly. The results lead to the identification of the plaster components and of distinct layers in the frescoes, besides further information on grain size, impurities and textures, composition of pigments, and features of deterioration, such as efflorescences. The degree of degradation of the murals painting was assessed by this way. Our data suggest that a single layer of plaster was used by Pennacchi, as a common mortar with fine- and medium-grained aggregates. Differences in texture were obtained by adding gypsum to the plaster.