194 resultados para FOXP3


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Problem To evaluate CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells and IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, and TGF-beta in the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis. Method of study A total of ninety-eight patients were studied: endometriosis (n = 70) and control (n = 28). First, peritoneal fluid lymphocytes were isolated, and CD4+CD25high cells were identified using flow cytometry. Then, RT-PCR was performed to verify Foxp3 expression in these cells. Also, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, and TGF-beta concentration was determined. Results Of all the lymphocytes in the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis, 36.5% (median) were CD4+CD25high compared to only 1.15% (median) in the control group (P < 0.001). Foxp3 expression was similarly elevated in patients with the disease compared to those without (median, 50 versus 5; P < 0.001). IL-6 and TGF-beta were higher in endometriosis group (IL-6: 327.5 pg/mL versus 195.5 pg/mL; TGF-beta: 340 pg/mL versus 171.5 pg/mL; both P < 0.001). IL-10 and IL-17 showed no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion The peritoneal fluid of patients with endometriosis had a higher percentage of CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells and also higher levels of IL-6 and TGF-beta compared to women without the disease. These findings suggest that CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis.


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Infants born to HIV-infected mothers are at high risk of becoming infected during gestation or the breastfeeding period. A search is thus warranted for vaccine formulations that will prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission. The LAMP/gag DNA chimeric vaccine encodes the HIV-1 p55gag fused to the lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1) and has been shown to enhance anti-Gag antibody (Ab) and cellular immune responses in adult and neonatal mice; such a vaccine represents a new concept in antigen presentation. In this study, we evaluated the effect of LAMP/gag DNA immunization on neonates either before conception or during pregnancy. LAMP/gag immunization of BALB/c mice before conception by the intradermal route led to the transfer of anti-Gag IgG1 Ab through the placenta and via breastfeeding. Furthermore, there were an increased percentage of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T cells in the spleens of neonates. When offspring were immunized with LAMP/gag DNA, the anti-Gag Ab response and the Gag-specific IFN-gamma-secreting cells were decreased. Inhibition of anti-Gag Ab production and cellular responses were not observed six months after immunization, indicating that maternal immunization did not interfere with the long-lasting memory response in offspring. Injection of purified IgG in conjunction with LAMP/gag DNA immunization decreased humoral and cytotoxic T-cell responses. LAMP/gag DNA immunization by intradermal injection prior to conception promoted the transfer of Ab, leading to a diminished response to Gag without interfering with the development of anti-Gag T- and B-cell memory. Finally, we assessed responses after one intravenous injection of LAMP/gag DNA during the last five days of pregnancy. The intravenous injection led to in utero immunization. In conclusion, DNA vaccine enconding LAMP-1 with Gag and other HIV-1 antigens should be considered in the development of a protective vaccine for the maternal/fetal and newborn periods.


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Some organ-transplanted patients achieve a state of "operational tolerance" (01) in which graft function is maintained after the complete withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs. We used a gene panel of regulatory/inflammatory molecules (FOXP3, GATA3, 100, TGFB1, TGFBR1/TBX21, TNF and IFNG) to investigate the gene expression profile in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of renal-transplanted individuals experiencing OT compared to transplanted individuals not displaying OT and healthy individuals (HI). OT subjects showed a predominant regulatory (REG) profile with higher gene expression of GATA3, FOXP3, TGFB1 and TGFB receptor 1 compared to the other groups. This predominant REG gene expression profile displayed stability over time. The significant GATA3 gene and protein expressions in OT individuals suggest that a Th2 deviation may be a relevant pathway to OT. Moreover, the capacity of the REG/INFLAMMA gene panel to discriminate OT by peripheral blood analysis indicates that this state has systemic repercussions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective Immune responses against differentiated thyroid carcinomas (DTC) have long been recognized. We aimed to investigate the role of immune cell infiltration in the progression of DTC. Design We studied 398 patients 253 with papillary and 13 with follicular thyroid cancers, as well as 132 with nonmalignant tissues. Patients and measurements Immune cell infiltration was identified using CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68 and FoxP3 immunohistochemical markers. In addition, we assessed colocalization of CD4 and IL-17 to identify Th17 lymphocytic infiltration and colocalization of CD33 and CD11b to identify infiltration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). Results Immune cells infiltrated malignant tissues more often than benign lesions. The presence of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT) concurrent to DTC, CD68+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, FoxP3+ and Th17 lymphocytes but not MDSCs was associated with clinical and pathological features of lower tumour aggressiveness and a more favourable patient outcome. A log-rank test confirmed an association between concurrent CLT, tumour-associated macrophage infiltration, and CD8+ lymphocytes and an increased in disease-free survival, suggesting that evidence of these immune reactions is associated with a favourable prognosis. Conclusion Our data suggest that the tumour or peri-tumoural microenvironment may act to modify the observed pattern of immune response. Immune cell infiltration and the presence of concurrent CLT helped characterize specific tumour histotypes associated with favourable prognostic features.


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Food intake and nutritional status modify the physiological responses of the immune system to illness and infection and regulate the development of chronic inflammatory processes, such as kidney disease. Adipose tissue secretes immune-related proteins called adipokines that have pleiotropic effects on both the immune and neuroendocrine systems, linking metabolism and immune physiology. Leptin, an adipose tissue-derived adipokine, displays a variety of immune and physiological functions, and participates in several immune responses. Here, we review the current literature on the role of leptin in kidney diseases, linking adipose tissue and the immune system with kidney-related disorders. The modulation of this adipose hormone may have a major impact on the treatment of several immune- and metabolic-related kidney diseases.


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Abstract Background Leishmania parasites are transmitted to their vertebrate hosts by infected Phlebotomine sand flies during the blood meal of the flies. Sand fly saliva is known to enhance Leishmania spp. infection, while pre-exposure to saliva protects mice against parasitic infections. In this study, we investigated the initial inflammatory leucocyte composition induced by one or three inocula of salivary gland extract (SGE) from Lutzomyia longipalpis in the presence or absence of Leishmania braziliensis. Results We demonstrated that inoculating SGE once (SGE-1X) or three times (SGE-3X), which represented a co-inoculation or a pre-exposure to saliva, respectively, resulted in different cellular infiltrate profiles. Whereas SGE-1X led to the recruitment of all leucocytes subtypes including CD4+ T cells, CD4+CD25+ T cells, dendritic cells, macrophages and neutrophils, the immune cell profile in the SGE-3X group differed dramatically, as CD4+ T cells, CD4+CD25+ T cells, dendritic cells, macrophages and neutrophils were decreased and CD8+ T cells were increased. The SGE-1X group did not show differences in the ear lesion size; however, the SGE-1X group harbored a higher number of parasites. On the other hand, the SGE-3X group demonstrated a protective effect against parasitic disease, as the parasite burden was lower even in the earlier stages of the infection, a period in which the SGE-1X group presented with larger and more severe lesions. These effects were also reflected in the cytokine profiles of both groups. Whereas the SGE-1X group presented with a substantial increase in IL-10 production, the SGE-3X group showed an increase in IFN-γ production in the draining lymph nodes. Analysis of the inflammatory cell populations present within the ear lesions, the SGE-1X group showed an increase in CD4+FOXP3+ cells, whereas the CD4+FOXP3+ population was reduced in the SGE-3X group. Moreover, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells producing IFN-γ were highly detected in the ears of the SGE-3X mice prior to infection. In addition, upon treatment of SGE-3X mice with anti-IFN-γ monoclonal antibody, we observed a decrease in the protective effect of SGE-3X against L. braziliensis infection. Conclusions These results indicate that different inocula of Lutzomyia longipalpis salivary gland extract can markedly modify the cellular immune response, which is reflected in the pattern of susceptibility or resistance to Leishmania braziliensis infection.


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La storia naturale dell’epatopatia HCV-relata passa dall’epatite cronica alla cirrosi ed eventualmente all’epatocarcinoma fino ad arrivare alla possibile necessità del trapianto di fegato. HCV non esercita citolisi diretta, pertanto i fattori immunologici giocano il duplice ruolo di determinare l’evoluzione dell’infezione e il danno epatico. All’interno del sistema immunitario esistono linfociti in grado di inibire l’attivazione delle cellule effettrici modulando la risposta immunitaria; la popolazione regolatoria meglio conosciuta è costituita dai cosiddetti T-reg caratterizzati dal fenotipo CD4+CD35hiFoxp3+. Scopo di questo studio è stato determinare fenotipo e funzione dei T-reg, valutandone le correlazioni con caratteristiche cliniche e parametri biochimici e virologici, nelle diverse fasi della malattia epatica da HCV, a partire dall’epatite cronica, passando per la cirrosi, l’epatocarcinoma e terminando con il follow-up post-trapianto di fegato. Sono stati reclutati 80 pazienti con infezione cronica da HCV non in trattamento antivirale, di cui 52 con epatite cronica, 12 con cirrosi e 16 con epatocarcinoma. Di questi, 11 sono andati incontro a trapianto di fegato e sono stati poi seguiti fino a 36 mesi di follow up. Ventinove soggetti avevano transaminasi persistentemente nella norma e 28 mostravano ALT costantemente oltre 2.5x i valori normali. Quaranta donatori di sangue sono stati utilizzati come controlli sani. Marcatori di superficie (CD4, CD25) ed intracellulari (Foxp3) sono stati valutati in citofluorimetria su sangue intero periferico per tutti i soggetti al basale ed ogni 2-4 settimane dopo trapianto. In una quota di pazienti i T-reg sono stati estratti dai linfociti del sangue periferico con metodi immunomagnetici e la loro funzione valutata come percentuale di inibizione di proliferazione e produzione di IFN-γ da parte delle cellule bersaglio CD4+CD25- in esperimenti di co-coltura effettuati al basale e dopo 24-36 settimane dal trapianto. La percentuale di T-reg e l’espressione del Foxp3 sono risultate aumentate nei soggetti con HCV rispetto ai controlli sani, in particolare in coloro con cirrosi, HCC e nei pazienti con transaminasi normali indipendentemente dallo stadio di malattia, correlando inversamente con i livelli di transaminasi e direttamente con il punteggio MELD. La produzione di IFN-γ è incrementata in tutti i pazienti HCV ma efficacemente controllata solamente dai T-reg dei pazienti con transaminasi normali. Dopo il trapianto di fegato, si verifica una precoce e reversibile riduzione delle T-reg circolanti. Alla 24ma e 36ma settimana dal trapianto la percentuale dei T-reg circolanti è sovrapponibile al basale e i loro effetti, sia in termini di proliferazione che di produzione di IFN-γ, sulle cellule bersaglio, già dotate di una ridotta attività intrinseca, appaiono particolarmente incisivi. In conclusione, l’epatopatia cronica da HCV è caratterizzata da una popolazione di T-reg espansa che però, con l’eccezione dei soggetti con transaminasi normali, non appare in grado di limitare il danno epatico immuno-mediato e potrebbe favorire lo sviluppo e la crescita di lesioni tumorali nei pazienti con malattia avanzata. Il trapianto di fegato, probabilmente a causa della terapia immunosoppressiva, si associa ad un marcato e transitorio declino dei T-reg le cui numerosità e funzione vengono completamente recuperate a sei mesi dall’intervento. La migliore conoscenza dei meccanismi alla base delle cinetica e della funzione delle cellule regolatorie potrà fornire utili strumenti per il loro utilizzo come adiuvanti nella terapia dell’epatopatia cronica HCV relata.


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Recent reports showed that early-interim PET-scan is the only tool predicting treatment outcome in advanced-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (asCHL). We evaluated the prognostic impact of a series of immunohistochemical markers, mentioned in literature as prognostic factors, on tissue microarrays assembled from biopsies of 220 patients: STAT1, SAP, TOP2A, PCNA and CD20, both in neoplastic (HRSC) and microenvironment cells (MC); RRM2, MAD2, CDC2, BCL2, P53, BCL11A and EBER in HRSC; ALDH1A1, TIA-1, granzyme B, perforin, FOXP3, and PD-1 in MC. All patients had been treated with standard ABVD ± Rx therapy. Interim-PET after 2 ABVD courses was evaluated according to the criteria indicated by Gallamini in his study (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007). The survival analysis has been performed in a subset of 138 patients whose complete clinical information were available: the mean age was 33.3 years (14-79), the stage III-IVB in 98 and IIB in 40, and the mean follow-up 38.1 months (7.6-71.9). Histopathology review showed: NS-I 75, NS-II 22, MC 20, DL 3, and CHL/nos 18 cases. Interim-PET was positive in 30 patients, while treatment failure was recorded in 32. In univariate analysis the factors related to treatment outcome were BCL2 on HRSC (cut-off value 50%), STAT1/SAP on MC, and PET (Log-rank 6.9, 7.9 and 93.9 respectively). The combined expression of STAT1 and SAP was scored in three levels depending on the architectural pattern: score 0 for expression of both with a diffuse/rosetting pattern; score 1 for discordant combination of diffuse/rosetting and scattered patterns; score 2 for both markers with a scattered pattern; the 3y-PFS were 87.4%, 69.9% and 61.9% respectively. In multivariate analysis PET, BCL2 and STAT1/SAP remained significant (HR: 24.8, 4.6, 7.5 and 5.6, respectively; p<.01). The proposed model is able to predict treatment response in AsCHL, even if with a lower efficacy than PET. However, unlike PET, it can be applied upfront therapy.


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La Piastinopenia Immune (PTI) è una patologia autoimmune ad eziologia ignota caratterizzata da piastrinopenia. I linfociti T regolatori (Tregs) sono coinvolti nei meccanismi di tolleranza immunologica e agiscono regolando l’attività delle cellule T autoreattive e delle cellule dendritiche (DCs). Viceversa, le DCs, che esprimono Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), partecipano al mantenimento della tolleranza agli auto-antigeni attraverso l’espansione dei Tregs. Inoltre, recenti studi hanno dimostrato che i linfociti T helper 17 (Th17) sono coinvolti nell’autoimmunità e che l’espressione di Interleuchina (IL)-17 è associata a numerose patologie autoimmuni. Il ruolo dell’interazione fra DCs e Tregs ed il ruolo dei Th17 nella patogenesi della PTI non sono mai stati studiati in maniera approfondita. Gli obiettivi principali di questa tesi sono stati: a) caratterizzare fenotipicamente e funzionalmente i linfociti Tregs e DCs; b) valutare il ruolo patogenetico dell’interazione tra Tregs e DCs; c) quantificare i Th17 circolanti. I risultati dimostrano che: 1) il numero dei Tregs circolanti dei pazienti, identificati tramite i marcatori Foxp3 e CD127, è significativamente ridotto rispetto alla controparte normale; 2) la conversione in vitro delle cellule CD4+CD25- in linfociti Tregs (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) dopo stimolazione con DCs mature è significativamente ridotta nei pazienti rispetto ai controlli; 3) sia l’espressione dell’enzima IDO nelle DCs mature (mRNA) che i livelli di chinurenine prodotte (indice di attività enzimatica) sono risultati significativamente ridotti nei pazienti rispetto alla controparte normale. Questi risultati suggeriscono quindi che il ridotto numero dei Tregs circolanti nei pazienti con PTI può essere, almeno in parte, attribuito alla scarsa capacità di conversione delle DCs, in quanto tali cellule esprimono meno IDO. I risultati dimostrano inoltre che: 1) i Tregs dei pazienti con PTI hanno una capacità soppressoria che è significativamente inferiore rispetto ai soggetti normali; tale dato è stato confermato dal dosaggio di IFN- nel surnatante della coltura; 2) i Tregs di pazienti con PTI non sono in grado di inibire la maturazione delle DCs, a differenza di quanto avviene nei soggetti sani: infatti, l’espressione delle molecole costimolatorie CD80 e CD86 sulle DCs è risultata invariata in seguito a cocoltura con DCs immature; 3) il dosaggio delle citochine nel surnatante delle cocolture dimostra che la concentrazione di IL-10 e IL-6 è significativamente ridotta nei pazienti rispetto ai controlli. La scarsa abilità dei Tregs di inibire la maturazione delle DCs e l’alterato pattern di secrezione di citochine potrebbero quindi contribuire all’ insorgenza del fenotipo più maturo delle DCs nei pazienti con PTI. I linfociti Th17 circolanti di pazienti e controlli sono stati identificati in citofluorimetria come cellule CD4+CD161+CD196+. Da tale analisi è emerso che la frequenza dei Th17 circolanti non è significativamente diversa nei due gruppi. Questi dati dimostrano quindi che nella PTI l’interazione bidirezionale tra Tregs e DCs risulta alterata e svolge un ruolo patogenetico, in quanto, da un lato, ci sono Tregs con un deficit numerico e funzionale e, dall’altro, DCs con maggiore capacità immunogenica. Il numero dei Th17 non risulta invece alterato.


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Il trapianto delle cellule staminali emopoietiche umane CD34+ in combinazione con le cellule T regolatorie CD4+/CD25+ FoxP3+ (Tregs) potrebbe prevenire l'alloreattività verso le cellule staminali emopoietiche e ridurre il rischio di rigetto in trapianti allogenici HLA non correlati. Per dimostrare questa ipotesi abbiamo messo in coltura le cellule CD34+ e le cellule CD4+/CD25+ isolate con metodica immunomagnetica (Miltnyi Biotec)da sangue periferico non manipolato,sangue periferico mobilizzato con G-CSF o da Cordone ombelicale. Gli esperimenti svolti in vitro, hanno evidenziato che le cellule Tregs arricchite, ottenute dalla stessa fonte delle cellule CD34+( autologhe), mostravano un effetto inibitorio maggiore sulle celulle T alloreattive, rispetto alle cellule Tregs ottenute da un donatore terzo(allogenico).Inoltre l'attività immunosoppressoria delle Tregs era mantenuta dopo stimolazione con cellule CD34+ allogeniche e i Tregs non modificavano l'attività clonogenica delle cellule staminali CD34+. Avendo ottenuto questi dati in vitro abbiamo trapiantato in topi NOD/SCID le cellule Tregs e le cellule CD34+ in rapporto 1:1 o 1:2 ed è stato osservato un normale attecchimento delle cellule staminali. Incubando queste cellule con dosi fisiologiche di timoglobulina derivata da coniglio (nota molecola immunosopressoria) non veniva modificato il numero dei Tregs dopo 6 giorni di coltura. Dopo l'esposizione alla Timoglobulina, inoltre, i Tregs mantenevano la loro attività soppressoria, aumentava l'espressione del recettore chemochinico CCR7, e venivano rilasciate diverse citochine principalmente l'interleuchina 10(IL-10). Tali dati dimostrano come sia le cellule tregs autologhe che quelle allogeniche potrebbero essere trapiantate insieme alle cellule staminali CD34+ dopo un regime preparatorio di terapia che include la timoglobulina. A tale scopo sono state eseguite selezioni di Tregs da aferesi di donatori sani mobilizzati con G-CSF su scala clinica utilizzando biglie immunomagnetiche Clinical grade (Miltenyi Biotec) e sono state confrontate 2 modalità di selezione con due o tre passaggi con o senza la deplezione dei monociti CD14+.Si è dimostrato così che è possibile selezionare un numero uguale di CD34+ e Tregs ,che con la metodica che prevede la deplezione dei monociti si ottiene una popolazione di cellule Tregs più pura ( > 80%) e infine le applicazioni possibili di questi risultati includo: trapianto di cellule CD34+ del donatore insieme a cellule Tregs in trapianti aploidentici ; infusione of cellule tregs isolate da PBSC mobilizzati con G-nei casi di pazienti con GVHD steroide-resistente; infusione di G-Tregs del donatore nei casi di rigetto di organo trapiantato da of donatore ancora vivente.


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CD4+CD25+ regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs) sind in der Lage die Proliferation und Cytokin-Produktion konventioneller T-Zellen zu supprimieren. Obwohl ein entscheidender Mechanismus dieses Prozesses die Inhibition der Interleukin-2 Produktion ist, sind die beteiligten Moleküle weitestgehend unbekannt. Interessanterweise entwickeln NFATc2-, NFATc3-doppeldefiziente Mäuse (DKO Mäuse) schwerste Autoimmunerkrankungen, so dass im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc2 und NFATc3 bei der Entstehung von CD4+CD25+ Tregs und der CD4+CD25+ Treg-vermittelten Suppression konventioneller T-Zellen untersucht wurde. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwar die Gesamtheit der peripheren CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen keinerlei suppressives Potential besitzt, eine Subpopulation dieser Zellpopulation, die sehr stark CD25 und GITR exprimiert (CD4+CD25++GITR++ T-Zellen), jedoch in der Lage ist kokultivierte konventionelle CD4+ T-Zellen in ihren Effektorfunktionen zu inhibieren. Allerdings ließen sich die konventionellen CD4+ T-Zellen aus DKO Mäusen nicht von CD4+CD25+ Tregs in ihrer Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion inhibieren. Es kann also abschließend gesagt werden, dass das Fehlen der Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc2 und NFATc3 die Entstehung und Funktion von CD4+CD25+ Tregs nicht beeinflusst, jedoch konventionelle CD4+ T-Zellen resistent gegen eine CD4+CD25+ Treg-vermittelte Suppression werden lässt.


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Nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) ist eine Familie der Transkriptionsfaktoren, welche eine wichtige Rolle bei der Regulation der T-Zellvermittelten Signalkaskade in der Lymphozytenpopulation spielt. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells-2 (NFATc2) defiziente Mäuse einen erhöhten Atemwegswiderstand, einen pathologische Veränderung der Lunge und einen erhöhten IgE Spiegel im Vergleich zu den Wildtypen vorweisen. Die NFATc2 Defizienz konnte ebenfalls sowohl mit einer erhöhten Anzahl an Th2 und Th17 Zellen, die eine erhöhte Proliferation vorweisen, als auch einer erniedrigten Anzahl an CD8+ CD122- T-Zellen, die geringere Mengen an IFN-g produzieren, in Verbindung gebracht werden. Die aus den NFATc2(-/-) Mäusen isolierten CD4+ T-Zellen zeigen im Vergleich zu denen der Wildtypen neben der erhöhten Proliferation einen vermehrte Aktivierung (CD4higCD44highCD69high). Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass in Anwesenheit eines Allergens, die NFATc2(-/-) Mäuse eine erhöhte Anzahl an regulatorischen T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+GITR++) in der Lunge vorweisen, die wiederum die Effektorzellen in diesen hemmen. Ein Grund für die geringere Freisetzung an IFN-g durch die CD8+ T-Zellen in den NFATc2 defizienten Mäusen ist eine erhöhte Subpopulation von CD8+CD122+ (IL-2Rb Kette) CD127hi (IL-7Ra Kette) „long-lived memory Zellen“ in den NFATc2(-/-) Mäusen. Diese besitzen einen regulatorischen Effekt, so dass immundefiziente SCID Mäuse, die in einem adoptiven Transfer mit OVA-spezifischen CD8+ und CD4+ T-Zellen, welchen aus NFATc2(-/-) Mäuse isoliert werden, behandelt wurden, eine erhöhten Atemwegswiderstand, eine erhöhte IL-17 und eine erniedrigte IFN-g Produktion vorweisen. Eine Depletion der memory CD8+CD122+IL-7Rhigh T-Zellen hebt dagegen die verringerte IFN-g Produktion der CD8+CD122- T-Zellen auf und führt zu einer Erniedrigung des Atemwegswiderstandes in einem SCID Model Zusammenfassend zeigen unsere Untersuchungen, dass sowohl die IFN-g Produktion der CD8+ Effektor T-Zellen als auch die Anzahl an CD4+CD25+Foxp3+GITR++ regulatorischen T-Zellen die Entwicklung der Th2 und Th17 als auch die Höhe des Atemwegswiderstandes unterdrückt.


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CD4+CD25+ regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs) sind essentiell an der Homöostase des Immunsystems beteiligt, indem sie eine antigenspezifische Toleranzinduktion in der Peripherie vermitteln und vor der Entstehung von Autoimmunerkrankungen schützen. Darüber hinaus sind diese Zellen wesentlich an der Kontrolle von Allergien, Infektionen und Tumoren beteiligt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit konnten zwei bisher unbekannte Subpopulationen humaner CD4+CD25+ Tregs, isoliert aus dem peripheren Blut des Menschen, nachgewiesen werden. Diese Subpopulationen unterscheiden sich in ihrer Oberflächenexpression und exprimieren die Integrine a4b1 bzw. a4b7. Beide Treg-Subpopulationen supprimieren kokultivierte CD4+ T-Helferzellen Zellkontakt-abhängig und konvertieren gleichzeitig einen Teil dieser Zellen in sekundäre Suppressorzellen (iTregs). a4b1+ Tregs induzieren TGF-β-sezernierende iTregs, a4b7+ Tregs führen zur Bildung von IL-10-produzierenden iTregs. Differentielle Proteomanalysen humaner CD4+CD25+ Tregs, im Vergleich zu CD4+CD25- T-Helferzellen, führten zur Identifizierung von Galectin-10 als Markerprotein, das fast ausschließlich von CD4+CD25+ Tregs und nicht von CD4+ T-Helferzellen exprimiert wird. Galectin-10 ist ein intrazelluläres Protein, das essentiell für die funktionellen Eigenschaften humaner CD4+CD25+ Tregs ist. Die Blockade der Galectin-10-Bildung in den CD4+CD25+ Tregs durch RNA-Interferenz führte zu wesentlichen funktionellen Veränderungen der CD4+CD25+ Tregs. In Abwesenheit von Galectin-10 verlieren humane CD4+CD25+ Tregs ihre suppressiven Eigenschaften und ihren anergischen Phänotyp. Somit konnte mit Galectin-10 erstmals ein spezifischer Marker für humane CD4+CD25+ Tregs identifiziert werden, der wesentlich für den funktionellen Phänotyp dieser Regulatoren peripherer T-Zelltoleranz ist.


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CD4+CD25+ natürlich vorkommende regulatorische T-Zellen (nTregs) repräsentieren in Menschen und Mäusen etwa 5-10% aller peripheren CD4+ T-Zellen und besitzen eine wichtige Aufgabe im Immunsystem. nTregs sind entscheidend an der peripheren Toleranz beteiligt, da sie potenziell autoaggressive T-Zellen in ihrer Cytokinproduktion und Proliferation hemmen. Trotzdem ist der molekulare Mechanismus der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression und der Entwicklung dieser nTregs noch weitestgehend unbekannt. Vor einigen Jahren wurde der Transkriptionsfaktor FoxP3 (Forkhead Box P3) als der „Hauptregulator“ für die Entwicklung und Funktion von nTregs identifiziert. Um die suppressiven Fähigkeiten von nTregs optimal für therapeutische Zwecke einsetzen zu können, ist es daher von großer Notwendigkeit den zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismus zu verstehen und Moleküle zu identifizieren, die an der Regulation des nTreg-spezifischen Faktors FoxP3 beteiligt sind. Ein Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der microRNA155 (miR155) bei der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die ektopische Expression der miR155 in konventionellen CD4+ T-Zellen zu einer Erhöhung der IL-2 Produktion führte, so dass die Zellen resistenter gegenüber der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression wurden. Die transiente Aufhebung der Suppression durch die miR155 bietet somit einen möglichen therapeutischen Einsatz bei der Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit demonstriert werden, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor HELIOS, oder vielmehr seine lange Isoform, HELIOS_long, eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulation der FoxP3 Expression einnimmt. Im Vergleich zu konventionellen CD4+ T-Zellen exprimieren nTregs hohe Mengen an HELIOS. In in vitro Studien zeigte sich, dass endogenes HELIOS in nTregs an den FoxP3 Promotor binden und diesen aktivieren kann. Die ektopische Expression von HELIOS_long führte in konventionellen CD4+ T-Zellen (HELIOSlowFoxP3-) nur in Gegenwart der Cytokine IL-2 und TGF-β zu einer gesteigerten FoxP3 Promotor Aktivität. Neben der Aktivierung konnte auch eine gesteigerte FoxP3 Protein Expression detektiert werden. Diese in vitro Daten konnten auch in einem in vivo Mausmodell verifiziert werden. Der adoptive Transfer HELIOS_long transfizierter CD4+ T-Zellen (HELIOSlowFoxP3-) in T-Zell-defiziente Mäuse führte zu der Induktion FoxP3+ T-Zellen mit suppressiven Fähigkeiten sowohl ex vivo als auch in vivo. Zusammengefasst zeigte sich, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor HELIOS einen stark fördernden Einfluss auf die Expression von FoxP3 besitzt. Diese Beobachtung bietet eine Möglichkeit für die Induktion stabiler regulatorischer T-Zellen als therapeutischen Einsatz für die Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen.


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NGAL (Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin ) is a protein of lipocalin superfamily. Recent literature focused on its biomarkers function in several pathological condition (acute and chronic kidney damage, autoimmune disease, malignancy). NGAL biological role is not well elucidated. Several are the demonstration of its bacteriostatic role. Recent papers have indeed highlight NGAL role in NFkB modulation. The aim of this study is to understand whether NGAL may exert a role in the activation (modulation) of T cell response through the regulation of HLA-G complex, a mediator of tolerance. From 8 healthy donors we obtained peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and we isolated by centrifugation on a Ficoll gradient. Cells were then treated with four concentrations of NGAL (40-320 ng/ml) with or without iron. We performed flow cytometry analysis and ELISA test. NGAL increased the HLA-G expression on CD4+ T cells, with an increasing corresponding to the dose. Iron effect is not of unique interpretation. NGAL adiction affects regulatory T cells increasing in vitro expansion of CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ cells. Neutralizing antibody against NGAL decreased HLA-G expression and reduced significantly CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ cells percentage. In conclusion, we provided in vitro evidence of NGAL involvement in cellular immunity. The potential role of NGAL as an immunomodulatory molecule has been evaluated: it has been shown that NGAL plays a pivotal role in the induction of immune tolerance up regulating HLA-G and T regulatory cells expression in healthy donors. As potential future scenario we highlight the in vivo role of NGAL in immunology and immunomodulation, and its possible relationship with immunosuppressive therapy efficacy, tolerance induction in transplant patients, and/or in other immunological disorders.