642 resultados para FORMALIN


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OBJECTIVE: To study the arrangement of the myocardial fiber bundles at the pulmonary venous left atrial junction in patients with pulmonary hypertension, and to discuss the pathophysiological importance of this element in the etiology of acute pulmonary edema. METHODS: We obtained 12 hearts and their pulmonary vein extremities from postmortem examinations of patients with the anatomicopathological diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema. The specimens, which had no grossly visible morphological cardiac alterations, were fixed in 10% formalin, and the muscular arrangement of the pulmonary venous left atrial junctions was analyzed. This material was then isolated, embedded in paraffin, underwent serial cutting (50 µm of thickness), and was stained with Azam's trichrome. RESULTS: We observed in our specimens that: a) the myocardial fiber bundles that originate in the atrial wall and involve the openings of the pulmonary veins were fewer than those observed in healthy material; b) the myocardial fiber bundles that extend into the pulmonary veins were shorter than those found in material originating from individuals with no pulmonary hypertension. CONCLUSION: Anatomical changes that result in a reduction in the amount of myocardial fiber bundles in the pulmonary venous left atrial junction, isolated or associated with other factors, may be the cause of disorders in pulmonary circulation, leading to an increase in pulmonary venous pressure, and, consequently, to acute pulmonary edema.


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En este trabajo se analizarán las características estructurales, cuantitativas y el proceso de muerte celular por apoptosis en el ovario de C. maculosa y C.picui con el objetivo de aportar conocimientos básicos a la biología reproductiva de estas aves. Cincuenta hembras adultas de cada especie se capturarán en el Dpto. Río Primero (Pcia. de Cba), R. Argentina, durante el ciclo reproductivo 2011-2012. Las muestras de ovarios se fijaran en Formalina Neutra pH 7.0, procesarán con la técnica de inclusión en parafina y colorearan con Hematoxilina /Eosina y Reacción Nuclear de Feulgen. Cinco muestras serán utilizadas para la determinación de muerte celular por apoptosis con la técnica de TUNEL. Se estudiarán las características morfohistológicas del ovario de C.maculosa y C. picui e identificarán, categorizarán y cuantificarán los folículos atrésicos no bursting (folículos atrésicos previtelogénicos y vcitelogénicos pequeños que conservan la integridad de la pared folicular) y bursting (folículos vitelogénicos mayores de 2 mm que liberar el contenido folicular por ruptura de la pared folicular) durante el ciclo reproductivo anual. Mediante la marcación de ADN fragmentado, se revelará la muerte celular por apoptosis en las células granulosas de los folículos atrésicos. Se compararán las semejanzas y diferencias estructurales y cuantitativas y el proceso de muerte celular en los folículos regresivos entre las dos especies. Los resultados de este trabajo representarán un importante aporte al conocimiento de la atresia folicular como así también a la muerte celular, un proceso estrechamente asociado a la misma, aún poco estudiado en el ovario de las aves. In this work we analyse the structural, quantitative and the process of the cell death by apoptosis in the ovary of Columba maculosa and Columbina picui in order of providing basic knowledge of reproductive biology of these birds. Fifty adult female of each species will be caught in the Río Primero (Pcia. Cba) R.Argentina, during 2011 - 2012. The ovarian samples will be fixed en neutral buffered Formalin (pH 7.0), processed with the technique of inclusion in paraffin and stained with Haematoxylin - Eosin, and nuclear Reaction of Feulgen. Five samples will be used to reveal cell death by apoptosis with the technique of TUNEL. Will be studied the morphohistological characteristics of ovary of both species, and identify, categorize and quantify the atretic follicles over the cycle, the non-bursting (pre-vitellogenic follicles and vitellogenic small < 2 mm, involution an without follicular rupture) and bursting (vitellogenic follicle > 2 mm in the which the yolk falls into the peritoneum due to rupture of with out put of the wall follicular). Will be revealed DNA fragmentation in the granulosa cells of the atretic follicles. Will compared the similaritues and differences in structure and quantitative and the cell death process by apoptosis in the regresive follicles, between the two species. The results of this study represent an important contribution to the knowledge of follicular atresia as well cell death a process closely associated with it and still poorly studied in the ovary of birds.


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I) the A. presents a method developed for the preparation of thick blood films, specially old desiccated smears. The observations are based on the experience of more than 53000 blood samples collected in the laboratory of the “Serviço de Malaria do Nordeste” as well as in the research department of the “Serviço de Malaria da Baixada Fluminenese”. II) As in introductory matter, he emphasizes the value of the obstacles presented by overdrying of the thick blood films occurring systematically in great malaria control organizations in which the laboratory receives materials from more or less remote localities, particularly in the Brazilian northeast, in regions invaded by Anopheles gambiae. III) An analysis of the causes of failure of the methods of Chorine and Knowles recorded in the literature for such purposes is given, as well as its adaptability for the simultaneous preparation of large numbers of samples. IV) The method is based the protective action of a previous fixation by a dilute solution of formalin, which, without preventing further dehemoglobinization, prevents morphological alterations in the parasites by the action of Knowles solution which is retained in this metod without modification. V) For washing out the acids of the dehemoglobinizating solution as well as for diluting the Giemsa stain, the A. proposes a very simple technique, extremely convenient for such purpose, which consists in adding acetic acid to the distilled water in the proportion of 1 drop for each 10cc of water, and then increasing the hydrogeni-on concentration to pH 7.2 with a 2% sol. of sodium carbonate. As indicator a 0.02% solution purple-bromcresol prepared in accordante to Medalia, is used. In this reaction there is the formation of the acetic acid ↔ sodium acetate, buffer system very suitable for giving a convenient pH and for preventing the precipitation of the dye, which can be used for two or three batches of 700 or 800 slides each, without changing the staining solution. VI) – The method can be summarized as follow: For a small number of samples, Coplin’s or any other staining jar can be used. Large number of slides must be placed in groups of 10 or 15 units each, the slides being separated by a piece of cardboard, according to Barber & Komp. A) Fix in dilute formalin (2%), during 5 minutes. b) Without washing, put in Knowles solution (see the formula in the text), no more than 20 minutes. c)Two successive washings in distilled water, buffered as explained above (which can be used several times). d) Dry and stain with Giemsa solution, prepared by using 1 drop of the stain for each c. c. of buffered distilled water. Time: 1 hour. E) Was in distilled water and dry.


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The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the handling and processing of radical prostatectomy specimens were coordinated by working group 1. Most uropathologists followed similar procedures for fixation of radical prostatectomy specimens, with 51% of respondents transporting tissue in formalin. There was also consensus that the prostate weight without the seminal vesicles should be recorded. There was consensus that the surface of the prostate should be painted. It was agreed that both the prostate apex and base should be examined by the cone method with sagittal sectioning of the tissue sample. There was consensus that the gland should be fully fixed before sectioning. Both partial and complete embedding of prostates was considered to be acceptable as long as the method of partial embedding is stated. No consensus was determined regarding the necessity of weighing and measuring the length of the seminal vesicles, the preparation of whole mounts rather than standardized blocks and the methodology for sampling of fresh tissue for research purposes, and it was agreed that these should be left to the discretion of the working pathologist.


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Mutations of the Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) can be detected in a significant number of acute myeloid leukemias (AML). Seventy-five cases of acute myeloid leukemia were evaluated for FLT3-internal tandem duplications (ITD) by polymerase chain reaction. Paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed trephine biopsies of these cases were evaluated for expression of phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (pSTAT1), pSTAT3, and pSTAT5. Specific expression of pSTAT5 was proven in leukemic blasts in situ by double staining with a blast-specific marker. Expression of pSTAT5 in > or =1% of blasts was highly predictive of FLT3-ITD. Neither expression of pSTAT1 nor pSTAT3 were associated with FLT3 mutations. Altogether we conclude that pSTAT5 expression can precisely be assessed by immunohistochemistry in routinely processed bone marrow trephines, STAT5 is highly likely the preferred second messenger of FLT3-mediated signaling in AML, and expression of pSTAT5 is predictive of FLT3-ITD.


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Pediatric follicular lymphoma is a rare disease that differs genetically and clinically from its adult counterpart. With the exception of pediatric follicular lymphoma with IRF4-translocation, the genetic events associated with these lymphomas have not yet been defined. We applied array-comparative genomic hybridization and molecular inversion probe assay analyses to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from 18 patients aged 18 years and under with IRF4 translocation negative follicular lymphoma. All evaluable cases lacked t(14;18). Only 6 of 16 evaluable cases displayed chromosomal imbalances with gains or amplifications of 6pter-p24.3 (including IRF4) and deletion and copy number neutral-loss of heterozygosity in 1p36 (including TNFRSF14) being most frequent. Sequencing of TNFRSF14 located in the minimal region of loss in 1p36.32 showed nine mutations in 7 cases from our series. Two subsets of pediatric follicular lymphoma were delineated according to the presence of molecular alterations, one with genomic aberrations associated with higher grade and/or diffuse large B-cell lymphoma component and more widespread disease, and another one lacking genetic alterations associated with more limited disease.


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The present study was performed to assess the interlaboratory reproducibility of the molecular detection and identification of species of Zygomycetes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded kidney and brain tissues obtained from experimentally infected mice. Animals were infected with one of five species (Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus microsporus, Lichtheimia corymbifera, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Mucor circinelloides). Samples with 1, 10, or 30 slide cuts of the tissues were prepared from each paraffin block, the sample identities were blinded for analysis, and the samples were mailed to each of seven laboratories for the assessment of sensitivity. A protocol describing the extraction method and the PCR amplification procedure was provided. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region was amplified by PCR with the fungal universal primers ITS1 and ITS2 and sequenced. As negative results were obtained for 93% of the tissue specimens infected by M. circinelloides, the data for this species were excluded from the analysis. Positive PCR results were obtained for 93% (52/56), 89% (50/56), and 27% (15/56) of the samples with 30, 10, and 1 slide cuts, respectively. There were minor differences, depending on the organ tissue, fungal species, and laboratory. Correct species identification was possible for 100% (30 cuts), 98% (10 cuts), and 93% (1 cut) of the cases. With the protocol used in the present study, the interlaboratory reproducibility of ITS sequencing for the identification of major Zygomycetes species from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues can reach 100%, when enough material is available.


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Twenty Calomys callosus, Rengger, 1830 (Rodentia-Cricetidae) were studied in the early stage of the acute schistosomal mansoni infection (42nd day). The same number of Swiss Webster mice were used as a comparative standard. Liver and intestinal sections, fixed in formalin-Millonig and embedded in paraffin, were stained with hematoxilin and eosin, PAS-Alcian Blue, pH = 1.0 and 2.5, Lennert's Giemsa, Picrosirius plus polarization microscopy, Periodic acid methanamine silver, Gomori's silver reticulin and resorcin-fuchsin. Immunohistological study (indirect immunofluorescence and peroxidase labeled extravidin-biotin methods) was done with antibodies specific to pro-collagen III, fibronectin, elastin, condroitin-sulfate, tenascin, alpha smooth muscle actin, vimentin and desmin. The hepatic granulomas were small, reaching only 27 of the volume of the hepatic Swiss Webster granuloma. They were composed mainly by large immature macrophages, often filled by schistosomal pigment, characterizing an exsudative-macrophage granuloma type. The granulomas were situated in the parenchyma and in the portal space. They were often intravascular, poor of extracellular matrix components, except fibronectin and presented, sometimes alpha smooth muscle actin and vimentin positive cells. The C. callosus intestinal granulomas were similar to Swiss Webster, showing predominance of macrophages. Therefore, the C. callosus acquire very well the Schistosoma mansoni infection, without developing strong hepatic acute granulomatous reaction, suggesting lack of histopathological signs of hypersensitivity.


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ABSTRACT : Background: Inactivation of tumour-related genes by promoter hypermethylation is a common epigenetic event in the development of a variety of tumours. Aim: To investigate in primary uveal melanoma the status of promoter methylation of genes thought to be involved in tumour development: p16, TIMP3, RASSF1, RARB, FHIT, hTERT and APC. Methods: Gene promoter methylation was studied by methylation-sensitive single-strand conformation analysis and dot-blot assay in a series of 23 primary uveal melanomas. All DNA samples were obtained from paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissue blocks. Results: hTERT promoter methylation was found with a relatively high frequency (52%). Promoter methylation of p16, TIMP3, RASSF1, RARB, FHIT and APC was a rare event. For none of these genes did promoter methylation exceed 15% of tumour samples, and, for some genes (FHIT and APC), no methylation was found at all. Furthermore, promoter methylation was absent in 39% (9/ 23) of cases. In only 22% (5/23) of cases was hypermethylation of at least two promoters observed. Conclusions: Promoter methylation of hTERT is a regular event in uveal melanoma. Hypermethylation of the other genes studied does not seem to be an essential element in the development of this tumour. As promoter methylation of APC, RASSF1 and RARB is often observed in cutaneous melanoma, these results suggest that different epigenetic events occur in the development of cutaneous and uveal melanoma. RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE : L'inactivation de gènes par une hyperméthylation de leur promoteur apparaît être un événement épigénétique fréquent, se retrouvant dans de nombreuses tumeurs. Dans cette étude, nous avons investigué dans des mélanomes primaires de l'uvée l'état de méthylation du promoteur de gènes fréquemment impliqués dans le développent tumoral tels que p16, TIMP3, RASSFI, RARB, FHIT, hTERT et APC. La méthylation des promoteurs de gènes a été étudiée par methylationsensitive single-strand conformation analysis (MS-SSCA) et dot blot assay (MS-DBA) dans une série de 23 mélanomes primaires de l'uvée. Tous les échantillons tissulaires provenaient de matériel fixé dans le formol et conservé dans des blocs de parraffine. Nous avons identifié une fréquence relativement élevée (52%) pour la méthylation du promoteur de hTERT. En ce qui concerne le reste des gènes étudiés, nous avons retrouvé des fréquences de méthylation de promoteurs relativement basses avec 13% pour RASSF1, 13% pour RARB 13%, 9% pour TIMP3 et 4% pour p16. Nous n'avons pas retrouvé d'hyperméthylation des promoteurs des gènes APC et FRIT. La méthylation de hTERT apparaît être un événement important dans la biologie du mélanome de l'uvée. L'hyperméthylation des autres gènes évalués ne semble pas être cruciale dans le développent de cette tumeur. Comme la méthylation des promoteurs des gènes APC, RASSF1 et RARB a été fréquemment observée dans le mélanome de la peau, notre étude tend à démontrer que des mécanismes épigénétiques différents surviennent dans le développement respectif de ces tumeurs.


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Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded lung and liver tissue from 23 cases of non immune hydrops fetalis and five control cases, in which hydrops were due to syphilis (3) and genetic causes (2), were examined for the presence of human parvovirus B19 by DNA hybridisation. Using in situ hybridisation with a biotynilated probe one positive case was detected. Using 32P-labelled probes in a dot blot assay format, five further positives were obtained. These were all confirmed as positive by a nested polymerase chain reaction assay. Electron microscopy revealed virus in all these five positive cases. The six B19 DNA positive cases of hydrops fetalis were from 1974, 1980, 1982, 1987 and 1988, four of which occurred during the second half of the year, confirming the seasonality of the disease.


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This study's objective was to search for Cryptosporidium sp. in diarrheic feces from children aged zero to 12 years and cared for at medical units within Universidade Federal de Uberlândia or at a private practice in Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from September 1992 to August 1993. Three fecal samples preserved in 10% formalin, were collected from 94 children. Oocyst concentration was performed through Ritchie's (modified) method and staining of fecal smears for each sample (total of 1128 slides) was done by the "Safranin/Methylene Blue" and the "Kinyoun (modified)" techniques. The Hoffmann, Pons & Janer method was also employed to look for other enteroparasites. From 94 children, 4.26% excreted fecal Cryptosporidium oocysts. The infection seemed to vary according to age: 5.08% of patients aged zero to two years old; 33.33% of those aging eight to ten years (P>0.05). Cryptosporidium appeared in November, December and March, during the rainy season. 20.21% of the children harbored at least one enteroparasite different from Cryptosporidium, mainly Giardia intestinalis (12.77%). From Cryptosporidium infected patients, two had only this kind, another harbored Giardia intestinalis; the last one hosted Strongyloides stercoralis.


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An experimental murine model was used to verify the viability and pathogenicity of coccoid Helicobacter pylori. For this purpose, 27 BALB/c mice were inoculated intragastrically with 1 ml broth culture (10(8)organisms/ml) of a coccoid H. pylori clinical isolate. The animals were divided into two groups. Nine were infected on a one-time basis (GA1) and 18 were infected on two consecutive days (GA2). Other 27 mice were inoculated with Brucella broth and divided in the same way; they composed the control group. Mice were killed at 2, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days post inoculation (pi). Fragments of stomach and duodenum were collected, fixed with 12% formalin and stained by hematoxilin-eosin and Giemsa for histopathological examination. Until the 14th()day, only reinfected mice had mild-to-moderate inflammatory infiltrate in the stomach. The infiltration was predominantly lymphomonocytic, although plasma cells and eosinophils could be seen. However, at 21st day, severe eosinophilic infiltration was present in the lamina propria and submucosa of gastric corpus. In subgroup GA1, animals presented lymphomonocytic infiltration in the stomach from 14th()day pi. Our results showed that coccoid H. pylori was able to induce an acute inflammatory response in stomach of reinfected mice since the initial periods of infection.


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This study estimated the prevalence and distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) types among women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade III and invasive cervical cancer from Goiás (Brazil Central Region). Seventy-four cases were analyzed and consisted of 18 CIN III, 48 squamous cell carcinomas, 4 adenocarcinomas, 1 adenosquamous carcinoma and 3 undifferentiated carcinomas. HPV-DNA sequences were examined in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues using primers from L1 region GP5+/GP6+. Polymerase chain reaction products were typed with dot blot hybridization using probes for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 54, 6/11, 42/43/44, 51/52, 56/58. The prevalence of HPV was estimated to be 76% (56/74). HPV 16 was the most frequently found type, followed by HPV 33, 18 and 31. The prevalence of untyped HPV was 6%; 79% percent of the squamous cell carcinoma cases and 61% percent of the CIN III were positive for HPV and the prevalence rate of HPV types was the same for the total number of cases. According to other studies, HPV type 16 is the most prevalent virus in all Brazilian regions, but there is variation regarding to other types. Type 18 is the second most prevalent HPV in North, Southeast and South Brazil regions and types 31 and 33 are the second most prevalent HPV in Northeast and Central Brazil, respectively.


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Some unfavourable effects of malnutrition of the host on Schistosoma mansoni worm biology and structure have been reported based upon brigthfield microscopy. This paper aims to study by morphometric techniques, some morphological parameters in male and female adult worms recovered from undernourished albino mice in comparison with parasites recovered from well-fed infected mice. Undernourished animals were fed a multideficient and essentially low protein diet (RBD diet) and compared to well-fed control mice fed with the commercial diet NUVILAB. Seventy-five days post-infection with 80 cercarie (BL strain) animals were sacrificed. All adult worms were fixed in 10% formalin and stained with carmine chloride. One hundred male and 60 female specimens from each group (undernourished and control) were examined using an image system analysis Leica Quantimet 500C and the Sigma Scan Measurement System. The following morphometrical parameters were studied: body length and width, oral and ventral suckers, number and area of testicular lobes, length and width of ovary and uterine egg. For statistical analysis, the Student's t test for unpaired samples was applied. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were detected in body length and width, in parameters of suckers, uterine egg width, ovary length and area of testicular lobes, with lower values for specimens from undernourished mice. The nutritional status of the host has negative influence on S. mansoni adult worms, probably through unavailability of essential nutrients to the parasites.


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The kidney trematode Paratanaisia bragai is reported for the first time parasitizing the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L., 1758) and the pathological alterations associated to the parasitism are referred on the basis of 50 specimens of this bird from backyard flocks in 11 counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil after clinical examination, necropsies, and histopathological analysis. The counting of the kidney flukes was based on worms recovered from one of the kidneys, since the other was fixed in 10% formalin and then routinely processed for histopathological procedures. The prevalence of P. bragai was of 22%, with a mean intensity of 44.3, mean abundance of 9.7, and range of infection of 3-153. Parasitized birds did not present with clinical signs and kidney gross lesions. Microscopic lesions were mild and characterized by dilatation of the renal medullary collecting ducts, occasional flattening of the lining epithelium of the ducts and inflammatory reaction of variable intensity with granulocytes around the ureter branches and medullary collecting ducts. The severity and pattern of the microscopic lesions seem not to be associated to the size of the worm burden and could be related to the mechanic action of the parasites, without traumatism, in despite of the presence of the tegumentar spines in specimens of P. bragai.