954 resultados para Extreme Quantile
Estudio que tiene como objetivo principal, el conocimiento y la conservaci??n de las costumbres de la zona donde se ubican los centros del Colegio Rural Agrupado 'Llanos de la Vega' (Abertura, Alcollar??n, Campo Lugar, Pizarro y Villames??as) a trav??s de diversas formas de expresi??n: canciones, cuentos, juegos, dichos y retahilas, etc.
Estudio sobre gastronom??a, flora y fauna, fiestas y tradiciones, juegos populares y monumentos, de 8 localidades (Baterno, Casas de Don Pedro, Garbayuela, Navalvillar de Pela, Puebla de Alcocer, Siruela, Talarrubias y Tamurejo) de la comarca de la Siberia Extreme??a.
Se analiza la riqueza existente en la comarca de la Siberia: su fauna, flora, folklore, gastronom??a, costumbres, ganader??a, para ofrecer una visi??n general de todo aquello que ofrece esta zona. Este contenido se ha ejemplificado para poderlo llevar a la pr??ctica, en unidades did??cticas dirigidas a las etapas de Educaci??n Infantil y Primaria con la finalidad de que los ni??os conozcan la riqueza de la comarca.
Basado en un estudio detallado de Ribera del Fresno en cuanto a geograf??a, historia, clima, fauna y flora, comunicaciones, fiestas y tradiciones, gastronom??a, aperos y utensilios, etc. se conforma el presente trabajo que recoge materiales para la realizaci??n de diversas actividades en el aula, que permitan desarrollar la cultura extreme??a en el curriculum escolar. El grupo de trabajo pretende continuar profundizando en la elaboraci??n de materiales sobre la localidad (personajes ilustres, monumentos art??sticos, etc.) y sobre la comarca de Tierra de Barros.
El objetivo principal del trabajo fue recuperar actividades encaminadas a la conservaci??n y recuperaci??n de bienes socio-culturales acumulados por tradici??n o herencia en la Comarca de la Jara Extreme??a. El trabajo est?? estructurado en siete apartados: los pueblos de La Jara, el refranero, juegos populares, trajes regionales de la comarca, canciones populares, recetas t??picas y vocabulario y expresiones de la zona.
Resumen basado en el de los autores
El trabajo obtuvo el Primer Premio de la Modalidad A de los 'Premios Tom??s Garc??a Verdejo' a las buenas pr??cticas educativas en la Comunidad Aut??noma de Extremadura para el curso acad??mico 2013-2014
Uncertainties in changes to the spatial distribution and magnitude of the heaviest extremes of daily monsoon rainfall over India are assessed in the doubled CO2 climate change scenarios in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. Results show diverse changes to the spatial pattern of the 95th and 99th subseasonal percentiles, which are strongly tied to the mean precipitation change during boreal summer. In some models, the projected increase in heaviest rainfall over India at CO2 doubling is entirely predictable based upon the surface warming and the Clausius–Clapeyron relation, a result which may depend upon the choice of convection scheme. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society and Crown Copyright
The purpose of Research Theme 4 (RT4) was to advance understanding of the basic science issues at the heart of the ENSEMBLES project, focusing on the key processes that govern climate variability and change, and that determine the predictability of climate. Particular attention was given to understanding linear and non-linear feedbacks that may lead to climate surprises,and to understanding the factors that govern the probability of extreme events. Improved understanding of these issues will contribute significantly to the quantification and reduction of uncertainty in seasonal to decadal predictions and projections of climate change. RT4 exploited the ENSEMBLES integrations (stream 1) performed in RT2A as well as undertaking its own experimentation to explore key processes within the climate system. It was working at the cutting edge of problems related to climate feedbacks, the interaction between climate variability and climate change � especially how climate change pertains to extreme events, and the predictability of the climate system on a range of time-scales. The statisticalmethodologies developed for extreme event analysis are new and state-of-the-art. The RT4-coordinated experiments, which have been conducted with six different atmospheric GCMs forced by common timeinvariant sea surface temperature (SST) and sea-ice fields (removing some sources of inter-model variability), are designed to help to understand model uncertainty (rather than scenario or initial condition uncertainty) in predictions of the response to greenhouse-gas-induced warming. RT4 links strongly with RT5 on the evaluation of the ENSEMBLES prediction system and feeds back its results to RT1 to guide improvements in the Earth system models and, through its research on predictability, to steer the development of methods for initialising the ensembles
Determinants of fruit and vegetable intake in England: a re-examination based on quantile regression
Objective To examine die sociodemographic determinants of fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption in England and determine the differential effects of socioeconomic variables at various parts of the intake distribution, with a special focus on severely inadequate intakes Design Quantile regression, expressing F&V intake as a function of sociodemographic variables, is employed. Here, quantile regression flexibly allows variables such as ethnicity to exert effects on F&V intake that. vary depending oil existing levels of intake. Setting The 2003 Health survey of England. Subjects Data were from 11044 adult individuals. Results The influence of particular sociodemographic variables is found to vary significantly across the intake distribution We conclude that women consume more F&V than men, Asians and Hacks mole dian Whites, co-habiting individuals more than single-living ones Increased incomes and education also boost intake However, the key general finding of the present study is that the influence of most variables is relatively weak in the area of greatest concern, i e among those with the most inadequate intakes in any reference group. Conclusions. Our findings emphasise the importance of allowing the effects of socio-economic drivers to vary across the intake distribution The main finding, that variables which exert significant influence on F&V Intake at other parts Of the conditional distribution have a relatively weak influence at the lower tail, is cause for concern. It implies that in any defined group, those consuming the lease F&V are hard to influence using compaigns or policy levers.
The importance of temperature in the determination of the yield of an annual crop (groundnut; Arachis hypogaea L. in India) was assessed. Simulations from a regional climate model (PRECIS) were used with a crop model (GLAM) to examine crop growth under simulated current (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100) climates. Two processes were examined: the response of crop duration to mean temperature and the response of seed-set to extremes of temperature. The relative importance of, and interaction between, these two processes was examined for a number of genotypic characteristics, which were represented by using different values of crop model parameters derived from experiments. The impact of mean and extreme temperatures varied geographically, and depended upon the simulated genotypic properties. High temperature stress was not a major determinant of simulated yields in the current climate, but affected the mean and variability of yield under climate change in two regions which had contrasting statistics of daily maximum temperature. Changes in mean temperature had a similar impact on mean yield to that of high temperature stress in some locations and its effects were more widespread. Where the optimal temperature for development was exceeded, the resulting increase in duration in some simulations fully mitigated the negative impacts of extreme temperatures when sufficient water was available for the extended growing period. For some simulations the reduction in mean yield between the current and future climates was as large as 70%, indicating the importance of genotypic adaptation to changes in both means and extremes of temperature under climate change. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diversification of insect herbivores is often associated with coevolution between plant toxins and insect countermeasures, resulting in a specificity that restricts host plant shifts. Gall inducers, however, bypass plant toxins and the factors influencing host plant associations in these specialized herbivores remain unclear. We reconstructed the evolution of host plant associations in Western Palaearctic oak gallwasps (Cynipidae: Cynipini), a species-rich lineage of specialist herbivores on oak (Quercus). (1) Bayesian analyses of sequence data for three genes revealed extreme host plant conservatism, with inferred shifts between major oak lineages (sections Cerris and Quercus) closely matching the minimum required to explain observed diversity. It thus appears that the coevolutionary demands of gall induction constrain host plant shifts, both in cases of mutualism (e.g., fig wasps, yucca moths) and parasitism (oak gallwasps). (2) Shifts between oak sections occurred independently in sexual and asexual generations of the gallwasp lifecycle, implying that these can evolve independently. (3) Western Palaearctic gallwasps associated with sections Cerris and Quercus diverged at least 20 million years ago (mya), prior to the arrival of oaks in the Western Palaearctic from Asia 5-7 mya. This implies an Asian origin for Western Palaearctic gallwasps, with independent westwards range expansion by multiple lineages.