886 resultados para Exercise therapy -- Management
To evaluate the effects of adding exercise and maintenance to cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for binge eating disorder (BED) in obese women. One hundred fourteen obese female binge eaters were randomized into four groups: CBT with exercise and maintenance, CBT with exercise, CBT with maintenance, and CBT only. Eighty-four women completed the 16-month study. Subjects who received CBT with exercise experienced significant reductions in binge eating frequency compared with subjects who received CBT only. The CBT with exercise and maintenance group had a 58% abstinence rate at the end of the study period and an average reduction of 2.2 body mass index (BMI) units (approximately 14 lb). BMI was significantly reduced in the subjects in both the exercise and maintenance conditions. The results suggest that adding exercise to CBT, and extending the duration of treatment, enhances outcome and contributes to reductions in binge eating and BMI.
Background-Novel therapies have recently become available for pulmonary arterial hypertension. We conducted a study to characterize mortality in a multicenter prospective cohort of patients diagnosed with idiopathic, familial, or anorexigen-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension in the modern management era. Methods and Results-Between October 2002 and October 2003, 354 consecutive adult patients with idiopathic, familial, or anorexigen-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (56 incident and 298 prevalent cases) were prospectively enrolled. Patients were followed up for 3 years, and survival rates were analyzed. For incident cases, estimated survival (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) at 1, 2, and 3 years was 85.7% (95% CI, 76.5 to 94.9), 69.6% (95% CI, 57.6 to 81.6), and 54.9% (95% CI, 41.8 to 68.0), respectively. In a combined analysis population (incident patients and prevalent patients diagnosed within 3 years before study entry; n = 190), 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival estimates were 82.9% (95% CI, 72.4 to 95.0), 67.1% (95% CI, 57.1 to 78.8), and 58.2% (95% CI, 49.0 to 69.3), respectively. Individual survival analysis identified the following as significantly and positively associated with survival: female gender, New York Heart Association functional class I/II, greater 6-minute walk distance, lower right atrial pressure, and higher cardiac output. Multivariable analysis showed that being female, having a greater 6-minute walk distance, and exhibiting higher cardiac output were jointly significantly associated with improved survival. Conclusions-In the modern management era, idiopathic, familial, and anorexigen-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension remains a progressive, fatal disease. Mortality is most closely associated with male gender, right ventricular hemodynamic function, and exercise limitation. (Circulation. 2010; 122: 156-163.)
Background: Despite antihypertensive therapy, it is difficult to maintain optimal systemic blood pressure (BP) values in hypertensive patients (HPT). Exercise may reduce BP in untreated HPT. However, evidence regarding its effect in long-term antihypertensive therapy is lacking. Our purpose was to evaluate the acute effects of 40-minute continuous (CE) or interval exercise (IE) using cycle ergometers on BP in long-term treated HPT. Methods: Fifty-two treated HPT were randomized to CE (n=26) or IE (n=26) protocols. CE was performed at 60% of reserve heart rate (HR). IE alternated consecutively 2 min at 50% reserve HR with 1 min at 80%. Two 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring were made after exercise (postexercise) or a nonexercise control period (control) in random order. Results: CE reduced mean 24-h systolic (S) BP (2.6 +/- 6.6 mm Hg, p-0.05) and diastolic (D) BP (2.3 +/- 4.6, p-0.01), and nighttime SBP (4.8 +/- 6.4, p < 0.001) and DBP (4.6 +/- 5.2 mm Hg, p-0.001). IE reduced 24-h SBP (2.8 +/- 6.5, p-0.03) and nighttime SBP (3.4 +/- 7.2, p-0.02), and tended to reduce nighttime DBP (p=0.06). Greater reductions occurred in higher BP levels. Percentage of normal ambulatory BP values increased after CE (24-h: 42% to 54%; daytime: 42% to 61%; nighttime: 61% to 69%) and IE (24-h: 31% to 46%; daytime: 54% to 61%; nighttime: 46% to 69%). Conclusion: CE and IE reduced ambulatory BP in treated HPT, increasing the number of patients reaching normal ambulatory BP values. These effects suggest that continuous and interval aerobic exercise may have a role in BP management in treated HPT. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current research reflects conflict regarding best practice in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The. present study reports on the psychological treatment of a 54-year-old woman diagnosed with OCD, and follows the implementation of pharmacological treatment. The study utilises both exposure and response prevention (ERP) and cognitive therapy (CT), although there was no attempt to compare these approaches in an experimental design. Measures of avoiding and neutralising behaviours were taken on three occasions across treatment. Measures were also taken of intrusive thoughts, appraisal of responsibility, and effective challenging, both across treatment and at follow-up. The results indicate that gains were made in addition to those reported following the implementation of medication. The results also suggest that the addition of CT to exposure and response prevention facilitates the extinction of neutralising behaviours.
The use of cervical manipulation presents concerns because of a risk of devastating side effects of trauma to the vertebral artery. Little is known about the frequency of use of cervical manipulation versus passive mobilisation by physiotherapists. A recent national, multi-centre randomised clinical trial of the physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache provided an opportunity to gain an insight into practices of a sample of manipulative physiotherapists across Australia. The treatment records for the 100 subjects who received only manipulative therapy, or manipulative therapy with exercise as per the trial protocol, were audited. The results revealed that cervical manipulation was used in 20.2% of the 1090 treatments provided to these subjects but cervical joint mobilisation only was used in the vast majority of treatments (77.6%). Nevertheless, 42% of subjects were treated with cervical manipulation at some time. In most instances, manipulation was accompanied by passive mobilisation in the same treatment session. Patients were manipulated on one to six occasions and this occurred predominantly in the latter half of the 12-treatment program. Cervical manipulation was used less frequently in the group who also received exercise. The data suggest that the physiotherapists participating in this study used cervical manipulation selectively and relatively conservatively considering the high use of cervical mobilisation techniques. This may reflect their due regard to safety in the treatment of the cervical region.
Background: Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system that affects more frequently young women. It is a progressive and unpredictable disease, resulting in some cases of disabilities and limitations to physical, psychological and social level. Purpose: To review the literature for evidence based of the effectiveness of physiotherapy intervention in multiple sclerosis.
PURPOSE: Upright tilt-table testing (UTT) is an useful method for identifying patients with neurocardiogenic syncope, but its role in the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy is controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between negative UTT after therapy introduction (acute efficacy) and symptom recurrence during follow-up (chronic efficacy). METHODS: We studied 56 severely symptomatic patients (age 27±19 years) with recurrent (7±12 episodes) neurocardiogenic syncope (positive UTT). Once empirical pharmacological therapy was initiated, all patients underwent another UTT (therapeutic evaluation test - TET). Therapy was not modified after TET results. The probability of symptom recurrence was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by log-rank test in patients with negative and positive TET. RESULTS: Negative UTT after therapy was related to a significantly lower probability of recurrence during follow-up (4.9 versus 52.4% in 12 months, P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: A good correlation exists between acute and long-term efficacy of pharmacological therapy for neurocardiogenic syncope, so that serial UTT may be considered a good method for identifying an effective therapeutic strategy.
Medication adherence is a well-known risk factor in internal medicine. However in oncology this dimension is emerging due to the increasing number of oral formulations. First results in the oral oncology literature suggest that patients' ability to cope with medical prescription decreases with time. This might preclude patients from reaching clinical outcomes. Factors impacting on medication adherence to oral oncology treatments have not been yet extensively described neither strategies to address them and support patient's needs. Oncologists and pharmacists in our University outpatient settings performed a pilot study which aimed at measuring and facilitating adherence to oral oncology treatments and at understanding determinants of patient's adherence. The ultimate purpose of such a patient-centered and interdisciplinary collaboration would be to promote patient self-management and complement the standard medical follow-up.
La teràpia suplementària de ferro millora la capacitat d’exercici i la qualitat de vida en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i/ o síndrome d’Eisenmenger El dèficit de ferro és una troballa comú en la cardiopatia congènita cianòtica, i pot ser la causa d’una reducció en la capacitat d’exercici. Actualment, està indicada la reposició dels dipòsits de ferro en aquest grup de malalts, éssent les evidències científiques escasses. En el present treball investiguem la seguretat i eficàcia del tractament amb ferro en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica. Per tal motiu, vint-i-cinc malalts amb una cardiopatia congenita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro van ser inclosos de forma prospectiva entre Agost del 2008 i Gener del 2009. El tractament utilitzat fou fumarat ferròs oral, fins a una dosi màxima de 200 mg tres vegades al dia. En l’anàlisi basal i als tres mesos de seguiment es va utilitzar el test de qualitat de vida “CAMPHOR”, el test de la marxa dels 6 minuts i la prova d’esforç amb consum d’oxigen. L’edat mitja fou 39.9+/-10.9 anys, 80% dones. Catorze malalts tenien la síndrome d’Eisenmenger, sis una malaltia cianòtica complexa i cinc circulació de Fontan. Cap d’ells va haver d'interrompre el tractament degut a efectes adversos. Després de tres mesos de tractament, l’hemoglobina (19.0+/-2.9g/dL a 20.4+/-2.7g/dL, p&0.001), ferritina (13.3+/-4.7mug/L a 54.1+/-24.2mug/L, p&0.001) i saturació de transferrina (17.8+/-9.6% a 34.8+/-23.4%, p&0.001) van augmentar significativament. També hi va haver una millora significativa en la puntuació del test de qualitat de vida (20.7+/-10.9 a 16.2+/-10.4, p=0.001) i el test de la marxa (371.7+/-84.7m a 402.8.0+/-74.9m, p=0.001). No es van evidenciar canvis significatius en els valors de consum d’oxigen (40.7+/-9.2% a 43.8+/-12.4%, p=0.15). En definitiva, la teràpia suplementària amb ferro en els malats amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro és segura i millora la qualitat de vida i la capacitat funcional. En aquest grup de malalts, per tant, és aconsellable identificar el dèficit de ferro i restaurar-ne els seus dipòsits.
Background : Port-related bloodstream infection (PRBSI) is a common complication associated with long-term use of ports systems. Systemic antimicrobial therapy (ST) and removal of the device is the standard management of PRBSI. However, a conservative management combining ST with antibiotic lock therapy (ALT) without port removal has been suggested as an alternative management option for infections due to gram-positive skin colonizers with low virulence.¦Objectives : i) to assess the frequency of management of PRBSI in onco-hematological patients by combining the ALT with ST, without catheter removal and ii) to analyze the efficacy of such an approach.¦Methods : Retrospective observational study over a 6-year period between 2005 and 2010, including patients who where diagnosed with PRBSI and who were treated with ST and ALT. PRBSI diagnosis consisted in clinical signs of bacteremia with blood cultures positive for gram-positive skin colonizers. The primary endpoint was failure to cure the PRBSI.¦Results : 61 port infections were analysed, of which 23 PRBSI met the inclusion criteria. All the patients were suffering from haematological conditions and 75% were neutropenic at the time of PRBSI diagnosis. S. epidermidis was responsible for 91% of PRBSI (21/23). The median duration of ST was 14 days (range 7-35) and the median duration of ALT was 15 days (range 8-41). Failure to cure the PRBSI requiring port removal was observed in 4 patients, but was not associated with severe infectious complications. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a success rate in port salvage at day 180 (6 months) of 78% (95%CI 59-97%).¦Conclusion : The success rate observed in the present study suggests that combining ST and ALT is an effective option to conservatively treat PRBSI caused by pathogens of low virulence such as S. epidermidis.
Few biopharmaceutical preparations developed from biologicals are available for tissue regeneration and scar management. When developing biological treatments with cellular therapy, selection of cell types and establishment of consistent cell banks are crucial steps in whole-cell bioprocessing. Various cell types have been used in treatment of wounds to reduce scar to date including autolog and allogenic skin cells, platelets, placenta, and amniotic extracts. Experience with fetal cells show that they may provide an interesting cell choice due to facility of outscaling and known properties for wound healing without scar. Differential gene profiling has helped to point to potential indicators of repair which include cell adhesion, extracellular matrix, cytokines, growth factors, and development. Safety has been evidenced in Phase I and II clinical fetal cell use for burn and wound treatments with different cell delivery systems. We present herein that fetal cells present technical and therapeutic advantages compared to other cell types for effective cell-based therapy for wound and scar management.
CONTEXT: The incidence of localised prostate cancer is increasing worldwide. In light of recent evidence, current, radical, whole-gland treatments for organ-confined disease have being questioned with respect to their side effects, cancer control, and cost. Focal therapy may be an effective alternative strategy. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the existing literature on baseline characteristics of the target population; preoperative evaluation to localise disease; and perioperative, functional, and disease control outcomes following focal therapy. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: Medline (through PubMed), Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Review databases were searched from inception to 31 October 2012. In addition, registered but not yet published trials were retrieved. Studies evaluating tissue-preserving therapies in men with biopsy-proven prostate cancer in the primary or salvage setting were included. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: A total of 2350 cases were treated to date across 30 studies. Most studies were retrospective with variable standards of reporting, although there was an increasing number of prospective registered trials. Focal therapy was mainly delivered to men with low and intermediate disease, although some high-risk cases were treated that had known, unilateral, significant cancer. In most of the cases, biopsy findings were correlated to specific preoperative imaging, such as multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging or Doppler ultrasound to determine eligibility. Follow-up varied between 0 and 11.1 yr. In treatment-naïve prostates, pad-free continence ranged from 95% to 100%, erectile function ranged from 54% to 100%, and absence of clinically significant cancer ranged from 83% to 100%. In focal salvage cases for radiotherapy failure, the same outcomes were achieved in 87.2-100%, 29-40%, and 92% of cases, respectively. Biochemical disease-free survival was reported using a number of definitions that were not validated in the focal-therapy setting. CONCLUSIONS: Our systematic review highlights that, when focal therapy is delivered with intention to treat, the perioperative, functional, and disease control outcomes are encouraging within a short- to medium-term follow-up. Focal therapy is a strategy by which the overtreatment burden of the current prostate cancer pathway could be reduced, but robust comparative effectiveness studies are now required.