999 resultados para Executive advisory bodies


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Executive Summary and Strategy Document (May 2006) The New Strategic Direction has a set of overarching long-term aims to: • Provide accessible and effective treatment and support for people who are consuming alcohol and/or using drugs in a potentially hazardous, harmful or dependent way. • Reduce the level, breadth and depth of alcohol and drug-related harm to users, their families and/or their carers and the wider community. • Increase awareness on all aspects of alcohol and drug-related harm in all settings and for all age groups. • Integrate those policies which contribute to the reduction of alcohol and drug-related harm into all Government Department strategies. • Develop a competent skilled workforce across all sectors that can respond to the complexities of alcohol and drug use and misuse. • Promote opportunities for those under the age of 18 years to develop appropriate skills, attitudes and behaviours to enable them to resist societal pressures to drink alcohol and/or use illicit drugs, with a particular emphasis on those identified as potentially vulnerable. • Reduce the availability of illicit drugs in Northern Ireland


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Executive Summary of the Fit Futures Report


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Children Order Advisory Committee sixth report


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Fifth Report


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Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer - Report on Oesophageal Cancer 2000 (pdf 4000Kb)


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There is already a good infrastructure for the management of endocrine cancer in Northern Ireland but to develop and strengthen it we recommend the following: • Increasing the already close cooperation between the individual parts of the service for endocrine cancer by use of shared protocols for assessment and follow up: • The main hub of management should remain at the RGH focussed on The Regional Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes and the Endocrine Surgery department where there has been a long-term interest in the management of these patients. This includes a close working relationship between the endocrinologists and surgeon at the Belfast City Hospital. • This does not suggest that current developments of shared follow-up should not be encouraged. They should but with the provision of adequately resourced registers to allow adequate audit and to ensure adequate assessment of follow-up attendance. The issues regarding informed consent for such registers are currently being discussed for all forms of cancer. In the rarer conditions follow-up should remain central to allow adequate numbers and experience to maintain internationally recognisable outcomes and to allow training of future specialists to continue åÊ


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Haematological cancers in adults include a range of diseases including leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloma, all of which differ in diagnosis and management. Collectively they account for about 1 in 14 cancers. This guidance provides a profile of the major haematological malignancies with brief reference to relevant epidemiological factors and management implications. It emphasises the collaborative and specialised nature of the clinical haematology service currently being delivered in the Cancer Centre and Cancer Units on a hub and spoke basis. The guidance sets out recommendations aimed at strengthening the current clinical service, which should continue to operate as a network, facilitating rapid referrals and the use of shared protocols. Specifically, it recommends that patients should be managed by a multi-disciplinary approach and that the provision of diagnostic facilities including radiological and cytogenetic analysis must be sufficient to provide high quality and timely information. åÊ


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Skin cancer is the diagnosis for about a quarter of all patients with cancer and because most of the work is done on an outpatient basis the true extent of the disease has largely gone unrecognised. Skin cancers are related to ultraviolet radiation exposure. Geographic latitude as well as attitude affects the amount of ultraviolet exposure and the risk of skin cancer, with people from Northern Ireland exposing themselves to higher levels of ultraviolet radiation when on holiday abroad and artificially from sunbeds. Ozone depletion is known to increase the risk of ultraviolet exposure and skin cancer. The majority of people living in Northern Ireland have pale skin and are at increased risk of developing skin cancer, as are some patients with an increased genetic risk for cancer. Some pre-existing skin lesions are known to increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Data collection on the incidence of non melanoma skin cancer in Northern Ireland was not available before the establishment of the Cancer Registry in 1993. There is however good data on the incidence of melanoma before that period. In 1974 there were 39 cases in melanoma in Northern Ireland, by 2000 this had risen by almost 500% to 185 cases. åÊ


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Children Order Advisory Committee: Delay in Children Order Cases


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Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer (RACC) was established in 1997 to carry forward the recommendations of the Campbell Report of 1996 and to provide advice to the Department of Health and Social Services on the future development of cancer services. The Committee meets twice a year and its membership (Appendix I) is an indication of the wide range of interests involved in Cancer Care across the community. This report records some of the key developments in cancer services over the last 3 years. åÊ Significant progress has been made toward developing a high quality and integrated cancer care network. All five Cancer Units are now operational with chemotherapy and outpatient services for the most common forms of cancer are delivered from these locations. Agreement to the start of the new Cancer Centre, at the Belfast City Hospital, currently estimated to cost å£58m, is expected shortly. As a temporary expedient two additional therapy machines will be installed in Belvoir Park Hospital to increase capacity while the building of the new Cancer Centre proceeds. åÊ To deliver high quality cancer care the workforce needs to continue to expand. This requires increasing investment in the training of professional staff in the context of an already difficult HPSS labour market. The development of the five Cancer Units has increased staff mobility in the short-term, drawing skilled staff away from the centre who have been difficult to replace. At the same time increasing numbers of patients are being offered effective therapies at both the Cancer Units and the Centre. åÊ This report contains a review of selected developments in cancer care. The first section introduces the Memorandum of Understanding and the Tripartite Agreement between the National Cancer Institute of the USA and the Health Departments both North and South. This is a unique international partnership, which promises to bring very significant advantages to both the service and research communities across the Island. åÊ åÊ åÊ


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As future treatments increasingly target the protein chemistry underlying the different dementias, itbecomes crucially important to distinguish between the dementias during life. Neither specific proteinnor genetic markers are as yet available in clinical practice. However, neuroimaging is an obviouscandidate technique that may yield enhanced diagnostic accuracy when applied to thedementias. The physiopathology and anatomopathology is complex in dementia with Lewy bodies(DLB). Besides the relative sparing of medial temporal lobe structures in DLB in comparison toAlzheimer's disease, no clear signature pattern of cerebral atrophy associated with DLB has beenestablished so far. Among others, one reason may be the difficulty in visualizing the small brainnuclei that are differentially involved among the dementias. While we think that structural magneticresonance imaging neuroimaging should be part of the diagnostic workup of most dementia syndromesdue to its usefulness in the differential diagnosis, its contribution to a positive diagnosis ofDLB is as yet limited. The development of different neuroimaging techniques may help distinguishreliably DLB from other neurodegenerative disorders. However, in order to become accepted as partof standard care, these techniques must still prove their effectiveness under routine conditions suchas those encountered by the general practitioner.