1000 resultados para Espessura óptima de isolamento térmico
It s presented a solar collector to be used in a system for heating bath water, whose main characteristic is its low cost. The collector consists of five plates of PVC with 10 mm thick, 200 mm in width and 1400mm in length, with an area equal to 1.4 square meters. The plates were connected in parallel to the ends of PVC tubes of 40 mm and 32 mm. The plates were coated on one side with aluminum sheets of soft drinks and beers cans open. The system worked on a thermosiphon and was tested in two configurations: the plates uncoated and coated with aluminum material, to determine the influence of material on the efficiency of the collector. For both configurations was used EPS plates below the surface to minimize heat losses from the botton. The thermal reservoir of the heating system is, also, alternative and low cost, since it was constructed from a polyethylene tank for storing water, with volume of 150 end 200 liters. It will be presented the thermal efficiency, heat loss, water temperature of the thermal reservoir at the end of the process and simulation of baths for a house with four residents. The will be demonstrated thermal, economic and material viability of the proposed collector, whose main innovation is the use of recyclables materials, cans of beer and soft drinks, to increase the temperature of the absorber plate.
It was studied a system for heating water to be used to obtain water for bathing at home, the absorbing surface of the collector is formed by one plate of polycarbonate. The polycarbonate plate has 6 mm thick, 1.050 mm wide and 1.500 mm long with an area equal to 1,575 m². The plate was attached by its edges parallel to PVC tubes of 32 mm. The system worked under the thermo-siphon and was tested for two configurations: plate absorber with and without isolation of EPS of 30 mm thick on the bottom surface in order to minimize heat losses from the bottom. The tank's thermal heating system is alternative and low cost, since it was constructed from a polyethylene reservoir for water storage, with a volume of 200 liters. Will present data on the thermal efficiency, heat loss, water temperature of thermal reservoir at the end of the process simulation and baths. Will be demonstrated the feasibility of thermal, economic and material pickup proposed for the intended purpose.
Crustal thickness and VP/VS estimates are essential to the studies of subsurface geological structures and also to the understanding of the regional tectonic evolution of a given area. In this dissertation, we use the Langston´s (1979) Receiver Function Method using teleseismic events reaching the seismographic station with angles close to the vertical. In this method, the information of the geologic structures close to the station is isolated so that effects related to the instrument response and source mechanics are not present. The resulting time series obtained after the deconvolution between horizontal components contains the larger amplitude referring to the P arrival, followed by smaller arrival caused by the reverberation and conversion of the P-wave at the base of the crust. We also used the HK-Stacking after Zhu & Kanamori (2000) to obtain crustal thickness and Vp/VS estimates. This method works stacking receiver functions so that the best estimates of crustal thickness and Vp/VS are found when the direct P, the Ps wave and the first multiple are coherently stacked. We used five broadband seismographic stations distributed over the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. Crustal thickness and Vp/VS estimates are consistent with the crust-mantle interface obtained using gravity data. We also identified crutal thickening in the NW portion of the province, close to Sobral/CE. Towards the center-north portion of the province, there is an evident crustal thinning which coincides with a geological feature consisting of an alignment of sedimentary basins known as the Cariris-Potiguar trend. Towards the NE portion of the province, in Solânea/PB and Agrestina/PE regions, occurs a crustal thickening and a systematic increase in the VP/VS values which suggest the presence of mafic rocks in the lower crust also consistent with the hypothesis of underplating in the region
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study is about a heating line that uses thermal oil. It is located in a facility that produces interlayers used in cars windshields. A plastic resin is melted and is sent to a matrix called DIE where the interlayers are produced. The DIE needs to receive heat from the circulation of thermal oil in four different regions of its interior, to ensure the correct thickness of the interlayer. The thermal energy is provided by electric heaters and the flow of thermal oil is impelled by four mechanically sealed centrifugal pumps (one per region). The key point of this study is the fact that these four pumps of the system have reported successive failures in the mechanical seals. Apparently, a poorly designed project has burdened the system intermittently. The pumps operation condition is located in a region of low efficiency, according to the characteristic curves. This fact is the source of the noticeable reduced time between failures. Changes in the configuration of the facility and in the number of pumps will be proposed, aiming to achieve higher operational efficiency. The proposals will be mathematically analyzed according to the Hydraulic Institute criteria. At the same time, we will also keep focus on an in-depth study of a heating system structure, starting with a detailed approach for each component and discussion about its real need and economic viability. At the end of this paper it is shown that the gain in efficiency achieved with the new proposed configuration reflects not only in the reduction of maintenance costs, but also a potential improvement in energy efficiency. It is shown that these two aspects are closely related and together form the basis for the design of a reliable and efficient pumping system
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería Ambiental y Desalinización
En este proyecto se elabora la ingeniería básica de un sistema de almacenamiento térmico para la central termosolar Astexol 2 (Badajoz, España). Para ello, primeramente se decidió que el sistema térmico de almacenamiento a diseñar fuera indirecto de dos tanques con sales fundidas. Una vez seleccionado el tipo de almacenamiento adecuado, se seleccionó la capacidad de almacenamiento óptima, en base a unos objetivos establecidos para la instalación del TES en Astexol 2. Finalmente, se procedió con el diseño de los equipos principales y con la realización de los planos de implantación y de los PFD’s (diagramas de flujo) y P&ID’s (diagramas de instrumentación y control) del sistema de almacenamiento. ABSTRACT This project includes the basic engineering of a thermal storage system for the concentrating solar power plant Astexol 2 (Badajoz, Spain). First of all, it was decided that the type of thermal storage system to design had to be an indirect two-tank molten salt thermal storage system. Once the proper type of storage system was chosen, the optimum storage capacity was selected, according to the main aims designated for the thermal storage system installation in Astexol 2.Finally, the design of the main equipment of the thermal storage system was done, together with the elaboration of the associated plot plans, PFD’s (Process Flow Diagrams) and P&ID’s (Process and Instrumentation Diagrams).
El entrenamiento de alto rendimiento en natación tiene una diversidad de exigencias que hacen que el nadador pueda alcanzar sus objetivos deportivos de máximo nivel gracias a la consecución de una óptima forma física en el día programado para la competición. En este duro camino influyen numerosos factores entre otros, la posibilidad de sufrir una lesión, hecho que es muy común durante la vida deportiva del nadador. La termografía se está abriendo camino en el mundo del deporte como una herramienta adicional a la hora de aportar datos complementarios para la prevención, seguimiento y recuperación de lesiones deportivas. El marco teórico de este trabajo hace referencia a los fundamentos y aplicaciones de la termografía dentro de la natación y hace un repaso sobre algunos aspectos característicos de este deporte. La parte práctica de este trabajo describe el material y método utilizado para el análisis termográfico de 10 nadadores dando como resultado un perfil térmico medio del nadador de tres clubes de natación de élite, que se caracteriza por ser simétrico con temperaturas medias máximas en los trapecios y valores de temperaturas ligeramente asimétricos (diferencia = 0,3ºC) únicamente en la parte anterior del codo del lado derecho. El trabajo puede considerarse un punto de partida para futuros estudios termográficos en el ámbito de la natación.
A proposta desta pesquisa é enfocar a história da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil no período de 1910 a 1966, a partir de uma análise histórica institucional, com vistas à compreensão do isolamento ecumênico da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil. A partir da análise de documentos pertencentes ao arquivo da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, procurou-se proceder o levantamento da memória coletiva e individual dos grupos presbiterianos, conservador e liberal, na tentativa de revelar os acordos silenciosos ? acordos que se manifestam, de forma velada, no plano do discurso ? que expressam a subjetividade objetividade dos sujeitos envolvidos. Essa perspectiva de análise justifica a opção pelo tema "Os acordos silenciosos como fator determinante do isolamento ecumênico da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil (1910 1966)", uma vez que a pesquisa empreendida considera a espessura histórica, social, teórica e política de nosso objeto de estudo, necessária e fundamental para uma melhor compreensão desses acordos silenciosos. Nesse sentido, propomo-nos aproximar a realidade pensada da vivida, interpretar a polissemia de significados encontrados nos documentos e identificar a multiplicidade de pensamentos manifestos nos textos analisados, tomando o método histórico como procedimento de investigação. Os resultados deste trabalho acadêmico reforçam o papel ideológico da Igreja e sua doutrina como força psicológica e social que, ao lado do poder econômico, político e militar, forma o Poder Nacional, estabelece acordos internos e, quando alguém se declara contra esses acordos, as tensões já existentes, agravam-se. Na realização deste trabalho, pretende-se oferecer dados que propiciem a reflexão e o redimensionamento da leitura dos fatos ocorridos nesse período da história da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, sem recairmos em posições reducionistas e lesivas para a autônoma e adequada interpretação da realidade analisada.(AU)