509 resultados para Erythrocyte


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Study on the biomarkers types to assess health status of marine ecosystems in environmental biomonitoring has an important value. Accordingly, accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in sediment, water and tissues (liver and gill) of mudskipper(i.e. Boleophthalmus dussumieri) and some physiological responses like lysosomal membrane change performed on haemocytes, stability of red blood cell membrane and the Glutathione-S Transferase (GST) activity in the liver were measured in mudskipper. Samples were obtained from five sites along north western coast of the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan coast). Red blood cell membrane changes after different concentration of PAHs at different time was also studied to evaluate impact of PAHs compound on cell membrane. PAHs concentration was measured by HPLC method. The activity of GST enzyme was analysed by spectrophotometric method. Lysosomal membrane change was measured by NRR time method and stability of red blood cell membrane was evaluated by EOF test. Total PAH concentrations in the coastal sea water, the sediments, the liver and the gill tissues ranged between 0.80-18.34 μg/l, 113.50-3384.34 ng g-1 (dry weight), 3.99-46.64 ng g-1 dw and 3.11-17.76 ng g-1 dw, respectively. Highest PAHs pollution was found at Jafari while the lowest was detected at Bahrakan sampling sites. The lowest enzymatic activity was identified at Bahrakan (7.19 ± 1.541 nmol/mg protein/min), while the highest was recorded at Jafari (46.96 ± 7.877 nmol/mg protein/min). Comparative analysis of GST activity in the liver of mudskippers showed significant difference (p < 0.05) between the locations of Jafari and Bahrakan, and with other sites. Moreover, no significant difference was detected between the locations of Arvand, Zangi and Samayeli (p < 0.05). The mean RT was below 90 minutes in all sampling sites. Values of mean RT of the dye ranged from 34 (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Jafari site) to 78 minutes (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Bahrakan site). Spatial evaluation revealed the longest RT in fish from Bahrakan as compared with those from other sites. Preliminary results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among sampling sites except between Arvand and Zangi (p > 0.05). Osmotic fragility curves indicated that erythrocytes collected from mudskippers at Jafari were the most 009 fragile followed by Zangi> Arvand> Samayeli> and Bahrakan. The mean erythrocyte fragility was significantly higher at Jafari site (p < 0.05) when compared to other sites. Significant differences were found between the various sites (p < 0.05).The result indicated no significant differences between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to field concentrations of PAHs (P>0.05). The results further indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to acute. Potency Divisor concentrations. It is clear from the present result that chronic. Potency Divisor concentrations protect red cells against osmotic hemolysis. This study, however, showed that PAH concentrations in this region are not higher than the available standards. The findings showed that Lysosomal membrane destabilization, liver GST activities and fragility of red cell membrane are highly sensitive in the mudskipper, B. dussumieri. Thus, mudskipper perceived to be good sentinel organisms for PAH pollution monitoring. Sediment PAH concentrations were strongly correlated with biomarkers, indicating that PAH type pollutants were biologically available to fish. One of the possible risk assessment implications of this study is that biomarkers can be applied not only to characterize biological effects of pollution exposures, but also to determine the bioavailability of pollution in aquatic systems. The results also indicated that PAHs compound possess anti haemolytic property.


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The acute toxicity and effects of diazinon on some haematological parameters of kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum, Kamensky, 1901) weighing 613.33 g±157.06 g were studied under static water quality conditions at 15°C ± 2ºC in winter and spring 2009. The effective physical and chemical parameters of water were pH= 7-8.2, dh= 300mg/L (caco3), DO= 7 ppm and T= 15°C±2ºC. The first test was primarily to determine the effects of acute toxicity (LC5096 h) of the agricultural toxicant diazinon (emulsion 60%) on kutum male brood stocks. For this purpose, 4 treatments were used to test toxicity; each treatment was repeated in 3 tanks with 9 fish per treatment and with 180 litres water capacity. After obtaining the final results, the information was analysed statistically with Probit version 1.5 (USEPA, 1985), and we determined the LC10, LC50 and LC90 values at 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and 96 hours; the maximum allowable concentration value (LC5096 h divided by 10) (TRC, 1984); and the degree of toxicity. The second stage of testing consists of four treatments: LC0= 0 as experimental treatment, treatment A with a concentration of LC1= 0.107 mg/L, treatment B with concentration of LC5= 0.157 mg/L, treatment C with concentration of MAC value= 0.04 mg/L. Male brood stocks of kutum were treated with these concentrations for 45 days. Experiments were carried out under static conditions based on the standard TRC, 1984 method over 45 days. Our results show that long-term exposure to diazinon causes a decrease in the erythrocyte count (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), haematocrit (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leucocyte count (WBC), lymphocyte, testosterone, iron (Fe), sodium (Na), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and cholinesterase (CHeS). In addition, diazinon also causes an increase in prolymphocyte, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and adrenaline (P<0.05). There are no significant effects on monocyte, eosinophil, magnesium (Mg), chloride (Cl), glucose (BS), urea (BUN), uric acid (U.A), triglyceride (TG), calcium (Ca), albumin (Alb), total protein (TP), cortisol, noradrenaline and high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in kutum male brood stocks (P>0.05). Pathology results showed toxin diazinon no effect on average weight and fish body length, the average weight of heart, brain, spleen, liver, kidney and liver index but caueses decrease of gonad weigth and gonad index and also, cause complications of tissue necrosis, vascular congestion, inflammation in the liver, a sharp reduction in the number of glomeruli, necrosis, vascular congestion and haemorage in the kidney, capsule thickening and fibrosis, atrophy, vascular congestion, macrophages release increased, increasing sediment Hemosiderine and thickening of artery walls in the spleen, atrophy, fibrosis and necrosis in testis , vascular congestion, increased distance between the myocardium and fibrous string in heart and neuronal loss, vascular congestion and edema in the brain of kutum male brood stocks.


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Seasonal sampling from 40 immature Caspian salmon were performed in summer, autumn, winter and spring. The maximum ranges of RBC counts, Hct, Hb, WBC count and clotting times were observed in spring, summer, spring, spring and winter, respectively. The minimum amounts of these factors were counted in summer, winter, winter, winter and winter, respectively. Blood Samples were taken from healthy smolt, immature and adult Caspian salmon in spawning time. Hematological determinations and biochemical serum analysis were performed in 101 fish in the three samples. The ranges of hematological values for sample mean were counted. Red blood cell counts were 866600 mm3 and 1259400 mm3 in smolt and adult respectively. Hematocrit was 48.39% in smolt and 44.29% in adult. Hemoglobin was 8.85 gr/dl in smolt and 10.91 gr/dl in adult. White blood cell count was 8781.58 mm3 in smolt and 5217.55 mm3 in adult and mean were differential of WBC, Lymphocyte 90.57%in smolt and73.22% in adult. Neutrophil was 5.12% in smolt and 16.92% in adult, Monocyte were 1.27% in smolt and 4.24% in adult, Clotting time was 282.34 Seconds in smolt and 291.47 seconds in adult MCV, MCH and MCHC also meagered in smolt and adult. Biochemical parameter in immature and mature Caspian salmon meagered .Glucose concentration was 2.97 mmol.l- in immature and 1.99 mmol.l- in mature .Cholesterol concentration was 4.26 mmol.l- in immature and 7.06 mmol.l- in mature. Triglyceride amount was 2.35 mmol.l- in immature and 2.47 mmol.l- in mature and Calcium was 2.47 in immature and 2.61 mmol.l- in mature. An in situ study was made on erythrocytic isoantigens and hetero-antigen and their corresponding iso-and hetero-antibodies of sera by means of hemoagglutination tests on the blood sample, of 450 immature and 50 mature Caspian salmon. The absence of erythrocyte iso-antigens and hetero-antigen and their corresponding iso-and hetero-antibodies were shown by the experimental. It could be indicated an intra-specific variation and differences in species for kelardasht hatchery.


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The occurrence of diseases is a significant setback for successful aquafarming. One of the common fish bacterial disease syndromes, Edwardsiellosis is caused by Edwardsiella tarda, a gram-negative, rod shaped bacterium associated with several diseases of marine and fresh water fish. In this study, an attempt was made to observe and analyze the onset of clinical symptoms and certain haematological parameters in Koi Carp, Cyprinus carpio L., following artificial infection with Edwardsiella tarda. The disease progress was observed and the clinical symptoms were monitored over a period of 15 days following infection. Fish were sampled at three day intervals to analyse the haematological parameters: total erythrocyte counts (RBC), total leucocyte counts (WBC), haemoglobin content and differential leucocyte count. Clinical symptoms observed included: erratic swimming behaviour, loss of appetite, haemorrhages, dropsy and exophthalmia. There was a significant decrease in the total RBC and haemoglobin levels by the 3rd and 6th day post infection, and an increase thereafter. WBC counts were higher in all infected groups in comparison to the control group. A significant increase in the number of neutrophils was found in the infected group up to the 9th day and a decrease thereafter. The lymphocyte number was significantly less up to the 12th day while the monocyte counts were significantly higher up to the 12th day post infection. The results showed that the bacterium, E. tarda, is pathogenic to Koi Carp. The hematological changes and clinical signs in infected fish reported in this paper will be helpful in the identification and the control of this infection.


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稀土在农业和医学中的广泛应用使人们日益关心稀土的安全性问题。本论文以红细胞为研究对象,围绕稀土对红细胞形态的影响,稀土能否进入红细胞以及稀土对红细胞带3蛋白胞质片段结构和功能的影响三方面开展研究工作,主要研究成果如下:首先,在宏观上通过超高倍光学显微镜观察了稀土阳离子及其络阴离子对正常人红细胞形态的影响。结果表明当红细胞与硝酸悯作用后其体积发生膨胀,表面出现棘状凸起,细胞间发生聚集。而以往被人们认为毒性较小的柠檬酸悯则使红细胞呈现囊泡状凸起,随着与稀土作用时间的延长多数囊泡状结构可脱落。EDTA的加入可使部分在低浓度(10~(-7)M)稀土离子条件下变形的红细胞恢复原状,说明细胞形态变化主要是由环境中稀土的存在引起的。其次,根据稀土离子跨膜研究中存在的一些问题,在总结前人工作的基础上,建立一种方法测定了体外温育和静脉注射条件下红细胞中稀土含量。进一步证实文献报道含有络合剂的洗涤缓冲液能够将进入细胞内部的稀土带出,影响测定结果的准确性。本论文中应用不含络合剂的洗涤缓冲液洗涤与稀土温育后的红细胞,在10mMTris-HCl印H7.0)低渗缓冲液中溶胀,ICP-MS测定结果显示无论是稀土阳离子还是稀土络阴离子均可以跨膜,且稀土络阴离子跨膜速度较快。耳静脉注射稀土后仅在兔血浆及红细胞膜上检测到稀土,说明在短期静脉注射条件下存在于血浆中的稀土不能进入兔红细胞。最后,应用基因工程技术克隆、表达、纯化了带3蛋白胞质片段及其融合蛋白。计算机结构模拟、荧光光谱以及生物活性的测定证实重组带3蛋白胞质片段与天然蛋白具有相似的空间结构和生物活性。稀土离子对醛缩酶、醛缩酶与带3蛋白胞质片段相互作用的影响表现为:0-10μMLa~(3+) 对醛缩酶活性有促进作用,当体系中L~(3+)浓度达到6μM时,带3蛋白胞质片段基本完全失去对醛缩酶活性的抑制作用。蛋白质内源荧光和同步荧光光谱研究结果表明,La~(3+)对带3蛋白胞质片段与醛缩酶结构均具有一定影响。本论文实验结果表明,低浓度稀土可导致调节细胞内糖酵解速率的带3蛋白胞质片段失去活性,使糖酵解速率无序增强。由于红细胞主要碳源来自于血糖,糖酵解速率的加快很可能会引起生物体血糖浓度的降低。


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection was used to explore the kinetics ofthe enzymatic reaction. The different effects ofreaction conditions including the concentration of Mn2l, incubation temperature and pH on PFOlidase (PLD, EC activity in erythrocyte lysates against three different substrates, Gly-Pro, Val-Pro and Leu-Pro were investigated. Also, the effects of colchicine which can prevent or delay cancer ofliver on the PLD activity were studied.


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血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)是一种多功能的细胞因子,其主要作用是促进血管内皮细胞增殖和增加血管通透性,是肿瘤及正常组织血管生成的中心调控因素,以VEGF为靶点的肿瘤血管靶向性治疗成为近几年肿瘤治疗的新途径。RNAi是近年来新发展的一项反向遗传学技术,是一种研究基因功能的有力工具。斑马鱼作为一种重要的模式生物,被广泛用于胚胎的分子发育机制、疾病模型的构建以及药物筛选等研究中。然而在斑马鱼中运用RNAi技术进行基因功能研究是一个相对较新的领域,研究资料较少,并且目前进行的斑马鱼RNAi实验中,siRNA大都是通过化学方法或体外转录合成的。体外合成的siRNA在进入体内后会被降解而无法达到持久阻抑基因表达的目的。因此本研究旨在探讨VEGF特异性siRNA表达载体对斑马鱼VEGF基因的沉默作用,通过分析表型及相关细胞因子的变化,阐明VEGF对斑马鱼胚胎血管生成的影响及作用机制。 研究通过计算机辅助设计软件,针对斑马鱼VEGF mRNA不同位点设计合成了4段含siRNA特异序列的DNA单链,经退火,克隆入pSilencer 4.1-CMV neo载体CMV启动子下游,构建了重组质粒pS1-VEGF、pS2-VEGF、pS3-VEGF及pS4-VEGF。 通过显微注射的方法将载体导入1-2细胞期斑马鱼体内,于胚胎发育的48 h采用RT-PCR的方法检测VEGF基因的表达量,研究不同干扰序列对VEGF基因表达的干涉作用。结果显示,针对不同位点的表达载体对VEGF基因表达的抑制效率有显著差异。它们对VEGF mRNA的抑制率分别为80.5%,42.8%,12.5%,40.7%。通过筛选我们得到了一条具有高效抑制作用的载体pS1-VEGF,该载体的相应序列靶向斑马鱼两个主要异构体VEGF165和VEGF121的共有外显子序列。 形态学检测结果显示,注射了pS1-VEGF的胚胎出现了心包膜水肿、血流速度减慢、循环红细胞堆积等症状。定量碱性磷酸酶染色显示,注射pS1-VEGF能够抑制斑马鱼胚胎新生血管的形成,当注射剂量为0.4 ng时,血管生成的抑制率为31.8%。NBT/BCIP血管染色显示,注射该载体后72 h,50%的斑马鱼肠下静脉、节间血管以及其它血管的发育受到不同程度的抑制。随着注射剂量的加大,血管发育受抑制的情况也随之加重,当注射剂量为1 ng时,只有心脏、头部及卵黄有血液循环。对干扰效果的特异性进行了研究,结果表明pS1-VEGF对斑马鱼内源基因胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase, TS)基因的表达没有明显的抑制作用。针对TS基因的shRNA表达载体及与斑马鱼没有同源性的对照载体对VEGF基因表达也没有明显的抑制作用。浓度梯度实验表明在0-1.2 ng的范围内干扰效果具有剂量依赖性。 以胚胎整体原位杂交的方法检测质粒对VEGF基因受体NRP1基因表达的影响,发现VEGF特异性shRNA表达载体能够引起NRP1基因表达的降低,说明斑马鱼中VEGF所介导的血管生成作用至少在部分上是依赖于NRP通路所调节的。 本研究工作为进一步研究斑马鱼基因功能、VEGF调控网络提供了一个快速、有效的手段,为阐明斑马鱼的血管生成机制提供了新的资料,为采用RNAi技术,以VEGF为靶点,以斑马鱼为模型对肿瘤进行基因治疗研究奠定了基础。


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Three sulfated polysaccharide fractions (F1, F2, and F3) were isolated from Porphyra haitanesis, an important economic alga in China, through anion-exchange column chromatography and their in vitro antioxidant activities were investigated in this study. Galactose was the main sugar unit of the three fractions. The analytical results indicated that polysaccharide fractions from P. haitanesis had similar chemical components to porphyran from other species, but differed in their high sulfate content. The sulfate content of F1, F2 and F3 was 17.4%, 20.5% and 33.5% respectively. All three polysaccharide fractions showed antioxidant activities. They had strong scavenging effect on superoxide radical, and much weaker effect on hydroxyl free radical. Lipid peroxide in rat liver microsome was significantly inhibited, and H2O2 induced hemolysis of rat erythrocyte was partly inhibited by F1, F2 and F3. Among them, F3 showed strongest scavenging effect on superoxide radical; F2 had strongest effect on hydroxyl radical and lipid peroxide.


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Stabilized micron-sized bubbles, known as contrast agents, are often injected into the body to enhance ultrasound imaging of blood flow. The ability to detect such bubbles in blood depends on the relative magnitude of the acoustic power backscattered from the microbubbles (‘signal’) to the power backscattered from the red blood cells (‘noise’). Erythrocytes are acoustically small (Rayleigh regime), weak scatterers, and therefore the backscatter coefficient (BSC) of blood increases as the fourth power of frequency throughout the diagnostic frequency range. Microbubbles, on the other hand, are either resonant or super-resonant in the range 5-30 MHz. Above resonance, their total scattering cross-section remains constant with increasing frequency. In the present thesis, a theoretical model of the BSC of a suspension of red blood cells is presented and compared to the BSC of Optison® contrast agent microbubbles. It is predicted that, as the frequency increases, the BSC of red blood cell suspensions eventually exceeds the BSC of the strong scattering microbubbles, leading to a dramatic reduction in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This decrease in SNR with increasing frequency was also confirmed experimentally by use of an active cavitation detector for different concentrations of Optison® microbubbles in erythrocyte suspensions of different hematocrits. The magnitude of the observed decrease in SNR correlated well with theoretical predictions in most cases, except for very dense suspensions of red blood cells, where it is hypothesized that the close proximity of erythrocytes inhibits the acoustic response of the microbubbles.


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Prolonged exposure of cells or tissues to drugs or hormones such as catecholamines leads to a state of refractoriness to further stimulation by that agent, known as homologous desensitization. In the case of the beta-adrenergic receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase, this process has been shown to be intimately associated with the sequestration of the receptors from the cell surface through a cAMP-independent process. Recently, we have shown that homologous desensitization in the frog erythrocyte model system is also associated with increased phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor. We now provide evidence that the phosphorylation state of the beta-adrenergic receptor regulates its functional coupling to adenylate cyclase, subcellular translocation, and recycling to the cell surface during the process of agonist-induced homologous desensitization. Moreover, we show that the receptor phosphorylation is reversed by a phosphatase specifically associated with the sequestered subcellular compartment. At 23 degrees C, the time courses of beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation, sequestration, and adenylate cyclase desensitization are identical, occurring without a lag, exhibiting a t1/2 of 30 min, and reaching a maximum at approximately 3 hr. Upon cell lysis, the sequestered beta-adrenergic receptors can be partially recovered in a light membrane vesicle fraction that is separable from the plasma membranes by differential centrifugation. The increased beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is apparently reversed in the sequestered vesicle fraction as the sequestered receptors exhibit a phosphate/receptor stoichiometry that is similar to that observed under basal conditions. High levels of a beta-adrenergic receptor phosphatase activity appear to be associated with the sequestered vesicle membranes. The functional activity of the phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptor was examined by reconstituting purified receptor with its biochemical effector the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ns) in phospholipid vesicles and assessing the receptor-stimulated GTPase activity of Ns. Compared to controls, phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptors, purified from desensitized cells, were less efficacious in activating the Ns GTPase activity. These results suggest that phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor leads to its functional uncoupling and physical translocation away from the cell surface into a sequestered membrane domain. In the sequestered compartment, the phosphorylation is reversed thus enabling the receptor to recycle back to the cell surface and recouple with adenylate cyclase.


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Decreased activity of the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (N) of the adenylate cyclase system is present in cell membranes of some patients with pseudohypoparathyrodism (PHP-Ia) whereas others have normal activity of N (PHP-Ib). Low N activity in PHP-Ia results in a decrease in hormone (H)-stimulatable adenylate cyclase in various tissues, which might be due to decreased ability to form an agonist-specific high affinity complex composed of H, receptor (R), and N. To test this hypothesis, we compared beta-adrenergic agonist-specific binding properties in erythrocyte membranes from five patients with PHP-Ia (N = 45% of control), five patients with PHP-Ib (N = 97%), and five control subjects. Competition curves that were generated by increasing concentrations of the beta-agonist isoproterenol competing with [125I]pindolol were shallow (slope factors less than 1) and were computer fit to a two-state model with corresponding high and low affinity for the agonist. The agonist competition curves from the PHP-Ia patients were shifted significantly (P less than 0.02) to the right as a result of a significant (P less than 0.01) decrease in the percent of beta-adrenergic receptors in the high affinity state from 64 +/- 22% in PHP-Ib and 56 +/- 5% in controls to 10 +/- 8% in PHP-Ia. The agonist competition curves were computer fit to a "ternary complex" model for the two-step reaction: H + R + N in equilibrium HR + N in equilibrium HRN. The modeling was consistent with a 60% decrease in the functional concentration of N, and was in good agreement with the biochemically determined decrease in erythrocyte N protein activity. These in vitro findings in erythrocytes taken together with the recent observations that in vivo isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity is decreased in patients with PHP (Carlson, H. E., and A. S. Brickman, 1983, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 56:1323-1326) are consistent with the notion that N is a bifunctional protein interacting with both R and the adenylate cyclase. It may be that in patients with PHP-Ia a single molecular and genetic defect accounts for both decreased HRN formation and decreased adenylate cyclase activity, whereas in PHP-Ib the biochemical lesion(s) appear not to affect HRN complex formation.


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Background: Vitamin B2 exists in blood as riboflavin and its cofactors, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and FAD. The erythrocyte glutathione reductase activation coefficient (EGRAC) has traditionally been used to assess vitamin B2 status in humans. We investigated the relationships of EGRAC and plasma and erythrocyte concentrations of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD in elderly volunteers and their responses to riboflavin administration. Methods: EGRAC and plasma and erythrocyte concentrations of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD were determined in 124 healthy individuals with a mean age of 69 years. The same measurements were made in a subgroup of 46 individuals with EGRAC 1.20 who participated in a randomized double-blind 12-week intervention study and received riboflavin (1.6 mg/day; n = 23) or placebo (n = 23). Results: Median plasma concentrations were 10.5 nmol/L for riboflavin, 6.6 nmol/L for FMN, and 74 nmol/L for FAD. In erythrocytes, there were only trace amounts of riboflavin, whereas median FMN and FAD concentrations were 44 and 469 nmol/L, respectively. Erythrocyte FMN and FAD correlated with each other and with EGRAC and plasma riboflavin (P


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BACKGROUND: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR; EC supplies the folate needed for the metabolism of homocysteine. A reduction in MTHFR activity, as occurs in the homozygous state for the 677C-->T (so-called thermolabile) enzyme variant (TT genotype), is associated with an increase in plasma total homocysteine (tHcy). OBJECTIVE: In vitro studies suggest that the reduced activity of thermolabile MTHFR is due to the inappropriate loss of its riboflavin cofactor. We investigated the hypothesis that MTHFR activity in the TT genotype group is particularly sensitive to riboflavin status. DESIGN: We studied tHcy and relevant B-vitamin status by MTHFR genotype in a cross-sectional study of 286 healthy subjects aged 19-63 y (median: 27 y). The effect of riboflavin status was examined by dividing the sample into tertiles of erythrocyte glutathionine reductase activation coefficient, a functional index of riboflavin status. RESULTS: Lower red blood cell folate (P = 0.0001) and higher tHcy (P = 0.0082) concentrations were found in the TT group than in the heterozygous (CT) or wild-type (CC) groups. However, these expected relations in the total sample were driven by the TT group with the lowest riboflavin status, whose mean tHcy concentration (18.09 micromol/L) was almost twice that of the CC or CT group. By contrast, adequate riboflavin status rendered the TT group neutral with respect to tHcy metabolism. CONCLUSIONS: The high tHcy concentration typically associated with homozygosity for the 677C-->T variant of MTHFR occurs only with poor riboflavin status. This may have important implications for governments considering new fortification policies aimed at the prevention of diseases for which this genotype is associated with increased risk.


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) of erythrocytes from different sources under various conditions is reported in this paper. It was found that erythrocyte samples from sheep, duck, and human showed characteristic and reproducible elution peaks, and that the retention times of A-, B-, AB-, and O-type erythrocytes from human blood were distinctively different; even subtle differences, among individuals with the same blood type could be detected by CE. A strictly linear correlation was obtained between the peak area and the amount of human erythrocyte over a range of 4.8×102–1.9×104 cells (r=0.999), indicating that CE could be used for rapid and accurate quantification of erythrocytes. Using this CE protocol, the decrease of the surface electrical charge of erythrocyte during storage was confirmed. Therefore, this work demonstrated that CE could be a useful alternative for characterizing and quantifying erythrocytes or other cells.


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To examine the allelic variation of three enzymes involved in 6-mercaptopurine/azathioprine (6-MP/AZA) metabolism and evaluate the in?uence of these polymorphisms on toxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite levels in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or in?ammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Clinical data and blood samples were collected from 19 ALL paediatric patients and 35 IBD patients who were receiving 6-MP/AZA therapy. All patients were screened for seven genetic polymorphisms in three enzymes involved in mercaptopurine metabolism [xanthine oxidase, inosine triphosphatase (C94?A and IVS2+21A?C) and thiopurine methyltransferase]. Erythrocyte and plasma metabolite concentrations were also determined. The associations between the various genotypes and myelotoxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite concentrations were determined.
Thiopurine methyltransferase variant alleles were associated with a preferential metabolism away from 6-methylmercaptopurine nucleotides (P = 0.008 in ALL patients,P = 0.038 in IBD patients) favouring 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs) (P = 0.021 in ALL patients). Interestingly, carriers of inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A?C variants among ALL and IBD patients had signi?cantly higher concentrations of the active cytotoxic metabolites, 6-TGNs (P = 0.008 in ALL patients,P = 0.047 in IBD patients). The study con?rmed the association of thiopurine methyltransferase heterozygosity with leucopenia and neutropenia in ALL patients and reported a signi?cant association between inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A?C variants with thrombocytopenia (P = 0.012).
Pharmacogenetic polymorphisms in the 6-MP pathway may help identify patients at risk for associated toxicities and may serve as a guide for dose