129 resultados para Entitlement


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Contextualização: Recentemente tem-se verificado um aumento do número de estudos que relacionam conceitos da personalidade, tais como os Esquemas Mal-adaptativos Precoces (EMP), com a psicopatologia e com outras condições, tais como a obesidade, a dor crónica e o comportamento sexual agressivo. No entanto, a investigação acerca da relação entre os problemas de sono e os EMP encontra-se ainda numa fase inicial. Objetivos: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram investigar uma potencial relação entre os EMP e a má qualidade de sono em estudantes do ensino superior e observar que EMP apresentavam associações de maior magnitude com a qualidade de sono nesta população específica. Métodos: Estudantes de diversas universidades e institutos de ensino superior de Portugal foram convidados a responder a uma versão online dos questionários Escala Básica de Sintomas de Insónia e Qualidade de Sono (BaSIQS) e Questionário de Esquemas de Young (YSQ-S3). A partir da amostra total obtida de estudantes do ensino superior de nacionalidade portuguesa (N = 1253) foi selecionada uma primeira subamostra (n1 = 409), usando como critérios de inclusão a idade (entre os 18 e os 25 anos) e as pontuações extremas de qualidade de sono da BaSIQS (má versus boa qualidade de sono). A partir da n1 extraiu-se uma segunda subamostra de participantes (n2 = 249), com características de um estudante “típico” do ensino superior (estatuto de aluno ordinário, solteiro, sem filhos, sem problemas de saúde, não medicado). Para estudar a relação entre os EMP, medidos pelo YSQ-S3, e a qualidade de sono foi aplicada uma MANOVA (Análise de Variância Multivariada) para cada um dos cinco domínios esquemáticos (“Distanciamento e Rejeição”, “Autonomia e Desempenho Deteriorados”, “Limites Deteriorados”, “Influência dos Outros” e “Vigilância Excessiva e Inibição”), para ambas as subamostras (n1 e n2). Resultados: No que diz respeito à n2, os estudantes com má qualidade de sono apresentaram níveis significativamente mais elevados dos EMP “Abandono/ Instabilidade”, “Desconfiança/ Abuso”, “Isolamento Social/ Alienação” (Domínio “Distanciamento e Rejeição”), “Vulnerabilidade ao Mal e à Doença” (Domínio “Autonomia e Desempenho Deteriorados”), “Grandiosidade/ Limites Indefinidos” (Domínio “Limites Deteriorados”), “Autossacrifício” (Domínio “Influência dos Outros”) e “Negativismo/ Pessimismo” (Domínio “Vigilância Excessiva e Inibição”). Conclusões: Estes dados mostram que os EMP estão associados à má qualidade de sono. No entanto, são necessários estudos adicionais para melhor compreender esta relação e a sua implicação na prática clínica.


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Le commerce international est souvent relié au transport maritime. La poursuite des règles uniformes se rapportant à ce dernier avait débuté à la fin du XIXe siècle et a abouti à l’émergence des Règles de La Haye, des Règles de Hambourg et des Règles de Rotterdam. L’exonération du transporteur maritime, qui suscitait des controverses favorisant le développement des règles maritimes internationales, a été réglementée de trois façons différentes dans les trois Règles précitées. La question principale abordée dans la thèse présente est si elles sont suffisamment satisfaisantes. Une autre question, qui se pose s’il est prouvé qu’aucune d’entre elles ne l’est, est quelle serait une meilleure façon. Pour y répondre, deux critères, soit la justice et la clarté, ont été choisis. Les recherches effectuées dans le cadre de la thèse présente visent à donner une évaluation profonde des régimes existants en matière de réglementation de l’exonération du transporteur maritime ainsi que des suggestions d’amélioration à cet égard.


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El presente trabajo de titulación consiste en evaluar los riesgos en el manejo de inventarios de las distribuidoras de productos de consumo masivo de la ciudad de Cuenca, mediante una investigación de mercado, con el objetivo de elaborar un estudio actual sobre los riesgos más frecuentes a los que se ven expuestas en su manejo de inventarios, si los identifican y los evalúan, y, cuáles son los controles que utilizan para prevenirlos; investigación ejecutada mediante la aplicación de encuestas realizadas a un grupo de distribuidoras, representativas de la población total; resultados que permiten emitir soluciones al caso práctico Distribuidora DIPROSUM. El caso práctico, consiste en la evaluación de los riesgos en el manejo de inventarios de la Distribuidora DIPROSUM correspondiente al período del 01 de Enero al 31 de Diciembre de 2014, aplicando el modelo COSO I del Comité de Organizaciones Patrocinadoras de la Comisión de Treadway, compuesto de cinco componentes que son: Ambiente de Control, Evaluación de Riesgos, Actividades de Control, Información y Comunicación y, Monitoreo, mediante la metodología de cuestionarios para la obtención de los aspectos negativos o débiles considerados como riesgos que afectan al correcto manejo del inventario, calificando y evaluando los riesgos identificados, en la que los resultados se ven reflejados en el informe final con sus respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones.


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Introduction The number of drivers with dementia is expected to increase exponentially over the coming decades. Most individuals with moderate-to-severe dementia (table 1) are unfit to drive.1 Drivers with moderate-to-severe dementia have higher rates of MVCs than age-matched controls.2 Identifying and preventing these individuals from driving is crucial, particularly in urban areas. The density of cars and pedestrians, and the complexity of traffic typically place greater demands on drivers in urban areas, and, therefore, require greater reactivity and forward planning than in rural environments.3 ,4 The ability to drive is a critical means of maintaining one's social inclusion, and is commonly a practical necessity. Therefore, decisions about the entitlement to drive should not unfairly restrict mobility or unnecessarily compound the disadvantages experienced by older people with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia (table 1), particularly as diagnoses are now being made earlier.1 This paper describes the difficulties inherent in addressing the question of when and in what circumstances a diagnosis of dementia might render a person unfit to drive and focuses on those who live in rural areas. We examine the consequences of dementia diagnosis on driving, driver testing requirements and licensing procedures, and the impacts of driving cessation. We then discuss how living in rural areas may alter the level of risk of drivers with dementia and practical implications for licensing policies.


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Gender features prominently in debates about the clash between human rights and culture, where ‘culture’ is often portrayed as a supreme obstacle to the realisation of women’s rights. Sometimes framed as an ethical conundrum between universalism and cultural relativism, the clash between culture and rights recites one as always and inevitably undercutting the other — culture undermines rights, and the imposition of human rights damages culture. An innovative attempt at recasting this clash has been a focus less on abstract philosophical debates and more on the cultural politics of rights — in particular, how they are made relevant to everyday life. Anthropologists Merry (2006; 2008a) and Levitt and Merry (2009; 2011) propose the analytical and ethnographic study of vernacularisation by demonstrating how, in local contexts, women’s human rights are remade in the vernacular. This approach has yielded rich knowledge about the myriad ways in which expectations of female inferiority and masculine entitlement to violence are contested — not through the import of Western ideas of human rights, but through the local idiom. This article considers the productive contribution of vernacularisation to this contested terrain, while also pointing to the limits that issue from its dependence on distinguishing the global from the local. Today, these two spaces are not so clearly discerned — particularly in multicultural settings where the local and the global are fused, and where human rights are translated into a vernacular of current political anxieties to do with racial and cultural difference. This is a vernacular that disguises or disavows racism through the language of human rights. These themes are illustrated and explored through the case study of a small community event in an outer suburb of Melbourne, where gender, culture and religion play out through both local and international rights vernacular.


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This article examines data from two different studies concerning issues of social justice, gender and schooling and specifically the practices of secondary teachers, ‘Mr B’, a teacher from a school in Tasmania, Australia, and ‘Mr C’, a teacher from a school in Bedfordshire in the United Kingdom. Both teachers’ practices and relationships with students are analysed within a feminist interpretation of the Productive Pedagogies model of quality teaching and learning. The two different stories are presented as juxtapositions that serve to illuminate the capacities of pedagogy to, on the one hand, work in ways likely to re-inscribe the discourses of entitlement and privilege that perpetuate cultural gender injustice, and on the other, transform these discourses towards more equitable and just networks of multiple and intersecting differences.


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Since the 1970s many feminists working for gender justice in education have highlighted the predominance and seriousness of sexual harassment in schools and condemned the enduring trivialization of such behaviours. This paper develops this body of work by focusing on how issues of sexual harassment are located within prevailing contemporary western educational contexts that position boys as 'victims' of feminism and 'girl-friendly' schooling. It is argued here that such contexts draw attention away from the powerful spaces that many boys continue to inhabit in schools. Counter to the popular notion that girls no longer face problems in relation to their schooling, the paper foregrounds the voices of four (14-year-old) Grade Eight girls from Tasmania, Australia who detail their disturbing experiences of sexual harassment. Pointing to the grave inadequacies of common remedies used to address these behaviours, such as prescriptive discipline systems that ignore issues of gender and power and boy-friendly remedies that collude in the perpetuation of inequitable gender relations, the paper highlights the imperative of disrupting the erasure of these issues from current dominant equity debates and the urgency of better addressing this problem in schools. Along these lines, the paper calls for teacher practice that acts against the grain of broader anti-feminist and performative school cultures to transform the masculinities of entitlement that contribute to these unacceptable behaviours.


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Since the 1970s many feminists working for gender justice in education have highlighted the predominance and seriousness of sexual harassment in schools and condemned the enduring trivialization of such behaviours. This paper develops this body of work by focusing on how issues of sexual harassment are located within prevailing contemporary western educational contexts that position boys as ‘victims’ of feminism and ‘girl‐friendly’ schooling. It is argued here that such contexts draw attention away from the powerful spaces that many boys continue to inhabit in schools. Counter to the popular notion that girls no longer face problems in relation to their schooling, the paper foregrounds the voices of four (14‐year‐old) Grade Eight girls from Tasmania, Australia who detail their disturbing experiences of sexual harassment. Pointing to the grave inadequacies of common remedies used to address these behaviours, such as prescriptive discipline systems that ignore issues of gender and power and boy‐friendly remedies that collude in the perpetuation of inequitable gender relations, the paper highlights the imperative of disrupting the erasure of these issues from current dominant equity debates and the urgency of better addressing this problem in schools. Along these lines, the paper calls for teacher practice that acts against the grain of broader anti‐feminist and performative school cultures to transform the masculinities of entitlement that contribute to these unacceptable behaviours.