974 resultados para Energy Harvesting, trasduttore, piezoelettrico, random, conversione, carica


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Increasing the application of technologies for harvesting waste heat could make a significant contribution to sustainable energy production. Thermoelectrochemical cells are one such emerging technology, where the thermal response of a redox couple in an electrolyte is used to generate a potential difference across a cell when a temperature gradient exists. The unique physical properties of ionic liquids make them ideal for application as electrolytes in these devices. One of the keys to utilizing these media in efficient thermoelectrochemical cells is achieving high Seebeck coefficients, Se: the thermodynamic quantity that determines the magnitude of the voltage achieved per unit temperature difference. Here, we report the Se and cell performance of a cobalt-based redox couple in a range of different ionic liquids, to investigate the influence of the nature of the IL on the thermodynamics and cell performance of the redox system. The results reported include the highest Se to-date for an IL-based electrolyte. The effect of diluting the different ILs with propylene carbonate is also reported, which results in a significant increase in the output powers and current densities of the device.


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Hydroelectric systems are well-known for large scale power generation. However, there are virtually no studies on energy harvesting with these systems to produce tens or hundreds of milliwatts. The goal of this work was to study which design parameters from large-scale systems can be applied to small-scale systems. Two types of hydro turbines were evaluated. The first one was a Pelton turbine which is suitable for high heads and low flow rates. The second one was a propeller turbine used for low heads and high flow rates. Several turbine geometries and nozzle diameters were tested for the Pelton system. For the propeller, a three-bladed turbine was tested for different heads and draft tubes. The mechanical power provided by these turbines was measured to evaluate the range of efficiencies of these systems. A small three-phase generator was developed for coupling with the turbines in order to evaluate the generated electric power. Selected turbines were used to test battery charging with hydroelectric systems and a comparison between several efficiencies of the systems was made. Keywords


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L'elaborato di tesi tratta la caratterizzazione del rendimento di un circuito convertitore di energia elettrica in energia meccanica. La conversione viene svolta con una procedura più complessa, ma più efficiente rispetto alla conversione classica. Il circuito studiato è soggetto alle problematiche legate all'energy harvesting, tuttavia ha il vantaggio di non necessitare di alimentazione esterna.


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We consider the problem of finding optimal energy sharing policies that maximize the network performance of a system comprising of multiple sensor nodes and a single energy harvesting (EH) source. Sensor nodes periodically sense the random field and generate data, which is stored in the corresponding data queues. The EH source harnesses energy from ambient energy sources and the generated energy is stored in an energy buffer. Sensor nodes receive energy for data transmission from the EH source. The EH source has to efficiently share the stored energy among the nodes to minimize the long-run average delay in data transmission. We formulate the problem of energy sharing between the nodes in the framework of average cost infinite-horizon Markov decision processes (MDPs). We develop efficient energy sharing algorithms, namely Q-learning algorithm with exploration mechanisms based on the epsilon-greedy method as well as upper confidence bound (UCB). We extend these algorithms by incorporating state and action space aggregation to tackle state-action space explosion in the MDP. We also develop a cross entropy based method that incorporates policy parameterization to find near optimal energy sharing policies. Through simulations, we show that our algorithms yield energy sharing policies that outperform the heuristic greedy method.


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Low efficiencies and costly electrode materials have limited harvesting of thermal energy as electrical energy using thermo-electrochemical cells (or “thermocells”). We demonstrate thermocells, in practical configurations (from coin cells to cells that can be wrapped around exhaust pipes), that harvest low-grade thermal energy using relatively inexpensive carbon multiwalled nanotube (MWNT) electrodes. These electrodes provide high electrochemically accessible surface areas and fast redox-mediated electron transfer, which significantly enhances thermocell current generation capacity and overall efficiency. Thermocell efficiency is further improved by directly synthesizing MWNTs as vertical forests that reduce electrical and thermal resistance at electrode/substrate junctions. The efficiency of thermocells with MWNT electrodes is shown to be as high as 1.4% of Carnot efficiency, which is 3-fold higher than for previously demonstrated thermocells. With the cost of MWNTs decreasing, MWNT-based thermocells may become commercially viable for harvesting low-grade thermal energy.


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This paper investigates the feasibility of using an energy harvesting device tuned such that its natural frequency coincides with higher harmonics of the input to capture energy from walking or running human motion more efficiently. The paper starts by reviewing the concept of a linear resonant generator for a tonal frequency input and then derives an expression for the power harvested for an input with several harmonics. The amount of power harvested is estimated numerically using measured data from human subjects. Assuming that the input is periodic, the signal is reconstructed using a Fourier series before being used in the simulation. It is found that although the power output depends on the input frequency, the choice of tuning the natural frequency of the device to coincide with a particular higher harmonic is restricted by the amount of damping that is needed to maximize the amount of power harvested, as well as to comply with the size limit of the device. It is also found that it is not feasible to tune the device to match the first few harmonics when the size of the device is small, because a large amount of damping is required to limit the motion of the mass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In questa tesi vengono analizzati alcuni schemi circuitali di convertitori di micro potenze da generatori termoelettrici sottoposti a gradienti di temperatura limitati. I circuiti, basati su oscillatori step-up in grado di innescarsi con tensioni di alimentazione estremamente basse, sono stati analizzati dal punto di vista teorico e mediante successive simulazioni circuitali. Le potenze ottenibili con gradienti di temperatura inferiori a 10K risultano tipicamente comprese tra qualche uW e qualche decina di uW, con efficienze fino a circa il 40%.


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Systems used for target localization, such as goods, individuals, or animals, commonly rely on operational means to meet the final application demands. However, what would happen if some means were powered up randomly by harvesting systems? And what if those devices not randomly powered had their duty cycles restricted? Under what conditions would such an operation be tolerable in localization services? What if the references provided by nodes in a tracking problem were distorted? Moreover, there is an underlying topic common to the previous questions regarding the transfer of conceptual models to reality in field tests: what challenges are faced upon deploying a localization network that integrates energy harvesting modules? The application scenario of the system studied is a traditional herding environment of semi domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in northern Scandinavia. In these conditions, information on approximate locations of reindeer is as important as environmental preservation. Herders also need cost-effective devices capable of operating unattended in, sometimes, extreme weather conditions. The analyses developed are worthy not only for the specific application environment presented, but also because they may serve as an approach to performance of navigation systems in absence of reasonably accurate references like the ones of the Global Positioning System (GPS). A number of energy-harvesting solutions, like thermal and radio-frequency harvesting, do not commonly provide power beyond one milliwatt. When they do, battery buffers may be needed (as it happens with solar energy) which may raise costs and make systems more dependent on environmental temperatures. In general, given our problem, a harvesting system is needed that be capable of providing energy bursts of, at least, some milliwatts. Many works on localization problems assume that devices have certain capabilities to determine unknown locations based on range-based techniques or fingerprinting which cannot be assumed in the approach considered herein. The system presented is akin to range-free techniques, but goes to the extent of considering very low node densities: most range-free techniques are, therefore, not applicable. Animal localization, in particular, uses to be supported by accurate devices such as GPS collars which deplete batteries in, maximum, a few days. Such short-life solutions are not particularly desirable in the framework considered. In tracking, the challenge may times addressed aims at attaining high precision levels from complex reliable hardware and thorough processing techniques. One of the challenges in this Thesis is the use of equipment with just part of its facilities in permanent operation, which may yield high input noise levels in the form of distorted reference points. The solution presented integrates a kinetic harvesting module in some nodes which are expected to be a majority in the network. These modules are capable of providing power bursts of some milliwatts which suffice to meet node energy demands. The usage of harvesting modules in the aforementioned conditions makes the system less dependent on environmental temperatures as no batteries are used in nodes with harvesters--it may be also an advantage in economic terms. There is a second kind of nodes. They are battery powered (without kinetic energy harvesters), and are, therefore, dependent on temperature and battery replacements. In addition, their operation is constrained by duty cycles in order to extend node lifetime and, consequently, their autonomy. There is, in turn, a third type of nodes (hotspots) which can be static or mobile. They are also battery-powered, and are used to retrieve information from the network so that it is presented to users. The system operational chain starts at the kinetic-powered nodes broadcasting their own identifier. If an identifier is received at a battery-powered node, the latter stores it for its records. Later, as the recording node meets a hotspot, its full record of detections is transferred to the hotspot. Every detection registry comprises, at least, a node identifier and the position read from its GPS module by the battery-operated node previously to detection. The characteristics of the system presented make the aforementioned operation own certain particularities which are also studied. First, identifier transmissions are random as they depend on movements at kinetic modules--reindeer movements in our application. Not every movement suffices since it must overcome a certain energy threshold. Second, identifier transmissions may not be heard unless there is a battery-powered node in the surroundings. Third, battery-powered nodes do not poll continuously their GPS module, hence localization errors rise even more. Let's recall at this point that such behavior is tight to the aforementioned power saving policies to extend node lifetime. Last, some time is elapsed between the instant an identifier random transmission is detected and the moment the user is aware of such a detection: it takes some time to find a hotspot. Tracking is posed as a problem of a single kinetically-powered target and a population of battery-operated nodes with higher densities than before in localization. Since the latter provide their approximate positions as reference locations, the study is again focused on assessing the impact of such distorted references on performance. Unlike in localization, distance-estimation capabilities based on signal parameters are assumed in this problem. Three variants of the Kalman filter family are applied in this context: the regular Kalman filter, the alpha-beta filter, and the unscented Kalman filter. The study enclosed hereafter comprises both field tests and simulations. Field tests were used mainly to assess the challenges related to power supply and operation in extreme conditions as well as to model nodes and some aspects of their operation in the application scenario. These models are the basics of the simulations developed later. The overall system performance is analyzed according to three metrics: number of detections per kinetic node, accuracy, and latency. The links between these metrics and the operational conditions are also discussed and characterized statistically. Subsequently, such statistical characterization is used to forecast performance figures given specific operational parameters. In tracking, also studied via simulations, nonlinear relationships are found between accuracy and duty cycles and cluster sizes of battery-operated nodes. The solution presented may be more complex in terms of network structure than existing solutions based on GPS collars. However, its main gain lies on taking advantage of users' error tolerance to reduce costs and become more environmentally friendly by diminishing the potential amount of batteries that can be lost. Whether it is applicable or not depends ultimately on the conditions and requirements imposed by users' needs and operational environments, which is, as it has been explained, one of the topics of this Thesis.


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This paper investigates communication protocols for relaying sensor data from animal tracking applications back to base stations. While Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are well suited to such challenging environments, most existing protocols do not consider the available energy that is particularly important when tracking devices can harvest energy. This limits both the network lifetime and delivery probability in energy-constrained applications to the point when routing performance becomes worse than using no routing at all. Our work shows that substantial improvement in data yields can be achieved through simple yet efficient energy-aware strategies. Conceptually, there is need for balancing the energy spent on sensing, data mulling, and delivery of direct packets to destination. We use empirical traces collected in a flying fox (fruit bat) tracking project and show that simple threshold-based energy-aware strategies yield up to 20% higher delivery rates. Furthermore, these results generalize well for a wide range of operating conditions.


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This letter studies the impact of electrode segmentation on energy harvesting with piezoelectrics. For cases where the load can be distributed, it is concluded that segmentation of electrodes helps to improve energy content by minimizing surface currents. Using a ribbon of polyvinylidene fluoride under tension as an example, we show that using a six segmented electrode improves energy content by a factor of 2.5. Power delivery remains almost constant except for an anomalous increase when the number of segments is made large. Models are developed to predict improvements in energy content and power delivery.


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Low-power requirements of contemporary sensing technology attract research on alternate power sources that can replace batteries. Energy harvesters absorb ambient energy and function as power sources for sensors and other low-power devices. Piezoelectric bimorphs have been demonstrating the preeminence in converting the mechanical energy in ambient vibrations into electrical energy. Improving the performance of these harvesters is pivotal as the energy in ambient vibrations is innately low. In this paper, we focus on enhancing the performance of piezoelectric harvesters through a multilayer and, in particular, a multistep configuration. Partial coverage of piezoelectric material in steps along the length of a cantilever beam results in a multistep piezoelectric energy harvester. We also discuss obtaining an approximate deformation curve for the beam with multiple steps in a computationally efficient manner. We find that the power generated by a multistep beam is almost 90% more than that by a multilayer harvester made out of the same volume of polyvinylidinefluoride ( PVDF), further corroborated experimentally. Improvements observed in the power generated prove to be a boon for weakly coupled low profile piezoelectric materials. Thus, in spite of the weak piezoelectric coupling observed in PVDF, its energy harvesting capability can be improved significantly using it in a multistep piezoelectric beam configuration.


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This paper is concerned with the probability density function of the energy of a random dynamical system subjected to harmonic excitation. It is shown that if the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system conform to the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, then under common types of loading the distribution of the energy of the response is approximately lognormal, providing the modal overlap factor is high (typically greater than two). In contrast, it is shown that the response of a system with Poisson natural frequencies is not approximately lognormal. Numerical simulations are conducted on a plate system to validate the theoretical findings and good agreement is obtained. Simulations are also conducted on a system made from two plates connected with rotational springs to demonstrate that the theoretical findings can be extended to a built-up system. The work provides a theoretical justification of the commonly used empirical practice of assuming that the energy response of a random system is lognormal.


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Despite many recent advances, the wide-spread adoption of vibrational energy harvesting has been limited by the low levels of generated output power and confined operational frequency band. Recent work by the authors on parametrically excited harvesters has demonstrated over an order of magnitude power improvement. This paper presents an investigation into the simultaneous employment of both direct and parametric resonance, as well as the incorporation of bi-stability, in an attempt to further improve the mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency by broadening the output power spectrum. Multiple direct and parametric resonant peaks from a multi-degree-of-freedom system were observed and an accumulative ∼10 Hz half-power bandwidth was recorded for the first 40 Hz. Real vibration data was also employed to analysis the rms power response effectiveness of the proposed system. © 2013 IEEE.


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In the arena of vibration energy harvesting, the key technical challenges continue to be low power density and narrow operational frequency bandwidth. While the convention has relied upon the activation of the fundamental mode of resonance through direct excitation, this article explores a new paradigm through the employment of parametric resonance. Unlike the former, oscillatory amplitude growth is not limited due to linear damping. Therefore, the power output can potentially build up to higher levels. Additionally, it is the onset of non-linearity that eventually limits parametric resonance; hence, this approach can also potentially broaden the operating frequency range. Theoretical prediction and numerical modelling have suggested an order higher in oscillatory amplitude growth. An experimental macro-sized electromagnetic prototype (practical volume of ∼1800 cm3) when driven into parametric resonance, has demonstrated around 50% increase in half power band and an order of magnitude higher peak power density normalised against input acceleration squared (293 μW cm-3 m-2 s4 with 171.5 mW at 0.57 m s-2) in contrast to the same prototype directly driven at fundamental resonance (36.5 μW cm-3 m-2 s4 with 27.75 mW at 0.65 m s-2). This figure suggests promising potentials while comparing with current state-of-the-art macro-sized counterparts, such as Perpetuum's PMG-17 (119 μW cm-3 m-2 s4). © The Author(s) 2013.