952 resultados para Endometrioid carcinoma


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Background: Intratumor heterogeneity may be responsible of the unpredictable aggressive clinical behavior that some clear cell renal cell carcinomas display. This clinical uncertainty may be caused by insufficient sampling, leaving out of histological analysis foci of high grade tumor areas. Although molecular approaches are providing important information on renal intratumor heterogeneity, a focus on this topic from the practicing pathologist' perspective is still pending. Methods: Four distant tumor areas of 40 organ-confined clear cell renal cell carcinomas were selected for histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation. Tumor size, cell type (clear/granular), Fuhrman's grade, Staging, as well as immunostaining with Snail, ZEB1, Twist, Vimentin, E-cadherin, beta-catenin, PTEN, p-Akt, p110 alpha, and SETD2, were analyzed for intratumor heterogeneity using a classification and regression tree algorithm. Results: Cell type and Fuhrman's grade were heterogeneous in 12.5 and 60 % of the tumors, respectively. If cell type was homogeneous (clear cell) then the tumors were low-grade in 88.57 % of cases. Immunostaining heterogeneity was significant in the series and oscillated between 15 % for p110a and 80 % for Snail. When Snail immunostaining was homogeneous the tumor was histologically homogeneous in 100 % of cases. If Snail was heterogeneous, the tumor was heterogeneous in 75 % of the cases. Average tumor diameter was 4.3 cm. Tumors larger than 3.7 cm were heterogeneous for Vimentin immunostaining in 72.5 % of cases. Tumors displaying negative immunostaining for both ZEB1 and Twist were low grade in 100 % of the cases. Conclusions: Intratumor heterogeneity is a common event in clear cell renal cell carcinoma, which can be monitored by immunohistochemistry in routine practice. Snail seems to be particularly useful in the identification of intratumor heterogeneity. The suitability of current sampling protocols in renal cancer is discussed.


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O carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) representa 95% das neoplasias penianas e afeta quase sempre pacientes não circuncidados estando muitas vezes associado à falta de higiene local adequada e à fimose. No Brasil a sua incidência é de 2,7 % porém em algumas áreas do país pode chegar a 17% dos casos diagnosticados por ano. O tumor pode ocorrer em qualquer parte do órgão sexual masculino e o tipo de estadiamento empregado é controverso. A classificação de Broders é a mais utilizada. Estudos sugerem a relação entre o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de pênis com a infecção por HPV (Papiloma Vírus Humano). O método de avaliação dos linfonodos inguinais permanece controverso sendo difícil a diferenciação entre linfadenomegalia inflamatória reacional e metastática. O exame físico não é um preditor confiável do comprometimento linfonodal pois pacientes com linfonodos palpáveis podem não apresentar metástases. Há poucas publicações sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na gênese e progressão do CEP. Apesar de vários marcadores terem sido avaliados, atualmente a aplicação clínica destes é limitada. A maior parte dos marcadores estudados requer procedimentos invasivos para obtenção do tecido tumoral. Existe a necessidade de encontrar através de uma técnica pouco invasiva marcadores tumorais circulantes capazes de diferenciar portadores de CEP com e sem envolvimento metastático. Neste tipo de neoplasia, a descoberta de biomarcadores que avaliem o prognóstico é relevante, pois o exame físico não é um indicador confiável do comprometimento linfonodal e da sobrevida.Os objetivos foram 1) revisar e discutir a epidemiologia, a etiologia, os diversos tipos de abordagem cirúrgica e as controvérsias no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de pênis 2) investigar através da plataforma ClinProt/ MALDI / TOF a presença de marcadores plasmáticos capazes de discriminar indivíduos saudáveis de pacientes afetados por carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) 3) avaliar a importância destes marcadores na evolução da doença. Foram coletados e analisados pela plataforma ClinProt / MALDI / TOF o plasma de 36 indivíduos saudáveis e 25 pacientes com CEP invasivo, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2011, nos serviços de urologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer e do Hospital Mário Kröeff (Rio de Janeiro). Nossos resultados apontaram para um conjunto de dois peptídeos (A = m / z 1897,22 + -9 Da e B = m / z 2021,99 + -9 Da) que foram capazes de diferenciar pacientes com CEP de indivíduos controles. Esses peptídeos foram posteriormente identificados como fragmentos C3 e C4 A/B do sistema complemento. A validação cruzada, utilizando toda casuística apresentou 62,5% e 86,76% de sensibilidade e de especificidade, respectivamente, com uma alta sensibilidade (100%) e especificidade (97%) nos pacientes que morreram pela doença. Além disso, os pacientes com envolvimento ganglionar obtiveram uma sensibilidade e uma especificidade de 80 % e 97%, respectivamente. Ficou demonstrado que à medida que a doença progride mais subexpressos está o conjunto de peptídeos quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Estes resultados podem ser úteis como ferramentas para a avaliação do prognóstico destes pacientes.


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O câncer de esôfago (CE) é uma doença extremamente agressiva e é um dos tumores mais incidentes e letais no Brasil e no mundo, sendo o carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago (CEE) o principal subtipo histológico, apresentando como principais fatores de risco o etilismo e o tabagismo na população ocidental. A exposição concomitante desses dois fatores representa um risco multiplicador para o desenvolvimento de CEE, sendo que o fumo parece ter um papel importante tanto na iniciação quanto na promoção do tumor, enquanto o álcool teria um papel mais relevante na promoção. Componentes do tabaco, como a nicotina e as nitrosaminas são potentes carcinógenos e agonistas de alta afinidade dos receptores colinérgicos nicotínicos (CHRNs), podendo atuar ativando vias de sinalização celular fundamentais para a progressão tumoral. Pouco se sabe sobre a expressão e regulação dos CHRNs na mucosa esofágica e no processo de carcinogênese desse tecido. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a expressão gênica dos CHRNs no epitélio esofágico normal e em CEE, bem como sua regulação pelos fatores de risco associados ao tumor. Foi observado que as subunidades α3, α5, α7 e β4 são expressas no epitélio esofágico saudável humano enquanto as subunidades α1, α4, α9 e α10 apresentaram baixa ou nenhuma expressão nesse mesmo tecido. Além disso, foram encontradas diferenças de expressão das subunidades α3 e α7 em indivíduos etilistas e tabagistas quando comparados com indivíduos não-etilistas (subunidade α3) e não-tabagistas (subunidade α7). Nas amostras de CEE, as subunidades CHRNA5 e CHRNA7 foram encontradas superexpressas no tumor quando comparado ao tecido normal adjacente e observou-se diferença de expressão da subunidade α7 no tumor comparado com o tecido saudável e a subunidade β4 apresentou-se mais expressa no tecido tumoral e no tecido normal adjacente ao tumor do que no epitélio esofágico saudável. Entretanto, não foram encontradas diferenças de expressão de nenhuma das subunidades avaliadas nas linhagens CEE quando submetidas a tratamento com nicotina ou etanol. Os resultados obtidos sugerem uma participação dos CHRNs na fisiologia do epitélio esofágico e que os fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de CEE parecem ser capazes de afetar a expressão desses receptores no epitélio esofágico.


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O câncer colo-retal é a terceira neoplasia mais frequente em todo o mundo e a recorrência local e neoplasia refratária são desafios no tratamento do câncer colo-retal após a cirurgia convencional. Com o intuito de controlar a recorrência e aumentar a média de sobrevida dos pacientes, uma estratégia multidisciplinar que combina a radioterapia (RT) e a quimioterapia com o processo cirúrgico tem sido protocolo clínico de escolha. Embora esta combinação seja capaz de otimizar o tratamento, nem todos os pacientes são beneficiados com o protocolo quimio-rádio combinado, uma vez que existem os insucessos terapêuticos relacionados com a incidência de neoplasias secundárias tardias em pacientes que foram submetidos à RT para tratamento de neoplasias anteriores. Além da doença refratária, outro agravante da RT são os efeitos colaterais produzidos pela radiação ionizante (IR), em especial àqueles do trato gastrointestinal. Estes efeitos estão relacionados com alterações da homeostase do epitélio intestinal, através da desorganização dos complexos juncionais. Porém, os mecanismos que medeiam estes efeitos ainda não estão elucidados. Este estudo avaliou as vias de sinalização que medeiam os efeitos da IR em células Caco-2. Foi observado que a IR causa uma desorganização da junção aderente via Src, EGFR e MAPK, sendo estas alterações acompanhadas por desorganização do citoesqueleto de actina em todo o volume celular. Src, EGFR e MAPK participam de maneira diferenciada na modulação destes efeitos. Observamos também que a radiação aumenta a motilidade dessas células via Src e MAPK e não induz alteração na proliferação celular até 48 horas após o tratamento. Este é o primeiro trabalho que correlaciona vias de sobrevivência celular como Src, EGFR e MAPK com alterações nas proteínas de junção aderente, alterações do citoesqueleto e migração celular. Estes eventos são relacionados aos efeitos colaterais primários e tardios induzidos pela IR, e podem favorecer à aquisição de um fenótipo maligno herdável durante o fracionamento de doses na RT, favorecendo a progressão tumoral do câncer colo-retal. Logo, além da correlação das vias de sinalização envolvidas nos eventos induzidos pela IR mostrados neste estudo, os resultados também corroboram para um melhor entendimento da atividade farmacológica dos inibidores químicos utilizados, uma vez que muitos deles encontram-se em fase de ensaios pré-clínicos e clínicos.


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Upregulated gene 19 (U19)/ELL-associated factor 2 (Eaf2) is a potential human tumor suppressor that exhibits frequent allelic loss and downregulation in high-grade prostate cancer. U19/Eaf2, along with its homolog Eaf1, has been reported to regulate transcriptional elongation via interaction with the eleven-nineteen lysine-rich leukemia (ELL) family of proteins. To further explore the tumor-suppressive effects of U19/Eaf2, we constructed and characterized a murine U19/Eaf2-knockout model. Homozygous or heterozygous deletion of U19/Eaf2 resulted in high rates of lung adenocarcinoma, B-cell lymphoma, hepato cellular carcinoma and prostate intraepithelial neoplasia. Within the mouse prostate, U19/Eaf2 defficiency enhanced cell proliferation and increased epithelial cell size. The knockout mice also exhibited cardiac cell hypertrophy. These data indicate a role for U19/Eaf2 in growth suppression and cell size control as well as argue for U19/Eaf2 as a novel tumor suppressor in multiple mouse tissues. The U19/Eaf2 knockout mouse also provides a unique animal model for three important cancers: lung adenocarcinoma, B-cell lymphoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.


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Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and brominated dioxins are emerging persistent organic pollutants that are ubiquitous in the environment and can be accumulated by wildlife and humans. These chemicals can disturb endocrine function. Recent studies have demonstrated that one of the mechanisms of endocrine disruption by chemicals is modulation of steroidogenic gene expression or enzyme activities. In this study, an in vitro assay based on the H295R human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line, which possesses most key genes or enzymes involved in steroidogenesis, was used to examine the effects of five bromophenols, two polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs 77 and 169), 2,3,7,8-tetrabromodibenzo-p-dioxin, and 2,3,7,8-tetrabromodibenzofuran on the expression of 10 key steroidogenic genes. The H295R cells were exposed to various BFR concentrations for 48 h, and the expression of specific genescytochrome P450 (CYP11A, CYP11B2, CYP17, CYP19, and CYP21), 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3PHSD2), 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 beta HSD1 and 17 beta HSD4), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR)-was quantitatively measured using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cell viability was not affected at the doses tested. Most of the genes were either up- or down-regulated, to some extent, by BFR exposure. Among the genes tested, 3PHSD2 was the most markedly up-regulated, with a range of magnitude from 1.6- to 20-fold. The results demonstrate that bromophenol, bromobiphenyls, and bromodibenzo-p-dioxin/furan are able to modulate steroidogenic gene expression, which may lead to endocrine disruption.


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AIM: To probe into the genetic susceptibility of HLA-DRB1 alleles to esophageal carcinoma in Han Chinese in Hubei Province. METHODS: HLA-DRB1 allele polymorphisms were typed by polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) in 42 unrelated patients with esophageal cancer and 136 unrelated normal control subjects and the associated HLA-DRB1 allele was measured by nucleotide sequence analysis with PCR.SAS software was used in statistics. RESULTS: Allele frequency (AF) of HLA-DRB1*0901 was significantly higher in esophageal carcinoma patients than that in the normal controls (0.2500 vs0.1397, P=0.028, the odds ratio 2.053, etiologic fraction 0.1282). After analyzed the allele nucleotide sequence of HLA-DRB1*0901 which approachs to the corresponded exon 2 sequence of the allele in genebank. There was no association between patients and controls in the rested HLA-DRB1 alleles. CONCLUSION: HLA-DRB1*0901 allele is more common in the patients with esophageal carcinoma than in the healthy controls, which is positively associated with the patients of Hubei Han Chinese. Individuals carrying HLA-DRB1*0901 may be susceptible to esophageal carcinoma.


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In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms of apoptosis resistance and the roles of the phosphorylation of BRCA1, p21, the Bax/Bcl-2 protein ratio and cell cycle arrest in IR-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. X-irradiation, in particular at low dose (1 Gy), but not carbon ion irradiation, had a significant antiproliferative effect on the growth of MCF-7 cells. 1 Gy X-irradiation resulted in G1 and G2 phase arrest, but 4 Gy induced a significant G1 block. In contrast, carbon ion irradiation resulted in a significant accumulation in the G2 phase. Concomitant with the phosphorylation of H2AX induced by DNA damage,carbon ion irradiation resulted in an approximately 1.9–2.8-fold increase in the phosphorylation of BRCA1 on serine residue 1524, significantly greater than that detected for X-irradiation. Carbon ion irradiation caused a dramatic increase in p21 expression and drastic decrease in Bax expression compared with X-irradiation. The data implicated that phosphorylation of BRCA1 on serine residue 1524 might,at least partially, induce p21 expression but repress Bax expression. Together, our results suggested that the phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1524 might contribute to the G2 phase arrest and might be an upstream signal involved in preventing apoptosis signal via upregulation of p21 and downregulation of the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio.


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DNA damage and cell reproductive death determined by alkaline comet and clonogenic survival assays were examined in Lewis lung carcinoma cells after exposure to 89.63 MeV/u carbon ion and 6 MV X-ray irradiations, respectively. Based on the survival data, Lewis lung carcinoma cells were verified to be more radiosensitive to the carbon ion beam than to the X-ray irradiation. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) value, which was up to 1.77 at 10% survival level, showed that the DNA damage induced by the high-LET carbon ion beam was more remarkable than that induced by the low-LET X-ray irradiation. The dose response curves of '' Tail DNA (%)'' (TD) and "Olive tail moment" (OTM) for the carbon ion irradiation showed saturation beyond about 8 Gy. This behavior was not found in the X-ray curves. Additionally, the carbon ion beam produced a lower survival fraction at 2 Gy (SF2) value and a higher initial Olive tail moment 2 Gy (OTM2) than those for the X-ray irradiation. These results suggest that carbon ion beams having high-LET values produced more severe cell reproductive death and DNA damage in Lewis lung carcinoma cells in comparison with X-rays and comet assay might be an effective predictive test even combining with clonogenic assay to assess cellular radio sensitivity


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Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether adenovirus-mediated p53 transfer could sensitize hepatocellular carcinoma to heavy-ion irradiation. Methods. HepG2 cells were preexposed to a C-12(6+) beam, and then infected with replication-deficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 (AdCMV-p53) (C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection). The survival fraction was determined by clonogenic assay. The cell cycle, cell apoptosis, and p53 expression were monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Results. p53 expression in C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups was markedly higher than that in C-12(6+) irradiation only groups (P < 0.05), suggesting that the preexposure to the C-12(6+) beam promoted the expression of exogenous p53 in HepG2 cells infected with AdCMV-p53 only. The G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis in the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups were significantly more than those in the C-12(6+) irradiated groups (P < 0.05). The survival fractions of the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased by 30%-49% compared with those of the C-12(6+) beam-irradiated only groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions. Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer can promote G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis, thus sensitizing hepatocellular carcinoma cells to heavy-ion irradiation.


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The study is to investigate the feasibility and advantages of heavy ion beams on radiotherapy. The cellular cycle and apoptosis, cell reproductive death and p53 expression evaluated with flow cytometry, clonogenic survival assays and Western blot analysis were examined in lung carcinoma cells after exposure to 89.63 MeV/u carbon ion and 6 MV X-ray irradiations, respectively. The results showed that the number colonyforming assay of A549 was higher than that of H1299 cells in two radiation groups; A549 cellular cycle was arrested in G(2)/M in 12 It and the percentage of apoptosis ascended at each time point of carbon ion radiation with doses, the expression of p53 upregulated with doses exposed to X-ray or carbon ion. The cell number in G(2)/M of H1299 and apoptosis were increasing at all time points with doses in C-12(6+) ion irradiation group. The results suggested that the effects of carbon ions or X rays irradiation on lung carcinoma cells were different, C-12(6+) ion irradiation could have more effect on upregulating the expression of p53 than X-ray, and the upregulated expression of p53 might produce the cellular cycle G(2)/M arrested, apoptosis increasing; and p53 gene might affect the lung cancer cells radiosensitivity.


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Objective To investigate whether the irradiation with C-beam could enhance adenovirus-mediated transfer and expression of p53 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Materials and methods HepG2 cells were exposed to C-beam or gamma-ray and then infected with replicationdeficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 or green fluorescent protein, respectively. The transfer efficiency and expression level of the exogenous gene were detected by flow cytometric analysis. Cell survival fraction was detected by clonogenic assay. Results The transfer frequency in C-beam or gamma-irradiated groups increased by 50-83% and 5.7-38.0% compared with the control, respectively (P < 0.05). Compared with C-beam alone, p53 alone, and gamma-ray with p53, the percentages of p53 positive cells for 1 Gy C-beam with p53 increased by 56.0-72.0%, 63.5-82.0%, and 31.3-72.5% on first and third day after the treatments, respectively (P < 0.05). The survival fractions for the 2Gy C-bearn and AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased to similar to 2%. Conclusion C-beam irradiation could significantly promote AdCMV-green fluorescent protein transfer and expression of p53.


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The nucleoside analogue cordycepin (3'-deoxyodenosine, 3'-dA), one of the components of cordyceps militaris, has been shown to inhibit the growth of various tumor cells. However, the probable mechanism is still obscure. In this study, the inhibition of cell growth and changes in protein expression induced by cordycepin were investigated in BEL-7402 cells. Using the MTT assay and flow cytometry, we found that cordycepin inhibits cell viability and induces apoptosis in BEL 7402 cells. Additionally. the proteins were separated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and eight proteins were found to be significantly, affected by cordycepin compared to untreated control; among them, two were downregulated and six were upregulated. Of the eight proteins, six were identified with peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) after in-gel trypsin digestion. These proteins are involved in various aspects of cellular metabolism. It is suggested that the effect of cordycepin on the growth of tumor cells is significantly related to the metabolism-associated protein expression induced by cordycepin. Copyright 2008 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.