953 resultados para Electric Utilities.
To meet electricity demand, electric utilities develop growth strategies for generation, transmission, and distributions systems. For a long time those strategies have been developed by applying least-cost methodology, in which the cheapest stand-alone resources are simply added, instead of analyzing complete portfolios. As a consequence, least-cost methodology is biased in favor of fossil fuel-based technologies, completely ignoring the benefits of adding non-fossil fuel technologies to generation portfolios, especially renewable energies. For this reason, this thesis introduces modern portfolio theory (MPT) to gain a more profound insight into a generation portfolio’s performance using generation cost and risk metrics. We discuss all necessary assumptions and modifications to this finance technique for its application within power systems planning, and we present a real case of analysis. Finally, the results of this thesis are summarized, pointing out the main benefits and the scope of this new tool in the context of electricity generation planning.
Reporte financiero Burkenroad / Latinoamérica – Colombia / Empresa de Energia de Bogotá S.A., E.S.P.
El sector energético proporciona un alto grado de confianza en el país; de él hace parte la EEB gracias a su participación en el negocio de transporte de energía, actividad por la cual la empresa obtuvo no más del 17% del total de sus ingresos en el período analizado, con lo cual mantuvo un buen margen Ebitda en 2013 y 2014, de 47% y 63%, en su orden, si se tiene en cuenta que EEB solo participó en el último de los años mencionados en un 8% del transporte energético nacional y que su antecesora en el mercado, Transelca, con una participación del 10% en el mercado referido, presentó un margen Ebitda en los mismos años de 61% y 62%, lo que podría evidenciar que la eficiencia operativa de EEB no fue la más sobresaliente en 2013, pero mejoró de modo notable en 2014 -- No obstante, al tener en cuenta la porción de la compañía que no está ligada con el transporte de energía y sí a la administración del portafolio del grupo EEB, el valor arrojado en la valoración realizada por los analistas es inferior al que refleja el mercado; lo anterior se muestra en que para el año 2015 el capital que se tiene que invertir para el funcionamiento del objeto principal debe ser asumido, en parte, por el negocio de administración del portafolio -- Debido a ello, la recomendación para el inversionista es vender, para aprovechar el buen momento de la acción en el mercado
En el ámbito financiero es necesario percibir coherentemente la información arrojada por los informes de las compañías, las empresas interactúan con otras organizaciones e impactan a sus stakeholders, las variables exógenas macroeconómicas o políticas modifican su oportunidad operativa y financiera; este continuo devenir genera extensos informes que pueden nublar la visibilidad de las características claves y aquellas preguntas que indagan acerca de la vitalidad de una organización, para comprender si la empresa genera valor, y de ser así, si lo está haciendo sostenidamente; de lo contrario se debe revisar, con fundamentos sólidos, y si es decisión de los socios, con un criterio claro tener la posibilidad de realizar una oferta de venta -- De requerirse la generación de una propuesta de venta para el caso específico de EPSA, materia de estudio de este documento, es necesario establecer un marco de operación en el entorno eléctrico colombiano y su estrategia, revisando los riesgos a los cuales se expone en su devenir empresarial y, finalmente, aplicar una metodología de valoración por flujos de caja libres descontados, metodología que permite la formación de un precio de venta aplicable por acción, valor que en síntesis responde a las proyecciones de la situación del mercado, la estrategia de la compañía, su entorno económico y las apreciaciones personales que a través de un análisis de sensibilidad permiten determinar el impacto de determinadas dinámicas socioeconómicas que permean a EPSA
Michigan depends heavily on fossil fuels to generate electricity. Compared with fossil fuels, electricity generation from renewable energy produces less pollutants emissions. A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a mandate that requires electric utilities to generate a certain amount of electricity from renewable energy sources. This thesis applies the Cost-Benefits Analysis (CBA) method to investigate the impacts of implementing a 25% in Michigan by 2025. It is found that a 25% RPS will create about $20.12 billion in net benefits to the State. Moreover, if current tax credit policies will not change until 2025, its net present value will increase to about $26.59 billion. Based on the results of this CBA, a 25% RPS should be approved. The result of future studies on the same issue can be improved if more state specific data become available.
Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.
Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.
Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.
Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.
This paper presents a methodology to forecast the hourly and daily consumption in households. The methodology was validated for households in Lisbon region, Portugal. The paper shows that the forecast tool allows obtaining satisfactory results for forecasting. Models of demand response allow the support of consumer’s decision in exchange for an economic benefit by the redefinition of load profile or changing the appliance consumption period. It is also in the interest of electric utilities to take advantage of these changes, particularly when consumers have an action on the demand-side management or production. Producers need to understand the load profile of households that are connected to a smart grid, to promote a better use of energy, as well as optimize the use of micro-generation from renewable sources, not only to delivering to the network but also in self-consumption.
Nos. 71B, 81A, and 84D constitute a general index to all numbers.
This thesis develops and evaluates a business model for connected full electric vehicles (FEV) for the European market. Despite a promoting political environment, various barriers have thus far prevented the FEV from becoming a mass-market vehicle. Besides cost, the most noteworthy of these barriers is represented by range anxiety, a product of FEVs’ limited range, lacking availability of charging infrastructure, and long recharging times. Connected FEVs, which maintain a constant connection to the surrounding infrastructure, appear to be a promising element to overcome drivers’ range anxiety. Yet their successful application requires a well functioning FEV ecosystem which can only be created through the collaboration of various stakeholders such as original equipment manufacturers (OEM), first tier suppliers (FTS), charging infrastructure and service providers (CISP), utilities, communication enablers, and governments. This thesis explores and evaluates how a business model, jointly created by these stakeholders, could look like, i.e. how stakeholders could collaborate in the design of products, services, infrastructure, and advanced mobility management, to meet drivers with a sensible value proposition that is at least equivalent to that of internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. It suggests that this value proposition will be an end-2-end package provided by CISPs or OEMs that comprises mobility packages (incl. pay per mile plans, battery leasing, charging and battery swapping (BS) infrastructure) and FEVs equipped with an on-board unit (OBU) combined with additional services targeted at range anxiety reduction. From a theoretical point of view the thesis answers the question which business model framework is suitable for the development of a holistic, i.e. all stakeholder-comprising business model for connected FEVs and defines such a business model. In doing so the thesis provides the first comprehensive business model related research findings on connected FEVs, as prior works focused on the much less complex scenario featuring only “offline” FEVs.
When dealing with spatio-temporal simulations of load growth inside a service zone, one of the most important problems faced by a Distribution Utility is how to represent the different relationships among different areas. A new load in a certain part of the city could modify the load growth in other parts of the city, even outside of its radius of influence. These interactions are called Urban Dynamics. This work aims to discuss how to implement Urban Dynamics considerations into the spatial electric load forecasting simulations using multi-agent simulations. To explain the approach, three examples are introduced, including the effect of an attraction load, the effect of a repulsive load, and the effect of several attraction/repulsive loads at the same time when considering the natural load growth. © 2012 IEEE.