980 resultados para Eastern Michigan University
University Hall before old dome
When this image was taken this building was a hospital. Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of two parallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910
Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of two parallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910On verso in two hands: (1) Looking at 2 prof. houses at this time both converted into a) Univ. Hosp. & b) Homeo. [Homeopathic] School (2) R.C. Smith.
View from the east. Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of two parallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910
Jenison, Edward S., architect. View is from the east. In 1879 two circular corner turrets and two turrets at base of dome were removed. On verso: Back of main building where the literary students hold forth.
Jenison, Edward S., architect. View is from the west. Dome is under construction. Old Law Building (Old Haven Hall) to left.
Jenison, Edward S., architect. View is from the northwest. Statue of Benjamin Franklin (gift of class of 1870) is in right foreground.
Jenison, Edward S., architect. View is from the southwest.
Jenison, Edward S., architect.
Jenison, Edward S., architect. Image is photograph of a print.
Jenison, Edward S., architect.
Jenison, Edward S., architect. On verso: University Hall; 347 feet front; dome 140 feet high. In another hand: Literary Building; front view; Ann Arbor 182 [sic]