856 resultados para East European literature.


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Vorwort von Horkheimer, Max und Ardorno, Theodor W. zu: Schmidt, Alfred: Der Begriff der Natur in der Lehre Marx. Frankfurt am Main 1962, Frankfurter Beiträge zur Soziologie Band 11. Mehrere Typoskripte und zwei Entwürfe, Typoskrip c mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen von Theodor W. Adorno, 2 Blatt; zweiter Entwurf mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen von Friedrich Pollock, 1 Blatt; Schmidt, Alfred: Gutachten über die Inauguraldissertation 'Die Rolle der Natur in der Marxschen Konzeption der Gesselschaft'. Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; Pollock, Friedrich: Eigenhändige Notize und Korrekturvorschläge zur Dissertation von Alfred Schmidt, 24 Blatt; Vorlesungen über Autorität und Gesellschaft [Columbia University New York]; 1936-37 "Authority and Status in Modern Society"; 1937-38 "Authoritarian Thought and Institutions in Europe"; 1938-39 "Authoritarian Doctrines and modern European Institutions"; Einleitende Vorlesung über Autorität und Gesellschaft, 1936/37 (Max Horkheimer). Drei englsiche Fassungen, eine deutsche Fassung (GS 12, S.39-68); Zweite Vorlesung über Autorität und Gesellschaft (Max Horkheimer). Englische Fassung, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 27 Blatt; deutsche Fassung, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 20 Blatt (GS 12, S.39-68); "History" (Herbert Marcuse). Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 7 Blatt; "Empirical Research" (Paul Lazarfeld). Typoskript, 7 Blatt; "Economica" (Friedrich Pollock). Typoskript, 9 Blatt; "Authoritarian State" (Franz Neumann). Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 18 Blatt; Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; "Education" (Leo Löwenthal ?). Typoskript, 6 Blatt; Einleitung in den psychologischen Teil (Fromm). Englische Fassung, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; Abschlußvorlesung: Zusammenfassung (Max Horkheimer). Englische Fassung, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 9 Blatt; deutsche Fassung, Typoskript, 5 Blatt (GS 12, S. 39-68); Teilstücke (Entwürfe ?) zu den Vorlesungen. Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt; Eigenhändige Notizen zu den Vorlesungen, 6 Blatt; Literaturlisten. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 3 Blatt; Vorlesungsankündigungen. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Ohne Namen: "Errors in Professor Horkheimers Lecture". Stichworte zu sprachlichen Fehlern Max Horkheimers, 4 Blatt; "Über Logik": Vorlesung von Max Horkheimer, 1939. Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen von Herbert Marcuse, 17 Blatt; Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt (GS 12, S. 69-74); Vorlesungsankündigungen der Institutsmitglieder (1941 ?); Horkheimer, Max: "The Social Psychology of Mass Movements"; Horkheimer, Max: "Modern Utopias and their Social Background"; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Sociology of Art"; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Sociology of Popular Music"; Marcuse, Herbert: "Social and Intelectual Foundations of Modern European Democracy"; Marcuse, Herbert: "The Development of Social Thought in der Modern Era"; Neumann, Franz: "History of Modern Political Thought"; Neumann, Franz: "Sociology of Legal Institutions"; Löwenthal, Leo: "Sociology of Modern Popular Literature"; Löwenthal, Leo: "Social Trends in European Literature since the Renaissance"; Kirchheimer, Otto: "Sociology of Political Institutions"; Kirchheimer, Otto: "Development of Criminological Thought". Typoskript, 13 Blatt; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 14 Blatt;


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En este artículo se emplea el término "poética del horizonte" para denominar el conjunto de reglas que gobiernan la práctica literaria de un fenómeno moderno -el horizonte- presente en varias disciplinas de las humanidades (v.g. fenomenología, teoría del arte, teoría literaria). Con el doble propósito de establecer (i) una tipología y (ii) algunas de las semejanzas de familia más significativas del horizonte literario, este trabajo explora la función y el sentido de los horizontes en un caso concreto: la producción novelesca de José María de Pereda. El análisis detallado de este corpus permite concluir que el horizonte literario produce una topografía discursiva mediante la delimitación de sus literarias, y refleja el posicionamiento liminal del escritor en el campo literario.


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En este artículo se emplea el término "poética del horizonte" para denominar el conjunto de reglas que gobiernan la práctica literaria de un fenómeno moderno -el horizonte- presente en varias disciplinas de las humanidades (v.g. fenomenología, teoría del arte, teoría literaria). Con el doble propósito de establecer (i) una tipología y (ii) algunas de las semejanzas de familia más significativas del horizonte literario, este trabajo explora la función y el sentido de los horizontes en un caso concreto: la producción novelesca de José María de Pereda. El análisis detallado de este corpus permite concluir que el horizonte literario produce una topografía discursiva mediante la delimitación de sus literarias, y refleja el posicionamiento liminal del escritor en el campo literario.


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En este artículo se emplea el término "poética del horizonte" para denominar el conjunto de reglas que gobiernan la práctica literaria de un fenómeno moderno -el horizonte- presente en varias disciplinas de las humanidades (v.g. fenomenología, teoría del arte, teoría literaria). Con el doble propósito de establecer (i) una tipología y (ii) algunas de las semejanzas de familia más significativas del horizonte literario, este trabajo explora la función y el sentido de los horizontes en un caso concreto: la producción novelesca de José María de Pereda. El análisis detallado de este corpus permite concluir que el horizonte literario produce una topografía discursiva mediante la delimitación de sus literarias, y refleja el posicionamiento liminal del escritor en el campo literario.


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Mineral composition of recent bottom sediments was studied in the White Sea. A single terrigenous-mineralogical province is defined; it is characterized by a mineral association of amphibole, epidote, garnet, and pyroxene. Five regions are assigned in the White Sea in accordance with mineral composition of surface bottom sediments. We argue that granite-metamorphic rock complexes of the Baltic Shield are the main source of recent bottom sediments in the White Sea, while the East European Craton (Russian Platform) plays the secondary role.


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This paper looks at the trade policy landscape of the EU and the wider Europe, with a focus on issues arising from the signature on 27 June 2014 of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) between the EU and three East European countries (Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), and actual or prospective issues relating to the customs union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan (BRK), and the Eurasian Economic Union whose founding treaty was signed on 29 May 2014. The huge expansion of intercontinental free trade area negotiations currently underway, in which the EU is an active participant alongside much of the Americas and Asia, stands in contrast with Russia’s choice to restrict itself to the Eurasian Economic Union, which is only a marginal extension of its own economy. Alone among the major economies in the world, Russia does not seek to integrate economically with any major economic bloc, which should be a matter of serious concern for Moscow. Within the wider Europe, the EU’s DCFTAs with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia are a major new development, but Russia now threatens trade sanctions against Ukraine in particular, the economic case for which seems unfounded and whose unilateral application would also impair the customs union. The Belarus-Russia-Kazakhstan customs union itself poses several issues of compatibility with the rules of the WTO, which in turn are viewed by the EU as an impediment to discussing possible free trade scenarios with the customs union, although currently there are far more fundamental political impediments to any consideration of such ideas. Nonetheless, this paper looks at various long-term scenarios, if only as a reminder that there could be much better alternatives to the present context of conflict around Ukraine.


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From the Introduction. In order to understand the historical roots of the current geopolitical confrontation between the EU and Russia, we have to go back to the end of the Cold War and to the catastrophic decade that it was followed by in Russian history. The dissolution of the USSR imposed serious economic hardship for Russia and for all the ex-communist East-European states. Russia was the hardest hit amongst them, as the center of the USSR's economic system it suffered most from the dissolution of regional economic ties. This crisis was just deepened by the IMF's privatization and reform campaign, which imposed austerity measures and state-asset privatization as a “shock-therapy” answer to the country's economic problems. This policy package did nothing to save Russia from economic collapse (which eventually happened in 1998), the only thing it achieved was an even stronger social and economic crisis and the enrichment of the rent-seeking ex-communist top bureaucrats by state-assets, which were sold out under-priced through diverse channels of corruption