932 resultados para ENERGY ANALYSIS


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Nonverbales Verhalten spielt in zwischenmenschlichen Interaktionen eine bedeutende Rolle. Es beeinflusst mutmaßlich den Verlauf eines Gesprächs, die Beziehung zwischen den Interaktionspartnern und die reziproke Sympathie. Trotz dieser immensen Bedeutung wird nonverbales Verhalten von den Beteiligten meist nicht bewusst wahrgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich diesem wirkungsvollen Phänomen und vergleicht nonverbales Verhalten in kooperativen und kompetitiven Interaktionsbedingungen. Im Fokus der Experimentalstudie steht die nonverbale Synchronisation. Diese bezieht sich auf den dynamischen, quantitativen Aspekt der Koordination nonverbalen Verhaltens zwischen den Interaktionspartnern, konkret auf die Angleichung der Bewegungsenergie. Primäres Ziel ist es zu evaluieren, ob und inwiefern das nonverbale Verhalten, insbesondere das Ausmaß an Synchronisation, zwischen kooperativen und kompetitiven Bedingungen variiert. Hierzu wurden in einer Stichprobe von N = 168 gesunden Teilnehmern fünf standardisierte Interaktionen à fünf Minuten mit gleichgeschlechtlichen Dyaden realisiert. Die Probanden kannten sich vorher nicht. Die Interaktanten sahen sich aufgefordert, sowohl aktive Kooperationen zu etablieren, als auch in bestimmten Aufgaben zu konkurrieren. Kompromiss, Konsens, Konflikt, ungleicher Konflikt und Spiel waren die verschiedenen Bedingungen. Die resultierenden Synchronisationswerte basieren auf digitalen Videoaufnahmen von dyadischen Interaktionen, die durch das automatisierte, objektive Verfahren der Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) quantifiziert wurden. Neben den Synchronisationsprozessen wurden auch globale Bewegungscharakteristika wie Geschwindigkeit oder Maxima durch MEA erfasst. Des Weiteren wurden mittels Fragebögen individuelle Charakteristika (u.a. Empathie, Stimmung) sowie Einschätzungen (z.B. Sympathie) der Probanden erhoben und mit Synchronie in Zusammenhang gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich nonverbale Synchronisation auf signifikant höherem Level manifestiert, als dies per Zufall erwartet werden könnte. Dabei war die Synchronisation in der spielerischen Kooperation am höchsten ausgeprägt - gefolgt von kompetitiven und (seriös-)kooperativen Interaktionen. Außerdem korrespondierten höhere Synchronisationswerte mit verstärkt positiven Affekten und verringerten negativen Emotionen. Darüber hinaus waren globale Bewegungsparameter wie Dauer und Komplexität oder der Prozentsatz von Bewegungen über dem Schwellenwert positiv mit Synchronisationsprozessen assoziiert. Das MEA-Verfahren sowie ein erstmals erprobtes Interaktionsparadigma konnten validiert werden.


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Social interaction is a core aspect of human life that affects individuals’ physical and mental health. Social interaction usually leads to mutual engagement in diverse areas of mental, emotional, physiological and physical activity involving both interacting persons and subsequently impacting the outcome of interactions. A common approach to the analysis of social interaction is the study of the verbal content transmitted between sender and receiver. However, additional important processes and dynamics are occurring in other domains too, for example in the area of nonverbal behaviour: In a series of studies, we have looked at nonverbal synchrony – the coordination of two persons’ movement patterns – and it‘s association with relationship quality and with the outcome of interactions. Using a computer-based algorithm (Motion Energy Analysis, MEA: Ramseyer & Tschacher, 2011), which automatically quantifies a person‘s body-movement, we were able to objectively calculate nonverbal synchrony in a large number of dyads interacting in various settings. In a first step, we showed that the phenomenon of nonverbal synchrony exists at a level that is significantly higher than expected by chance. In a second step, we ascertained that across different settings – including patient-therapist dyads and healthy dyads – more synchronized movement was associated with better relationship quality and better interactional outcomes. The quality of a relationship is thus embodied by the synchronized movement patterns emerging between partners. Our studies suggest that embodied cognition is a valuable approach to research in social interaction, providing important clues for an improved understanding of interaction dynamics.


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Background: Disturbed interpersonal communication is a core problem in schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia often appear disconnected and "out of sync" when interacting with others. This may involve perception, cognition, motor behavior, and nonverbal expressiveness. Although well-known from clinical observation, mainstream research has neglected this area. Corresponding theoretical concepts, statistical methods, and assessment were missing. In recent research, however, it has been shown that objective, video-based measures of nonverbal behavior can be used to reliably quantify nonverbal behavior in schizophrenia. Newly developed algorithms allow for a calculation of movement synchrony. We found that the objective amount of movement of patients with schizophrenia during social interactions was closely related to the symptom profiles of these patients (Kupper et al., 2010). In addition and above the mere amount of movement, the degree of synchrony between patients and healthy interactants may be indicative of various problems in the domain of interpersonal communication and social cognition. Methods: Based on our earlier study, head movement synchrony was assessed objectively (using Motion Energy Analysis, MEA) in 378 brief, videotaped role-play scenes involving 27 stabilized outpatients diagnosed with paranoid-type schizophrenia. Results: Lower head movement synchrony was indicative of symptoms (negative symptoms, but also of conceptual disorganization and lack of insight), verbal memory, patients’ self-evaluation of competence, and social functioning. Many of these relationships remained significant even when corrected for the amount of movement of the patients. Conclusion: The results suggest that nonverbal synchrony may be an objective and sensitive indicator of the severity of symptoms, cognition and social functioning.


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Background Disordered interpersonal communication can be a serious problem in schizophrenia. Recent advances in computer-based measures allow reliable and objective quantification of nonverbal behavior. Research using these novel measures has shown that objective amounts of body and head movement in patients with schizophrenia during social interactions are closely related to the symptom profiles of these patients. In addition to and above mere amounts of movement, the degree of synchrony, or imitation, between patients and normal interactants may be indicative of core deficits underlying various problems in domains related to interpersonal communication, such as symptoms, social competence, and social functioning. Methods Nonverbal synchrony was assessed objectively using Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) in 378 brief, videotaped role-play scenes involving 27 stabilized outpatients diagnosed with paranoid-type schizophrenia. Results Low nonverbal synchrony was indicative of symptoms, low social competence, impaired social functioning, and low self-evaluation of competence. These relationships remained largely significant when correcting for the amounts of patients‘ movement. When patients showed reduced imitation of their interactants’ movements, negative symptoms were likely to be prominent. Conversely, positive symptoms were more prominent in patients when their interaction partners’ imitation of their movements was reduced. Conclusions Nonverbal synchrony can be an objective and sensitive indicator of the severity of patients’ problems. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of nonverbal synchrony may provide novel insights into specific relationships between symptoms, cognition, and core communicative problems in schizophrenia.


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Objective: In schizophrenia, abnormalities in nonverbal behaviors have always been considered as highly relevant. However, due to methodological limitations, nonverbal behavior was rarely quantified objectively. Recent methodological advances now allow a quantification of body movement from ordinary video recordings. We showed that patients’ objectively measured amount of movement in social role-play interactions was closely associated with their symptom profiles (Kupper, Ramseyer, Hoffmann, & Tschacher, Schizophrenia Research 2010). In the present study, a replication of these results in the context of semi-standardized PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) interviews was intended. Methods: 17 patients with schizophrenia were analyzed during the initial 15-min sequence of a videotaped PANSS interview using Motion Energy Analysis (MEA). The amount of patients’ movement was then correlated with their PANSS symptom scores. Results: Sizeable and significant correlations between negative symptoms and reduced movements (r = -.68, p<0.01) and reduced movement speed (r = -.80, p<0.001) were found. Moreover, cognitive symptoms were related to reduced movement speed (r = -.70, p<.01). Conclusion: Negative symptoms were reliably indicated by patients’ nonverbal behavior in psychopathology interviews. Hence, the main result of our earlier study, examining patients’ nonverbal behavior in role play tests, was replicated for the less structured interactions in psychopathological interviews. Results could encourage the use of MEA in a wide range of videotaped social interactions of patients with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders.


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Objective: The authors quantified nonverbal synchrony—the coordination of patient's and therapist's movement—in a random sample of same-sex psychotherapy dyads. The authors contrasted nonverbal synchrony in these dyads with a control condition and assessed its association with session-level and overall psychotherapy outcome. Method: Using an automated objective video analysis algorithm (Motion Energy Analysis; MEA), the authors calculated nonverbal synchrony in (n = 104) videotaped psychotherapy sessions from 70 Caucasian patients (37 women, 33 men, mean age = 36.5 years, SD = 10.2) treated at an outpatient psychotherapy clinic. The sample was randomly drawn from an archive (N = 301) of routinely videotaped psychotherapies. Patients and their therapists assessed session impact with self-report postsession questionnaires. A battery of pre- and postsymptomatology questionnaires measured therapy effectiveness. Results: The authors found that nonverbal synchrony is higher in genuine interactions contrasted with pseudointeractions (a control condition generated by a specifically designed shuffling procedure). Furthermore, nonverbal synchrony is associated with session-level process as well as therapy outcome: It is increased in sessions rated by patients as manifesting high relationship quality and in patients experiencing high self-efficacy. Higher nonverbal synchrony characterized psychotherapies with higher symptom reduction. Conclusions: The results suggest that nonverbal synchrony embodies the patients' self-reported quality of the relationship and further variables of therapy process. This hitherto overlooked facet of therapeutic relationships might prove useful as an indicator of therapy progress and outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)


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El tema central de investigación en esta Tesis es el estudio del comportamientodinámico de una estructura mediante modelos que describen la distribución deenergía entre los componentes de la misma y la aplicación de estos modelos parala detección de daños incipientes.Los ensayos dinámicos son un modo de extraer información sobre las propiedadesde una estructura. Si tenemos un modelo de la estructura se podría ajustar éstepara que, con determinado grado de precisión, tenga la misma respuesta que elsistema real ensayado. Después de que se produjese un daño en la estructura,la respuesta al mismo ensayo variará en cierta medida; actualizando el modelo alas nuevas condiciones podemos detectar cambios en la configuración del modeloestructural que nos condujeran a la conclusión de que en la estructura se haproducido un daño.De este modo, la detección de un daño incipiente es posible si somos capacesde distinguir una pequeña variación en los parámetros que definen el modelo. Unrégimen muy apropiado para realizar este tipo de detección es a altas frecuencias,ya que la respuesta es muy dependiente de los pequeños detalles geométricos,dado que el tamaño característico en la estructura asociado a la respuesta esdirectamente proporcional a la velocidad de propagación de las ondas acústicas enel sólido, que para una estructura dada es inalterable, e inversamente proporcionala la frecuencia de la excitación. Al mismo tiempo, esta característica de la respuestaa altas frecuencias hace que un modelo de Elementos Finitos no sea aplicable enla práctica, debido al alto coste computacional.Un modelo ampliamente utilizado en el cálculo de la respuesta de estructurasa altas frecuencias en ingeniería es el SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis). El SEAaplica el balance energético a cada componente estructural, relacionando la energíade vibración de estos con la potencia disipada por cada uno de ellos y la potenciatransmitida entre ellos, cuya suma debe ser igual a la potencia inyectada a cadacomponente estructural. Esta relación es lineal y viene caracterizada por los factoresde pérdidas. Las magnitudes que intervienen en la respuesta se consideranpromediadas en la geometría, la frecuencia y el tiempo.Actualizar el modelo SEA a datos de ensayo es, por lo tanto, calcular losfactores de pérdidas que reproduzcan la respuesta obtenida en éste. Esta actualización,si se hace de manera directa, supone la resolución de un problema inversoque tiene la característica de estar mal condicionado. En la Tesis se propone actualizarel modelo SEA, no en término de los factores de pérdidas, sino en términos deparámetros estructurales que tienen sentido físico cuando se trata de la respuestaa altas frecuencias, como son los factores de disipación de cada componente, susdensidades modales y las rigideces características de los elementos de acoplamiento.Los factores de pérdidas se calculan como función de estos parámetros. Estaformulación es desarrollada de manera original en esta Tesis y principalmente sefunda en la hipótesis de alta densidad modal, es decir, que en la respuesta participanun gran número de modos de cada componente estructural.La teoría general del método SEA, establece que el modelo es válido bajounas hipótesis sobre la naturaleza de las excitaciones externas muy restrictivas,como que éstas deben ser de tipo ruido blanco local. Este tipo de carga es difícil dereproducir en condiciones de ensayo. En la Tesis mostramos con casos prácticos queesta restricción se puede relajar y, en particular, los resultados son suficientementebuenos cuando la estructura se somete a una carga armónica en escalón.Bajo estas aproximaciones se desarrolla un algoritmo de optimización por pasosque permite actualizar un modelo SEA a un ensayo transitorio cuando la carga esde tipo armónica en escalón. Este algoritmo actualiza el modelo no solamente parauna banda de frecuencia en particular sino para diversas bandas de frecuencia demanera simultánea, con el objetivo de plantear un problema mejor condicionado.Por último, se define un índice de daño que mide el cambio en la matriz depérdidas cuando se produce un daño estructural en una localización concreta deun componente. Se simula numéricamente la respuesta de una estructura formadapor vigas donde producimos un daño en la sección de una de ellas; como se tratade un cálculo a altas frecuencias, la simulación se hace mediante el Método delos Elementos Espectrales para lo que ha sido necesario desarrollar dentro de laTesis un elemento espectral de tipo viga dañada en una sección determinada. Losresultados obtenidos permiten localizar el componente estructural en que se haproducido el daño y la sección en que éste se encuentra con determinado grado deconfianza.AbstractThe main subject under research in this Thesis is the study of the dynamic behaviourof a structure using models that describe the energy distribution betweenthe components of the structure and the applicability of these models to incipientdamage detection.Dynamic tests are a way to extract information about the properties of astructure. If we have a model of the structure, it can be updated in order toreproduce the same response as in experimental tests, within a certain degree ofaccuracy. After damage occurs, the response will change to some extent; modelupdating to the new test conditions can help to detect changes in the structuralmodel leading to the conclusión that damage has occurred.In this way incipient damage detection is possible if we are able to detect srnallvariations in the model parameters. It turns out that the high frequency regimeis highly relevant for incipient damage detection, because the response is verysensitive to small structural geometric details. The characteristic length associatedwith the response is proportional to the propagation speed of acoustic waves insidethe solid, but inversely proportional to the excitation frequency. At the same time,this fact makes the application of a Finite Element Method impractical due to thehigh computational cost.A widely used model in engineering when dealing with the high frequencyresponse is SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis). SEA applies the energy balance toeach structural component, relating their vibrational energy with the dissipatedpower and the transmitted power between the different components; their summust be equal to the input power to each of them. This relationship is linear andcharacterized by loss factors. The magnitudes considered in the response shouldbe averaged in geometry, frequency and time.SEA model updating to test data is equivalent to calculating the loss factorsthat provide a better fit to the experimental response. This is formulated as an illconditionedinverse problem. In this Thesis a new updating algorithm is proposedfor the study of the high frequency response regime in terms of parameters withphysical meaning such as the internal dissipation factors, modal densities andcharacteristic coupling stiffness. The loss factors are then calculated from theseparameters. The approach is developed entirely in this Thesis and is mainlybased on a high modal density asumption, that is to say, a large number of modescontributes to the response.General SEA theory establishes the validity of the model under the asumptionof very restrictive external excitations. These should behave as a local white noise.This kind of excitation is difficult to reproduce in an experimental environment.In this Thesis we show that in practical cases this assumption can be relaxed, inparticular, results are good enough when the structure is excited with a harmonicstep function.Under these assumptions an optimization algorithm is developed for SEAmodel updating to a transient test when external loads are harmonic step functions.This algorithm considers the response not only in a single frequency band,but also for several of them simultaneously.A damage index is defined that measures the change in the loss factor matrixwhen a damage has occurred at a certain location in the structure. The structuresconsidered in this study are built with damaged beam elements; as we are dealingwith the high frequency response, the numerical simulation is implemented witha Spectral Element Method. It has therefore been necessary to develop a spectralbeam damaged element as well. The reported results show that damage detectionis possible with this algorithm, moreover, damage location is also possible withina certain degree of accuracy.


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This work focuses on the analysis of a structural element of MetOP-A satellite. Given the special interest in the influence of equipment installed on structural elements, the paper studies one of the lateral faces on which the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) is installed. The work is oriented towards the modal characterization of the specimen, describing the experimental set-up and the application of results to the development of a Finite Element Method (FEM) model to study the vibro-acoustic response. For the high frequency range, characterized by a high modal density, a Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) model is considered, and the FEM model is used when modal density is low. The methodology for developing the SEA model and a compound FEM and Boundary Element Method (BEM) model to provide continuity in the medium frequency range is presented, as well as the necessary updating, characterization and coupling between models required to achieve numerical models that match experimental results.


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Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de problemas aeroacústicos en los trenes de alta velocidad. Se han considerado dos escenarios en los que las ondas de presión generadas son críticos para el confort de los pasajeros. Uno es el debido a las ondas de presión que genera el tren cuando entra y sale de un túnel, que a su vez producen saltos de presión de baja frecuencia en el tren (cuando se cruzan con él) y en los alrededores del túnel cuando alcanzan la salida. Se estudia este fenómeno, y se propone un sistema aeroelástico basado en el galope transversal para disminuir la energía de estas ondas, y se analiza la energía extraíble de las ondas utilizando cuerpos con diferentes secciones transversales [Sorribes-Palmer and Sanz-Andres, 2013]. La influencia de la geometría de los portales en la energía radiada hacia el exterior de túnel es analizada experimentalmente, prestando especial atención a las boquillas porosas. Las ondas de presión en el interior del túnel se han analizado mediante el método de las características. Se han realizado ensayos experimentales para estimar la energía reflejada hacia el interior del túnel al alcanzar las ondas de presión el portal de salida del túnel. Se ha estudiado la formación e interacción entre el portal del túnel y la onda de choque generada en los túneles de gran longitud y pequeña fricción. Se propone un método para describir de forma aproximada el ruido radiado al exterior. Por otro lado se ha estudiado el ruido de media y alta frecuencia de origen aerodinámico. Se ha estudiado la influencia del desprendimiento de la capa límite sobre el tren. Se propone una metodología basada en una sección de tren característica para predecir rápidamente el nivel de presión de sonido dentro y fuera del tren para todo el rango de frecuencias. Se han realizado medidas experimentales en vía de los espectros de presión sobre la superficie del tren, y de la transmisibilidad de las uniones entre estructura y revestimiento. Los resultados experimentales se han utilizado en los modelos vibroacústicos. El método de la sección del tren característica es especialmente útil a altas frecuencias cuando todo el tren se puede modelar mediante el ensamblaje de diferentes secciones características utilizando el análisis estadístico de la energía. ABSTRACT This work is focused on the study of aeroacoustic problems in high speed trains. We have considered two scenarios in which the pressure waves generated are critical for passengers comfort. The first one is due to the pressure waves generated by a train entering in a tunnel. These waves generate pressure gauges inside the train (when they find each other) and outside of the tunnel portals. This phenomenon has been studied, and an aeroelastic system based on transverse galloping to reduce the energy of these waves is proposed. The maximum extractable energy by using bodies with different cross-section shapes is analyzed. The influence of the portals geometry in the energy radiated outwards the tunnel is analyzed experimentally, with particular attention to the porous exits. The pressure waves inside the tunnel have been analyzed using the method of characteristics. Experimental tests to estimate the energy reflected into the tunnel when the pressure waves reach the tunnel portal have been performed. We have studied the generation and interaction between the tunnel portal and a shock wave generated in long tunnels with small friction. A method to describe in an approximated way the pressure radiated outside the tunnel is proposed. In the second scenario, middle and high frequency noise generated aerodynamically has been studied, including the influence of the detachment of the boundary layer around the train. A method based on a train section to quickly predict the sound pressure level inside and outside the train has been proposed. Experimental test have been performed on board to evaluate the pressure power spectra on the surface of the train, and the transmissibility of the junctions between the structure and trim. These experimental results have been used in the vibroacoustic models. The low frequency pressure waves generated with the train during the tunnel crossing has been identified in the pressure spectrum. The train characteristic section method is especially useful at high frequencies, when the whole train can be modeled by assembling different sections using the statistical energy analysis. The sound pressure level inside the train is evaluated inside and outside the tunnel.


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This paper aims to set out the influence of the flow field around high speed trains in open field. To achieve this parametric analysis of the sound pressure inside the train was performed. Three vibroacoustic models of a characteristic train section are used to predict the noise inside the train in open field by using finite element method FEM, boundary element method (BEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA) depending on the frequency range of analysis. The turbulent boundary layer excitation is implemented as the only airborne noise source, in order to focus on the study of the attached and detached flow in the surface of the train. The power spectral densities of the pressure fluctuation in the train surface proposed by [Cockburn and Roberson 1974, Rennison et al. 2009] are applied on the exterior surface of the structural subsystems in the vibroacoustic models. An increase in the sound pressure level up to10 dB can be appreciated due to the detachment of the flow around the train. These results highlight the importance to determine the detached regions prediction, making critical the airborne noise due to turbulent boundary layer.


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Hoy día nadie discute la importancia de predecir el comportamiento vibroacústico de estructuras (edificios, vehículos aeronaves, satélites). También se ha hecho patente, con el tiempo, que el rango espectral en el que la respuesta es importante se ha desplazado hacia alta frecuencia en prácticamente todos los campos. Esto ha hecho que los métodos de análisis en este rango alto de frecuencias cobren importancia y actualidad. Uno de los métodos más extendidos para este fin es el basado en el Análisis Estadístico de la Energía, SEA. Es un método que ha mostrado proporcionar un buen equilibrio entre potencia de calculo, precisión y fiabilidad. En un SEA el sistema (estructura, cavidades o aire circundante) se modela mediante una matriz de coeficientes que dependen directamente de los factores de pérdidas de las distintas partes del sistema. Formalmente es un método de análisis muy cómodo e intuitivo de manejar cuya mayor dificultad es precisamente la determinación de esos factores de pérdidas. El catálogo de expresiones analíticas o numéricas para su determinación no es suficientemente amplio por lo que normalmente siempre se suele acabar necesitando hacer uso de herramientas experimentales, ya sea para su obtención o la comprobación de los valores utilizados. La determinación experimental tampoco está exenta de problemas, su obtención necesita de configuraciones experimentales grandes y complejas con requisitos que pueden llegar a ser muy exigentes y en las que además, se ven involucrados problemas numéricos relacionados con los valores de los propios factores de pérdidas, el valor relativo entre ellos y las características de las matrices que conforman. Este trabajo estudia la caracterización de sistemas vibroacústicos mediante el análisis estadístico de energía. Se centra en la determinación precisa de los valores de los factores de pérdidas. Dados los problemas que puede presentar un sistema experimental de estas características, en una primera parte se estudia la influencia de todas las magnitudes que intervienen en la determinación de los factores de pérdidas mediante un estudio de incertidumbres relativas, que, por medio de los coeficientes de sensibilidad normalizados, indicará la importancia de cada una de las magnitudes de entrada (esencialmente energías y potencias) en los resultados. De esta parte se obtiene una visión general sobre a qué mensurados se debe prestar más atención, y de qué problemas pueden ser los que más influyan en la falta de estabilidad (o incoherencia) de los resultados. Además, proporciona un modelo de incertidumbres válido para los casos estudiados y ha permitido evaluar el error cometido por algún método utilizado habitualmente para la caracterización de factores de pérdidas como la aproximación a 2 subsistemas En una segunda parte se hace uso de las conclusiones obtenidas en la primera, de forma que el trabajo se orienta en dos direcciones. Una dirigida a la determi nación suficientemente fiel de la potencia de entrada que permita simplificar en lo posible la configuración experimental. Otra basada en un análisis detallado de las propiedades de la matriz que caracteriza un SEA y que conduce a la propuesta de un método para su determinación robusta, basada en un filtrado de Montecarlo y que, además, muestra cómo los problemas numéricos de la matriz SEA pueden no ser tan insalvables como se apunta en la literatura. Por último, además, se plantea una solución al caso en el que no todos los subsistemas en los que se divide el sistema puedan ser excitados. El método propuesto aquí no permite obtener el conjunto completo de coeficientes necesarios para definir un sistema, pero el solo hecho de poder obtener conjuntos parciales ya es un avance importante y, sobre todo, abre la puerta al desarrollo de métodos que permitan relajar de forma importante las exigencias que la determinación experimental de matrices SEA tiene. ABSTRACT At present there is an agreement about the importance to predict the vibroacoustic response of structures (buildings, vehicles, aircrafts, satellites, etc.). In addition, there has become clear over the time that the frequency range over which the response is important has been shift to higher frequencies in almost all the engineering fields. As a consequence, the numerical methods for high frequency analysis have increase in importance. One the most widespread methods for this type of analysis is the one based on the Statistical Energy Analysis, SEA. This method has shown to provide a good balance among calculation power, accuracy and liability. Within a SEA, a system (structure, cavities, surrounding air) is modeled by a coefficients matrix that depends directly on the loss factors of the different parts of the system. Formally, SEA is a very handy and intuitive analysis method whose greatest handicap is precisely the determination of the loss factors. The existing set of analytical or numerical equations to obtain the loss factor values is not enough, so that usually it is necessary to use experimental techniques whether it is to its determination to to check the estimated values by another mean. The experimental determination presents drawbacks, as well. To obtain them great and complex experimental setups are needed including requirements that can be very demanding including numerical problems related to the values of the loss factors themselves, their relative value and the characteristics of the matrices they define. The present work studies the characterization of vibroacousti systems by this SEA method. It focuses on the accurate determination of the loss factors values. Given all the problems an experimental setup of these characteristics can show, the work is divided in two parts. In the first part, the influence of all the quantities involved on the determination of the loss factors is studied by a relative uncertainty estimation, which, by means of the normalised sensitivity coefficients, will provide an insight about the importance of every input quantities (energies and input powers, mainly) on the final result. Besides, this part, gives an uncertainty model that has allowed assessing the error of one of the methods more widely used to characterize the loss factors: the 2-subsystem approach. In the second part, use of the former conclusions is used. An equation for the input power into the subsystems is proposed. This equation allows simplifying the experimental setup without changing the liability of the test. A detailed study of the SEA matrix properties leads to propose a robust determination method of this SEA matrix by a Monte Carlo filtering. In turn, this new method shows how the numerical problems of the SEA matrix can be overcome Finally, a solution is proposed for the case where not all the subsystems are excited. The method proposed do not allows obtaining the whole set of coefficients of the SEA matrix, but the simple fact of getting partial sets of loss factors is a significant advance and, over all, it opens the door to the development of new methods that loosen the requirements that an experimental determination of a SEA matrix have.


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Ultem 1000 polyetherimide films prepared by cast-evaporating technique were covered with a 1H,1H,2H-tridecafluoro-oct-1-ene (PFO) plasma-polymerized layer. The effects of the plasma exposure time on the surface composition were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and surface energy analysis. The surface topography of the plasma layer was deduced from scanning electron microscopy. The F/C ratio for plasma-polymerized PFO under the input RF power of 50 W can be as high as 1.30 for 480 s and similar to 0.4-2 at % of oxygen was detected, resulting from the reaction of long-lived radicals in the plasma polymer with atmospheric oxygen. The plasma deposition of fluorocarbon coating from plasma PFO reduces the surface energy from 46 to 18.3 mJ m(-2). (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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O consumo energético nas indústrias é algo que tem de ser monitorizado, avaliado e orientado, visando a eficiência energética e sustentabilidade, de modo não só a reduzir o consumo de combustíveis fósseis, mas também a auxiliar a redução da fatura económica. O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo uma análise energética, e incorpora a caracterização térmica dos materiais utilizados na indústria de produção de massas asfálticas, e o desenvolvimento de um modelo térmico que preveja o comportamento dos mesmos, na produção de massas asfálticas, em central fixa com incorporação de material reciclado a frio. Primariamente o estudo passou pela análise dos consumos energéticos da instalação, caracterizando-a segundo o Decretolei 71/2008, de 15 de Abril, tendo-se constatado, que o consumo de gás natural se evidencia como uma das principais fontes de energia e um dos principais responsáveis pela emissão de GEE (Gases de Efeito de Estufa). Posteriormente o consumo de gás natural foi distribuído pelos pontos consumidores, o cilindro exsicador e a caldeira de aquecimento de óleo térmico. O cilindro exsicador é o principal consumidor energético, com um consumo próximo de 90% do gás natural total. Seguidamente foi realizada uma caracterização dos materiais utilizados na produção de massas asfálticas segundo o DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). Os materiais analisados foram o reciclado/fresado, o calcário, o pó de calcário, o seixo, a areia e o granito. Os resultados dos materiais secos demonstraram que o material com maior cp (calor específico) foi a areia e o menor o calcário. Nos resultados dos materiais saturados observou-se que o seixo apresenta maior facilidade de remoção de humidade e o reciclado/fresado apresenta menor. Por último, foi realizado um modelo térmico com utilização de um balanço mássico e energético ao processo de secagem e sobreaquecimento dos agregados no cilindro exsicador. Conclui-se que as principais influências no consumo de gás natural, na produção de massas asfálticas com inclusão de material reciclado a frio, são: a necessidade energética de aquecimento em função da temperatura a obter, e a energia necessária para remover o conteúdo em humidade presente nos diversos materiais (fresado e agregados).


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The thermoelectric energy conversion can be performed directly on generators without moving parts, using the principle of SEEBECK effect, obtained in junctions of drivers' thermocouples and most recently in semiconductor junctions type p-n which have increased efficiency of conversion. When termogenerators are exposed to the temperature difference (thermal gradient) eletromotriz a force is generated inducing the appearance of an electric current in the circuit. Thus, it is possible to convert the heat of combustion of a gas through a burner in power, being a thermoelectric generator. The development of infrared burners, using porous ceramic plate, is possible to improve the efficiency of heating, and reduce harmful emissions such as CO, CO2, NOx, etc.. In recent years the meliorate of thermoelectric modules semiconductor (TEG's) has stimulated the development of devices generating and recovery of thermal irreversibility of thermal machines and processes, improving energy efficiency and exergy these systems, especially processes that enable the cogeneration of energy. This work is based on the construction and evaluation of a prototype in a pilot scale, for energy generation to specific applications. The unit uses a fuel gas (LPG) as a primary energy source. The prototype consists of a porous plate burner infrared, an adapter to the module generator, a set of semiconductor modules purchased from Hi-Z Inc. and a heat exchanger to be used as cold source. The prototype was mounted on a test bench, using a system of acquisition of temperature, a system of application of load and instrumentation to assess its functioning and performance. The prototype had an efficiency of chemical conversion of 0.31% for electrical and heat recovery for cogeneration of about 33.2%, resulting in an overall efficiency of 33.51%. The efficiency of energy exergy next shows that the use of primary energy to useful fuel was satisfactory, although the proposed mechanism has also has a low performance due to underuse of the area heated by the small number of modules, as well as a thermal gradient below the ideal informed by the manufacturer, and other factors. The test methodology adopted proved to be suitable for evaluating the prototype