937 resultados para EFFECTIVE PROTECTION
Christine Riefa is a lecturer in Consumer Law and Intellectual Property Law at Brunel University in the UK. She is an elected board member of the International Association of Consumer Law and an academic correspondent to the Euro-American Chair for the legal protection of consumers (University of Cantabria, Spain). In 2009-2010, Dr Riefa is a Fulbright EU Scholar-in-Residence at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Ohio USA. A first version of this article was presented at the Summer School in Consumer Law, organised by the GREDICC (Groupe de recherche en droit international et comparé de la consummation), UQAM, Montréal, 29th June – 4th July 2009.
Cet article délivre un bref aperçu de la nouvelle législation européenne et allemande relative au commerce électronique et à la protection des consommateurs. Il décrit le développement du commerce électronique, de la législation et de la jurisprudence au cours des dernières années. Une distinction est établie entre les niveaux européen et allemand. La nouvelle Directive sur le commerce électronique a été adoptée le 8 juin 2000 et doit être transposée dans la loi nationale avant le 17 janvier 2002. Elle sera décrite et succinctement analysée avant d’aborder la nouvelle loi allemande portant sur les contrats à distance qui vient d’être adoptée par le Parlement allemand pour transposer la Directive sur les contrats à distance de 1997. Le cadre juridique existant avant l’entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi sur les contrats à distance sera également exposée en tenant compte de la protection des consommateurs. Alors que l’Union européenne vient de créer une nouvelle Directive sur le commerce électronique, les États membres sont encore occupés à transformer celle de 1997 en loi nationale. En comparant la législation européenne et allemande, nous soulignerons donc le point faible de la législation européenne : le temps nécessaire pour établir un cadre juridique efficace et fonctionnel peut facilement atteindre plusieurs années. L’article s’achèvera sur une courte présentation du « powershopping » ou « community shopping », en passe de devenir un nouveau modèle pour le consommateur européen, qui a fait l’objet de décisions restrictives ces derniers temps.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II
La vaccination ADN à l’aide de plasmides codant pour des autoantigènes s’est avérée efficace dans la protection contre plusieurs maladies auto-immunes. Le but de ce mémoire était dans un premier temps d’établir si un protocole de vaccination ADN composé de 3 injections de pCMV-CTLA-4-NP et de pVR-IL-12 à deux semaines d’intervalle avait un effet protecteur contre le développement d’une hépatite auto-immune chez la souris TTR-NP, un modèle murin transgénique de la maladie et précédemment développé au laboratoire. Dans un deuxième temps, le but était d’élucider, le cas échéant, les mécanismes sous-tendant la protection conférée par la vaccination ADN. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’une protection allait effectivement être conférée par la vaccination ADN et que celle-ci pouvait être attribuable à une déviation de la réponse typiquement Th1 de la maladie vers une réponse Th2, à un épuisement des cellules immunitaires et/ou à l’activation et à l’induction de prolifération de cellules régulatrices. Les résultats montrent que la vaccination ADN induit une protection transitoire contre le développement d’infiltrations lymphocytaires au foie. Cette protection se ferait via un épuisement des cellules CD4+, CD8+ et CD19+ se retrouvant à la rate et exprimant PD 1 dans une plus forte proportion à 3 mois, et ne serait médiée ni par les lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+CD25+FoxP3+, ni par les cellules CD8+FoxP3+. Une déviation de la réponse Th1 vers une réponse Th2 demeure une explication supplémentaire plausible à la protection conférée mais nécessiterait une caractérisation en situation plus physiologique avant de pouvoir inférer sur son implication réelle. La vaccination ADN n’influe ni sur la présence d’autoanticorps, ni sur les niveaux d’alanine aminotransférase, deux marqueurs de la maladie.
The overall focus of the thesis involves the legal protection for consumers of pharmaceutical products.The work on “Legal Protection for Consumers of Pharmaceutical Products” is undertaken to study the legal framework that is existing for this purpose and the functioning of regulating mechanism that is envisaged under it. The purpose of the study is to analyse how far these measures are effective in adequately protecting various aspects of consumer interest. Methodology adopted for the study is analytical.The present study revealed that the theory of freedom of contract is only an ideal relevant when the parties are assumed to be on equal footing.In a more complicated social and economic society, it ceased to have any relevance. Many countries in the world enacted legislations to protect the consumers of pharmaceutical products.The meaning of ‘consumers of drugs’ provided in the law is inclusive and not exhaustive one. The definition of ‘drug’ as interpreted by the courts is comprehensive enough to take in it not only medicines but also substances. The meaning of the word substances has been widened by the interpretation of the courts so as to include all the things used in treatment.The definition of the word ‘consumer’ has been liberally interpreted by the courts so as to provide protective net to a large section of the public.The studies subsequent to this report also revealed that there is a shortage of essential drugs necessary to cure local diseases like tuberculosis and malaria where as drugs containing vitamins and other combinations which are more profitable for the manufacturers are produced and marketed in abundance.The study of the provisions in this regard revealed that the duty of the drug controlling authorities is confined to scrutinize the data of the clinical test already conducted by the sponsor of the drug.Study of the clinical trial procedure under the U.S. law revealed that there is a continuous supervision over clinical trials and controls are provided on the treatment use of an investigational productStudy of the clinical trial procedure under the U.S. law revealed that there is a continuous supervision over clinical trials and controls are provided on the treatment use of an investigational product.the study of the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and the rules framed under it revealed that the law in this regard is comprehensive to protect the consumer provided it is sufficiently supported by adequately equipped enforcement machinery.
Health is an important aspect of everybody’s life. Today, there is an increasing recognition and commitment to the pursuit of health both within government and beyond. Any attempt on the part of the " State to protect and promote people’s health, in turn, must be accompanied by effective controls on air quality, as air constitutes ‘ one of the important elements of man’s life and the consequences of air pollution covers a very wide spectrum ranging from material ---damage to personal discomfort and illness. The broad social and economic objectives adumbrated in the Directive Principles of State Policy including the commitment to improve public health underlying in Article 47 and the obligation to preserve and protect-the natural environment cast under Article 48A of the Constitution are being used as versatile weapons by the State to regulate the public health scenario. Preservation and maintenance of air quality is a significant area within the sphere of public health, where the regulatory arm of the law is not adequately touched and in this arena urgent State intervention through legislative and administrative action is called for in the well-being of the society. Judiciary also plays a pivotal role in this arena in the larger interest of the society and for the benefit of the present and future generations. The research study is an attempt to analyze how far the existing legal system, for maintaining air quality and in controlling air pollution, is effective in protecting public health. The study also analyzes the limitations of the control mechanisms. The study focuses on industrial air pollution, indoor and personal air pollution, vehicular pollution and noise pollution which are today appearing as the major public health hazards affecting the air quality. However, this is not to overlook the importance of controls required under other areas of public health.
Nowadays there is a growing environmental concern and the business communities have slowly started recognising environmental protection and sustainable utilization of natural resources into their marketing strategies. This paper discusses the various Ecolabeling and Certification Systems developed world over to regulate and introduce Fair Trade in Ornamental Fish Industry. Ecolabeling and green certification are considered as part of these strategies implemented partly out of compulsion from the National and International Regulatory Bodies and Environmental Movements. All the major markets of ornamental fishes like European Union, USA and Japan have started putting restrictions on the trade to impose ecolabeling as a non tariff barrier like the one imposed on seafood and aqua cultured products. A review was done on the available Ecolabeling and Green Certification Schemes available at local, national and international levels for fisheries including aquaculture and ornamental fish trade and to examine the success and constraints faced by these schemes during its implementation. The primary downside of certification is the multiplicity of ecolabels and cost incurred by applicants for certification, costs which may in turn be passed on to consumers. The studies reveal serious inadequacies in a number of ecolabels and cast doubt on their overall contribution to effective fisheries management and sustainability. The paper also discusses the inititive taken in India to develop guidelines for Green Certification of Fresh water ornamental fishes.
One of the most effective techniques offering QoS routing is minimum interference routing. However, it is complex in terms of computation time and is not oriented toward improving the network protection level. In order to include better levels of protection, new minimum interference routing algorithms are necessary. Minimizing the failure recovery time is also a complex process involving different failure recovery phases. Some of these phases depend completely on correct routing selection, such as minimizing the failure notification time. The level of protection also involves other aspects, such as the amount of resources used. In this case shared backup techniques should be considered. Therefore, minimum interference techniques should also be modified in order to include sharing resources for protection in their objectives. These aspects are reviewed and analyzed in this article, and a new proposal combining minimum interference with fast protection using shared segment backups is introduced. Results show that our proposed method improves both minimization of the request rejection ratio and the percentage of bandwidth allocated to backup paths in networks with low and medium protection requirements
El artículo analiza el fenómeno del desplazamiento forzado alrededor del mundo, así como la génesis del mandato de las Naciones Unidas para luchar contra este problema. Examina las conclusiones clave del estudio de la ONU que encontró que las normas existentes del derecho internacional tienen varios vacíos y zonas grises relativos a las necesidades de los desplazados internos. También analiza los orígenes y el contenido de los principios guía del desplazamiento interno, así como el estatus normativo de los mismos. Así mismo, sugiere que, a pesar de no ser vinculante para los Estados, estos principios guía se convirtieron en la expresión más autorizada de los estándares mínimos aplicables a los desplazados internos como consecuencia de la práctica estatal, es decir, que la mayoría de estos principios se volverán costumbre internacional. El artículo también señala la necesidad de que haya una implementación efectiva en el derecho interno de estos principios guía; examina cómo las autoridades gubernamentales, la Corte Constitucional y la sociedad civil en Colombia, así como las entidades intergubernamentales, respondieron a la crisis del desplazamiento interno en el país. Observando el marco legal colombiano en desplazamiento interno, el artículo concluye que el Estado no ha tomado las medidas necesarias requeridas para prevenir futuros desplazamientos o para asegurar una protección y asistencia efectivas para resolver las necesidades de los desplazados internos.
Aquesta tesi doctoral està basada en el desenvolupament de nous agents antimicrobians derivats del pèptid híbrid cecropina A-melitina WKLFKKILKVL-NH2 (Pep3) que siguin sostenibles i útils per al control de malalties de plantes. Es van dissenyar i sintetitzar més de 133 anàlegs de Pep3 mitjançant química combinatòria. Es van obtenir anàlegs de Pep3 amb una elevada activitat contra fitopatògens i que presentaven baixa toxicitat. Els millors anàlegs van presentar eficàcies comparables amb pesticides de referència en la prevenció d'infeccions causades per fitopatògens. Es va estudiar el mecanisme d'acció de KKLFKKILKYL-NH2 (BP100) investigant la seva interacció amb models de membrana mitjançant tècniques espectroscòpiques. Es va observar la capacitat de BP100 a induir la permeabilització, la neutralització, i l'agregació de vesícules lipídiques aniòniques a una determinada concentració llindar. Es va deduir una equació que relaciona la CMI d'un pèptid antimicrobià amb la constant de partició i la concentració llindar en la membrana.
Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l'estudi de l'aplicació de pèptids antimicrobians en la lluita contra agents patògens de cultius de plantes d'interès econòmic.L'estratègia sintètica s'ha portat a terme utilitzant metodologies convencionals de síntesi de pèptids en fase sòlida com l'estratègia tridimensional ortogonal Fmoc/tBut/Allyl. Ha calgut fer la recerca de les condicions òptimes per a l'eliminació del grup Allyl i la ciclació. D'entre els pèptids cíclics de 4-10 aminoacids sintetitzats, el decapèptid c(Lys-Leu-Lys-Leu-Lys-Phe-Lys-Lys-Leu-Gln) ha resultat ésser el més efectiu i s'ha pres com a base per al disseny d'una quimioteca de 56 pèptids. Dels resultats obtinguts s'ha sintetitzat una segona quimioteca basada en l'estructura general c(X1-X2-X3-X4-Lys-Phe-Lys-Lys-Leu-Gln) determinada com la que posseix el millor perfil d'activitat. Els pèptids més efectius obtinguts constituixen els primers exemples de pèptids cíclics actius contra E. amylovora i poden ser considerats com a bons candidats pel desenvolupament d'agents antimicrobians efectius en protecció vegetal.
This paper reflects on the challenges facing the effective implementation of the new EU fundamental rights architecture that emerged from the Lisbon Treaty. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its ability to function as a ‘fundamental rights tribunal’. The paper first analyses the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and its long-standing experience in overseeing the practical implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Against this analysis, it then examines the readiness of the CJEU to live up to its consolidated and strengthened mandate on fundamental rights as one of the prime guarantors of the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We specifically review the role of ‘third-party interventions’ by non-governmental organisations, international and regional human rights actors as well as ‘interim relief measures’ when ensuring effective judicial protection of vulnerable individuals in cases of alleged violations of fundamental human rights. To flesh out our arguments, we rely on examples within the scope of the relatively new and complex domain of EU legislation, the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and its immigration, external border and asylum policies. In view of the fundamental rights-sensitive nature of these domains, which often encounter shifts of accountability and responsibility in their practical application, and the Lisbon Treaty’s expansion of the jurisdiction of the CJEU to interpret and review EU AFSJ legislation, this area can be seen as an excellent test case for the analyses at hand. The final section puts forth a set of policy suggestions that can assist the CJEU in the process of adjusting itself to the new fundamental rights context in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting.
We previously found that dried live bacteria of a vaccine strain can be temporarily sensitive to bile acids and suggested that Bile Adsorbing Resins (BAR) can be used in oral vaccine tablets to protect dried bacteria from intestinal bile. Here, we report a quantitative analysis of the ability of BAR to exclude the dye bromophenol blue from penetrating into matrix tablets and also sections of hard capsule shells. Based on this quantitative analysis, we made a fully optimised formulation, comprising 25% w/w of cholestyramine in Vcaps™ HPMC capsules. This gave effectively 100% protection of viability from 4% bile, with 4200-fold more live bacteria recovered from this formulation compared to unprotected dry bacteria. From the image analysis, we found that the filler material or compaction force used had no measurable effect on dye exclusion but did affect the rate of tablet hydration. Increasing the mass fraction of BAR gave more exclusion of dye up to 25% w/w, after which a plateau was reached and no further dye exclusion was seen. More effective dye exclusion was seen with smaller particle sizes (i.e. cholestyramine) and when the BAR was thoroughly dried and disaggregated. Similar results were found when imaging dye penetration into capsule sections or tablets. The predictions of the dye penetration study were tested using capsules filled with dried attenuated Salmonella vaccine plus different BAR types, and the expected protection from bile was found, validating the imaging study. Surprisingly, depending on the capsule shell material, some protection was given by the capsule alone without adding BAR, with Vcaps™ HPMC capsules providing up to 174-fold protection against 1% bile; faster releasing Vcaps Plus™ HPMC capsules and Coni Snap™ gelatin capsules gave less protection.
Under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, all member-countries of the World Trade Organization are required to provide an "effective" system of plant variety protection within a specific time frame. In many developing countries, this has led to a divisive debate about the fundamental desirability of extending intellectual property rights to agriculture. Empirical studies on the economic impacts of plant variety protection, especially its ability to generate large private sector investments in plant breeding and to facilitate the transfer of technology, have been very limited. This paper examines two aspects of the international experience of plant variety protection: (a) the relationship between legislation, research, and development expenditures and plant variety protection grants, i.e., the innovation effect and (b) the role of plant variety protection in facilitating the flow of varieties across countries, i.e., the transferability effect.
The olive oil polyphenol, hydroxytyrosol (HT), is believed to be capable of exerting protection against oxidative kidney injury. In this study we have investigated the ability of HT and its O-methylated metabolite, homovanillic alcohol (HVA) to protect renal cells against oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide. We show that both compounds were capable of inhibiting hydrogen peroxide-induced kidney cell injury via an ability to interact with both MAP kinase and PI3 kinase signalling pathways, albeit at different concentrations. HT strongly inhibited death and prevented peroxide-induced increases in ERK1/2 and JNK1/2/3 phosphorylation at 0.3 microM, whilst HVA was effective at 10 microM. At similar concentrations, both compounds also prevented peroxide-induced reductions in Akt phosphorylation. We suggest that one potential protective effect exerted by olive oil polyphenols against oxidative kidney cell injury may be attributed to the interactions of HT and HVA with these important intracellular signalling pathways.