858 resultados para Driver response (reaction) time
The caudal dentate nucleus (DN) in lateral cerebellum is connected with two visual/oculomotor areas of the cerebrum: the frontal eye field and lateral intraparietal cortex. Many neurons in frontal eye field and lateral intraparietal cortex produce "delay activity" between stimulus and response that correlates with processes such as motor planning. Our hypothesis was that caudal DN neurons would have prominent delay activity as well. From lesion studies, we predicted that this activity would be related to self-timing, i.e., the triggering of saccades based on the internal monitoring of time. We recorded from neurons in the caudal DN of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) that made delayed saccades with or without a self-timing requirement. Most (84%) of the caudal DN neurons had delay activity. These neurons conveyed at least three types of information. First, their activity was often correlated, trial by trial, with saccade initiation. Correlations were found more frequently in a task that required self-timing of saccades (53% of neurons) than in a task that did not (27% of neurons). Second, the delay activity was often tuned for saccade direction (in 65% of neurons). This tuning emerged continuously during a trial. Third, the time course of delay activity associated with self-timed saccades differed significantly from that associated with visually guided saccades (in 71% of neurons). A minority of neurons had sensory-related activity. None had presaccadic bursts, in contrast to DN neurons recorded more rostrally. We conclude that caudal DN neurons convey saccade-related delay activity that may contribute to the motor preparation of when and where to move.
The image on the retina may move because the eyes move, or because something in the visual scene moves. The brain is not fooled by this ambiguity. Even as we make saccades, we are able to detect whether visual objects remain stable or move. Here we test whether this ability to assess visual stability across saccades is present at the single-neuron level in the frontal eye field (FEF), an area that receives both visual input and information about imminent saccades. Our hypothesis was that neurons in the FEF report whether a visual stimulus remains stable or moves as a saccade is made. Monkeys made saccades in the presence of a visual stimulus outside of the receptive field. In some trials, the stimulus remained stable, but in other trials, it moved during the saccade. In every trial, the stimulus occupied the center of the receptive field after the saccade, thus evoking a reafferent visual response. We found that many FEF neurons signaled, in the strength and timing of their reafferent response, whether the stimulus had remained stable or moved. Reafferent responses were tuned for the amount of stimulus translation, and, in accordance with human psychophysics, tuning was better (more prevalent, stronger, and quicker) for stimuli that moved perpendicular, rather than parallel, to the saccade. Tuning was sometimes present as well for nonspatial transaccadic changes (in color, size, or both). Our results indicate that FEF neurons evaluate visual stability during saccades and may be general purpose detectors of transaccadic visual change.
Practice can improve performance on visual search tasks; the neural mechanisms underlying such improvements, however, are not clear. Response time typically shortens with practice, but which components of the stimulus-response processing chain facilitate this behavioral change? Improved search performance could result from enhancements in various cognitive processing stages, including (1) sensory processing, (2) attentional allocation, (3) target discrimination, (4) motor-response preparation, and/or (5) response execution. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) as human participants completed a five-day visual-search protocol in which they reported the orientation of a color popout target within an array of ellipses. We assessed changes in behavioral performance and in ERP components associated with various stages of processing. After practice, response time decreased in all participants (while accuracy remained consistent), and electrophysiological measures revealed modulation of several ERP components. First, amplitudes of the early sensory-evoked N1 component at 150 ms increased bilaterally, indicating enhanced visual sensory processing of the array. Second, the negative-polarity posterior-contralateral component (N2pc, 170-250 ms) was earlier and larger, demonstrating enhanced attentional orienting. Third, the amplitude of the sustained posterior contralateral negativity component (SPCN, 300-400 ms) decreased, indicating facilitated target discrimination. Finally, faster motor-response preparation and execution were observed after practice, as indicated by latency changes in both the stimulus-locked and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs). These electrophysiological results delineate the functional plasticity in key mechanisms underlying visual search with high temporal resolution and illustrate how practice influences various cognitive and neural processing stages leading to enhanced behavioral performance.
Prenatal nicotine exposure (PNE) is linked to a large number of psychiatric disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Current literature suggests that core deficits observed in ADHD reflect abnormal inhibitory control governed by the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the brain. The PFC is structurally altered by PNE, but it is still unclear how neural firing is affected during tasks that test behavioral inhibition, such as the stop-signal task, or if neural correlates related to inhibitory control are affected after PNE in awake behaving animals. To address these questions, we recorded from single medial PFC (mPFC) neurons in control rats and PNE rats as they performed our stopsignal task. We found that PNE rats were faster for all trial types and were less likely to inhibit the behavioral response on STOP trials. Neurons in mPFC fired more strongly on STOP trials and were correlated with accuracy and reaction time. Although the number of neurons exhibiting significant modulation during task performance did not differ between groups, overall activity in PNE was reduced. We conclude that PNE makes rats impulsive and reduces firing in mPFC neurons that carry signals related to response inhibition.
Many genetic studies have demonstrated an association between the 7-repeat (7r) allele of a 48-base pair variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in exon 3 of the DRD4 gene and the phenotype of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Previous studies have shown inconsistent associations between the 7r allele and neurocognitive performance in children with ADHD. We investigated the performance of 128 children with and without ADHD on the Fixed and Random versions of the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART). We employed timeseries analyses of reaction-time data to allow a fine-grained analysis of reaction time variability, a candidate endophenotype for ADHD. Children were grouped into either the 7r-present group (possessing at least one copy of the 7r allele) or the 7r-absent group. The ADHD group made significantly more commission errors and was significantly more variable in RT in terms of fast moment-to-moment variability than the control group, but no effect of genotype was found on these measures. Children with ADHD without the 7r allele made significantly more omission errors, were significantly more variable in the slow frequency domain and showed less sensitivity to the signal (d') than those children with ADHD the 7r and control children with or without the 7r. These results highlight the utility of time-series analyses of reaction time data for delineating the neuropsychological deficits associated with ADHD and the DRD4 VNTR. Absence of the 7-repeat allele in children with ADHD is associated with a neurocognitive profile of drifting sustained attention that gives rise to variable and inconsistent performance. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A Time of flight (ToF) mass spectrometer suitable in terms of sensitivity, detector response and time resolution, for application in fast transient Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) kinetic catalyst characterization is reported. Technical difficulties associated with such application as well as the solutions implemented in terms of adaptations of the ToF apparatus are discussed. The performance of the ToF was validated and the full linearity of the specific detector over the full dynamic range was explored in order to ensure its applicability for the TAP application. The reported TAP-ToF setup is the first system that achieves the high level of sensitivity allowing monitoring of the full 0-200 AMU range simultaneously with sub-millisecond time resolution. In this new setup, the high sensitivity allows the use of low intensity pulses ensuring that transport through the reactor occurs in the Knudsen diffusion regime and that the data can, therefore, be fully analysed using the reported theoretical TAP models and data processing.
A relatively simple, selective, precise and accurate high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method based on a reaction of phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) with glucosamine (GL) in alkaline media was developed and validated to determine glucosamine hydrochloride permeating through human skin in vitro. It is usually problematic to develop an accurate assay for chemicals traversing skin because the excellent barrier properties of the tissue ensure that only low amounts of the material pass through the membrane and skin components may leach out of the tissue to interfere with the analysis. In addition, in the case of glucosamine hydrochloride, chemical instability adds further complexity to assay development. The assay, utilising the PITC-GL reaction was refined by optimizing the reaction temperature, reaction time and PITC concentration. The reaction produces a phenylthiocarbamyl-glucosamine (PTC-GL) adduct which was separated on a reverse-phase (RP) column packed with 5 microm ODS (C18) Hypersil particles using a diode array detector (DAD) at 245 nm. The mobile phase was methanol-water-glacial acetic acid (10:89.96:0.04 v/v/v, pH 3.5) delivered to the column at 1 ml min-1 and the column temperature was maintained at 30 degrees C. Galactosamine hydrochloride (Gal-HCl) was used as an internal standard. Using a saturated aqueous solution of glucosamine hydrochloride, in vitro permeation studies were performed at 32+/-1 degrees C over 48 h using human epidermal membranes prepared by a heat separation method and mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a diffusional area 2.15+/-0.1 cm2. The optimum derivatisation reaction conditions for reaction temperature, reaction time and PITC concentration were found to be 80 degrees C, 30 min and 1% v/v, respectively. PTC-Gal and GL adducts eluted at 8.9 and 9.7 min, respectively. The detector response was found to be linear in the concentration range 0-1000 microg ml-1. The assay was robust with intra- and inter-day precisions (described as a percentage of relative standard deviation, %R.S.D.) <12. Intra- and inter-day accuracy (as a percentage of the relative error, %RE) was <or=-5.60 and <or=-8.00, respectively. Using this assay, it was found that GL-HCl permeates through human skin with a flux 1.497+/-0.42 microg cm-2 h-1, a permeability coefficient of 5.66+/-1.6x10(-6) cm h-1 and with a lag time of 10.9+/-4.6 h.
A sociedade moderna encontra-se cada vez mais dependente dos combustíveis líquidos bem como de produtos derivados do petróleo. Em virtude do limitado tempo de vida das reservas naturais de petróleo, torna-se imperativo encontrar fontes alternativas de produção de hidrocarbonetos. A pirólise de resíduos de pneus e plásticos pode ser uma dessas possíveis fontes. Neste processo, o tratamento termoquímico implementado aos resíduos permite, não só, a valorização económica resultante da sua transformação em produtos de valor acrescido, como também a recuperação do conteúdo orgânico. O referido processo conduz à formação de hidrocarbonetos em fase líquida que podem ser utilizados pela indústria como combustíveis líquidos e/ou como matéria-prima. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo principal a definição das condições experimentais mais propícias à obtenção de combustíveis líquidos (maximização) resultantes da pirólise de misturas de resíduos de borracha de pneus e plásticos nomeadamente polietileno (PE), polipropileno (PP) e poliestireno (PS). Como instrumento de optimização das condições experimentais optou-se pela Metodologia dos Planos Factoriais de Ensaios. Os resultados experimentais obtidos mostram que as taxas de conversão em fase líquida podem atingir valores superiores a 80% (m/m) dependendo das condições experimentais utilizadas bem como do tipo e mistura de resíduos a pirolisar. Os rendimentos das fracções gasosa e sólida podem atingir valores na ordem dos 5% e 12% (respectivamente). Foi também estudado o efeito das condições experimentais nomeadamente a temperatura de reacção, pressão inicial, tempo de reacção e composição da mistura. Este estudo revelou que a maximização da fracção líquida é favorecida por uma temperatura de ensaio de 370ºC, uma pressão inicial de 0,48MPa e um tempo de ensaio de 15 minutos. Relativamente à composição da mistura, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com 30% (m/m) de resíduos de borracha de pneus (BP) associados a uma mistura de 70% (m/m) de resíduos de plásticos composta por 20% polietileno, 30% polipropileno e 20% poliestireno. Igualmente foi feita a caracterização física e química da matéria-prima e dos produtos obtidos pelo referido processo, bem como, o estudo da presença de diferentes substâncias potencialmente doadores de hidrogénio ao meio reaccional de forma a melhorar o rendimento líquido. Por último, foram realizados estudos cinéticos das reacções químicas de formação dos diferentes produtos aos resíduos de borracha de pneus (BP), misturas de resíduos de plástico (PE, PP e PS) e suas misturas. Ainda, foram ajustados os resultados obtidos pelo modelo teórico aos resultados experimentais, propostos mecanismos reaccionais de formação dos produtos e calculados os parâmetros cinéticos. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a pirólise pode representar um papel significativo na valorização energética e orgânica destes resíduos apesar de, ainda, ser necessário o desenvolvimento de alguns aspectos tecnológicos de modo a tornar mais atraente a implementação desta tecnologia à escala industrial.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a extracção supercrítica do óleo de grainha de uva, usando dióxido de carbono, e combinou-se este processo com um prétratamento enzimático da semente para aumentar o rendimento global da extracção. A qualidade dos extractos obtidos foi avaliada pelo seu conteúdo em triacilglicerídeos, perfil de ácidos gordos e capacidade antioxidante. Realizaram-se também alguns estudos exploratórios sobre a aplicação de um pré-tratamento de alta pressão (HPP) à grainha da uva. Adicionalmente, efectuou-se o estudo da extracção, fraccionamento e caracterização estrutural das procianidinas da grainha da uva, bem como a avaliação da sua capacidade antioxidante. A extracção de procianidinas da grainha da uva foi efectuada sequencialmente com metanol e acetona/água, tendo sido posteriormente fraccionadas por adição sucessiva de misturas metanol/clorofórmio progressivamente mais concentradas em clorofórmio. A caracterização das procianidinas foi feita por HPLC-UV e LC–MS, antes e depois de sujeitar as amostras a uma tiólise, e também por ESI-MS e ESI-MS/MS. Este estudo permitiu reportar, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de procianidinas do tipo-A galoiladas na grainha da uva. Os resultados de HPLC-UV permitiram determinar o grau médio de polimerização das procianidinas e a sua composição monomérica em (+)- catequina, (-)-epicatequina e (-)-epicatequina-O-galato. Mostrou-se que a (+)- catequina é o flavan-3-ol terminal mais abundante e a (-)-epicatequina predomina largamente como unidade de extensão. No caso de procianidinas do tipo A, a ligação interflavânica C2-C7 encontra-se essencialmente nas unidades terminais. O grau médio de polimerização das diversas fracções varia entre 1.0 e 10.8. A sua capacidade antioxidante, medida pelo método espectrofotométrico de DPPH•, mostrou-se ser equivalente à de uma amostra comercial de (+)-catequina usada como referência. A partir dos graus médios de polimerização experimentais e das análises de FTIR das fracções correspondentes foi possível obter um modelo preditivo O-PLS com apenas uma variável latente. O pré-tratamento enzimático justificou-se pelo conhecimento existente acerca do uso de enzimas específicas que destroem parcialmente as paredes celulares. Atendendo à composição das paredes celulares da grainha da uva preparou-se uma suspensão contendo protease, xilanase, pectinase e celulase. Para determinar as condições experimentais do pré-tratamento que maximizam o rendimento da extracção, estudou-se o efeito do tempo de reacção, temperatura, pH, diâmetro médio das partículas de grainha moída e a concentração das enzimas. Os incrementos do rendimento da extracção de óleo observados atingiram 163.2%. O estudo da extracção supercrítica (SFE) do óleo da grainha de uva tratada e não-tratada permitiu obter as curvas de extracção correspondentes, bem com analisar a influência das condições operatórias sobre o seu andamento. Montou-se uma instalação laboratorial onde se realizaram experiências com dióxido de carbono a 160, 180, 200 e 220 bar e temperaturas de 313.15 e 323.15 K. Os rendimentos obtidos por SFE foram semelhantes aos de Soxhlet com n-hexano. As curvas de extracção medidas compreendem um primeiro período de extracção, onde se remove cerca de 92-97% do óleo disponível, e um segundo período, essencialmente difusional, com pouco impacto no rendimento final. Os vários extractos recolhidos e o óleo global obtido foram caracterizados para avaliar a sua qualidade e relacioná-la com as condições operatórias de SFE. Determinaram-se o conteúdo total em triacilglicerídeos, o seu perfil de ácidos gordos e a capacidade antioxidante (AOC). Os resultados mostraram que a AOC aumenta com a elevação da pressão e, acentuadamente, com o acréscimo da temperatura. Ao longo da curva de extracção, a AOC é mais pronunciada nos extractos iniciais, nomeadamente nos primeiros 30 a 40% da extracção. A modelação efectuada considerou que o óleo extractável se reparte entre células rompidas, predominantes na periferia da semente, e células intactas, mais interiores. Admitiu-se que o transporte de massa ocorre em série, i.e. das células intactas para as rompidas e destas para o solvente; mostrou-se que a dispersão axial era desprezável. Os balanços materiais à fase fluida e aos volumes de células rompidas e intactas, combinados com os fluxos interno, externo e a relação de equilíbrio foram resolvidos numericamente pelo método das linhas combinado com diferenças finitas atrasadas. O modelo reproduziu bem as curvas experimentais e permitiu simular curvas de eluição e os três perfis de concentração no leito.
Knockout mice lacking the alpha-1b adrenergic receptor were tested in behavioral experiments. Reaction to novelty was first assessed in a simple test in which the time taken by the knockout mice and their littermate controls to enter a second compartment was compared. Then the mice were tested in an open field to which unknown objects were subsequently added. Special novelty was introduced by moving one of the familiar objects to another location in the open field. Spatial behavior and memory were further studied in a homing board test, and in the water maze. The alpha-1b knockout mice showed an enhanced reactivity to new situations. They were faster to enter the new environment, covered longer paths in the open field, and spent more time exploring the new objects. They reacted like controls to modification inducing spatial novelty. In the homing board test, both the knockout mice and the control mice seemed to use a combination of distant visual and proximal olfactory cues, showing place preference only if the two types of cues were redundant. In the water maze the alpha-1b knockout mice were unable to learn the task, which was confirmed in a probe trial without platform. They were perfectly able, however, to escape in a visible platform procedure. These results confirm previous findings showing that the noradrenergic pathway is important for the modulation of behaviors such as reaction to novelty and exploration, and suggest that this is mediated, at least partly, through the alpha-1b adrenergic receptors. The lack of alpha-1b adrenergic receptors in spatial orientation does not seem important in cue-rich tasks but may interfere with orientation in situations providing distant cues only.
Multisensory stimuli can improve performance, facilitating RTs on sensorimotor tasks. This benefit is referred to as the redundant signals effect (RSE) and can exceed predictions on the basis of probability summation, indicative of integrative processes. Although an RSE exceeding probability summation has been repeatedly observed in humans and nonprimate animals, there are scant and inconsistent data from nonhuman primates performing similar protocols. Rather, existing paradigms have instead focused on saccadic eye movements. Moreover, the extant results in monkeys leave unresolved how stimulus synchronicity and intensity impact performance. Two trained monkeys performed a simple detection task involving arm movements to auditory, visual, or synchronous auditory-visual multisensory pairs. RSEs in excess of predictions on the basis of probability summation were observed and thus forcibly follow from neural response interactions. Parametric variation of auditory stimulus intensity revealed that in both animals, RT facilitation was limited to situations where the auditory stimulus intensity was below or up to 20 dB above perceptual threshold, despite the visual stimulus always being suprathreshold. No RT facilitation or even behavioral costs were obtained with auditory intensities 30-40 dB above threshold. The present study demonstrates the feasibility and the suitability of behaving monkeys for investigating links between psychophysical and neurophysiologic instantiations of multisensory interactions.
Daytime napping improves well-being and performance for young adults. The benefits of napping in older adults should be investigated because they have fragmented nocturnal sleep, cognitive declines, and more opportunity to nap. In addition, experience with napping might influence the benefits of napping. Study 1 examined the role of experience with napping in young adults. Habitual (n = 23) and non-habitual nappers (n = 16) were randomly assigned to a 20-minute nap or a 20- minute reading condition. Both groups slept the same according to macro architecture. However, microarchitecture showed greater theta, alpha, and beta power during Stage 1, and greater delta, alpha, and sigma power during Stage 2 for habitual nappers, for the most part indicating better sleep. Both groups felt less sleepy after the nap. P2 latency, reflecting information processing, decreased after the nap for habitual nappers, and after the control condition for non-habitual nappers. In sum, both groups who slept felt better, but only the habitual nappers who napped gained a benefit in terms of information processing. Based on this outcome, experience with napping was investigated in Study 2. Study 2 examined the extent to which daytime napping enhanced cognition in older adults, especially frontal lobe function. Cognitive deficits in older adults may be due to sleep loss and age-related decline in brain functioning. Longer naps were expected to provide greater improvement, particularly for older adults, by reducing sleep pressure. Thirty-two adults, aged 24-70 years, participated in a repeated measures dose-response manipulation of sleep pressure. Twenty- and sixty-minute naps were compared to a no-nap condition in three age groups. Mood, subjective sleepiness, reaction time, working memory, 11 novelty detection, and waking electro physiological measures were taken before and after each condition. EEG was also recorded during each nap or rest condition. Napping reduced subjective sleepiness, improved working memory (serial addition / subtraction task), and improved attention (reduced P2 amplitude). Physiological sleepiness (i.e., waking theta power) increased following the control condition, and decreased after the longer nap. Increased beta power after the short nap, and seen with older adults overall, may have reflected increased mental effort. Older adults had longer latencies and smaller amplitudes for several event-related potential components, and higher beta and gamma power. Following the longer nap, gamma power decreased for older adults, but increased for young adults. Beta and gamma power may represent enhanced alertness or mental effort. In addition, Nl amplitude showed that benefits depend on the preceding nap length as well as age. Since the middle group had smaller Nl amplitudes following the short nap and rest condition, it is possible that they needed a longer nap to maintain alertness. Older adults did not show improvements to Nl amplitude following any condition; they may have needed a nap longer than 60 minutes to gain benefits to attention or early information processing. Sleep characteristics were not related to benefits of napping. Experience with napping was also investigated. Subjective data confirmed habitual nappers were happier to nap, while non-habitual nappers were happier to stay awake, reflecting self-identified napping habits. Non-habitual nappers were sleepier after a nap, and had faster brain activity (i.e., heightened vigilance) at sleep onset. These reasons may explain why non-habitual nappers choose not to nap.
Several recent studies have described the period of impaired alertness and performance known as sleep inertia that occurs upon awakening from a full night of sleep. They report that sleep inertia dissipates in a saturating exponential manner, the exact time course being task dependent, but generally persisting for one to two hours. A number of factors, including sleep architecture, sleep depth and circadian variables are also thought to affect the duration and intensity. The present study sought to replicate their findings for subjective alertness and reaction time and also to examine electrophysiological changes through the use of event-related potentials (ERPs). Secondly, several sleep parameters were examined for potential effects on the initial intensity of sleep inertia. Ten participants spent two consecutive nights and subsequent mornings in the sleep lab. Sleep architecture was recorded for a fiiU nocturnal episode of sleep based on participants' habitual sleep patterns. Subjective alertness and performance was measured for a 90-minute period after awakening. Alertness was measured every five minutes using the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) and a visual analogue scale (VAS) of sleepiness. An auditory tone also served as the target stimulus for an oddball task designed to examine the NlOO and P300 components ofthe ERP waveform. The five-minute oddball task was presented at 15-minute intervals over the initial 90-minutes after awakening to obtain six measures of average RT and amplitude and latency for NlOO and P300. Standard polysomnographic recording were used to obtain digital EEG and describe the night of sleep. Power spectral analyses (FFT) were used to calculate slow wave activity (SWA) as a measure of sleep depth for the whole night, 90-minutes before awakening and five minutes before awakening.
Imaging studies have shown reduced frontal lobe resources following total sleep deprivation (TSD). The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in the frontal region plays a role in performance monitoring and cognitive control; both error detection and response inhibition are impaired following sleep loss. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are an electrophysiological tool used to index the brain's response to stimuli and information processing. In the Flanker task, the error-related negativity (ERN) and error positivity (Pe) ERPs are elicited after erroneous button presses. In a Go/NoGo task, NoGo-N2 and NoGo-P3 ERPs are elicited during high conflict stimulus processing. Research investigating the impact of sleep loss on ERPs during performance monitoring is equivocal, possibly due to task differences, sample size differences and varying degrees of sleep loss. Based on the effects of sleep loss on frontal function and prior research, it was expected that the sleep deprivation group would have lower accuracy, slower reaction time and impaired remediation on performance monitoring tasks, along with attenuated and delayed stimulus- and response-locked ERPs. In the current study, 49 young adults (24 male) were screened to be healthy good sleepers and then randomly assigned to a sleep deprived (n = 24) or rested control (n = 25) group. Participants slept in the laboratory on a baseline night, followed by a second night of sleep or wake. Flanker and Go/NoGo tasks were administered in a battery at 1O:30am (i.e., 27 hours awake for the sleep deprivation group) to measure performance monitoring. On the Flanker task, the sleep deprivation group was significantly slower than controls (p's <.05), but groups did not differ on accuracy. No group differences were observed in post-error slowing, but a trend was observed for less remedial accuracy in the sleep deprived group compared to controls (p = .09), suggesting impairment in the ability to take remedial action following TSD. Delayed P300s were observed in the sleep deprived group on congruent and incongruent Flanker trials combined (p = .001). On the Go/NoGo task, the hit rate (i.e., Go accuracy) was significantly lower in the sleep deprived group compared to controls (p <.001), but no differences were found on false alarm rates (i.e., NoGo Accuracy). For the sleep deprived group, the Go-P3 was significantly smaller (p = .045) and there was a trend for a smaller NoGo-N2 compared to controls (p = .08). The ERN amplitude was reduced in the TSD group compared to controls in both the Flanker and Go/NoGo tasks. Error rate was significantly correlated with the amplitude of response-locked ERNs in control (r = -.55, p=.005) and sleep deprived groups (r = -.46, p = .021); error rate was also correlated with Pe amplitude in controls (r = .46, p=.022) and a trend was found in the sleep deprived participants (r = .39, p =. 052). An exploratory analysis showed significantly larger Pe mean amplitudes (p = .025) in the sleep deprived group compared to controls for participants who made more than 40+ errors on the Flanker task. Altered stimulus processing as indexed by delayed P3 latency during the Flanker task and smaller amplitude Go-P3s during the Go/NoGo task indicate impairment in stimulus evaluation and / or context updating during frontal lobe tasks. ERN and NoGoN2 reductions in the sleep deprived group confirm impairments in the monitoring system. These data add to a body of evidence showing that the frontal brain region is particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. Understanding the neural basis of these deficits in performance monitoring abilities is particularly important for our increasingly sleep deprived society and for safety and productivity in situations like driving and sustained operations.
En salle d’opération, les tâches de l’anesthésiste sont nombreuses. Alors que l’utilisation de nouveaux outils technologiques l’informe plus fidèlement sur ce qui se passe pour son patient, ces outils font que ses tâches deviennent plus exigeantes. En vue de diminuer cette charge de travail, nous avons considérer l’administration automatique d’agents anesthésiques en se servant de contrôle en boucle fermée. À cette fin, nous avons développé un système d’administration d’un agent anesthésique (le propofol) visant à maintenir à un niveau optimal la perte de conscience du patient pendant toute la durée d’une chirurgie. Le système comprend un ordinateur, un moniteur d’anesthésie et une pompe de perfusion. L’ordinateur est doté d’un algorithme de contrôle qui, à partir d’un indice (Bispectral IndexTM ou BIS) fournit par le moniteur d’anesthésie détermine le taux d’infusion de l’agent anesthésiant. Au départ, l’anesthésiste choisit une valeur cible pour la variable de contrôle BIS et l’algorithme, basé sur système expert, calcule les doses de perfusion de propofol de sorte que la valeur mesurée de BIS se rapproche le plus possible de la valeur cible établie. Comme interface-utilisateur pour un nouveau moniteur d’anesthésie, quatre sortes d’affichage ont été considérés: purement numérique, purement graphique, un mélange entre graphique et numérique et un affichage graphique intégré (soit bidimensionnel). À partir de 20 scenarios différents où des paramètres normaux et anormaux en anesthésie étaient présentés à des anesthésistes et des résidents, l’étude des temps de réaction, de l’exactitude des réponses et de la convivialité (évaluée par le NASA-TLX) a montré qu’un affichage qui combine des éléments graphiques et numériques était le meilleur choix comme interface du système. Une étude clinique a été réalisée pour comparer le comportement du système d’administration de propofol en boucle fermée comparativement à une anesthésie contrôlée de façon manuelle et conventionnelle où le BIS était aussi utilisé. Suite à l’approbation du comité d’éthique et le consentement de personnes ayant à subir des chirurgies générales et orthopédiques, 40 patients ont été distribués également et aléatoirement soit dans le Groupe contrôle, soit dans le Groupe boucle fermée. Après l’induction manuelle de propofol (1.5 mg/kg), le contrôle en boucle fermée a été déclenché pour maintenir l’anesthésie à une cible de BIS fixée à 45. Dans l’autre groupe, le propofol a été administré à l’aide d’une pompe de perfusion et l’anesthésiste avait aussi à garder manuellement l’indice BIS le plus proche possible de 45. En fonction du BIS mesuré, la performance du contrôle exercé a été définie comme excellente pendant les moments où la valeur du BIS mesurée se situait à ±10% de la valeur cible, bonne si comprise de ±10% à ±20%, faible si comprise de ±20% à ±30% ou inadéquate lorsque >±30%. Dans le Groupe boucle fermée, le système a montré un contrôle excellent durant 55% du temps total de l’intervention, un bon contrôle durant 29% du temps et faible que pendant 9% du temps. Le temps depuis l’arrêt de la perfusion jusqu’à l’extubation est de 9 ± 3.7 min. Dans le Groupe contrôle, un contrôle excellent, bon, et faible a été enregistré durant 33%, 33% et 15% du temps respectivement et les doses ont été changées manuellement par l’anesthésiste en moyenne 9.5±4 fois par h. L’extubation a été accomplie après 11.9 ± 3.3 min de l’arrêt de la perfusion. Dans le Groupe boucle fermée, un contrôle excellent a été obtenu plus longtemps au cours des interventions (P<0.0001) et un contrôle inadéquat moins longtemps (P=0.001) que dans le Groupe contrôle. Le système en boucle fermée d’administration de propofol permet donc de maintenir plus facilement l’anesthésie au voisinage d’une cible choisie que l’administration manuelle.