997 resultados para Doppler shift


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This study presents the synthesis, characterization, and kinetics of steam reforming of methane and water gas shift (WGS) reactions over highly active and coke resistant Zr0.93Ru0.05O2-delta. The catalyst showed high activity at low temperatures for both the reactions. For WGS reaction, 99% conversion of CO with 100% H-2 selectivity was observed below 290 degrees C. The detailed kinetic studies including influence of gas phase product species, effect of temperature and catalyst loading on the reaction rates have been investigated. For the reforming reaction, the rate of reaction is first order in CH4 concentration and independent of CO and H2O concentration. This indicates that the adsorptive dissociation of CH4 is the rate determining step. The catalyst also showed excellent coke resistance even under a stoichiometric steam/carbon ratio. A lack of CO methanation activity is an important finding of present study and this is attributed to the ionic nature of Ru species. The associative mechanism involving the surface formate as an intermediate was used to correlate experimental data. Copyright (C) 2013, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Composite T-joints are commonly used in modern composite airframe, pressure vessels and piping structures, mainly to increase the bending strength of the joint and prevents buckling of plates and shells, and in multi-cell thin-walled structures. Here we report a detailed study on the propagation of guided ultrasonic wave modes in a composite T-joint and their interactions with delamination in the co-cured co-bonded flange. A well designed guiding path is employed wherein the waves undergo a two step mode conversion process, one is due to the web and joint filler on the back face of the flange and the other is due to the delamination edges close to underneath the accessible surface of the flange. A 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer is used to obtain the three components of surface displacements/velocities of the accessible face of the flange of the T-joint. The waves are launched by a piezo ceramic wafer bonded on to the back surface of the flange. What is novel in the proposed method is that the location of any change in material/geometric properties can be traced by computing a frequency domain power flow along a scan line. The scan line can be chosen over a grid either during scan or during post-processing of the scan data off-line. The proposed technique eliminates the necessity of baseline data and disassembly of structure for structural interrogation.


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Space shift keying (SSK) is an attractive modulation technique for multi-antenna communications. In SSK, only one among the available transmit antennas is activated during one channel use, and the index of the chosen transmit antenna conveys information. In this paper, we analyze the performance of SSK in multi-hop, multi-branch cooperative relaying systems. We consider the decode-and-forward relaying protocol, where a relay forwards the decoded symbol if it decodes the symbol correctly from the received signal. We derive closed-form expressions for the end-to-end bit error rate of SSK in this system. Analytical and simulation results match very well.


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The direct and accurate determination of heteronuclear ((n)J(HX), X = F-19, P-31) couplings from the one dimensional H-1-NMR spectrum is severely hampered due to the simultaneous presence of large numbers of (n)J(HH). The present study demonstrates the utility of the pure shift NMR approach for spectral simplification, and precise and direct measurement of heteronuclear couplings. As a consequence of refocusing of homonuclear couplings ((n)J(HH)) by the pure shift NMR, only heteronuclear couplings ((n)J(HX)) appear as simple multiplets at the resonance position of each chemically non-equivalent proton, enabling their direct measurement from the 1D-H-1 spectrum. The experiment is demonstrated on a number of molecules containing either F-19 or P-31, where (n)J(HF) and (n)J(HP) could be precisely measured in a straightforward manner. The distinct advantage of the experiment is demonstrated on molecules containing more than one fluorine atom, where most of the available NMR experiments fail or have restricted utility.


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Non-crystalline semiconductor based thin film transistors are the building blocks of large area electronic systems. These devices experience a threshold voltage shift with time due to prolonged gate bias stress. In this paper we integrate a recursive model for threshold voltage shift with the open source BSIM4V4 model of AIM-Spice. This creates a tool for circuit simulation for TFTs. We demonstrate the integrity of the model using several test cases including display driver circuits.


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Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) is one of the most popular modulation schemes in coherent optical communication systems for data rates in excess of 40 Gbps because of its high spectral efficiency. This paper proposes a simple method of implementing a QPSK modulator in integrated optic (IO) domain. The QPSK modulator is realized using standard IO components, such as Y-branches and electro-optic modulators (EOMs). Design optimization of EOM is carried out considering the fabrication constraints, miniaturization aspects, and simplicity. Also, the interdependency between electrode length, operating voltage, and electrode gap of an EOM has been captured in the form of a family of curves. These plots enable designing of EOMs for custom requirements. An innovative approach has been adopted in demonstrating the operation of IO QPSK modulator in terms of phase data extracted from beam propagation model. The results obtained by this approach have been verified using the conventional interferometric approach. The operation of the proposed IO QPSK modulator is experimentally demonstrated. The design of IO QPSK modulator is taken up as a part of a broader scheme that aims at generation of QPSK modulated microwave signal based on optical heterodyning. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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Soft-decision multiple-symbol differential sphere decoding (MSDSD) is proposed for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-aided differential space-time shift keying (DSTSK)-aided transmission over frequency-selective channels. Specifically, the DSTSK signaling blocks are generated by the channel-encoded source information and the space-time (ST) blocks are appropriately mapped to a number of OFDM subcarriers. After OFDM demodulation, the DSTSK signal is noncoherently detected by our soft-decision MSDSD detector. A novel soft-decision MSDSD detector is designed, and the associated decision rule is derived for the DSTSK scheme. Our simulation results demonstrate that an SNR reduction of 2 dB is achieved by the proposed scheme using an MSDSD window size of N-w = 4 over the conventional soft-decision-aided differential detection benchmarker, while communicating over dispersive channels and dispensing with channel estimation (CE).


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A new 1D NMR experiment cited as `Quick G-SERF', which re-introduces selective proton-proton scalar interactions in a pure shift spectrum during real time data acquisition, is reported. The method provides information on multiple proton-proton couplings from a single experiment, analogous to the 2D G-SERF technique, while significantly shortening the experimental time by 1-2 orders of magnitude due to reduced dimension and enhanced sensitivity.


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In this paper, space-shift keying (SSK) is considered for multihop multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) networks. In SSK, only one among n(s) = 2(m) available transmit antennas, chosen on the basis of m information bits, is activated during transmission. We consider two different systems of multihop co-operation, where each node has multiple antennas and employs SSK. In system I, a multihop diversity relaying scheme is considered. In system II, a multihop multibranch relaying scheme is considered. In both systems, we adopt decode-and-forward (DF) relaying, where each relay forwards the signal only when it correctly decodes. We analyze the end-to-end bit error rate (BER) and diversity order of both the systems with SSK. For binary SSK (n(s) = 2), our analytical BER expression is exact, and our numerical results show that the BERs evaluated through the analytical expression overlap with those obtained through Monte Carlo simulations. For nonbinary SSK (n(s) > 2), we derive an approximate BER expression, where the analytically evaluated BER results closely follow the simulated BER results. We show the comparison of the BERs of SSK and conventional phase-shift keying (PSK) and also show the instances where SSK outperforms PSK. We also present the diversity analyses for SSK in systems I and II, which predict the achievable diversity orders as a function of system parameters.


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We report a novel 1D J-edited pure shift NMR experiment (J-PSHIFT) that was constructed from a pseudo 2D experiment for the direct measurement of proton-proton scalar couplings. The experiment gives homonuclear broad-band H-1-decoupled H-1 NMR spectra, which provide a single peak for chemically distinct protons, and only retain the homonuclear-scalar-coupled doublet pattern at the chemical-shift positions of the protons in the coupled network of a specific proton. This permits the direct and unambiguous measurement of the magnitudes of the couplings. The incorporation of a 1D selective correlation spectroscopy (COSY)/ total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) block in lieu of the initial selective pulse, results in the exclusive detection of the correlated spectrum of a specific proton.


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Longitudinal relaxation due to cross-correlation between dipolar ((HN-1H alpha)-H-1) and amide-proton chemical shift anisotropy (H-1(N) CSA) has been measured in a model tripeptide Piv-(L)Pro-(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe. The peptide bond across diproline segment is known to undergo cis/trans isomerization and only in the cis form does the lone Phe amide-proton become involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The strength of the cross correlated relaxation interference is found to be significantly different between cis and trans forms, and this difference is shown as an influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the amide-proton CSA. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A generalized explanation is provided for the existence of the red-and blue-shifting nature of X-Z bonds (Z = H, halogens, chalcogens, pnicogens, etc.) in X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y complexes based on computational studies on a selected set of weakly bonded complexes and analysis of existing literature data. The additional electrons and orbitals available on Z in comparison to H make for dramatic differences between the H-bond and the rest of the Z-bonds. The nature of the X-group and its influence on the X-Z bond length in the parent X-Z molecule largely controls the change in the X-Z bond length on X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y bond formation; the Y-group usually influences only the magnitude of the effects controlled by X. The major factors which control the X-Z bond length change are: (a) negative hyperconjugative donation of electron density from X-group to X-Z sigma* antibonding molecular orbital (ABMO) in the parent X-Z, (b) induced negative hyperconjugation from the lone pair of electrons on Z to the antibonding orbitals of the X-group, and (c) charge transfer (CT) from the Y-group to the X-Z sigma* orbital. The exchange repulsion from the Y-group that shifts partial electron density at the X-Z sigma* ABMO back to X leads to blue-shifting and the CT from the Y-group to the sigma* ABMO of X-Z leads to red-shifting. The balance between these two opposing forces decides red-, zero- or blue-shifting. A continuum of behaviour of X-Z bond length variation is inevitable in X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y complexes.


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In the current state of the art, it remains an open problem to detect damage with partial ultrasonic scan data and with measurements at coarser spatial scale when the location of damage is not known. In the present paper, a recent development of finite element based model reduction scheme in frequency domain that employs master degrees of freedom covering the surface scan region of interests is reported in context of non-contact ultrasonic guided wave based inspection. The surface scan region of interest is grouped into master and slave degrees of freedom. A finite element wise damage factor is derived which represents damage state over distributed areas or sharp condition of inter-element boundaries (for crack). Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) scan data obtained from plate type structure with inaccessible surface line crack are considered along with the developed reduced order damage model to analyze the extent of scan data dimensional reduction. The proposed technique has useful application in problems where non-contact monitoring of complex structural parts are extremely important and at the same time LDV scan has to be done on accessible surfaces only.


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We address the problem of phase retrieval from Fourier transform magnitude spectrum for continuous-time signals that lie in a shift-invariant space spanned by integer shifts of a generator kernel. The phase retrieval problem for such signals is formulated as one of reconstructing the combining coefficients in the shift-invariant basis expansion. We develop sufficient conditions on the coefficients and the bases to guarantee exact phase retrieval, by which we mean reconstruction up to a global phase factor. We present a new class of discrete-domain signals that are not necessarily minimum-phase, but allow for exact phase retrieval from their Fourier magnitude spectra. We also establish Hilbert transform relations between log-magnitude and phase spectra for this class of discrete signals. It turns out that the corresponding continuous-domain counterparts need not satisfy a Hilbert transform relation; notwithstanding, the continuous-domain signals can be reconstructed from their Fourier magnitude spectra. We validate the reconstruction guarantees through simulations for some important classes of signals such as bandlimited signals and piecewise-smooth signals. We also present an application of the proposed phase retrieval technique for artifact-free signal reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT).


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An optical diagnostic system consisting of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer with the phase shift device and an image processor has been developed for the study of the kinetics of the crystal growing process. The dissolution and crystallization process of NaClO3 crystal has been investigated. The concentration distributions around a growing and dissolving crystal have been obtained by using phase-shift of four-steps theory for the interpretation of the interferograms. The convection (a plume flow) has been visualized and analyzed in the process of the crystal growth. The experiment demonstrates that the buoyancy convection dominates the growth rate of the crystal growing face on the ground-based experiment.