999 resultados para Dominique Kone


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This paper presents a Multi-Hypotheses Tracking (MHT) approach that allows solving ambiguities that arise with previous methods of associating targets and tracks within a highly volatile vehicular environment. The previous approach based on the Dempster–Shafer Theory assumes that associations between tracks and targets are unique; this was shown to allow the formation of ghost tracks when there was too much ambiguity or conflict for the system to take a meaningful decision. The MHT algorithm described in this paper removes this uniqueness condition, allowing the system to include ambiguity and even to prevent making any decision if available data are poor. We provide a general introduction to the Dempster–Shafer Theory and present the previously used approach. Then, we explain our MHT mechanism and provide evidence of its increased performance in reducing the amount of ghost tracks and false positive processed by the tracking system.


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For decades psychoanalysis was the discipline studying the unconscious, and other branches of study lacked competence to take a stand on the issues concerning the unconscious. From 1980s onwards intense study of the unconscious has been taken place in the scope of cognitive orientation. Thus, nowadays it is talked about both pyschoanalytic and cognitive unconscious. The aim of this thesis is to integrate psychoanalytic and cognitive views. When the "Freudian" conception of the unconscious is considered, there are four entangled issues: 1) what is the unconscious like, 2) how does the unconsciuos give rise to psychic disorders 3) why and how certain contents are missing from consciousness (repression of contents), 4) the emergence of those contents (becoming conscious of the repressed). The conventional psychoanalytic answer to the first question - and "the cornerstone of psychoanalysis" - is "the unconscious is mental". The issues 2)-4) depend radically on the answer given to the 1): "psychoanalytic" conceptualizations on them rest on the "cornerstone". That ground was challended in study I: it was argued that it has never been clear what does it mean that the unconscious is mental. Thus, it was stated that in the current state of art psychoanalysis should drop out the ephitet "mental" before the term unconscious. That claim creates a pressure to reappraise the convential "psychoanalytic" answers to the other questions, and that reappraisal was the aim of studies II and III. In study II the question 2) is approached in terms of implicit knowledge. Study III focuses on mechanisms, which determine which contents appear in the scope of consciousness, and also cause missing of contents from there (the questions 3) and 4)). In the core of study III there are distinctions concerning the processess occuring in the levels of the brain, consciousness, self-consciousness, and narrative self-consciousness. Studies I-III set "psychoanalytic" topics in the frames of cognitive view. The picture emerging from those studies is not especially useful for a clinican (psychotherapist). Studies IV and V focused that issue. Study IV is a rather serious critique toward neuropsychoanalysis. In it it was claimed that repressive functions of conscious states are in the core of clinical psychoanalysis, and functions in general cannot be reduced to neurophysiological terminology. Thus, the limits of neuropsychoanalysis are more strict than it has been realized: crucial clinical issues remain outside its scope. In study V it was focused on the confusing state of things that although unconscious fantasies do not exist, the idea on them has been an important conceptual tool for clinicans. When put in a larger context, the aim of study V is similar to that of study IV: to determine the relation between psychotherapists' and neuroscientists' terminologies. Studies III, IV and V apply the philosopher Daniel Dennett's model on different levels of explanation.


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In the title moleclue, C25H23NO2, the 4-piperidone ring adopts a boat conformation. The molecular conformation is stabilized by an intramolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond. In the crystal, molecules are connected through weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds.


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Purpose This study aims to use opportunity as a theoretical lens to investigate how the spatio-temporal and social dimensions of the consumption environment create perceived opportunities for consumers to misbehave. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on routine activity theory and social impact theory, the authors use two experiments to demonstrate that spatio-temporal and social dimensions can explain consumer theft in retail settings. Findings Study 1 reveals mixed empirical support for the basic dimensions of routine activity theory, which posits that the opportunity to thieve is optimised when a motivated offender, suitable target and the absence of a capable formal guardian transpire in time and space. Extending the notion of guardianship, Study 2 tests social impact theory and shows that informal guardianship impacts the likelihood of theft under optimal routine activity conditions. Originality/value The study findings highlight important implications for academicians and retail managers: rather than focusing on the uncontrollable characteristics of thieving offenders, more controllable spatio-temporal and social factors of the retail environment can be actively monitored and manipulated to reduce perceived opportunities for consumer misbehaviour.


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Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10−8). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.


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Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to define obesity and assess adiposity, in up to 339,224 individuals. This analysis identifies 97 BMI-associated loci (P < 5 × 10−8), 56 of which are novel. Five loci demonstrate clear evidence of several independent association signals, and many loci have significant effects on other metabolic phenotypes. The 97 loci account for ~2.7% of BMI variation, and genome-wide estimates suggest that common variation accounts for >20% of BMI variation. Pathway analyses provide strong support for a role of the central nervous system in obesity susceptibility and implicate new genes and pathways, including those related to synaptic function, glutamate signalling, insulin secretion/action, energy metabolism, lipid biology and adipogenesis.


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Doctoral training is strongly focused on honing research skills at the expense of developing teaching competency. As a result, emerging academics are unprepared for the pedagogical requirements of their early-career academic roles. Employing an action research approach, this study investigates the effectiveness of a competency-based teaching development intervention that aims to improve the teaching self-efficacy of doctoral candidates. To conduct this research, we apply the theoretical framework of Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory, a theory of social learning that requires learners to participate in a community of inquiry. Participants report significantly higher levels of teaching self-efficacy and a stronger sense of connectedness to the wider academic community.


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Purpose A fundamental aspect of hierarchical loyalty programs is that some consumers get rewards that others do not. Despite the widespread use of such programs, academics have long debated whether these benefits are outweighed by the potential negative impact of the differential treatment of customers. This study extends our understanding, examining the impact of message framing on consumers’ reactions to hierarchical loyalty structures. Design/methodology/approach Three online studies were conducted. Study 1 uses advertisements to manipulate the message frame’s emphasis (benefits vs. status). Study 2 manipulates consumers’ frame of thought by directing their attention to either changes in benefits or status. Finally, Study 3 uses the proposed framework to reconcile contradictory findings from past research. Findings Low-frequency customers who do not expect to qualify for a superior customer tier tend to reject hierarchical programs when thinking about status. In contrast, when these customers think about concrete rewards, loyalty program messages produce no negative reactions. High-frequency customers are positively affected by communication regardless of the type of benefits framed. Research limitations/implications All studies were done online potentially limiting the external validity of the results. Nevertheless, the impact of message framing on perceptions about the loyalty program seems to be quite robust across different studies and manipulations. Practical implications When communicating with low-frequency customers managers should avoid promising status; customers should instead be motivated based on concrete rewards. High-frequency customers are indifferent to alternative emphasis of communication frames. Originality/value Marketing academics have acknowledged the importance of being able to reward top customers without demotivating light and moderate users. Our research is the first to provide a solution to this issue.


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We solve the Dynamic Ehrenfeucht-Fra\"iss\'e Game on linear orders for both players, yielding a normal form for quantifier-rank equivalence classes of linear orders in first-order logic, infinitary logic, and generalized-infinitary logics with linearly ordered clocks. We show that Scott Sentences can be manipulated quickly, classified into local information, and consistency can be decided effectively in the length of the Scott Sentence. We describe a finite set of linked automata moving continuously on a linear order. Running them on ordinals, we compute the ordinal truth predicate and compute truth in the constructible universe of set-theory. Among the corollaries are a study of semi-models as efficient database of both model-theoretic and formulaic information, and a new proof of the atomicity of the Boolean algebra of sentences consistent with the theory of linear order -- i.e., that the finitely axiomatized theories of linear order are dense.


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The process of recombinational repair is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity and generating biological diversity. In association with RuvB and RuvC, RuvA plays a central role in processing and resolving Holliday junctions, which are a critical intermediate in homologous recombination. Here, the cloning, purification and structure determination of the RuvA protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRuvA) are reported. Analysis of the structure and comparison with other known RuvA proteins reveal an octameric state with conserved subunit-subunit interaction surfaces, indicating the requirement of octamer formation for biological activity. A detailed analysis of plasticity in the RuvA molecules has led to insights into the invariant and variable regions, thus providing a framework for understanding regional flexibility in various aspects of RuvA function.


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The title compound, C25H19N3, is composed of an aryl-substituted pyrazole ring connected to an aryl-substituted isoquinoline ring system with a dihedral angle of 52.7 (1)degrees between the pyrazole ring and the isoquinoline ring system. The dihedral angle between the pyrazole ring and the phenyl ring attached to it is 27.4 (1)degrees and the dihedral angle between the isoquinoline ring system and the phenyl ring attached to it is 19.6 (1)degrees.


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The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) has recently completed research to inform development of the ALTC Exchange, a new online service for learning and teaching in Australia. The research investigated resource identification and contribution, engagement with the repository and user community, and associated peer review and commentary processes. This article focuses on the data obtained and recommendations developed for engagement of potential end users. It reports a literature review and findings, including an international perspective on the ALTC Exchange, with specific focus on prospective user needs, contexts of use and policies necessary to facilitate engagement of the higher education sector with the ALTC Exchange


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In the title compound, C18H11ClN2O2, the isatin and 2-chloro-3-methylquinoline units are both almost planar, with r.m.s.deviations of 0.0075 and 0.0086 angstrom, respectively, and the dihedral angle between the mean planes of the two units is 83.13 (7)degrees. In the crystal, a weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O interaction links the molecules into chains along the c axis.


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In the title molecule, C19H14ClN3O, the quinoline and quinazoline ring systems form a dihedral angle of 80.75 (4)degrees. In the crystal, the molecules are linked by pairs of C-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds into centrosymmetric dimers, generating R-2(2)(6) ring motifs. The structure is further stabilized by C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions and pi-pi stacking interactions [centroid-centroid distances = 3.7869 (8) and 3.8490 (8) angstrom].


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan niitä muutoksia, joita suomalaisten yritysten ympäristöraportoinnissa 1980-luvulta eteenpäin on tapahtunut, ja uusinstitutionaalisen taloushistorian sekä legitimaatioteorian käsityksiin nojautuen pyritään selvittämään syitä näille muutoksille. Tutkimusaineiston muodostavat kolmen toimialaltaan erilaisen suomalaisen teollisuusyrityksen (KONE, Rautaruukki ja Metsäliitto) vuosikertomukset sekä erilliset yhtysvastuuraportit vuosilta 1980-2009. Aineiston avulla tarkastellaan sitä määrällistä ja laadullista muutosta, joka ympäristöraportoinnissa kolmen vuosikymmenen aikana tapahtui, ja muun lähdeaineiston avulla etsitään selityksiä näille muutoksille. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty sisällön analyysia. Tutkimuksen taustalla on ajatus, että institutionaalinen paine on saanut yritykset julkaisemaan ympäristöä koskevaa informaatiota enemmän kuin lainsäädännöllinen ohjaus tai perinteiset liike-elämän vaatimukset. Institutionaalisen paineen muodostumiseen puolestaan ovat vaikuttaneet muun muassa ympäristötietoisuuden lisääntyminen, liiketoiminnan kansainvälistyminen, ympäristöasioiden huomiointi mediassa, muutokset lainsäädännössä ja erilaisissa suosituksissa sekä muut liiketoimintaympäristön muutokset. Tässä työssä tarkasteltujen yritysten ympäristöraportoinnin kehitys on ollut hyvin paljon samansuuntaista, mutta jonkin verran eroja myös esiintyy. Pääasiassa ympäristöraportoinnin määrä lisääntyi nopeasti 1990-luvun alun jälkeen, jolloin ympäristöasioista alettiin raportoida monipuolisemmin, tavoitteena ilmeisesti oman yrityksen toiminnan puolustaminen. Vuosituhannen vaihteessa ympäristöraportointi omaksuttiin osaksi laajempaa yhteiskuntavastuun raportointia, ja raportoinnin teemoiksi nousivat muun muassa kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet, koko yrityksen sitoutuminen tavoitteisiin sekä ympäristöasioiden huomiointi yhtenä yrityksen perusarvoista. Tässä tutkimuksessa näitä tuloksia arvioidaan DiMaggion ja Povvellin organisaatioteorian käsittein, ja raportoinnin muutokseen vaikuttava institutionaalinen paine jaetaan kolmeen tämän teorian mukaiseen ryhmään: pakottava paine (lainsäädäntö ja pakottavat normit), mimeettinen paine (yritysten pyrkimys samanlaisuuteen muiden toimintaa matkimalla) sekä normatiivinen paine (ammattimaistuminen, asiantuntijoiden vallan kasvu). Kolmen tapausesimerkin tarkastelu osoittaa, että pakottava paine on koko ajan ollut tärkeä raportointiin vaikuttanut tekijä, mimeettinen paine korostui ympäristöraportoinnin lisääntymisen alkuaikoina ja normatiivisen paineen merkitys puolestaan on korostunut tarkasteluajanjakson loppupuolella.