371 resultados para Doll clothes.


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Different studies has aimed the understanding of the causes that lead some cities, regions or territories to develop themselves, whereas others remain stagnant or get back. One starts from the presupposed that the development results from the standard of social territorial organization, this one capable to provoke collective territorial innovations, as a result of the institucional density, that is, from the local capacity to constitute relations in chain. The present análisis is centered in the municipality of Sarandi/RS/ Brasil, that from the nineties has enterprised a trajectory of uncomum development. From a serious situation of social economical crisis in the previous decades, its social economical and institutional actors, in a way of chain, were capable to reason a collection of initiatives that resulted in the structure of a microcluster in the department of clothes industry, counting today around 50 companies and the institutions of support minimally necessaries.


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El presente trabajo pretendía investigar y analizar el funcionamiento del mercado de hidrocarburos y gas natural, en busca de determinar la Influencia de la exploración y el almacenamiento de petróleo y gas natural en la relación de las organizaciones con las comunidades. Teniendo en cuenta el concepto de comunidad a partir del marketing relacional donde la comunidad se refiere a los consumidores y el entorno en el cual están inmersos. En este contexto se definieron los principales actores que participan en la relación comercial, el tipo de relación presente entre ellos y todos los factores que intervienen en desarrollo de esta relación que cada vez es más inestable y de corto plazo. Al finalizar esta investigación se reunió información acerca de las relaciones comerciales en el mercado de hidrocarburos, que servirán de fundamento para investigaciones futuras que permitirán plantear alternativas para sobrellevar la incertidumbre de este mercado y de esa manera lograr desarrollar una relación más confiable y duradera entre las organizaciones y las comunidades que intervienen en el proceso comercial. Debido a que aunque existe gran diversidad estrategias que pueden ser implementadas para mantener una relación estable, estas en la mayor parte de los casos no son utilizadas.


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Lunette Atelier, desde Septiembre de 2014 se dedica a la venta de gafas de sol por Facebook, cuenta con 5.000 seguidores y 2.000 en Instagram, actualmente está en el proceso de registro de marca en la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá. El objetivo de este plan de empresa es hacer una línea de negocio: venta de vestidos de baño 100% personalizables por medio de una página web. La necesidad de la mayoría de las mujeres de hoy en día a la hora de irse a vacaciones y lucir sus vestidos de baño es verse bien, sentirse cómodas, seguras y únicas. Es por esto que la empresa quiere satisfacer esta necesidad, ofreciendo un portafolio de productos variado para que sus clientas puedan elegir la mejor opción para su cuerpo, la que las haga sentir más seguras, no importa la talla que sea, el color que quiera o el diseño que le quede mejor, Lunette Atelier ofrece productos exclusivos y únicos para todas la mujeres. Nuestro valor agregado, ofrecemos una experiencia de compra única por medio del diseño de cada una de las prendas a la medida y al gusto de cada cliente. Todas nuestras piezas son confeccionadas con las mejores materias primas del mercado, aparte de esto son exclusivas e importadas. La mayoría de nuestros productos están hechos de microfibras lo que hace que las prendas sean cómodas y elásticas para que a la hora de usarlas el cliente se sienta lo más confortable posible.


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El objetivo fue evaluar la intervención de las alertas en la prescripción de diclofenaco. Estudio observacional, comparativo, post intervención, de un antes después, en pacientes con prescripción de diclofenaco. Se evaluó la intervención de las alertas restrictivas antes y después de su implementación en los pacientes prescritos con diclofenaco y que tenían asociado un diagnóstico de riesgo cardiovascular según CIE 10 o eran mayores de 65 años. Un total de 315.135 transacciones con prescripción de diclofenaco, en 49.355 pacientes promedio mes. El 94,8% (298.674) de las transacciones fueron prescritas por médicos generales.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar los sectores económicos con mayor susceptibilidad de exposición a agentes químicos carcinógenos, categorizados en el grupo 1 por la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer IARC (formaldehído, polvo de madera, benceno y sílice cristalina) afiliadas a una Administradora de riesgos Laborales (ARL) en Colombia entre el periodo 2011 a 2014. Método: Estudio de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo con datos históricos obtenidos desde 2011 hasta 2014. De acuerdo con el número de mediciones que se realizó en cada área y cargo de las empresas objeto de estudio, se utilizó la medición basal para determinar el estado inicial y evaluar de manera concurrente la exposición de estos cuatro agentes químicos. Resultados: En total se obtuvieron 201 mediciones de higiene industrial para cuatro agentes químicos carcinógenos. Los resultados mostraron que índice de riesgo de la exposición a agentes químicos carcinógenos en diferentes empresas, se encuentra en algunos casos en niveles altos o críticos dado que superar los valores máximos permisibles definidos por la Conferencia Americana de Higienistas Industriales de Gobierno (ACGIH). Conclusión: Los trabajadores de diferentes empresas en Colombia están expuestas a diferentes tipos de concentraciones por agentes químicos cancerígenos. Las concentraciones ambientales obtenidas en el ambiente laboral en algunos casos excedieron las concentraciones máximas permitidas, por lo que se recomienda que las empresas e instituciones del país fortalezcan las medidas de prevención, vigilancia y control para minimizar los riegos a que pueden estar expuestos sus trabajadores.


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En portada además: Materiales para el segundo ciclo de Educación primaria. Materiales de los profesores participantes


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A review of the implications of climate change for freshwater resources, based on Chapter 4 of Working Group 2, IPCC.


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Mites can be found in all imaginable terrestrial habitats, in freshwater, and in salt water. Mites can be found in our houses and furnishings, on our clothes, and even in the pores of our skin-almost every single person carries mites. Most of the time, we are unaware of them because they are small and easily overlooked, and-most of the time-they do not cause trouble. In fact, they may even proof useful, for instance in forensics. The first arthropod scavengers colonising a dead body will be flies with phoretic mites. The flies will complete their life cycle in and around the corpse, while the mites may feed on the immature stages of the flies. The mites will reproduce much faster than their carriers, offering themselves as valuable timeline markers. There are environments where insects are absent or rare or the environmental conditions impede their access to the corpse. Here, mites that are already present and mites that arrive walking, through air currents or material transfer become important. At the end of the ninetieth century, the work of Jean Pierre M,gnin became the starting point of forensic acarology. M,gnin documented his observations in 'La Faune des Cadavres' [The Fauna of Carcasses]. He was the first to list eight distinct waves of arthropods colonising human carcasses. The first wave included flies and mites, the sixth wave was composed of mites exclusively. The scope of forensic acarology goes further than mites as indicators of time of death. Mites are micro-habitat specific and might provide evidential data on movement or relocation of bodies, or locating a suspect at the scene of a crime. Because of their high diversity, wide occurrence, and abundance, mites may be of great value in the analysis of trace evidence.


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Phoretic mites are likely the most abundant arthropods found on carcases and corpses. They outnumber their scavenger carriers in both number and diversity. Many phoretic mites travel on scavenger insects and are highly specific; they will arrive on a particular species of host and no other. Because of this, they may be useful as trace indicators of their carriers even when their carriers are absent. Phoretic mites can be valuable markers of time. They are usually found in a specialised transitional transport or dispersal stage, often moulting and transforming to adults shortly after arrival on a carcase or corpse. Many are characterised by faster development and generation cycles than their carriers. Humans are normally unaware, but we too carry mites; they are skin mites that are present in our clothes. More than 212 phoretic mite species associated with carcases have been reported in the literature. Among these, mites belonging to the Mesostigmata form the dominant group, represented by 127 species with 25 phoretic mite species belonging to the family Parasitidae and 48 to the Macrochelidae. Most of these mesostigmatids are associated with particular species of flies or carrion beetles, though some are associated with small mammals arriving during the early stages of decomposition. During dry decay, members of the Astigmata are more frequently found; 52 species are phoretic on scavengers, and the majority of these travel on late-arriving scavengers such as hide beetles, skin beetles and moths. Several species of carrion beetles can visit a corpse simultaneously, and each may carry 1-10 species of phoretic mites. An informative diversity of phoretic mites may be found on a decaying carcass at any given time. The composition of the phoretic mite assemblage on a carcass might provide valuable information about the conditions of and time elapsed since death.


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Objective: To determine the risk of lung cancer associated with exposure at home to the radioactive disintegration products of naturally Occurring radon gas. Design: Collaborative analysis of individual data from 13 case-control studies of residential radon and lung cancer. Setting Nine European countries. Subjects 7148 cases Of lung cancer and 14 208 controls. Main outcome measures: Relative risks of lung cancer and radon gas concentrations in homes inhabited during the previous 5-34 years measured in becquerels (radon disintegrations per second) per cubic incite (Bq/m(3)) Of household air. Results: The mean measured radon concentration in homes of people in tire control group was 97 Bq/m(3), with 11% measuring > 200 and 4% measuring > 400 Bq/m(3). For cases of lung cancer the mean concentration was 104 Bq/m(3). The risk of lung cancer increased by 8.4% (95% confidence interval 3.0% to 15.8%) per 100 Bq/m(3) increase in measured radon (P = 0.0007). This corresponds to an increase of 16% (5% to 31%) per 100 Bq/m(3) increase in usual radon-that is, after correction for the dilution caused by random uncertainties in measuring radon concentrations. The dose-response relation seemed to be linear with no threshold and remained significant (P=0.04) in analyses limited to individuals from homes with measured radon < 200 Bq/m(3). The proportionate excess risk did not differ significantly with study, age, sex, or smoking. In the absence of other causes of death, the absolute risks of lung cancer by age 75 years at usual radon concentrations of 0, 100, and 400 Bq/m(3) would be about 0.4%, 0.5%, and 0.7%, respectively, for lifelong non-smokers, and about 25 times greater (10%, 12%, and 16%) for cigarette smokers. Conclusions: Collectively, though not separately, these studies show appreciable hazards from residential radon, particularly for smokers and recent ex-smokers, and indicate that it is responsible for about 2% of all deaths from cancer in Europe.


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Unusually among the mammals, humans lack an outer layer of protective fur or hair. We propose the hypothesis that humans evolved hairlessness to reduce parasite loads, especially ectoparasites that may carry disease. We suggest that hairlessness is maintained by these naturally selected benefits and by sexual selection operating on both sexes. Hairlessness is made possible in humans owing to their unique abilities to regulate their environment via fire, shelter and clothing. Clothes and shelters allow a more flexible response to the external environment than a permanent layer of fur and can be changed or cleaned if infested with parasites. Naked mole-rats, another hairless and non-aquatic mammal species, also inhabit environments in which ectoparasite transmission is expected to be high, but in which temperatures are closely regulated. Our hypothesis explains features of human hairlessness-such as the marked sex difference in body hair, and its retention in the pubic regions-that are not explained by other theories.


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This paper considers how environmental threat may contribute to the child's use of avoidant strategies to regulate negative emotions, and how this may interact with high emotional reactivity to create vulnerability to conduct disorder symptoms. We report a study based on the hypothesis that interpreting others' behaviours in terms of their motives and emotions - using the intentional stance - promotes effective social action, but may lead to fear in threatful situations, and that inhibiting the intentional stance may reduce fear but promote conduct disorder symptoms. We assessed 5-year-olds' use of the intentional stance with an intentionality scale, contrasting high and low threat doll play scenarios. In a sample of 47 children of mothers with post-natal depression ( PND) and 35 controls, children rated as securely attached with their mothers at the age of 18 months were better able to preserve the intentional stance than insecure children in high threat scenarios, but not in low threat scenarios. Girls had higher intentionality scores than boys across all scenarios. Only intentionality in the high threat scenario was associated with teacher-rated conduct disorder symptoms, and only in the children of women with PND. Intentionality mediated the associations between attachment security and gender and conduct disorder symptoms in the PND group.


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Background: Children with cleft lip are known to be at raised risk for socio-emotional difficulties, but the nature of these problems and their causes are incompletely understood; longitudinal studies are required that include comprehensive assessment of child functioning, and consideration of developmental mechanisms. Method: Children with cleft lip (with and without cleft palate) (N = 93) and controls (N = 77), previously studied through infancy, were followed up at 7 years, and their socio-emotional functioning assessed using teacher and maternal reports, observations of social interactions, and child social representations (doll play). Direct and moderating effects of infant attachment and current parenting were investigated, as was the role of child communication difficulties and attractiveness. Results: Children with clefts had raised rates of teacher-reported social problems, and anxious and withdrawn-depressed behaviour; direct observations and child representations also revealed difficulties in social relationships. Child communication problems largely accounted for these effects, especially in children with cleft palate as well as cleft lip. Insecure attachment contributed to risk in both index and control groups, and a poorer current parenting environment exacerbated the difficulties of those with clefts. Conclusions: Children with clefts are at raised risk for socio-emotional difficulties in the school years; clinical interventions should focus on communication problems and supporting parenting; specific interventions around the transition to school may be required. More generally, the findings reflect the importance of communication skills for children’s peer relations.