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Asexual lineages can derive from sexual ancestors via different mechanisms and at variable rates, which affects the diversity of the asexual population and thereby its ecological success. We investigated the variation and evolution of reproductive systems in Aptinothrips, a genus of grass thrips comprising four species. Extensive population surveys and breeding experiments indicated sexual reproduction in A. elegans, asexuality in A. stylifer and A. karnyi, and both sexual and asexual lineages in A. rufus. Asexuality in A. stylifer and A. rufus coincides with a worldwide distribution, with sexual A. rufus lineages confined to a limited area. Inference of molecular phylogenies and antibiotic treatment revealed different causes of asexuality in different species. Asexuality in A. stylifer and A. karnyi has most likely genetic causes, while it is induced by endosymbionts in A. rufus. Endosymbiont-community characterization revealed presence of Wolbachia, and lack of other bacteria known to manipulate host reproduction. However, only 69% asexual A. rufus females are Wolbachia-infected, indicating that either an undescribed endosymbiont causes asexuality in this species or that Wolbachia was lost in several lineages that remained asexual. These results open new perspectives for studies on the maintenance of mixed sexual and asexual reproduction in natural populations.
The glutamate-rich protein (GLURP) is an exoantigen expressed in all stages of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle in humans. Anti-GLURP antibodies can inhibit parasite growth in the presence of monocytes via antibody-dependent cellular inhibition (ADCI), and a major parasite-inhibitory region has been found in the N-terminal R0 region of the protein. Herein, we describe the antiplasmodial activity of anti-GLURP antibodies present in the sera from individuals naturally exposed to malaria in a Brazilian malaria-endemic area. The anti-R0 antibodies showed a potent inhibitory effect on the growth of P. falciparum in vitro, both in the presence (ADCI) and absence (GI) of monocytes. The inhibitory effect on parasite growth was comparable to the effect of IgGs purified from pooled sera from hyperimmune African individuals. Interestingly, in the ADCI test, higher levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were observed in the supernatant from cultures with higher parasitemias. Our data suggest that the antibody response induced by GLURP-R0 in naturally exposed individuals may have an important role in controlling parasitemia because these antibodies are able to inhibit the in vitro growth of P. falciparum with or without the cooperation from monocytes. Our results also indicate that TNF-α may not be relevant for the inhibitory effect on P. falciparum in vitro growth.
There are exceptional situations where emergency services are required Primary Care in the application of material used by drug-dependent patients, being the response to this demand is something that many of the cases, to individual discretion and the randomness and variability every situation leads to an answer. It calls for a response commensurate to public services and preventive health philosophy in most cases will be carried out by the nurse to perform assistance Devices Critical Care (DCCU), often this first contact these patients and slots at the supply of resources diminishes the possibilities of acquisition of such material to them. That is why, and in the absence in this area of patient safety and professional, a workflow model and according to the prevailing philosophy of working in primary care in terms of prevention policies and recruitment of patients concerned, this project raises guidance for the development of a needle exchange program from the triage consultations DCCU.
Utilitzar els dispositius mòbils mitjançant el posicionament GPS i els missatges SMS en la plataforma WAC.
The role played by different mammal species in the maintenance of Trypanosoma cruzi is not constant and varies in time and place. This study aimed to characterise the importance of domestic, wild and peridomestic hosts in the transmission of T. cruzi in Tauá, state of Ceará, Caatinga area, Brazil, with an emphasis on those environments colonised by Triatoma brasiliensis. Direct parasitological examinations were performed on insects and mammals, serologic tests were performed on household and outdoor mammals and multiplex polymerase chain reaction was used on wild mammals. Cytochrome b was used as a food source for wild insects. The serum prevalence in dogs was 38% (20/53), while in pigs it was 6% (2/34). The percentages of the most abundantly infected wild animals were as follows: Thrichomys laurentius 74% (83/112) and Kerodon rupestris 10% (11/112). Of the 749 triatomines collected in the household research, 49.3% (369/749) were positive for T. brasiliensis, while 6.8% were infected with T. cruzi (25/369). In captured animals, T. brasiliensis shares a natural environment with T. laurentius, K. rupestris, Didelphis albiventris, Monodelphis domestica, Galea spixii, Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos, Conepatus semistriatus and Mus musculus. In animals identified via their food source, T. brasiliensis shares a natural environment with G. spixii, K. rupestris, Capra hircus, Gallus gallus, Tropidurus oreadicus and Tupinambis merianae. The high prevalence of T. cruzi in household and peridomiciliar animals reinforces the narrow relationship between the enzootic cycle and humans in environments with T. brasiliensis and characterises it as ubiquitous.
BACKGROUND: In the Western world, a major cause of blindness is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Recent research in angiogenesis has furthered the understanding of choroidal neovascularization, which occurs in the "wet" form of AMD. In contrast, very little is known about the mechanisms of the predominant, "dry" form of AMD, which is characterized by retinal atrophy and choroidal involution. The aim of this study is to elucidate the possible implication of the scavenger receptor CD36 in retinal degeneration and choroidal involution, the cardinal features of the dry form of AMD. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We here show that deficiency of CD36, which participates in outer segment (OS) phagocytosis by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in vitro, leads to significant progressive age-related photoreceptor degeneration evaluated histologically at different ages in two rodent models of CD36 invalidation in vivo (Spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) and CD36-/- mice). Furthermore, these animals developed significant age related choroidal involution reflected in a 100%-300% increase in the avascular area of the choriocapillaries measured on vascular corrosion casts of aged animals. We also show that proangiogenic COX2 expression in RPE is stimulated by CD36 activating antibody and that CD36-deficient RPE cells from SHR rats fail to induce COX2 and subsequent vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression upon OS or antibody stimulation in vitro. CD36-/- mice express reduced levels of COX2 and VEGF in vivo, and COX2-/- mice develop progressive choroidal degeneration similar to what is seen in CD36 deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: CD36 deficiency leads to choroidal involution via COX2 down-regulation in the RPE. These results show a novel molecular mechanism of choroidal degeneration, a key feature of dry AMD. These findings unveil a pathogenic process, to our knowledge previously undescribed, with important implications for the development of new therapies.
Introduction: Responses to external stimuli are typically investigated by averaging peri-stimulus electroencephalography (EEG) epochs in order to derive event-related potentials (ERPs) across the electrode montage, under the assumption that signals that are related to the external stimulus are fixed in time across trials. We demonstrate the applicability of a single-trial model based on patterns of scalp topographies (De Lucia et al, 2007) that can be used for ERP analysis at the single-subject level. The model is able to classify new trials (or groups of trials) with minimal a priori hypotheses, using information derived from a training dataset. The features used for the classification (the topography of responses and their latency) can be neurophysiologically interpreted, because a difference in scalp topography indicates a different configuration of brain generators. An above chance classification accuracy on test datasets implicitly demonstrates the suitability of this model for EEG data. Methods: The data analyzed in this study were acquired from two separate visual evoked potential (VEP) experiments. The first entailed passive presentation of checkerboard stimuli to each of the four visual quadrants (hereafter, "Checkerboard Experiment") (Plomp et al, submitted). The second entailed active discrimination of novel versus repeated line drawings of common objects (hereafter, "Priming Experiment") (Murray et al, 2004). Four subjects per experiment were analyzed, using approx. 200 trials per experimental condition. These trials were randomly separated in training (90%) and testing (10%) datasets in 10 independent shuffles. In order to perform the ERP analysis we estimated the statistical distribution of voltage topographies by a Mixture of Gaussians (MofGs), which reduces our original dataset to a small number of representative voltage topographies. We then evaluated statistically the degree of presence of these template maps across trials and whether and when this was different across experimental conditions. Based on these differences, single-trials or sets of a few single-trials were classified as belonging to one or the other experimental condition. Classification performance was assessed using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Results: For the Checkerboard Experiment contrasts entailed left vs. right visual field presentations for upper and lower quadrants, separately. The average posterior probabilities, indicating the presence of the computed template maps in time and across trials revealed significant differences starting at ~60-70 ms post-stimulus. The average ROC curve area across all four subjects was 0.80 and 0.85 for upper and lower quadrants, respectively and was in all cases significantly higher than chance (unpaired t-test, p<0.0001). In the Priming Experiment, we contrasted initial versus repeated presentations of visual object stimuli. Their posterior probabilities revealed significant differences, which started at 250ms post-stimulus onset. The classification accuracy rates with single-trial test data were at chance level. We therefore considered sub-averages based on five single trials. We found that for three out of four subjects' classification rates were significantly above chance level (unpaired t-test, p<0.0001). Conclusions: The main advantage of the present approach is that it is based on topographic features that are readily interpretable along neurophysiologic lines. As these maps were previously normalized by the overall strength of the field potential on the scalp, a change in their presence across trials and between conditions forcibly reflects a change in the underlying generator configurations. The temporal periods of statistical difference between conditions were estimated for each training dataset for ten shuffles of the data. Across the ten shuffles and in both experiments, we observed a high level of consistency in the temporal periods over which the two conditions differed. With this method we are able to analyze ERPs at the single-subject level providing a novel tool to compare normal electrophysiological responses versus single cases that cannot be considered part of any cohort of subjects. This aspect promises to have a strong impact on both basic and clinical research.
Portugal é um país que acolhe, desde a década de 60 do século pretérito, uma das mais expressivas comunidades africanas – a cabo-verdiana –, cuja característica saliente é marcada, designadamente, pela presença de uma significativa e dinâmica cultura transnacional. A música, através dos seus mais variados géneros e formas, representa seguramente a dimensão mais importante desta diversificada população imigrante, juntamente com a língua cabo-verdiana. Daí o interesse no conhecimento, tanto quanto possível aprofundado, da realidade musical cabo-verdiana em contexto imigratório, a partir de um olhar atento sobre o chamado campo musical ancorado particularmente na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML). Aliás, tal como refere o título, propomo-nos analisar, rapidamente, os perfis e os trajectos dos músicos imigrantes cabo-verdianos fixados na AML, com base numa amostra de 102 casos seleccionados através do método da denominada “bola de neve” e por via de um inquérito por questionário. Tal análise insere-se dentro de uma investigação mais ampla em curso, que se prende com a caracterização do multifacetado campo musical cabo-verdiano nesta vasta área geográfica, tendo em mira a avaliação do contributo da música para o processo de incorporação dos seus principais agentes, em especial, no país de fixação. Refira-se que, do ponto de vista da definição do seu perfil social no espaço metropolitano lisboeta em análise, o músico imigrante não se limita exclusivamente ao exercício da actividade musical propriamente dita, mas exerce outras profissões em paralelo, sobretudo nos domínios da construção civil e da restauração, porquanto a actividade musical em Portugal não é uma grande fonte geradora de rendimentos, suficientemente autónoma e lucrativa.
Sementes de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) com alto teor de P, obtidas de plantas que receberam adubação foliar, foram utilizadas em um experimento em casa de vegetação para avaliar os efeitos do teor de P na semente, no crescimento e na nodulação do feijoeiro no estádio vegetativo. O experimento tinha arranjo fatorial 2x2x3x3 em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições: dois cultivares (Carioca e Rio Tibagi), dois teores de P na semente (baixo e alto, correspondentes a 4,3 e 5,6mgg-1, em Carioca, e 4,8 e 6,3mgg-1, em Rio Tibagi), três doses de P aplicado ao solo (0, 30 e 60mgkg-1, respectivamente, P0, P30 e P60) e três épocas de coleta (20, 30 e 40dias após emergência - DAE). O alto teor de P na semente aumentou a matéria seca das plantas de feijoeiro em P0 nas três coletas, e em P30, aos 40DAE. Plantas originadas de sementes com alto teor de P mostraram menor dependência do suprimento de P no solo, quanto à produção de matéria seca, do que aquelas oriundas de sementes com baixo P. O alto teor de P na semente aumentou o número de nódulos em Carioca em P0, aos 20 e 30DAE, e aumentou a massa de nódulos em P30, aos 20DAE nos dois cultivares e, aos 40DAE, em P30 em Carioca e em P60 em Rio Tibagi. A acumulação de N na parte aérea aos 20DAE foi superior nas plantas originadas de sementes com alto teor de P. Segundo os resultados, sementes com alto teor de P obtido via adubação foliar podem aumentar o crescimento, a nodulação e a acumulação de N do feijoeiro em estádios iniciais de crescimento, particularmente sob baixas doses de P aplicado ao solo.
In the scope of the European project Hydroptimet, INTERREG IIIB-MEDOCC programme, limited area model (LAM) intercomparison of intense events that produced many damages to people and territory is performed. As the comparison is limited to single case studies, the work is not meant to provide a measure of the different models' skill, but to identify the key model factors useful to give a good forecast on such a kind of meteorological phenomena. This work focuses on the Spanish flash-flood event, also known as "Montserrat-2000" event. The study is performed using forecast data from seven operational LAMs, placed at partners' disposal via the Hydroptimet ftp site, and observed data from Catalonia rain gauge network. To improve the event analysis, satellite rainfall estimates have been also considered. For statistical evaluation of quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs), several non-parametric skill scores based on contingency tables have been used. Furthermore, for each model run it has been possible to identify Catalonia regions affected by misses and false alarms using contingency table elements. Moreover, the standard "eyeball" analysis of forecast and observed precipitation fields has been supported by the use of a state-of-the-art diagnostic method, the contiguous rain area (CRA) analysis. This method allows to quantify the spatial shift forecast error and to identify the error sources that affected each model forecasts. High-resolution modelling and domain size seem to have a key role for providing a skillful forecast. Further work is needed to support this statement, including verification using a wider observational data set.
El objetivo de este proyecto es el de realizar la fabricación de una alarma la cual se puede controlar desde cualquier dispositivo Android, ya que la comunicación se realiza a través de la conexión Bluetooth entre una aplicación Android y una placa Arduino que realiza el control del mecanismo Hardware. A través de la aplicación que se instala en el dispositivo móvil, se puede realitzar el control del prototipo, como la validación del usuario, activación y desactivación de la alarma y enlazar con el módulo Bluetooth.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de zinco em sementes de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) na nutrição, na germinação e no desenvolvimento inicial das plantas, em casa de vegetação. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado dos tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2x5, duas cultivares de sorgo (BR 304 e BR 310) e cinco doses de Zn (0, 3,57, 7,14, 14,28 e 28,56 g de Zn por kg de sementes), com três repetições. Foram avaliadas as variáveis de germinação (tempo médio, média diária e a velocidade), e 28 dias depois da semeadura, determinou-se a massa da matéria seca e os teores de Zn na parte aérea e nas raízes. A aplicação de Zn nas sementes de sorgo não afetou o acúmulo de matéria seca da parte aérea, entretanto, diminuiu a germinação e o acúmulo de matéria seca das raízes e da planta inteira. O Zn aplicado nas sementes de sorgo acumulou-se principalmente nas raízes. A cultivar BR 304 apresentou maior absorção de Zn e acúmulo de matéria seca, em relação à cultivar BR 310.
BACKGROUND: The need to contextualise wastewater-based figures about illicit drug consumption by comparing them with other indicators has been stressed by numerous studies. The objective of the present study was to further investigate the possibility of combining wastewater data to conventional statistics to assess the reliability of the former method and obtain a more balanced picture of illicit drug consumption in the investigated area. METHODS: Wastewater samples were collected between October 2013 and July 2014 in the metropolitan area of Lausanne (226,000 inhabitants), Switzerland. Methadone, its metabolite 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP), the exclusive metabolite of heroin, 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM), and morphine loads were used to estimate the amounts of methadone and heroin consumed. RESULTS: Methadone consumption estimated from EDDP was in agreement with the expectations. Heroin estimates based on 6-MAM loads were inconsistent. Estimates obtained from morphine loads, combined to prescription/sales data, were in agreement with figures derived from syringe distribution data and general population surveys. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained for methadone allowed assessing the reliability of the selected sampling strategy, supporting its ability to capture the consumption of a small cohort (i.e., 743 patients). Using morphine as marker, in combination with prescription/sales data, estimates in accordance with other indicators about heroin use were obtained. Combining different sources of data allowed strengthening the results and suggested that the different indicators (i.e., administration route, average dosage and number of consumers) contribute to depict a realistic representation of the phenomenon in the investigated area. Heroin consumption was estimated to approximately 13gday(-1) (118gday(-1) at street level).
Aquest treball consisteix en analitzar la viabilitat d'una aplicació gestora de curses via GPS per a dispositius Android i, en cas afirmatiu, desenvolupar-ne un prototip. Per tal d'aconseguir-ho, es passa per una sèrie de fases d'estudi de l'aplicació i d'aprenentatge en la implementació.
This work describes a modified sol-gel method for the preparation of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts. The samples have been characterized by N2 adsorption at 77K, x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR). The surface area increases with the vanadia loading from 24 m² g-1, for pure TiO2, to 87 m² g-1 for 9wt.% of V2O5. The rutile form is predominant for pure TiO2 but became enriched with anatase phase when vanadia loading is increased. No crystalline V2O5 phase was observed in the catalysts diffractograms. Two species of surface vanadium observed by FT-IR spectroscopy a monomeric vanadyl and polymeric vanadates, the vanadyl/vanadate ratio remains practically constant.