977 resultados para Diplomacia hispano-argentina
Contém a memória, regulamento interno, resoluções e atas dos encontros do Parlamento Cultural do MERCOSUL e textos constitucionais dos países membros e associados do MERCOSUL.
Apresenta uma resenha sobre o volume 2 da publicação - Os sucessores do Barão: relações exteriores do Brasil, 1912-1964 - que aborda a história das relações internacionais e da política externa do Brasil durante o regime militar, cobrindo tanto os episódios diplomáticos quanto os relativos ao quadro político e econômico mundial.
Apresenta uma resenha sobre a publicação - Sistema internacional com hegemonia das democracias de mercado : desafios de Brasil e Argentina - que discute os equívocos cometidos por esses países, ao longo do século XX, e as formas pelas quais poderão se inserir nas novas condições da economia global e nos padrões atuais de organização política.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XV - Educação, Cultura e Desporto. Nome completo da autora: Maria Aparecida Andrés Ribeiro.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Ciência e Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área X - Agricultura, Pecuária, Abastecimento e Desenvolvimento Rural.
The general circulation pattern in the western boundary of the SW Atlantic is dominated by the opposite flows of Malvinas (-Falkland)and Brazil Current. In the Confluence region both currents separate from the continental slope and flow offshore creating an area of strong contracts and complex dynamics. The shelf-break fronts off Argentina mark the transition between shelf waters of mixed origin and nutrient rich Malvinas waters. Two areas deserve special attention due to the steep gradients introduced by the outflow of important sources of continental waters: the Rio de la Plata and the Magellan Strait to the north and south of the study area. Characteristics of the front is the high primary and secondary production, and the presence of important invertebrate and fish stocks that concentrate along the front to feed or spawn. The area comprises nearly 30 o/o (333 million U$S in 1995)of all Argentine catches of fish and squid. Resources in the area, beyond the EEZ limits, support international fisheries mainly of Russia, Poland and Spain. (Document contains 15 pages & figs)
[ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo es reflejar las acciones legislativas que se han emprendido desde el estado argentino en sus diferentes jurisdicciones en materia de responsabilidad social empresaria. A partir del mismo se pretende fijar posición desde la perspectiva de los autores sobre su escenario futuro.
(PDF has 4 pages.) Text in Spanish)
"Peces anuales" son los especies con un corto ciclo de vida, adaptadas a sobrevivir en aguas temporarias.
La familia de la Compuestas (=Asteraceae) es la más numerosa de todas las fanerógamas con aproximadamente 23000 especies y más de 1500 géneros ampliamente distribuidos en todos los continentes excepto en la Antártida. En la República Argentina es la familia más abundante con 222 géneros nativos y 1490 especies, en tanto que en la provincia de Buenos Aires, las compuestas representan la sexta parte de la flora de plantas vasculares con 113 géneros y 356 especies, de las cuales 55 son adventicias y el resto indígenas. Muchas de las especies de esta familia son utilizadas por el hombre como plantas alimenticias o medicinales. Algunas especies son tóxicas para el ganado. Otras son utilizadas como repelentes de insectos o son perjudiciales por ser malezas invasoras en los campos y competir con las plantas cultivadas.
Reconocimiento de una nuevo género de la familia Bunocephalidae existente en las colecciones del Museo de La Plata.
The Argentine Republic is situated in the southernmost portion of the American continent, occupying over 2,785,600 km2 not including the Antarctic territory. The country ranges from subtropical areas (21º46’S) to subantarctic regions (55º03’S), extending latitudinally over about 4,000 km. It possesses significant latitudinal and altitudinal variation (33º of latitudinal range, and heights from Bajo de San Julián in Santa Cruz province at 105 m below sea level, up to Mt. Aconcagua, 6,959 m over sea level), as well as two gradients of physical variability, extending in north-south and east-west directions. Owing to these features, the country presents a wide range of climates and soil types, being one of the countries with greatest diversity of biogeographical units (Lean et al., 1990, In: Bertonatti & Corcuera, 2000). There are four main hydrographic systems: Río de la Plata basin, the Atlantic and Pacific drainages, and several endorrheic systems. Within these basins, the ichthyofaunistic assemblage is well represented, with different magnitude in accordance with the different taxonomic groupings and regions considered. From an ichthyogeographic standpoint, and according to the works of Ringuelet (1975) and Arratia et al. (1983), Argentina is included in the Brasilic and Austral Subregions. The first of these is represented by two domains: the Andean Domain, comprising the southernmost portion of Titicaca Province, and the Paranensean Domain, including part of Alto Paraná and Paranoplatensean Provinces. The Austral Subregion is represented in Argentina by the Subandean-Cuyan and Patagonian Provinces. The present survey indicates that there are about 441 fish species in Argentina, distributed throughout the country; this number represents less than 10% of the total fish species occurring in the Neotropical Region. There is a recognizable trend of faunal impoverishment, both in North-South and East-West direction, reaching its maximum expression in the provinces of Tierra del Fuego (situated at approximately 52º30’S to 55ºS, and 65ºS to 68º50’W) and San Juan (approximately 28º50’S and 67ºW to 70º45’W), which have 4 and 5 fish species respectively. In north-south direction, one of the regional indicators of this phenomenon is the Salado river basin in Buenos Aires province, which constitutes the southern distributional boundary for the majority of the paranoplatensean ichthyofauna; 12 of the families occurring in the Paraná-Plata system are absent from this pauperized paranensean ichthyofaunal assemblage. Most of the continental fish fauna of Argentina belongs to the primary division of Myers (1949), while some elements are included in the secondary division and others in an amphibiotic or ‘marine penetration’ category. This ichthyofaunistic scope encompasses a wide range of morphological, biological, ecological and ethological types (benthic and pelagic, migrating and sedentary, haematophagous or parasites, annual species, inhabitants of plains or heights, estivation-adapted, etc.) inhabiting different regions within the national territory.
[ES]En el marco de un volumen sobre Historia y cine dedicado a Estados Unidos, este capítulo analiza, desde una perspectiva historiográfica, el film de Stanley Kubrick ¿Teléfono rojo? Volamos hacia Moscú (Dr. Strangelove, 1963/64). Expone las claves para entender esta ácida denuncia sobre la amenaza nuclear de la Guerra Fría y el desmedido poder del estamento militar en el Estados Unidos en los años de frenética carrera armamentística con la Unión Soviética, y a la vez explica el marco histórico de la temática, y singularmente la génesis del desmedido miedo al “enemigo” interior y exterior de que fue presa la sociedad norteamericana durante la Guerra Fría.