985 resultados para Digital image correlations
An entropy-based image segmentation approach is introduced and applied to color images obtained from Google Earth. Segmentation refers to the process of partitioning a digital image in order to locate different objects and regions of interest. The application to satellite images paves the way to automated monitoring of ecological catastrophes, urban growth, agricultural activity, maritime pollution, climate changing and general surveillance. Regions representing aquatic, rural and urban areas are identified and the accuracy of the proposed segmentation methodology is evaluated. The comparison with gray level images revealed that the color information is fundamental to obtain an accurate segmentation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A angiogênese é essencial no desenvolvimento neoplásico, associando-se às metástases à distância e recorrência em diversas neoplasias malignas. Em carcinomas colorretais, os parâmetros da análise digital de imagem e estereologia da angiogênese foram pouco estudados. Objetivo: avaliar parâmetros tridimensionais e a quantificação microvascular bidimensional nas diferentes apresentações morfológicas dos adenomas colorretais e no adenocarcinoma colorretal restrito à submucosa, a fim de determinar o papel da angiogênese nas diferentes etapas da seqüência adenoma-carcinoma e sua relação com as diferentes apresentações das lesões precursoras do carcinoma colorretal. Material e métodos: foi realizado estudo histórico de delineamento transversal, incluindo 115 lesões neoplásicas colorretais, ressecadas endoscópica ou cirurgicamente no período de 1997 a 2001, obtidas de pacientes do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre e da Fundação Universitária de Gastroenterologia (FUGAST). Para análise da angiogênese foram utilizadas as técnicas de imuno-histoquímica, análise digital de imagem, quantificação microvascular e estereologia. Os resultados foram apresentados como mediana e intervalos interquartis. Resultados: a quantificação microvascular foi progressivamente mais elevada nas lesões polipóides com displasia de alto grau comparadas às de baixo grau. Quanto maior o grau de atipia observado, maior foi o número de microvasos (regressão linear, P < 0,05). O volume e extensão microvascular foram diferentes entre as fases evolutivas da neoplasia colorretal, resultando em aumento no volume 728 (416 - 1408) versus 178 (93 - 601) e extensão microvascular 242,4 (131,1 - 936,8) vs 24,0 (6,5 - 142,2) (P < 0,001) nas lesões polipóides com displasia de alto grau comparadas às de baixo grau, respectivamente. A quantificação microvascular foi progressivamente mais elevada, acompanhando a progressão neoplásica polipóide: displasia de baixo grau 41,8 (15,8 - 71,9), displasia de alto grau 60,0 (23,0 - 95,6) e carcinoma de submucosa 76,0 (37,5 - 132,6) (P < 0,001). Concomitante, o volume 956 (436 - 2188) vs 178 (93 - 601) e a extensão microvascular 534,6 (146,7 - 1262) vs 24,0 (6,5 - 142,2) foram mais elevados nos adenocarcinomas colorretais restritos à submucosa em relação às lesões polipóides com displasia de baixo grau, respectivamente (P < 0,001). Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa na angiogênese entre os adenomas polipóides e não-polipóides através da quantificação 41,8 (15,8 - 71,9) vs 22 (16 - 40) e estimativa da extensão microvascular 24 (6,5-142,2) vs 17,5 (4,4-54,7), respectivamente. Conclusão: a utilização da análise digital de imagem e estereologia acrescentou maior objetividade e eficácia na metodologia de avaliação angiogênica, pois permitiu a precisa segmentação das áreas hipervasculares, a representação da morfologia tridimensional característica do suprimento vascular e a identificação de diferenças na microvascularização nas etapas evolutivas do câncer colorretal.
Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar dois métodos de estimativa da área foliar, em plantas de laranja Pêra, pela análise da imagem digital obtida com scanner e câmera fotográfica digital. Para determinar a área das folhas, um grupo de discos foi colocado sobre um leitor de scanner, sendo que a imagem obtida foi armazenada. Os mesmos grupos de discos foram fixados sobre cartolina branca e fotografados com câmera fotográfica digital. As imagens obtidas da câmera fotográfica e do scanner foram processadas utilizando ferramentas de um editor de imagem que permite a contagem de pixels de determinada cor, no caso verde. Para a comparação dos métodos, os discos foram submetidos a integrador óptico de área foliar modelo LICOR-3100, utilizando os mesmos agrupamentos. Foram coletadas 20 folhas (cinco em cada quadrante da planta) por parcela de um experimento para comparação de fertilizantes comerciais e doses de zinco, aplicados via foliar, em plantas de sete anos de idade. O experimento foi composto de sete tratamentos e quatro repetições, num total de 28 parcelas. Os dois métodos apresentaram alta correlação com a área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área, considerado como método de referência. O método da análise da imagem obtida com câmera fotográfica, na resolução de 5.0 megapixel, foi mais precisa quando comparada à área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área.
A intensidade da cor verde da folha pode ser alternativa para estimar a concentração de N na planta, devido à relação entre o teor de clorofila e o de N no tecido foliar. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar índices da cor verde da grama esmeralda obtidos da análise da imagem digital e pelo uso do clorofilômetro para predizer o estado nutricional em N fornecido pelo lodo de esgoto. O experimento foi instalado e desenvolvido em uma propriedade comercial de grama esmeralda, localizada na cidade de Itapetininga (SP). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e cinco doses de lodo de esgoto: 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 Mg ha-1, base seca. As doses de lodo aplicadas correspondem a 100, 200, 300 e 400 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio disponível. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de N e a intensidade de coloração verde da folha pelo uso do clorofilômetro (ICV) e por meio da análise da imagem digital (G, H e ICVE) aos 45, 105 e 165 dias após a aplicação do lodo. Os valores de intensidade obtidos foram correlacionados com a concentração de N na lâmina foliar e com a taxa de cobertura do solo determinada nas mesmas épocas. A aplicação de doses de lodo de esgoto proporcionou aumento dos índices de cor verde e da concentração de N nas folhas da grama esmeralda. A concentração de N na lâmina foliar pode auxiliar a adubação nitrogenada em cobertura, pois proporcionou altas correlações com a taxa de cobertura do solo. O matiz (H) obtido com a imagem digital e a intensidade de cor verde da folha (ICV) obtida com o clorofilômetro correlacionaram-se com a concentração de N e com a taxa de cobertura do solo e, dessa forma, podem servir como índices na recomendação da adubação nitrogenada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The North Paraíba River Estuary, located in the eastern portion of the Paraíba State, Northeast Brazil, on coordinates 34º50 00 -34º57 30 S and 6º55 00 -7º7 30 W, constitutes a fluvio-marine plain formed by the North Paraíba River and its tributaries Sanhauá, Paroeira, Mandacaru, Tiriri, Tambiá, Ribeira and Guia. This estuary comprises an area of about 260 km2. Increasing human demands on the estuary area and inadequate environment managing have generated conflicts. The present work main purpose is to evaluate the geodynamic evolution of the North Paraíba River Estuary in the period from 1969 to 2001, using digital image processing techniques, thematic digital cartography and multitemporal data integration, combined to geological-geophysical field surveys. The SUDENE cartographic database, converted to digital format were, used to obtain occupation and topographic maps from 1969 and to generate a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Digital Landsat 7 ETM+ and Spot HRVIR-PAN satellite images interpretation allowed the environmental characterization of the estuary. The most important digital processing results were achieved color composites RGB 5-4-3, 5-3-1, 5-2-NDWI and band ratio 7/4-5/3-4/2, 5/7-3/1-5/4). In addition the fusion image technique RGBI was used by the inclusion of the Spot HRVRI and Landsat 7 ETM+ panchromatic band on I layer with RGB triplets 5-4-3, 5-3-1 and 5/7-3/1-5/4. The DEM and digital images integration allowed the identification of seven geomorphological units: coastal tableland, flowing tray, tide plain, fluvial terrace, submerged dune, beach plain and beach). Both Side Scan Sonar and Echosound were used to analyse underwater surface and bedforms of the estuarine channel, sand predominance (fine to very fine) and 2D dune features 5 m wide and 0.5 m height. This investigation characterized the estuary as an environment dominated by regimen of average flow. The channel depth varies between 1 m and 11 m, being this last quota reached in the area of Porto de Cabedelo. The chanel estuary is relatively shallow, with erosion evidences mainly on its superior portion, attested by sand banks exposed during the low tide. Multitemporal digital maps from 1969 and 2001 integration were obtained through geoprocessing techniques, resulting the geodynamic evolution of the estuary based on landuse, DEM geomorphology and bathymetric maps
Objectives: To compare simulated periodontal bone defect depth measured in digital radiographs with dedicated and non-dedicated software systems and to compare the depth measurements from each program with the measurements in dry mandibles.Methods: Forty periodontal bone defects were created at the proximal area of the first premolar in dry pig mandibles. Measurements of the defects were performed with a periodontal probe in the dry mandible. Periapical digital radiographs of the defects were recorded using the Schick sensor in a standardized exposure setting. All images were read using a Schick dedicated software system (CDR DICOM for Windows v.3.5), and three commonly available non-dedicated software systems (Vix Win 2000 v.1.2; Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Image Tool 3.0). The defects were measured three times in each image and a consensus was reached among three examiners using the four software systems. The difference between the radiographic measurements was analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and by comparing the measurements from each software system with the dry mandibles measurements using Student's t-test.Results: the mean values of the bone defects measured in the radiographs were 5.07 rum, 5.06 rum, 5.01 mm and 5.11 mm for CDR Digital Image and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) for Windows, Vix Win, Adobe Photoshop, and Image Tool, respectively, and 6.67 mm for the dry mandible. The means of the measurements performed in the four software systems were not significantly different, ANOVA (P = 0.958). A significant underestimation of defect depth was obtained when we compared the mean depths from each software system with the dry mandible measurements (t-test; P congruent to 0.000).Conclusions: the periodontal bone defect measurements in dedicated and in three non-dedicated software systems were not significantly different, but they all underestimated the measurements when compared with the measurements obtained in the dry mandibles.
Metallographic techniques and digital image processing have been used to investigate heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V pitting corrosion, often used as aircraft components. LM and SEM metallography of 'as received', annealed (heating up to 800 degreesC/30 min and cooling furnace) and aged (heating up to 900 degreesC/30 min, quenching in water, heating up to 540 degreesC/240 min and again water-quenched) microstructures reveal pitting sites at primary and secondary alpha/beta interfaces. Microstructural arrangements influence and corrosive environment association on pit morphology could be demonstrated by digital image analysis and results statistical treatment. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The identification of ground control on photographs or images is usually carried out by a human operator, who uses his natural skills to make interpretations. In Digital Photogrammetry, which uses techniques of digital image processing extraction of ground control can be automated by using an approach based on relational matching and a heuristic that uses the analytical relation between straight features of object space and its homologous in the image space. A build-in self-diagnosis is also used in this method. It is based on implementation of data snooping statistic test in the process of spatial resection using the Iterated Extended Kalman Filtering (IEKF). The aim of this paper is to present the basic principles of the proposed approach and results based on real data.
Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of approximal caries detection comparing enhanced and unenhanced Sidexis CCD-based digital image with Ektaspeed Plus and INSIGHT films. Methods: Fifty-two extracted premolars were imaged under identical standardized geometric and exposure conditions. Four observers, using five points confidence scale, rated 104 approximal surfaces for the presence or absence of carious lesions by means of four image modalities: (1) observer enhanced; (2) unenhanced Sidexis displays; (3) E speed films and (4) F speed film. Histologic sections served as validating criterion for the presence and depth of carious lesions. Diagnostic accuracy was measured as the area beneath the ROC curve. Results: Mean ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve areas for approximal surfaces were 0.865 (E speed), 0.856 (F speed), 0.816 (unenhanced Sidexis) and 0.776 (observer enhanced). There were no significant differences between unenhanced digital Sidexis and films. Observer enhanced Sidexis images exhibited a statistically significant lower diagnostic accuracy than the film images for two of the observers.
A digital image processing and analysis method has been developed to classify shape and evaluate size and morphology parameters of corrosion pits. This method seems to be effective to analyze surfaces with low or high degree of pitting formation. Theoretical geometry data have been compared against experimental data obtained for titanium and aluminum alloys subjected to different corrosion tests. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We have studied the effects of niobium beam filtration on absorbed doses, on image density and contrast, and on photon spectra with conventional and high-frequency dental x-ray generators. Added niobium reduced entry and superficial absorbed doses in periapical radiography by 9% to 40% with film and digital image receptors, decreased the radiation necessary to produce a given image density on E-speed film and reduced image contrast on D- and E-speed films. As shown by increased half-value layers for aluminum, titanium, and copper and by pulse-height analyses of beam spectra, niobium increased average beam energy by 6% to 19%. Despite the benefits of adding niobium on patient dose reduction and on narrowing the beams' energy spectra, the beam can be overhardened. Adding niobium, therefore, strikes the best balance between radiation dose reduction and beam attenuation, with its risks of increased exposure times, motion blur, and diminished image contrast, when it is used at modest thicknesses (30 μm) and at lower kVp (70) settings. © 1995 Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
This paper presents a dynamic programming approach for semi-automated road extraction from medium-and high-resolution images. This method is a modified version of a pre-existing dynamic programming method for road extraction from low-resolution images. The basic assumption of this pre-existing method is that roads manifest as lines in low-resolution images (pixel footprint> 2 m) and as such can be modeled and extracted as linear features. On the other hand, roads manifest as ribbon features in medium- and high-resolution images (pixel footprint ≤ 2 m) and, as a result, the focus of road extraction becomes the road centerlines. The original method can not accurately extract road centerlines from medium- and high- resolution images. In view of this, we propose a modification of the merit function of the original approach, which is carried out by a constraint function embedding road edge properties. Experimental results demonstrated the modified algorithm's potential in extracting road centerlines from medium- and high-resolution images.
The aim of this paper is to present a photogrammetric method for determining the dimensions of flat surfaces, such as billboards, based on a single digital image. A mathematical model was adapted to generate linear equations for vertical and horizontal lines in the object space. These lines are identified and measured in the image and the rotation matrix is computed using an indirect method. The distance between the camera and the surface is measured using a lasermeter, providing the coordinates of the camera perspective center. Eccentricity of the lasermeter center related to the camera perspective center is modeled by three translations, which are computed using a calibration procedure. Some experiments were performed to test the proposed method and the achieved results are within a relative error of about 1 percent in areas and distances in the object space. This accuracy fulfills the requirements of the intended applications. © 2005 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
The radiopacity of esthetic restorative materials has been established as an important requirement, improving the radiographic diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of six restorative materials using a direct digital image system, comparing them to the dental tissues (enamel-dentin), expressed as equivalent thickness of aluminum (millimeters of aluminum). Five specimens of each material were made. Three 2-mm thick longitudinal sections were cut from an intact extracted permanent molar tooth (including enamel and dentin). An aluminum step wedge with 9 steps was used. The samples of different materials were placed on a phosphor plate together with a tooth section, aluminum step wedge and metal code letter, and were exposed using a dental x-ray unit. Five measurements of radiographic density were obtained from each image of each item assessed (restorative material, enamel, dentin, each step of the aluminum step wedge) and the mean of these values was calculated. Radiopacity values were subsequently calculated as equivalents of aluminum thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant differences in radiopacity values among the materials (P<0.0001). The radiopacity values of the restorative materials evaluated were, in decreasing order: TPH, F2000, Synergy, Prisma Flow, Degufill, Luxat. Only Luxat had significantly lower radiopacity values than dentin. One material (Degufill) had similar radiopacity values to enamel and four (TPH, F2000, Synergy and Prisma Flow) had significantly higher radiopacity values than enamel. In conclusion, to assess the adequacy of posterior composite restorations it is important that the restorative material to be used has enough radiopacity, in order to be easily distinguished from the tooth structure in the radiographic image. Knowledge on the radiopacity of different materials helps professionals to select the most suitable material, along with other properties such as biocompatibility, adhesion and esthetic.