640 resultados para Diallel crosses
Four Oreochromis species were used in the study. Progenies from the 27 cross combinations (5 pure breds and 22 crossbreds) were evaluated in 10 environments with different salinity levels and agro-climatic conditions using communal rearing concept. Among the different cross combinations reared across environments, O. aureus x O. spilurus gave the highest body weight and O. mossambicus x O. spilurus, the highest survival rate. Positive percent mean heterosis were observed in the crosses between O. mossambicus x O. niloticus, FAC selected line and O. aureus x O. spilurus.
A pesquisa Corpolimite parte do discurso de onde a fisicalidade e experiência informe do corpo que atravessa camadas, dos rituais de passagem às políticas urbanas, cria complexidades e zonas desestabilizantes que revelam saberes via percepção e sentidos através da experiência poética em carne-viva. Partindo da perspectiva das modificações corporais no contexto das transformações extremas (como tatuagens, piercings, escarificação, implantes e suspensão corporal) o trabalho traça um percurso errático acerca das práticas de corpo que borram fronteiras, abrem fissuras e desviam, criando novos caminhos poéticos, novos jogos de significação. Baseando-se numa escrita poética e biográfica, o texto mistura imagem e palavra de forma a elaborar uma trama das complexidades envolvidas nos processos descritos. Trabalhando no campo da Performance Art e da Body Art o discurso arte-vida é permanente, trazendo à tona traços da vida cotidiana. Estes rastros transbordam e jorram pelo texto que é carne, matéria viva deste corpo de papel
A tese analisa decisões judiciais prolatadas em casos da bioética clínica, especificamente: requerimento de autorização para interrupção de gestação de feto anencéfalo, liberdade de recusa à imposição de procedimento de transfusão de sangue em razão de crença religiosa em paciente Testemunha de Jeová e a mudança de nome e sexo de transexual com ou sem realização de cirurgia de transgenitalismo. A escolha dos três tipos de casos levados a julgamento ao Poder Judiciário se deu em virtude de serem questões características ao direito existencial, de repercussão no Ser do indivíduo, em seus direitos personalíssimos. Para isso foram analisadas 84 decisões judiciais, mediante a aplicação da teoria Principiológica de Beauchamp & Childress e análise de cada decisão quanto à aplicação dos quatro Princípios que desenvolve: do respeito à autonomia, da não maleficência, da beneficência e da justiça. O resultado da análise demonstrou que ao utilizar os quatro Princípios, com especificação e ponderação dos mesmos, o julgador profere decisões de cunho liberal. Quando não utiliza os Princípios ou extrapola os limites de sua aplicação, o julgador profere decisões de cunho conservador. As decisões judiciais de caráter liberal são despidas de preconceitos e moralismos e permitem o respeito aos direitos individuais sem descuidar dos direitos dos demais membros da sociedade. As decisões conservadoras se baseiam na literalidade da lei e violam direitos individuais, sem acrescentar segurança à sociedade. A apropriação desta teoria da ética biomédica pelo biodireito, se apresenta como método seguro e eficaz na prolação de decisão judicial em casos da bioética clínica e conduz o julgador a decisões mais justas por serem apoiadas em boas razões.
Paulicéia Desvairada, de Mário de Andrade e Paranóia, de Roberto Piva, carregam o aspecto revolucionário de estreias (estreia modernista de Mário) que chegam para derrubar o estabelecido. Ambos encontram um ambiente hostil e combatem o padrão de suas respectivas épocas com versos calcados na concepção de confronto. Muito deste ímpeto, por vezes, pode esconder outras características aparentemente menos relevantes e mais trabalhadas em obras posteriores. O conceito solidário de João Luiz Lafetá (1986) uma solidariedade também reforçada por Giorgio Agamben (1993) e que estaria nas entranhas de um posicionamento claramente mais radical é o caminho percorrido nesta dissertação, trazendo à tona o eu solidário para além do pano de fundo em Paulicéia Desvairada e Paranóia. A complexidade polissêmica na poesia de Mário de Andrade e o agressivo desregramento dos sentidos na poética de Roberto Piva unem-se na semelhança e na diferença, incitando e proporcionando esta pesquisa. Uma vez descortinada, a primeira pessoa solidária uma espécie de embrião a ser explorado revela-se maior, com uma força que atravessa o tempo e convida o leitor a não se entregar ao comodismo
硬粒小麦DR147授以超甜玉米(ss7700)的花粉后,83.4%的小麦柱头上的玉米花粉萌发,花粉管经由花柱抵达胚囊,受精率和成胚率分别为44.4%和42.6%。杂种合子核型高度不稳定,在细胞分裂过程中来自父本玉米的染色体逐渐被排除,最后形成硬粒小麦单倍体胚。尽管硬粒小麦×玉米存在较高频率的双受精(32.7%),同时形成胚和胚乳,但由于胚乳发育异常及败育,最后难以获得有生活力的种子。 硬粒小麦授以玉米的花粉后用100ppm 2,4-D进行处理(浸蘸穗子或向穗茎节间注射),可以延长杂种胚在植株上的存活时间。授粉9-13天后将颖果表面灭菌后在实体显微镜下剥取不同发育时期的幼胚,分别接种于含或不含2.0mg/l2,4-D,3%蔗糖,200mg/l水解酪蛋白,146mgl谷氨酰氨,300mg/l天冬氨酸的MS固体培养基上进行胚拯救或诱导愈伤组织。结果表明,发育程度较高的胚(具盾片的胚,长度大于0.5mm)容易通过胚拯救获得单倍体植株或诱导出愈伤组织,而发育程序较低的胚(琏形胚,梨形胚,鱼雷形胚,长度小于0.3mm)不易获得单倍体植株或诱导愈伤组织而常常变褐,最后死亡。如果将这些胚预先接种子含0.1mg/l BAP,3%蔗糖,200mg/l水解酪蛋白,146mg/l谷氨酰胺,300mg/l天冬氮酸的MS固体培养基上预培养20天,再转移至愈伤组织诱导培养基上则易于产生愈伤组织,通过选择和继代培养可以获得淡黄色,结构致密的胚性愈伤组织。将这种愈伤组织转移至含1.Omg/l BAP和0.1mg/l NAA的MS固体分化培养基上培养20天后即可分化出小植株和绿色芽点,将这些小植株和绿色芽点再在分化培养基上继代培养20天,形成大量根系发达的健壮植株及次生小植株。其中一个胚性愈伤组织系的分化频率高达70. 6%。从获得的100余棵植株中随机取6棵再生植株进行根尖细胞染色体计数发现它们均为单倍体。具发达根系的健壮植株移入实验田后成活率可达80%以上,并生长至成熟。 利用硬粒小麦×玉米建立的单倍性胚性愈伤组织系进行了原生质体培养的研究。胚性愈伤组织经液体悬浮培养4个月后形成了生长迅速的由大小不同(0.5mm至5mm)的愈伤组织块组成的混合悬浮愈伤组织系,酶解试验表明2.0%纤维素酶RS和0.5%离析酶Y-23组合效果最好,而液体悬浮培养物和固体培养的愈伤组织(在酶解时用锋利的解剖刀片切成1mm左右的块)都能释放出大量原生质体,但悬浮培养物释放出的原生质体状态较好,胞质更浓厚,用KM8p培养基以琼脂糖包埋培养方式培养时得到了较高的(5%左右)分裂频率。 原生质体再生的小愈伤组织经增殖、筛选后可获得胚性愈性组织,将其转移至分化培养基Ⅰ(0.2mg/l 2,4-D,1.0mg/l BAP,0.1mg/l NAA,3%蔗糖,200mg/l水解酩蛋白,146mg/l谷氨酸胺,300m8/l天冬氨酸的MS固体培养基)和Ⅱ(不含2,4-D,其它成份同I)上进行分步分化培养可再生出完整植株,分化频率约为20%。从获得的22棵原生质体再生植株中,随机取4株进行根尖细胞染色体计数表明,它们均为单倍体。
植物远缘杂交是作物育种实践及其相关的基础遗传中应用最广泛的技术之一,几乎涉及到所有与栽培作物有关的科属内相对近缘的植物种类。除核型稳定的种间杂交可得到杂种外,还可以利用核型不稳定的种间杂交过程中父本染色体全部被消除的现象,通过胚培养和加倍处理获得大量的双单倍体(DH)杂交后代。然而,这种从小麦与玉米杂交获得的小麦DH后代与其理论上应完全同质的遗传表现却不相符,总有2-5%的DH植株发生了形态学变异,虽然没有明显的来自玉米的性状特征,而且一些研究者也认为它们是配子无性系变异,但是,不论是理论上还是一些间接的细胞学和生化证据都表明,有玉米的染色体DNA通过受精过程转移到小麦DH后代的基因组中,然而到目前为止,仍缺乏DNA水平上的直接证据。 本文在对来自小麦 * 玉米的谱通小麦DH系进行生化分析取得初步证据的基础上,构建玉米的随机基因组文库,从中筛选玉米的重复DNA序列作探针分别对普通小麦和波斯小麦的DH群体进行了系统的RFLP分析,并用有关的玉米重复列克隆对一些禾本科种和不同的玉米生物型基因组进行了比较研究,主要结果如下: 1、八种同工酶电泳分析表明,MDH、ADH、GDH、SKDH4种脱氢酶和GOT在后代中没有检测到任何变异,但21株普通小麦的DH后代群体中有7株在PER同工酶的慢区出现了增加一条酶带的变异,这条带在亲本小麦和玉米中均没有,它们与通常报道的无性系变异十分类似。其中有一株(第4号株)在迁移率为0.22的位置上出现了一条小麦所不具有的酶活性较强的EST带,在玉米同迁移率的位置上也有一条带,但活性十分微弱。此外,大部分小麦DH后代的AMY同工酶恬性有十分明显的增强。 2、可溶性蛋白质的SDS-PAGE分析,在小麦的DH后代中,有几株的变异很明显,其中第4、7、19号株(图2)在分子量为43000道尔顿的位置上出现了和玉米同迁移率而小麦不具有的蛋白质带,这强烈地暗示了玉米DNA的确通过受精作用导入小麦。 3、构建了玉米的随机基因组文库,依据菌落原位杂交结果,从中挑出了500个重组克隆。用其中的100个强信号的重复DNA克隆为探针对亲本小麦和玉米进行了RFLP筛选,其中80多个为玉米基因组特异的,9个与小麦有部分同源性,随后用它们探针分别对两个小麦DH群体进行RFLP分析。 4、用上文筛选的玉米特异的重复DNA克隆作探针进行RFLP分析,只有玉米的MR64克隆同时导入到两个小麦群体的各一株后代中,即普通小麦DH系的18号株和波斯小麦DH系的15号株检测到强杂交信号;另外一个克隆MR72只在4株波斯小麦DH后代中有杂交信号,这个结果首次从DNA水平上证明,的确有某些玉米特异的DNA序列通过受精作用以很低的频率转移到小麦DH后代的基因组中。 5、与小麦有部分同源性的玉米克隆MR13和MR50在一些普通小麦DH后代中检测到了缺失变异。特别是用MR13在普通小麦DH系的18号株(即导入了玉米特异的MR64的DNA的那一株小麦DH后代)的基因组中检测到了大幅度的限制性片段长度的变化,即原来的4.3kb的强信号带消失了,取而代之的是增加40kb、15kb、2.5kb和2.0kb四条杂交带,这要么与小麦基因组DNA较大的重俳事件有关,要么是由外源的玉米DNA插入造成的,但从增加的片段长度如此之大以及杂交信号变弱来看,它很可能就是玉米DNA插入到这个较强信号的小麦单拷贝序列中的结果。用小麦的DNA克隆pTa71也检测到了明显的变异。 6、测序分析发现,克隆MP64的插入片段长度为695bp,A+T含量为58%,经在GENEBANK中检索证实它是一个新克隆的DNA序列。序列中分别含有两对正向和反向重 序列及三个回文序列,对多种酶切的玉米基因组的RFLP分析表明它是一个带1-3个主串联重复单位的散布重复序列,在序列中的CCGG的第二个C高度甲基化,拷贝数约为5600左右。染色体原位杂交表明,MR64在玉米的每条染色体上均有分布,但拷贝数不同,这暗示它可能与玉米基因组的演化历程有密切的关系。 7、比较分析发现,MR64是玉米基因组特异的;而MR72在高粱、珍株粟、糜子和狼尾草等四个和玉米较近缘的种的基因组中有部分同源序列,这个比较结果更加肯定了小麦DH系所新增的DNA序列的确是异源的玉米DNA通过受精过程导入的。 8、初步分析发现,玉米的卫星DNA克隆MR4和其它卫星DNA一样也有严谨的重复等级结构,而且在主要禾本科种基因组中有较低的同源性。经在GENEBANK检索,串联重复DNA克隆MR68是一个新克隆的DNA序列,它在不同的玉米生物型基因组中表现出明显的分化特征,可用它作进一步的基因组的比较分析。 9、本文对染色体消除过程度中异源小片段DNA导入的可能机制和散布重复序列在远缘杂交的异源DNA鉴定中的应用进行了讨论,并分析了染色体消除型远缘杂交所获得的DH后代的变异来源。
Three dimensional, fully compressible direct numerical simulations (DNS) of premixed turbulent flames are carried out in a V-flame configuration. The governing equations and the numerical implementation are described in detail, including modifications made to the Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions (NSCBC) to accommodate the steep transverse velocity and composition gradients generated when the flame crosses the boundary. Three cases, at turbulence intensities, u′/sL, of 1, 2, and 6 are considered. The influence of the flame holder on downstream flame properties is assessed through the distributions of the surface-conditioned displacement speed, curvature and tangential strain rates, and compared to data from similarly processed planar flames. The distributions are found to be indistinguishable from planar flames for distances greater than about 17δth downstream of the flame holder, where δth is the laminar flame thermal thickness. Favre mean fields are constructed, and the growth of the mean flame brush is found to be well described by simple Taylor type diffusion. The turbulent flame speed, sT is evaluated from an expression describing the propagation speed of an isosurface of the mean reaction progress variable c̃ in terms of the imbalance between the mean reactive, diffusive, and turbulent fluxes within the flame brush. The results are compared to the consumption speed, sC, calculated from the integral of the mean reaction rate, and to the predictions of a recently developed flame speed model (Kolla et al., Combust Sci Technol 181(3):518-535, 2009). The model predictions are improved in all cases by including the effects of mean molecular diffusion, and the overall agreement is good for the higher turbulence intensity cases once the tangential convective flux of c̃ is taken into account. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
This research investigates the quality of sonbolrood river by using Hylsenhof HFBI indicators and identified Macroinvertebrates invertebrates community in the family level. This study took place during 1388-1389 with four sampling season in four stations respectively in the forests of Kalyj kheyl village in Savadkuh (first station), industrial area of Islamabad (second Station), earth dam of Sonbolrood (third station) and the Place crosses Sonbolrood with Babolrood river (fourth Station). Macroinvertebrates invertebrates collected by quantitative sampler of Sorbr and they were isolated in laboratory by loop and they were identified in the family level. Generally, Macroinvertebrates of Sonbolrood river were formed three branches: Arthropods and flat worms and mollusks, including 3 tiers, 6 orders and 14 families that showed the maximum diversity and density in autumn and the least diversity and density in summer at all stations, also the third and fourth stations respectively were highest and lowest diversity and density. The water quality of Sonbolrood river based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) is evaluated with excellent condition for all stations except third station. Sonbolrood river with having high slope, rocky and sandy bed, with self-refining act, completely is a proper ecosystem for aquatic organisms, but it is done due to increased organic matter and sewage factory located in industrial zone in the third station and then the increased water pollution caused by nurturing the water warm fish in the earth dam of Sonbolrood. (because of this, the water quality at third station based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) are evaluated in a fairly good condition) and adding domestic sewages of adjacent villages like Seyedkola village and Shirdarkola caused increased pollution and increased trophy of Macroinvertebrates that are resistant to pollution and affect upon Macroinvertebrates community.
Gene mapping of a mouse coat mutation has been investigated. First, 100 10-bp random primers were used to amplify DNA, but the mutation could not be located by this method because there were no correlation between the amplified products and coat phenotypes. Second, by using Idh1, Car2, Mup1, Pgb1, Hbb, Es10, Es1, Mod1, Gdc1, Ce2, Es3 as genetic markers, linkage test crosses (two-point test) consisting of intercrossing uncovered BALB/c mice (homozygotes) to CBA/N and C57BL/6 mice with normal hair and backcrossing the heterozygotes of the F1 to the uncovered BALB/c mice were made. It was soon evident that the mutation was linked to Es3 on chromosome 11. Furthermore, three-point test was made by using Es3 and D11Mit8 (a microsatellite DNA) as genetic markers. The result showed that the mutation was linked to Es3 with the percentage recombination of (7.89 +/- 2.19)%, and linked to D11Mit8 with the percentage recombination of (26.38 +/- 3.57)%. The percentage recombination between Es3 and D11Mit8 was (32.90 +/- 3.81)%. The mutation was named Uncovered, with the symbol Uncv. According to the recombinations, the loci order was D11Mit8-26.30 +/- 3.57- Uncv-7.89 +/- 2.19-Es3. From the location on the chromosome, it was concluded that the mutation was a new mutation which affected the skin and hair structure of mouse. The Uncv has entered MGD (Mouse Genome Database).
Decisions about noisy stimuli require evidence integration over time. Traditionally, evidence integration and decision making are described as a one-stage process: a decision is made when evidence for the presence of a stimulus crosses a threshold. Here, we show that one-stage models cannot explain psychophysical experiments on feature fusion, where two visual stimuli are presented in rapid succession. Paradoxically, the second stimulus biases decisions more strongly than the first one, contrary to predictions of one-stage models and intuition. We present a two-stage model where sensory information is integrated and buffered before it is fed into a drift diffusion process. The model is tested in a series of psychophysical experiments and explains both accuracy and reaction time distributions. © 2012 Rüter et al.
Viable F-1 hybrids were obtained from crosses of female Macrobrachium nipponense and male Macrobrachium hainanense involving spermatophore transfer and artificial insemination. This represents the first successful known case of hybridization of two Macrobrachium species by means of artificial insemination. The hatching rate was over 90%. About 20-60% of newly hatched larvae metamorphosed to postlarvae. The morphological characteristics of the hybrids resembled a combination of features of both parents. Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and esterase (EST) isozyme electrophoresis indicated parents and F-1 hybrids showed co-dominant expression of the paternal and maternal alleles controlling the isozymes and confirmed the hybridization. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mature eggs of allotetraploid carp were activated by inactive sperm or crossed with normal sperms of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), crucian carp (Carassius auratus), Chinese blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala), Hemiculter leucisculus and Pseudorasbora parva. Chromosome counts showed that all offspring of these crosses presented a mode number of 200 chromosomes (4n = 200), and their morphological traits are much like maternal. Microsatelite marker and RAPD patterns between allotetraploid maternal and its offspring, reproduced from different paternal species, were identical. Cytological, morphological and molecular evidences suggested that allotetraploid carp female nucleus would not fuse with any male nucleus and its reproduction mode might be gynogenesis and therefore their offspring are retaining their tetraploidy and give origin to clonal individuals.
The electronic structures, Rashba spin-orbit couplings, and transport properties of InSb nanowires and nanofilms are investigated theoretically. When both the radius of the wire (or the thickness of the film) and the electric field are large, the electron bands and hole bands overlap, and the Fermi level crosses with some bands, which means that the semiconductors transit into metals. Meanwhile, the Rashba coefficients behave in an abnormal way. The conductivities increase dramatically when the electric field is larger than a critical value. This semiconductor-metal transition is observable at the room temperature. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Molluscan shells may display a variety of colors, which formation, inheritance, and evolutionary significance are not Well understood. Here we report a new variant of the Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai that displays a novel orange shell coloration (O-type) that is clearly distinguishable from the Wild green-shelled abalone (G-type). Controlled mating experiments between O- and G-type abalones demonstrated apparent Mendelian segregations (1:1 or 3:1) in shell colors in F-2 families, which support the notion that the O- and G-types are under strict genetic control at a single locus With a recessive o (for orange shell) allele and a dominant G (for green shell) allele. Feeding with different diets caused modifications of shell color within each genotype, ranging from orange to yellow for O-type and green to dark-brown for the G-type, without affecting the distinction between genotypes. A previously described bluish-purple (B-type) shell color was found in one of the putative oo X oG crosses, suggesting that the B-type may be it recessive allele belonging to the same locus. The new O-type variant had no effect on the growth of Pacific abalone on the early seed-stage. This Study demonstrates that shell color in Pacific abalone is subject to genetic control as well as dietary modification, and the latter probably offers selective advantages in camouflage and predator avoidance.
Interspecific reciprocal crosses between the two flatfishes Paralichthys olivaceus and P. dentatus yielded hybrids with different viabilities. Specifically, the hybrids of P. olivaceus female and P. dentatus male (HI) were found to be viable, while the reciprocal hybrids from P. dentatus female and P. olivaceus male (HII) were completely inviable. All the HII individuals showed morphological deformities and died before first feeding. The chromosome analysis showed that HI individuals had the same chromosome number as parents. However, two chromosomes were missing in HII offspring indicating that the latter were aneuploids. Genomic inheritance from the parents to F-1 progeny was also examined by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses, and the results showed differences between reciprocal hybrids. Almost all AFLP bands (97.71%) observed in parents were passed on to HI individuals. In contrast, only 86.64% of the AFLP bands from parents were scored in HII individuals. Frequency of lost parental bands was thus significantly higher in HII than that in HI and intraspecific crosses, which was probably associated with chromosomal elimination. In addition, higher segregation distortions were found in hybrids than in controls, although these differences were not significant. The present study indicates that chromosomal elimination and loss of AFLP loci occurred in inviable HII individuals, while such genomic changes were not found in viable HI individuals. Possible implications of such difference on genomic changes for asymmetric viability in reciprocal hybrids are discussed.