980 resultados para Development and applications


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El sistema de fangs activats és el tractament biològic més àmpliament utilitzat arreu del món per la depuració d'aigües residuals. El seu funcionament depèn de la correcta operació tant del reactor biològic com del decantador secundari. Quan la fase de sedimentació no es realitza correctament, la biomassa no decantada s'escapa amb l'efluent causant un impacte sobre el medi receptor. Els problemes de separació de sòlids, són actualment una de les principals causes d'ineficiència en l'operació dels sistemes de fangs activats arreu del món. Inclouen: bulking filamentós, bulking viscós, escumes biològiques, creixement dispers, flòcul pin-point i desnitrificació incontrolada. L'origen dels problemes de separació generalment es troba en un desequilibri entre les principals comunitats de microorganismes implicades en la sedimentació de la biomassa: els bacteris formadors de flòcul i els bacteris filamentosos. Degut a aquest origen microbiològic, la seva identificació i control no és una tasca fàcil pels caps de planta. Els Sistemes de Suport a la Presa de Decisions basats en el coneixement (KBDSS) són un grup d'eines informàtiques caracteritzades per la seva capacitat de representar coneixement heurístic i tractar grans quantitats de dades. L'objectiu de la present tesi és el desenvolupament i validació d'un KBDSS específicament dissenyat per donar suport als caps de planta en el control dels problemes de separació de sòlids d'orígen microbiològic en els sistemes de fangs activats. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu principal, el KBDSS ha de presentar les següents característiques: (1) la implementació del sistema ha de ser viable i realista per garantir el seu correcte funcionament; (2) el raonament del sistema ha de ser dinàmic i evolutiu per adaptar-se a les necessitats del domini al qual es vol aplicar i (3) el raonament del sistema ha de ser intel·ligent. En primer lloc, a fi de garantir la viabilitat del sistema, s'ha realitzat un estudi a petita escala (Catalunya) que ha permès determinar tant les variables més utilitzades per a la diagnosi i monitorització dels problemes i els mètodes de control més viables, com la detecció de les principals limitacions que el sistema hauria de resoldre. Els resultats d'anteriors aplicacions han demostrat que la principal limitació en el desenvolupament de KBDSSs és l'estructura de la base de coneixement (KB), on es representa tot el coneixement adquirit sobre el domini, juntament amb els processos de raonament a seguir. En el nostre cas, tenint en compte la dinàmica del domini, aquestes limitacions es podrien veure incrementades si aquest disseny no fos òptim. En aquest sentit, s'ha proposat el Domino Model com a eina per dissenyar conceptualment el sistema. Finalment, segons el darrer objectiu referent al seguiment d'un raonament intel·ligent, l'ús d'un Sistema Expert (basat en coneixement expert) i l'ús d'un Sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos (basat en l'experiència) han estat integrats com els principals sistemes intel·ligents encarregats de dur a terme el raonament del KBDSS. Als capítols 5 i 6 respectivament, es presenten el desenvolupament del Sistema Expert dinàmic (ES) i del Sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos temporal, anomenat Sistema de Raonament Basat en Episodis (EBRS). A continuació, al capítol 7, es presenten detalls de la implementació del sistema global (KBDSS) en l'entorn G2. Seguidament, al capítol 8, es mostren els resultats obtinguts durant els 11 mesos de validació del sistema, on aspectes com la precisió, capacitat i utilitat del sistema han estat validats tant experimentalment (prèviament a la implementació) com a partir de la seva implementació real a l'EDAR de Girona. Finalment, al capítol 9 s'enumeren les principals conclusions derivades de la present tesi.


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) offers the analyst a number of key advantages for the analysis of the components of foods. CE offers better resolution than, say, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and is more adept at the simultaneous separation of a number of components of different chemistries within a single matrix. In addition, CE requires less rigorous sample cleanup procedures than HPLC, while offering the same degree of automation. However, despite these advantages, CE remains under-utilized by food analysts. Therefore, this review consolidates and discusses the currently reported applications of CE that are relevant to the analysis of foods. Some discussion is also devoted to the development of these reported methods and to the advantages/disadvantages compared with the more usual methods for each particular analysis. It is the aim of this review to give practicing food analysts an overview of the current scope of CE.


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Many different reagents and methodologies have been utilised for the modification of synthetic and biological macromolecular systems. In addition, an area of intense research at present is the construction of hybrid biosynthetic polymers, comprised of biologically active species immobilised or complexed with synthetic polymers. One of the most useful and widely applicable techniques available for functionalisation of macromolecular systems involves indiscriminate carbene insertion processes. The highly reactive and non-specific nature of carbenes has enabled a multitude of macromolecular structures to be functionalised without the need for specialised reagents or additives. The use of diazirines as stable carbene precursors has increased dramatically over the past twenty years and these reagents are fast becoming the most popular photophors for photoaffinity labelling and biological applications in which covalent modification of macromolecular structures is the basis to understanding structure-activity relationships. This review reports the synthesis and application of a diverse range of diazirines in macromolecular systems.


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The development of hyperbranched polymers is a rapidly expanding field in the area of macromolecular science. This short review highlights some of the notable examples in the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers and some of the key advances that have been made in the application of these hyperbranched materials in the areas of material property modifications and in high value technologies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel optimising controller is designed that leads a slow process from a sub-optimal operational condition to the steady-state optimum in a continuous way based on dynamic information. Using standard results from optimisation theory and discrete optimal control, the solution of a steady-state optimisation problem is achieved by solving a receding-horizon optimal control problem which uses derivative and state information from the plant via a shadow model and a state-space identifier. The paper analyzes the steady-state optimality of the procedure, develops algorithms with and without control rate constraints and applies the procedure to a high fidelity simulation study of a distillation column optimisation.


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The solar and longwave environmental irradiance geometry (SOLWEIG) model simulates spatial variations of 3-D radiation fluxes and mean radiant temperature (T mrt) as well as shadow patterns in complex urban settings. In this paper, a new vegetation scheme is included in SOLWEIG and evaluated. The new shadow casting algorithm for complex vegetation structures makes it possible to obtain continuous images of shadow patterns and sky view factors taking both buildings and vegetation into account. For the calculation of 3-D radiation fluxes and T mrt, SOLWEIG only requires a limited number of inputs, such as global shortwave radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, geographical information (latitude, longitude and elevation) and urban geometry represented by high-resolution ground and building digital elevation models (DEM). Trees and bushes are represented by separate DEMs. The model is evaluated using 5 days of integral radiation measurements at two sites within a square surrounded by low-rise buildings and vegetation in Göteborg, Sweden (57°N). There is good agreement between modelled and observed values of T mrt, with an overall correspondence of R 2 = 0.91 (p < 0.01, RMSE = 3.1 K). A small overestimation of T mrt is found at locations shadowed by vegetation. Given this good performance a number of suggestions for future development are identified for applications which include for human comfort, building design, planning and evaluation of instrument exposure.


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The Physical Disability Sexual and Body Esteem (PDSBE) scale was developed to assess respondents' capacity to feel positive about their sexuality and their body while living with a physical impairment. The current paper presents four studies that were conducted to develop and assess the psychometric properties of the 10 item PDSBE scale. The first study was an exploratory factor analysis involving 348 participants with physical disabilities. The factors were: Sexual Esteem, Attractiveness to Others, and Body Esteem. The second study was a confirmatory factor analysis, with a total of 338 participants. This analysis confirmed the factor structure established in study 1. The third study revealed good test-retest reliability on a total of 47 participants with physical disabilities. The final study was conducted with 748 participants with physical disabilities and showed that the PDSBE had high reliability and good convergent and divergent validity. Mean scores showed that women scored significantly higher than men on the total PDSBE scale and on the Sexual Esteem and Attractiveness to Others subscales. Future applications for the PDSBE scale are discussed.


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The modification of an interface on a molecular level with more than one molecular ‘building block' is essentially an example of the ‘bottom–up' fabrication principle of nanotechnology. The fabrication of such integrated molecular systems in electrochemistry has seen rapid progress in recent years via the development of sensing interfaces fabricated using self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). This review outlines recent advances and applications of self-assembled monolayers for modifying electrodes with an emphasis on the development of integrated molecular systems. First, some basic issues regarding fabricating integrated molecular systems, such as the role of the surface topography of the electrode and patterning surfaces, are discussed. Subsequently an overview of recent developments in pH, inorganic and bio sensing involving the use of SAMs is given. Finally emerging trends in using molecular building blocks in the fabrication of integrated molecular systems, such as nanotubes, dendrimers and nanoparticles, are reviewed.


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Analysis and fusion of social measurements is important to understand what shapes the public’s opinion and the sustainability of the global development. However, modeling data collected from social responses is challenging as the data is typically complex and heterogeneous, which might take the form of stated facts, subjective assessment, choices, preferences or any combination thereof. Model-wise, these responses are a mixture of data types including binary, categorical, multicategorical, continuous, ordinal, count and rank data. The challenge is therefore to effectively handle mixed data in the a unified fusion framework in order to perform inference and analysis. To that end, this paper introduces eRBM (Embedded Restricted Boltzmann Machine) – a probabilistic latent variable model that can represent mixed data using a layer of hidden variables transparent across different types of data. The proposed model can comfortably support largescale data analysis tasks, including distribution modelling, data completion, prediction and visualisation. We demonstrate these versatile features on several moderate and large-scale publicly available social survey datasets.


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Biosensor has rapidly become essential analytical tools, since they offer higher performance in terms of sensitivity and selectively than any other currently available diagnostic device. The development of biosensor technology represents a crucial task for environmental pollution management, there is a considerable need to project and realize biosensors with the best features for commercialization, such as selectivity, sensitivity, stability, reproducibility and low cost. With appropriate progress testing and commercialization, biosensors will have an important impact on environmental monitoring, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of certain applications. The same multiple approach might be used for development of biosensor platforms suitable for use in fields as diverse as environmental and agrifood to industry, research security and defence, medical and clinical. This review paper focussed on the various types of biosensors and applications in environmental monitoring.


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Soft Computing is an interdisciplinary area that encompasses a variety of computing paradigms. Examples of some popular soft computing paradigms include fuzzy computing, neural computing, evolutionary computing, and probabilistic computing. Soft computing paradigms, in general, aim to produce computing systems/machines that exhibit some useful properties, e.g. making inference with vague and/or ambiguous information, learning from noisy and/or incomplete data, adapting to changing environments, and reasoning with uncertainties. These properties are important for the systems/machines to be useful in assisting humans in our daily activities. Indeed, soft computing paradigms have been demonstrated to be capable of tackling a wide range of problems, e.g. optimization, decision making, information processing, pattern recognition, and intelligent data analysis. A number of papers pertaining to some recent advances in theoretical development and practical application of different soft computing paradigms are highlighted in this special issue.


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Significant progress has been made recently in the development of Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals (OIPCs), a unique family of solid state electrolytes with applications in electrochemical devices such as lithium batteries and dye-sensitised solar cells. The negligible volatility of OIPCs renders them more suitable than molecular species for long-term device use, while the high thermal and electrochemical stability of many OIPCs fulfils an essential requirement for solid state electrolytes for many device applications. However, the complex mechanisms of conduction through these materials, both in their pure state and in the presence of a small amount of a second component (such as lithium salts to enable their use in lithium batteries) are still not fully understood. At the same time, the range of anions and cations utilised in the synthesis of plastic crystal phases continues to increase. This perspective concentrates on recent research into both fundamental and device-oriented aspects of these materials. Important fundamental understanding of the physical properties and transport mechanisms of different OIPCs has been achieved through use of techniques including variable temperature solid-state NMR and crystallographic analysis, as well as detailed molecular dynamics simulations. In parallel, the applicability of these materials as electrolytes for dye-sensitised solar cells and lithium batteries is being more widely demonstrated. The possibility of using OIPCs as solid state electrolytes for fuel cells is also discussed.


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An industrial hygiene exposure database and surveillance system was developed in partnership between National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-funded independent investigators and practicing industrial hygienists at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) in Golden, Colo. RFETS is a former U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapons plant that is now in cleanup phase. This project is presented as a case study in the development of an exposure database and surveillance system in terms that are generalizable to most other industries and work contexts. Steps include gaining organizational support; defining system purpose and scope; defining database elements and coding; planning practical and efficient analysis strategies; incorporating reporting capabilities; and anticipating communication strategies that maximize the probability that surveillance findings will feed back to preventive applications. For each of these topics, the authors describe both general considerations as well as the specific choices made for this system. An important feature of the system is a two-tier task-coding scheme comprising 33 categories of task groups. Examples of grouped analyses of exposure data captured during the system pilot period demonstrate applications to exposure control, medical surveillance, and other preventive measures. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.


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An overview is given of the design and implementation of a platform for fast external sensor integration in an industrial robot system called ABB S4CPlus. As an application and motivating example, the implementation of force-controlled grinding and deburring within the AUTOFETT-project is discussed. Experiences from industrial usage of the fully developed prototype confirms the appropriateness of the design choices, thus also confirming the fact that control and software need to be tightly integrated. The new sensor can be used for the prototyping and development of a wide variety of new applications


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In response to growing demand for ecosystem-level risk assessment in biodiversity conservation, and rapid proliferation of locally tailored protocols, the IUCN recently endorsed new Red List criteria as a global standard for ecosystem risk assessment. Four qualities were sought in the design of the IUCN criteria: generality; precision; realism; and simplicity. Drawing from extensive global consultation, we explore trade-offs among these qualities when dealing with key challenges, including ecosystem classification, measuring ecosystem dynamics, degradation and collapse, and setting decision thresholds to delimit ordinal categories of threat. Experience from countries with national lists of threatened ecosystems demonstrates well-balanced trade-offs in current and potential applications of Red Lists of Ecosystems in legislation, policy, environmental management and education. The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems should be judged by whether it achieves conservation ends and improves natural resource management, whether its limitations are outweighed by its benefits, and whether it performs better than alternative methods. Future development of the Red List of Ecosystems will benefit from the history of the Red List of Threatened Species which was trialed and adjusted iteratively over 50 years from rudimentary beginnings. We anticipate the Red List of Ecosystems will promote policy focus on conservation outcomes in situ across whole landscapes and seascapes.