952 resultados para Dental Implant


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Os implantes osteointegráveis assumiram condição prioritária na reabilitação da perda dentária unitária ou múltipla em função das elevadas taxas de sucesso e previsibilidade no tratamento e vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados por especialistas e clínicos. Atualmente existe a preocupação com a manutenção dos tecidos moles periimplantares, principalmente em áreas estéticas. De modo geral, um ano após a instalação dos implantes osteointegráveis ocorre uma perda óssea proximal de 1,5 mm e em média 0,1 mm durante os anos subsequentes. Nos últimos anos, achados clínicos evidenciaram menor perda óssea inicial associada a intermediários de diâmetro reduzido em relação à plataforma dos implantes. Com o objetivo de comparar, por meio de imagens radiográficas o comportamento ósseo proximal ao redor de implantes osteointegráveis com plataformas convencionais e plataformas de diâmetro intermediário reduzido, foi estabelecido o seguinte desenho de estudo clínico prospectivo: em 08 pacientes totalmente edentados, foram instalados 40 implantes, 5 implantes mandibulares por paciente. Cada paciente recebeu 3 implantes com plataforma convencional e 2 com plataforma associada aos intermediários de diâmetro reduzido (cone morse). Foram confeccionadas próteses em resina acrílica e fixadas precocemente aos implantes por intermédio de parafusos, seguindo o modelo protocolo Bränemark. Foram feitas radiografias periapicais padronizadas em intervalos de 21 dias, 3, 6 e 12 meses, após a instalação dos implantes. As imagens radiográficas foram digitalizadas e realizada a subtração radiográfica digital pelo programa emago, sendo comparadas com a radiografia inicial. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostraram uma regularidade no remodelamento ósseo ao longo do tempo para todos os implantes, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre os diferentes implantes analisados.


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[EU]Txosten honetan konexio konikodun hortzetako inplante baten eraginkortasuna aztertzen da. Zehatzagoak izanik, inplante bat ahotik kanporatu ahal izateko beharrezkoa den indarra aztertu egiten da, kontuan hartuz aldagai horren balioa ezagutzea ezinbestekoa dela pazientearen osasuna eta konforta ziurtatzeko. Proiektu honek zein eremutan garrantzia edukiko duen ikusteko, lehenik eta behin testuingurua deskribatuko da. Horren ondoren helburu nagusiak eta onura zientifiko-tekniko zein ekonomikoak adieraziko dira. Helburuak lortzeko posibleak diren bide desberdinak aztertuko dira, eta bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak kontuan hartuz kasu honi hobeto egokitzen zaion alternatiba aukeratuko da. Jarraian, metodo horri dagokion azalpenari ekingo zaio, proiektuaren garapenean egindako lanak pausoz pauso deskribatuz. Proiektuaren hasieratik amaierara arte egindako lanen planifikazioa era argi batean adierazteko Gantt diagrama erabiliko da. Bertan hiru etapa nagusi ezberdindu daitezke: saiakuntzen aurre-diseinua, kanpaina esperimentala eta emaitzen interpretazioa. Azkenik, egindako saiakuntzen eta analisien emaitzak laburbilduko dira, horiek dakartzaten ondorioak azalduz. Puntu honekin hasiera batean planteatutako helburuei erantzun bat emango zaie, eta proiektu honen ondoren jarraitu ahal izango diren hurrengo pausoak aipatuko dira.


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[EU]Hortzetako protesi osoek edentulismo partzial edo osoa jasaten duten pertsonentzat soluzio alternatibo bat suposatzen dute hortz bakarreko inplanteen aurrean, goialdeko edo behealdeko hortz guztiak (edo batzuk) pieza bakarrarekin ordezkatuz [11]. Protesi sistema hauen pieza bakoitzaren fabrikazioak zehaztasun handia eskatzen du eta aztertu beharreko hainbat faktore daude, amaiera produktuaren funtzionamendua egokia izatea nahi bada. Hauetako aspektu asko aurretik gauzatuak izan diren lanetan jorratu dira jadanik, tolerantzia gap-a eta torlojutze sekuentzia bezalako aldagaiei buruz hainbat ikerkuntza eginez [1]. Lan honen bidez, bi faktore hauez gain hezur erlaxazioaren eragina kontuan hartu nahi da, All On Four sistema batean edukiko duen irismena neurtzeko. Horrela, protesiaren fabrikazio edota ezarpenerako baldintza onargarri minimoak ezagutzea espero da, erabiltzailearentzat protesia egokia suerta dadin.


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Os orifícios de acesso aos parafusos de retenção devem ser preenchidos para que o parafuso não seja danificado caso seja necessária a remoção da prótese. Dentre os materiais mais utilizados estão o algodão, a fita de politetrafluoretileno e a guta percha. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a formação de biofilme de Candida albicans nos materiais anteriormente descritos, buscando estabelecer um parâmetro que contribua para a escolha do tipo de material mais adequado a ser utilizado clinicamente. Foram utilizados UCLAs, análogos e parafusos sextavados, todos de titânio. Os conjuntos foram montados com torque de 32N. Os materiais foram condensados no interior dos UCLAs e colocados em meio de cultura com uma suspensão de 3x106 células/ml de Candida albicans. O sistema foi armazenado à 37C com agitação, por 15 dias e o meio foi renovado a cada 48 horas. A quantificação de biofilme foi realizada pelo ensaio de MTT e leitura à 490nm, resultando em diferentes valores de densidade óptica. A normalidade (p=0,304 - Kolmogorov-Smirnov) e a igualdade de variâncias (p=0,721 - Scheffe) foram testadas primeiramente. O teste de análise de variância demonstrou diferença significativa entre os grupos (p<0,001) e com o Holm-Sidak foi observada diferença significativa entre os grupos algodão e guta (p<0,05) e algodão e fita de politetrafluoetileno (p<0,05); não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos guta e fita de politatrafluoretileno (p>0,05), apesar dos valores da fita de politetrafluoetileno terem sido maiores. Considerando-se as limitações deste estudo in vitro, podemos concluir que tanto a guta-percha quanto a fita de politetrafluoretileno apresentaram menor formação de biofilme, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os materiais. O algodão apresentou um nível de formação de biofilme significativamente maior que a fita de politetrafluoretileno e a guta percha. Diante disso, serão necessários novos estudos para confirmar as limitações que este tipo de material pode apresentar quando usado como material de preenchimento do acesso do parafuso da prótese sobre implante.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to investigate partially dentate elders’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two different tooth replacement strategies: using Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs) and, functionally orientated treatment (SDA). The secondary aim was to measure the same patient group’s WTP for dental implants. Methods: Patients who had completed a previous RCT comparing two tooth replacement strategies (RPDs and SDA) were recruited. 59 patients were asked to indicate their WTP for treatment to replace missing teeth in a number of hypothetical scenarios using the payment card method of contingency evaluation coupled to different costs. Data were collected on patients’ social class, longest held occupation, income levels and social circumstances. Results: The median age for the patient sample was 72.0 years (IQR: 71-75 years). Patients who had previously been provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for this treatment strategy was significantly higher than those patients who had received SDA treatment (Mann-Whitney U Test: p<0.001). This group were also WTP a higher price for SDA treatment than those patients who had previously been treated according to this modality (Mann-Whitney U Test: p=0.005). The results indicated that patients’ age was not correlated with WTP but both social class and current income levels were significantly correlated (Spearman’s rank correlation: p<0.05). Patients in both treatment groups exhibited llittle WTP for dental implant treatment with a median price recorded which was lower than either RPD or SDA treatment. Conclusions: Amongst this patient cohort previous treatment experience had a strong influence on WTP as did social class and current income levels. The patients’ WTP indicated that they did not value dental implants over simpler forms of tooth replacement such as RPDs or a SDA approach.


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Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to investigate partially dentate elders’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two different tooth replacement strategies: using Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs) and, functionally orientated treatment (SDA). The secondary aim was to measure the same patient group’s WTP for dental implants.Methods: Patients who had completed a previous RCT comparing two tooth replacement strategies (RPDs and SDA) were recruited. 59 patients were asked to indicate their WTP for treatment to replace missing teeth in a number of hypothetical scenarios using the payment card method of contingency evaluation coupled to different costs. Data were collected on patients’ social class, longest held occupation, income levels and social circumstances.Results: The median age for the patient sample was 72.0 years (IQR: 71-75 years). Patients who had previously been provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for this treatment strategy was significantly higher than those patients who had received SDA treatment (Mann-Whitney U Test: p<0.001). This group were also WTP a higher price for SDA treatment than those patients who had previously been treated according to this modality (Mann-Whitney U Test: p=0.005). The results indicated that patients’ age was not correlated with WTP but both social class and current income levels were significantly correlated (Spearman’s rank correlation: p<0.05).Patients in both treatment groups exhibited llittle WTP for dental implant treatment with a median price recorded which was lower than either RPD or SDA treatment.Conclusions: Amongst this patient cohort previous treatment experience had a strong influence on WTP as did social class and current income levels. The patients’ WTP indicated that they did not value dental implants over simpler forms of tooth replacement such as RPDs or a SDA approach.


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Problématique : Les connaissances théoriques et pratiques au sujet de la mise en charge immédiate d’implants non jumelés chez les édentés sont limitées. Objectifs : Cette étude avait pour but de : (1) déterminer le taux de survie implantaire de 2 implants non jumelés supportant une prothèse totale mandibulaire suite à une mise en charge immédiate, (2) évaluer les changements des niveaux osseux et de stabilité implantaire survenus sur ces 2 implants durant une période de 4 mois et les comparer à un implant témoin, et (3) décrire les complications cliniques associées à ce mode de mise en charge. Méthodologie : Chez 18 individus édentés (âge moyen de 62±7 ans), cette étude de phase I avec un design pré/post a évalué les résultats cliniques suivant la mise en charge immédiate (<48 heures) de 2 implants non jumelés par une prothèse totale mandibulaire. À l’aide de radiographies périapicales, de sondages osseux et d’analyses de la fréquence en résonnance, les niveaux osseux péri-implantaires (en mm) et les niveaux de stabilité implantairte (en ISQ) de ces 2 implants insérés dans la région parasymphysaire ont été évalués à la chirurgie (T0) et au suivi de 4 mois (T1). Un implant non submergé et sans mise en charge inséré dans la région de la symphyse mandibulaire a été utilisé comme témoin. Les données ont été analysées avec des modèles mixtes linéaires, la méthode de Tukey ajustée, l’analyse de variance de Friedman et des tests de rang signés de Wilcoxon. Résultats : De T0 à T1, 3 implants mis en charge immédiatement ont échoué chez 2 patients. Le taux de survie implantaire obtenu était donc de 91,7% (33/36) et, par patient, de 88,9% (16/18). Aucun implant témoin n’a échoué. Les changements osseux documentés radiologiquement et par sondage autour des implants mis en charge immédiatement étaient, respectivement, de -0,2 ± 0,3 mm et de -0,5 ± 0,6 mm. Les pertes d’os de support implantaire n’ont pas été démontrées statistiquement différentes entre les implants avec mise en charge immédiate et les témoins. Les niveaux moyens de stabilité implantaire ont augmenté de 5 ISQ indépendamment de la mise en charge. Les niveaux moyens d’ISQ n’ont pas été démontrés statistiquement différents entre les implants avec mise en charge immédiate et les témoins à T0 ou T1. Cinq des 18 patients n’ont expérimenté aucune complication clinique, alors que 9 en ont eu au moins deux. Hormis les échecs implantaires, aucune de ces complications n’a entraîné de changements au protocole. Conclusion : Les résultats à court terme suggèrent que : (1) le taux de survie implantaire suite au protocole immédiat est similaire à ceux rapportés lors d’un protocole de mise en charge conventionnel (2) les changements d’os de support implantaire et de stabilité ne sont pas différents comparativement à ceux d’un implant témoin, (3) un niveau élevé d’expérience clinique et chirurgicale est requis pour effectuer les procédures et pour gérer les complications associées. Ces résultats préliminaires devraient être confirmés dans une étude clinique de phase II.


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Problématique : La majorité des études publiées sur la réhabilitation par mise en charge immédiate de deux implants non jumelés avec une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement n’ont rapporté que des mesures cliniques objectives et très peu ont évalué les mesures centrées sur le patient, et ce, avec des erreurs de mesure. Aucune étude n’a évalué les attentes des patients vis-à-vis d'un tel protocole. Objectifs : Évaluer les attentes, le niveau de satisfaction ainsi que la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire des édentés complets suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate. Méthodologie : Cet essai clinique de phase 1 utilise un design pré-post afin d’évaluer les mesures centrées sur le patient. Dix-huit individus, complètement édentés et âgés en moyenne de 62,39 ± 7,65 ans, ont reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement sur deux implants non jumelés suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate, conjointement à une prothèse totale conventionnelle maxillaire. Un instrument adapté pour mesurer leurs attentes à l’aide d’échelles visuelles analogues, le questionnaire « McGill Denture Satisfaction Instrument » ainsi que le questionnaire OHIP-20 ont été remis aux patients avant de procéder aux traitements (T0), ainsi qu’aux rendez-vous de suivi à 2 semaines (T1), 1 mois (T2) et 4 mois (T3). De plus, l’inventaire de personnalité révisé (NÉO PI-R) ainsi qu’un questionnaire sociodémographique ont été remplis par les participants. Les « change scores » ont été calculés puis des tests non paramétriques et des analyses de variances en mesures répétées suivies de comparaisons par paires ont été utilisés afin d’analyser les données recueillies. La taille d’effet a été estimée. Résultats : Les participants avaient différentes attentes par rapport à la mise en charge immédiate. Certains s’attendaient à un effet positif à court terme par rapport à leur apparence esthétique (83,3 %) et à leur vie sociale (55,7 %), alors que d’autres avaient des craintes envers leur confort (5,6 %), leur habileté à mastiquer (11,1 %) et à nettoyer leur prothèse inférieure (11,1 %). À 4 mois, le protocole de mise en charge immédiate avait rencontré la majorité des attentes des patients par rapport à l’esthétique (94.4 %), la mastication (83.3 %), la phonétique (61.1 %), le confort (94.4 %), l’hygiène (88.9 %) et leur vie sociale (88.9 %). Une amélioration statistiquement significative de la satisfaction en générale, du confort, de l’esthétique, de la stabilité de la prothèse inférieure et de l’habileté à mastiquer a été notée à 2 semaines (p<0,001). Également, les comparaisons par paires ont révélé une diminution statistiquement significative du score total de l’OHIP-20 (p < 0,001) de même que la majorité des domaines de l’OHIP (p < 0.01), sauf pour l’handicap social qui n’a diminué significativement qu’après 1 mois (p = 0.01). Ces changements (pour la satisfaction et la qualité de vie) sont restés stables au cours des suivis subséquents. Indépendamment des traits de personnalité et des variables sociodémographiques, le protocole immédiat a satisfait 94,4 % des participants et a amélioré leur qualité de vie avec une large magnitude d’effet (d = 1.9; p < 0.001). Bien que deux patients aient perdu des implants au cours du traitement, 100 % des participants étaient d’accord pour recommander cette procédure à leurs pairs. Conclusions: Le protocole de mise en charge immédiate semble satisfaire les patients quelles que soient leurs attentes. Le protocole MCI peut améliorer, à court terme, la qualité de vie des patients totalement édentés. Les résultats prometteurs de la phase 1 devraient être corroborés lors de la 2e phase de cette étude.


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In recent years there has been a significant growth in technologies that modify implant surfaces, reducing healing time and allowing their successful use in areas with low bone density. One of the most widely used techniques is plasma nitration, applied with excellent results in titanium and its alloys, with greater frequency in the manufacture of hip, ankle and shoulder implants. However, its use in dental implants is very limited due to high process temperatures (between 700 C o and 800 C o ), resulting in distortions in these geometrically complex and highly precise components. The aim of the present study is to assess osseointegration and mechanical strength of grade II nitrided titanium samples, through configuration of hollow cathode discharge. Moreover, new formulations are proposed to determine the optimum structural topology of the dental implant under study, in order to perfect its shape, make it efficient, competitive and with high definition. In the nitriding process, the samples were treated at a temperature of 450 C o and pressure of 150 Pa , during 1 hour of treatment. This condition was selected because it obtains the best wettability results in previous studies, where different pressure, temperature and time conditions were systematized. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, roughness, microhardness and wettability. Biomechanical fatigue tests were then conducted. Finally, a formulation using the three dimensional structural topology optimization method was proposed, in conjunction with an hadaptive refinement process. The results showed that plasma nitriding, using the hollow cathode discharge technique, caused changes in the surface texture of test specimens, increases surface roughness, wettability and microhardness when compared to the untreated sample. In the biomechanical fatigue test, the treated implant showed no flaws, after five million cycles, at a maximum fatigue load of 84.46 N. The results of the topological optimization process showed well-defined optimized layouts of the dental implant, with a clear distribution of material and a defined edge


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This study aimed to evaluate patients who underwent placement of zygomatic implants technique by Stella & Warner, considering the survival of conventional and zygomatic implants, sinus health and level of patient satisfaction in relation to oral rehabilitation. We evaluated 28 patients where 14 had received conventional and zygomatic implants, being rehabilitated with implant-fixed dentures (group 1) and 14 were rehabilitated only with conventional implants and implant-fixed dentures (group 2). The study had four phases, represented by radiographic evaluation of implants (stage I), clinical evaluation (stage II), assessing the health of the maxillary sinus (stage III) and a questionnaire to measure satisfaction of rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis implant Total -backed (stage IV). Group 2 underwent only stage IV, while group 1 participated in all stages. Descriptive analysis and statistics were performed, using the t test for independent samples in the evaluation of phase IV. The results demonstrated that the technique of Stella & Warner proved effective, allowing a high survival rate of conventional implants and zygomatic (100%), considering a minimum follow-up of 15 months and maximum 53 months after prosthetic rehabilitation. There were no pathological changes in tissues periimplants conventional and zygomatic implants analyzed. Radiographic findings showed satisfactory levels bone implants in the oral rehabilitation with conventional zygomatic implants and a good positioning of the apex of the zygomatic implants over the zygomatic bone. The presence of the zygomatic implant did not cause sinus and the t test showed a satisfaction index lower in group 1 compared with group 2. The zygomatic implant placement technique by Stella & Warner proved to be a predictable technique with high survival rate in patients with atrophic jaws, necessitating long-term follow-up to confirm the initial findings of the study


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The evaluation criteria of the cases treated with dental implants are based on clinical and radiographic tests. In this context it is important to conduct research to determine prognosis of different types of prosthetic rehabilitation and determination of the main problems affecting this type of treatment. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the prosthetic conditions of individuals rehabilitated with implant-supported prosthesis. In this cross-sectional study 153 patients were treated, accounting for a sample of 509 implants. The failures were observed by clinical and radiographic examination. The results showed that the fracture (0.2%) loss (0.4%) and loosening of the screws (3.3%) were failures are less frequent. The fracture structures as the resin (12.4%), porcelain (5.5%) and metallic (1.5%), loss of resin that covers the screw (23.8%) and loss of retention overdentures on implants (18.6%) had a higher occurrence. The failure of adaptation between the abutment and the implant (6.9%) and especially between the prosthesis and the abutment (25.4%) had a high prevalence and, when related to other parameters showed a significant association, particularly with the cemented prosthesis (OR = 6.79). It can be concluded that to minimize the appearance of failures, protocols must be observed from diagnosis to the settlement and control of prostheses on implants, particularly with respect to technical steps of the making of the prosthesis and care in radiographic evaluating the fit between their components


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The aim of this study was to compare the misfit vertical, horizontal and passivity of zirconia and cobalt-chromium frameworks fabricated for CAD / CAM technology and conventional method of casting. Sixteen frameworks in one-piece, were obtained from a metallic matrix containing three Brånemark compatible implants with regular platform (Titamax Cortical Ti, Neodent). Eight frameworks were fabricated by CAD / CAM system (NeoShape, Neodent): four in zirconia (ZirCAD) and four cobalt-chromium (CoCrcad). Eight other frameworks were obtained by conventional casting method: four cobalt-chromium with UCLA abutment premachined Co-Cr (CoCrUCci) and four cobalt-chromium with UCLA abutment castable (CoCrUCc). The fit vertical, horizontal and passivity by one-screw test were measured using scanning electron microscopy with magnification of 250x. Initially evaluated the passivity by one-screw test and subsequently to assess the vertical and horizontal misfit, tightened all the screws with a torque of 20 Ncm. Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were calculated for each group. Measurements of horizontal misfit were transformed into cumulative frequency for categorization of the variable and the group later comparison groups. To evaluate the existence of quantitative differences between the groups tested for vertical misfit and passivity, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare group to group statistical differences (p <0.05). Were observed the respective mean and standard deviation for vertical misfit and passivity in micrometers: ZirCAD (5.9 ± 3.6, 107.2 ± 36), CoCrcad (1.2 ± 2.2, 107.5 ± 26 ), CoCrUCci (11.8 ± 9.8, 124.7 ± 74), CoCrUCc (12.9 ± 11.0, 108.8 ± 85). There were statistical differences in measures of vertical misfit (p = 0.000). The Mann-Whitney test revealed statistical differences (p <0.05) between all groups except between CoCrUCci and CoCrUCc (p = 0.619). No statistical difference was observed for the passivity. In relation to the horizontal misfit groups ZirCAD and CoCrcad did not show best values in relation to CoCrUCci and CoCrUCc. Based on the results it can be concluded that frameworks fabricated by CAD / CAM technology had better values of vertical fit than those manufactured by the casting method, nevertheless, the passivity was not influenced by manufacturing technique and material used. The horizontal fit obtained by frameworks manufactured by CAD / CAM was not superior to those manufactured by casting. A lower variability in vertical adjustment and passivity was observed when frameworks were fabricated by CAD / CAM technology