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Nano-indentation is a technique used to measure various mechanical properties like hardness, Young's modulus and the adherence of thin films and surface layers. It can be used as a quality control tool for various surface modification techniques like ion-implantation, film deposition processes etc. It is important to characterise the increasing scatter in the data measured at lower penetration depths observed in the nano-indentation, for the technique to be effectively applied. Surface roughness is one of the parameters contributing for the scatter. This paper is aimed at quantifying the nature and the amount of scatter that will be introduced in the measurement due to the roughness of the surface on which the indentation is carried out. For this the surface is simulated using the Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which gives a self-affine fractal. The contact area of this surface with a conical indenter with a spherical cap at the tip is measured numerically. The indentation process is simulated using the spherical cavity model. This eliminates the indentation size effect observed at the micron and sub-micron scales. It has been observed that there exists a definite penetration depth in relation to the surface roughness beyond which the scatter is reduced such that reliable data could be obtained.


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In this paper we study the problem of designing SVM classifiers when the kernel matrix, K, is affected by uncertainty. Specifically K is modeled as a positive affine combination of given positive semi definite kernels, with the coefficients ranging in a norm-bounded uncertainty set. We treat the problem using the Robust Optimization methodology. This reduces the uncertain SVM problem into a deterministic conic quadratic problem which can be solved in principle by a polynomial time Interior Point (IP) algorithm. However, for large-scale classification problems, IP methods become intractable and one has to resort to first-order gradient type methods. The strategy we use here is to reformulate the robust counterpart of the uncertain SVM problem as a saddle point problem and employ a special gradient scheme which works directly on the convex-concave saddle function. The algorithm is a simplified version of a general scheme due to Juditski and Nemirovski (2011). It achieves an O(1/T-2) reduction of the initial error after T iterations. A comprehensive empirical study on both synthetic data and real-world protein structure data sets show that the proposed formulations achieve the desired robustness, and the saddle point based algorithm outperforms the IP method significantly.


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Low-complexity near-optimal detection of large-MIMO signals has attracted recent research. Recently, we proposed a local neighborhood search algorithm, namely reactive tabu search (RTS) algorithm, as well as a factor-graph based belief propagation (BP) algorithm for low-complexity large-MIMO detection. The motivation for the present work arises from the following two observations on the above two algorithms: i) Although RTS achieved close to optimal performance for 4-QAM in large dimensions, significant performance improvement was still possible for higher-order QAM (e.g., 16-, 64-QAM). ii) BP also achieved near-optimal performance for large dimensions, but only for {±1} alphabet. In this paper, we improve the large-MIMO detection performance of higher-order QAM signals by using a hybrid algorithm that employs RTS and BP. In particular, motivated by the observation that when a detection error occurs at the RTS output, the least significant bits (LSB) of the symbols are mostly in error, we propose to first reconstruct and cancel the interference due to bits other than LSBs at the RTS output and feed the interference cancelled received signal to the BP algorithm to improve the reliability of the LSBs. The output of the BP is then fed back to RTS for the next iteration. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the RTS algorithm, and semi-definite relaxation (SDR) and Gaussian tree approximation (GTA) algorithms.


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In this letter, we compute the secrecy rate of decode-and-forward (DF) relay beamforming with finite input alphabet of size M. Source and relays operate under a total power constraint. First, we observe that the secrecy rate with finite-alphabet input can go to zero as the total power increases, when we use the source power and the relay weights obtained assuming Gaussian input. This is because the capacity of an eavesdropper can approach the finite-alphabet capacity of 1/2 log(2) M with increasing total power, due to the inability to completely null in the direction of the eavesdropper. We then propose a transmit power control scheme where the optimum source power and relay weights are obtained by carrying out transmit power (source power plus relay power) control on DF with Gaussian input using semi-definite programming, and then obtaining the corresponding source power and relay weights which maximize the secrecy rate for DF with finite-alphabet input. The proposed power control scheme is shown to achieve increasing secrecy rates with increasing total power with a saturation behavior at high total powers.


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In this paper, we evaluate secrecy rates in cooperative relay beamforming in the presence of imperfect channel state information (CSI) and multiple eavesdroppers. A source-destination pair aided by.. out of.. relays, 1 <= k <= M, using decode-and-forward relay beamforming is considered. We compute the worst case secrecy rate with imperfect CSI in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers, where the number of eavesdroppers can be more than the number of relays. We solve the optimization problem for all possible relay combinations to find the secrecy rate and optimum source and relay weights subject to a total power constraint. We relax the rank-1 constraint on the complex semi-definite relay weight matrix and use S-procedure to reformulate the optimization problem that can be solved using convex semi-definite programming.


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We propose an eigenvalue based technique to solve the Homogeneous Quadratic Constrained Quadratic Programming problem (HQCQP) with at most three constraints which arise in many signal processing problems. Semi-Definite Relaxation (SDR) is the only known approach and is computationally intensive. We study the performance of the proposed fast eigen approach through simulations in the context of MIMO relays and show that the solution converges to the solution obtained using the SDR approach with significant reduction in complexity.


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We present a comparison of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) five-day ocean analyses against in situ daily data from Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) moorings at locations 90 degrees E, 12 degrees N; 90 degrees E, 8 degrees N; 90 degrees E, 0 degrees N and 90 degrees E, 1.5 degrees S in the equatorial Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal during 2002-2008. We find that the GODAS temperature analysis does not adequately capture a prominent signal of Indian Ocean dipole mode of 2006 seen in the mooring data, particularly at 90 degrees E 0 degrees N and 90 degrees E 1.5 degrees S in the eastern India Ocean. The analysis, using simple statistics such as bias and root-mean-square deviation, indicates that standard GODAS temperature has definite biases and significant differences with observations on both subseasonal and seasonal scales. Subsurface salinity has serious deficiencies as well, but this may not be surprising considering the poorly constrained fresh water forcing, and possible model deficiencies in subsurface vertical mixing. GODAS reanalysis needs improvement to make it more useful for study of climate variability and for creating ocean initial conditions for prediction.


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Detection of pathogens from infected biological samples through conventional process involves cell lysis and purification. The main objective of this work is to minimize the time and sample loss, as well as to increase the efficiency of detection of biomolecules. Electrical lysis of medical sample is performed in a closed microfluidic channel in a single integrated platform where the downstream analysis of the sample is possible. The device functions involve, in a sequence, flow of lysate from lysis chamber passed through a thermal denaturation counter where dsDNA is denatured to ssDNA, which is controlled by heater unit. A functionalized binding chamber of ssDNA is prepared by using ZnO nanorods as the matrix and functionalized with bifunctional carboxylic acid, 16-(2-pyridyldithiol) hexadecanoic acid (PDHA) which is further attached to a linker molecule 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) (EDC). Linker moeity is then covalently bound to photoreactive protoporphyrin (PPP) molecule. The photolabile molecule protoporphyrin interacts with -NH2 labeled single stranded DNA (ssDNA) which thus acts as a probe to detect complimentary ssDNA from target organisms. Thereafter the bound DNA with protoporphyrin is exposed to an LED of particular wavelength for a definite period of time and DNA was eluted and analyzed. UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis at 260/280 nm wavelength confirms the purity and peak at 260 nm is reconfirmed for the elution of target DNA. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the current experiments show highly selective detection of biomolecule such as DNA which have large number of future applications in Point-of-Care devices.


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A new representation of spatio-temporal random processes is proposed in this work. In practical applications, such processes are used to model velocity fields, temperature distributions, response of vibrating systems, to name a few. Finding an efficient representation for any random process leads to encapsulation of information which makes it more convenient for a practical implementations, for instance, in a computational mechanics problem. For a single-parameter process such as spatial or temporal process, the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix leads to the well-known Karhunen-Loeve (KL) decomposition. However, for multiparameter processes such as a spatio-temporal process, the covariance function itself can be defined in multiple ways. Here the process is assumed to be measured at a finite set of spatial locations and a finite number of time instants. Then the spatial covariance matrix at different time instants are considered to define the covariance of the process. This set of square, symmetric, positive semi-definite matrices is then represented as a third-order tensor. A suitable decomposition of this tensor can identify the dominant components of the process, and these components are then used to define a closed-form representation of the process. The procedure is analogous to the KL decomposition for a single-parameter process, however, the decompositions and interpretations vary significantly. The tensor decompositions are successfully applied on (i) a heat conduction problem, (ii) a vibration problem, and (iii) a covariance function taken from the literature that was fitted to model a measured wind velocity data. It is observed that the proposed representation provides an efficient approximation to some processes. Furthermore, a comparison with KL decomposition showed that the proposed method is computationally cheaper than the KL, both in terms of computer memory and execution time.


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CONSPECTUS: Transition metals help to stabilize highly strained organic fragments. Metallacycles, especially unsaturated ones, provide much variety in this area. We had a sustained interest in understanding new C-C bond formation reactions affected by binuclear transition metal fragments Cp2M. One such study led to the exploration of the bimetallic C-C cleavage and coupled complexes, where the acetylide ligands bridge two metal atoms. The underlying M-C interaction in these complexes inspired the synthesis of a five-membered cyclocumulene complex, which opened a new phase in organometallic chemistry. The metallacyclocumulene produces a variety of C-C cleavage and coupled products including a radialene complex. Group 4 metallocenes have thus unlocked a fascinating chemistry by stabilizing strained unsaturated C4 organic fragments in the form of five-membered metallacyclocumulenes, metallacyclopentynes, and metallacycloallenes. Over the years, we have carried out a comprehensive theoretical study to understand the unusual stability and reactivity of these metallacycles. The unique (M-C-beta) interaction of the internal carbon atoms with the metal atom is the reason for unusual stability of the metallacycles. We have also shown that there is a definite dependence of the C-C coupling and cleavage reactions on the metal of metallacyclocumulenes. It demonstrates unexpected reaction pathways for these reactions. Based on this understanding, we have predicted and unraveled the stabilization factors of an unusual four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Indeed, our prediction about a four-membered heterometallacycle has led to an interesting bonding situation, which is experimentally realized. This type of M-C bonding is intriguing from a fundamental perspective and has great relevance in synthesizing unusual structures with interesting properties. In this Account, we first give a short prologue of what led to the present study and describe the salient features of the structure and bonding of the metallacyclocumulenes. The unusual reaction pathway of this metallacycle is explored next. Similar features of the metallacyclopentynes and metallacycloallenes are briefly mentioned. Then, we discuss the exploitation of the unique M-C bonding to design some exotic molecules such as a four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Our efforts to build a conceptual framework to understand these metallacycles and to exploit their chemistry continue.


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As the beneficial effects of curcumin have often been reported to be limited to its small concentrations, we have undertaken a study to find the aggregation properties of curcumin in water by varying the number of monomers. Our molecular dynamics simulation results show that the equilibrated structure is always an aggregated state with remarkable structural rearrangements as we vary the number of curcumin monomers from 4 to 16 monomers. We find that the curcumin monomers form clusters in a very definite pattern where they tend to aggregate both in parallel and anti-parallel orientation of the phenyl rings, often seen in the formation of beta-sheet in proteins. A considerable enhancement in the population of parallel alignments is observed with increasing the system size from 12 to 16 curcumin monomers. Due to the prevalence of such parallel alignment for large system size, a more closely packed cluster is formed with maximum number of hydrophobic contacts. We also follow the pathway of cluster growth, in particular the transition from the initial segregated to the final aggregated state. We find the existence of a metastable structural intermediate involving a number of intermediate-sized clusters dispersed in the solution. We have constructed a free energy landscape of aggregation where the metatsable state has been identified. The course of aggregation bears similarity to nucleation and growth in highly metastable state. The final aggregated form remains stable with the total exclusion of water from its sequestered hydrophobic core. We also investigate water structure near the cluster surface along with their orientation. We find that water molecules form a distorted tetrahedral geometry in the 1st solvation layer of the cluster, interacting rather strongly with the hydrophilic groups at the surface of the curcumin. The dynamics of such quasi-bound water molecules near the surface of curcumin cluster is considerably slower than the bulk signifying a restricted motion as often found in protein hydration layer. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Two-component super-hydrogelation triggered by the acid-base interaction of a L-histidine appended pyrenyl derivative (PyHis) and phthalic acid (PA) was reported. The use of isomeric isophthalic or terephthalic acid or other comparable acids in place of PA does not lead to salt formation and therefore hydrogelation is not observed. Excimer formation of the pyrenyl unit has not been detected although the PyHis : PA = 1: 1 system undergoes extensive self-assembly in aqueous solution. The synergistic effect of intermolecular H-bonding forces, pi-pi stacking, electrostatic interactions, etc. is found to be responsible for robust hydrogel formation. Development of chiral supramotecular assemblies has been verified through circular dichroism spectroscopy. Morphological investigations involving the PyHis : PA = 1: 1 system show vesicular nano-structures with a definite bilayer width at relatively low concentrations. The latter fuses to construct coiled-coil left-handed helical fibers upon increase in the concentrations of the gelators. The intertwining of the resultant helical fibers eventually results in hydrogel formation. The probable bilayer packing in the self-assembled structures has been probed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies and lanthanide sensitization, which suggests that the polar imidazolium hydrogen phthalate unit of the gelator forms the head group and faces the hydrophilic water environment while the hydrophobic pyrenyl units sit inside the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. The hydrogel exhibits multi-stimuli responsiveness including thixotropic behavior. In addition, shape-persistent as well as rapid self-healing behaviour of the hydrogel was established. Furthermore load-bearing characteristics of the hydrogel have also been demonstrated.


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In this paper, we propose an eigen framework for transmit beamforming for single-hop and dual-hop network models with single antenna receivers. In cases where number of receivers is not more than three, the proposed Eigen approach is vastly superior in terms of ease of implementation and computational complexity compared with the existing convex-relaxation-based approaches. The essential premise is that the precoding problems can be posed as equivalent optimization problems of searching for an optimal vector in the joint numerical range of Hermitian matrices. We show that the latter problem has two convex approximations: the first one is a semi-definite program that yields a lower bound on the solution, and the second one is a linear matrix inequality that yields an upper bound on the solution. We study the performance of the proposed and existing techniques using numerical simulations.


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This paper presents numerical simulation of the evolution of one-dimensional normal shocks, their propagation, reflection and interaction in air using a single diaphragm Riemann shock tube and validate them using experimental results. Mathematical model is derived for one-dimensional compressible flow of viscous and conducting medium. Dimensionless form of the mathematical model is used to construct space-time finite element processes based on minimization of the space-time residual functional. The space-time local approximation functions for space-time p-version hierarchical finite elements are considered in higher order GRAPHICS] spaces that permit desired order of global differentiability of local approximations in space and time. The resulting algebraic systems from this approach yield unconditionally positive-definite coefficient matrices, hence ensure unique numerical solution. The evolution is computed for a space-time strip corresponding to a time increment Delta t and then time march to obtain the evolution up to any desired value of time. Numerical studies are designed using recently invented hand-driven shock tube (Reddy tube) parameters, high/low side density and pressure values, high- and low-pressure side shock tube lengths, so that numerically computed results can be compared with actual experimental measurements.


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The function of a building is to ensure safety and thermal comfort for healthy living conditions. Buildings primarily comprise an envelope, which acts as an interface separating the external environment from the indoors environment. The building envelope is primarily responsible for regulating indoor thermal comfort in response to external climatic conditions. It usually comprises a configuration of building materials to thus far provide requisite structural performance. However, studies into building-envelope configurations to provide a particular thermal performance are limited. As the building envelope is exposed to the external environment there will be heat and moisture transfer to the indoor environment through it. The overall phenomenon of heat and moisture transfer depends on the microstructure and configuration within the building material. Further, thermal property of a material is generally dependent on its microstructure, which comprises a network of pores and particles arranged in a definite structure. Thermal behaviour of a building material thus depends on the thermal conductivities of the solid particles, pore micro-structure and its constituent fluid (air and/or moisture). The thermal response of a building envelope is determined by the thermal characteristics of the individual building materials and its configuration. Understanding the heat transfer influenced by the complex networks of pores and particles is a relatively new study in the area of building climatic-response. The current study reviews the heat-transfer mechanisms that determine the thermal performance of a building material attributed to its micro-structure. A theoretical basis for the same is being evolved and its relevance in regulating heat-transfer through building envelopes, walls in particular, is reviewed in this paper. (C) 2014 N.C. Balaji. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).