236 resultados para Defeat


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Contemporâneo ao projeto da transvaloração de todos os valores, o esboço de uma "fisiologia da arte" adquire um papel central nos últimos escritos de Nietzsche. Trata-se de uma perspectiva que supõe uma superação tanto da "metafísica de artista" da fase inicial, quanto da crítica ao romantismo, da chamada segunda fase. Partindo da discussão a respeito da pertinência e do uso do termo fisiologia na obra de Nietzsche, este artigo pretende apresentar, nas suas linhas gerais, o alcance desse projeto para a discussão das relações entre arte e verdade, arte e ilusão. Ao final, procura-se apontar a importância dessa idéia de uma fisiologia da arte, a partir da referência à figura do ator.


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This paper proposes a new reading of how the defeat of France and its occupation by Nazi forces were analyzed by the collaborators of the Revista do Brasil (RJ, 1938-1943). This cultural and literary magazine was one of the most important in Brazil and brought together a significant part of the Brazilian intelligentsia of the time.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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This Bratton Family Papers consist of a Yorkville Enquirer account (1903) of the unveiling of a monument by the King’s Mountain Chapter of the D.A.R. in commemoration of the Battle of Huck’s Defeat at Brattonsville, a newspaper account concerning the influence on Thomas Dixon and his writing the Klansman(Charlotte Observer, July 14, 1963); a biographical sketch of James Rufus Bratton, and a description of Brattonsville.


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Gossip protocols have proved to be a viable solution to set-up and manage largescale P2P services or applications in a fully decentralised scenario. The gossip or epidemic communication scheme is heavily based on stochastic behaviors and it is the fundamental idea behind many large-scale P2P protocols. It provides many remarkable features, such as scalability, robustness to failures, emergent load balancing capabilities, fast spreading, and redundancy of information. In some sense, these services or protocols mimic natural system behaviors in order to achieve their goals. The key idea of this work is that the remarkable properties of gossip hold when all the participants follow the rules dictated by the actual protocols. If one or more malicious nodes join the network and start cheating according to some strategy, the result can be catastrophic. In order to study how serious the threat posed by malicious nodes can be and what can be done to prevent attackers from cheating, we focused on a general attack model aimed to defeat a key service in gossip overlay networks (the Peer Sampling Service [JGKvS04]). We also focused on the problem of protecting against forged information exchanged in gossip services. We propose a solution technique for each problem; both techniques are general enough to be applied to distinct service implementations. As gossip protocols, our solutions are based on stochastic behavior and are fully decentralized. In addition, each technique’s behaviour is abstracted by a general primitive function extending the basic gossip scheme; this approach allows the adoptions of our solutions with minimal changes in different scenarios. We provide an extensive experimental evaluation to support the effectiveness of our techniques. Basically, these techniques aim to be building blocks or P2P architecture guidelines in building more resilient and more secure P2P services.


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[ES]Tras la derrota de la República española, la estructura educativa fue desmontada en toda España y sustituida por una escuela centrada en los valores religiosos y patrios propugnados por el régimen franquista. El libro de actas de la Junta Municipal de Educación Primaria de Aller es una fuente privilegiada, inédita hasta el momento, para analizar la organización educativa durante el extenso periodo analizado. Este documento atestigua asimismo la dimensión política franquista y tardofranquista y la situación socio-laboral, como evidencian los objetivos de este artículo. Dentro de los programas paternalistas, activos hasta 1970 inclusive, las compañías mineras ya habían creado centros escolares religiosos en Aller durante el primer cuarto del siglo XX. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los hijos de los mineros recibieron su instrucción en las escuelas nacionales, afianzadas sobre los rígidos esquemas de obediencia y sumisión. La educación franquista se ha esforzado en perpetuar los cometidos sociales de niños y niñas por medio de una educación segregada y represiva.[EN]After the defeat of the Spanish Republic, rpublican educational structure in Spain was dismantled around the whole country and replaced by one focused on the religious and patriotic values espoused by the Franco regime. The minute book contains the local board’s agreements between 1940 and 1975, not only in terms of educational management, which are exposed along the aims of this article. The source used for this article, unpublished until now, has also facilitated the study of the political and social-labour paternalistic dimension during the long period of time analysed. Within the paternalistic programmes, active until and including 1970, mining companies had already established faith schools in Aller, but most of the miners’ children received their education in state schools entrenched in severe patterns of obedience and submission. The educational system within Franco’s regime has strived to perpetuate the social roles of girls and boys through single-sex education.


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Human reasoning is a fascinating and complex cognitive process that can be applied in different research areas such as philosophy, psychology, laws and financial. Unfortunately, developing supporting software (to those different areas) able to cope such as complex reasoning it’s difficult and requires a suitable logic abstract formalism. In this thesis we aim to develop a program, that has the job to evaluate a theory (a set of rules) w.r.t. a Goal, and provide some results such as “The Goal is derivable from the KB5 (of the theory)”. In order to achieve this goal we need to analyse different logics and choose the one that best meets our needs. In logic, usually, we try to determine if a given conclusion is logically implied by a set of assumptions T (theory). However, when we deal with programming logic we need an efficient algorithm in order to find such implications. In this work we use a logic rather similar to human logic. Indeed, human reasoning requires an extension of the first order logic able to reach a conclusion depending on not definitely true6 premises belonging to a incomplete set of knowledge. Thus, we implemented a defeasible logic7 framework able to manipulate defeasible rules. Defeasible logic is a non-monotonic logic designed for efficient defeasible reasoning by Nute (see Chapter 2). Those kind of applications are useful in laws area especially if they offer an implementation of an argumentation framework that provides a formal modelling of game. Roughly speaking, let the theory is the set of laws, a keyclaim is the conclusion that one of the party wants to prove (and the other one wants to defeat) and adding dynamic assertion of rules, namely, facts putted forward by the parties, then, we can play an argumentative challenge between two players and decide if the conclusion is provable or not depending on the different strategies performed by the players. Implementing a game model requires one more meta-interpreter able to evaluate the defeasible logic framework; indeed, according to Göedel theorem (see on page 127), we cannot evaluate the meaning of a language using the tools provided by the language itself, but we need a meta-language able to manipulate the object language8. Thus, rather than a simple meta-interpreter, we propose a Meta-level containing different Meta-evaluators. The former has been explained above, the second one is needed to perform the game model, and the last one will be used to change game execution and tree derivation strategies.


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Why some powers manage to coordinate their security efforts while others confront each other as rivals is still one of the most relevant and debated questions in the field of IR theory. The dissertation wants to give a contribution to this important debate. In particular, the main goal of the research is to analyse the dynamics of great power interactions after the end of hegemonic conflicts, that is to understand why, following the defeat of the common enemies, some of the winning allies continue to cooperate, while others begin to engage in political and military competition. In order to understand this difference, the study compares the explanatory value of two rival theoretical perspectives: neorealism, in its main version of the balance of power framework, and a liberal approach focused on domestic politics. The thesis is divided in two sections. In the first, I do summarize the main assumptions and predictions of the theories, from which I derive two different sets of hypotheses on the evolution of post-war great power relations. In the second part, I test the hypotheses by focusing on two cases of post-war alignment dynamics: 1) the relations among Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain and France after the Napoleonic wars; 2) the relations among the US, the UK, France and Italy after the end of WWI. The historical cases disconfirm the logic of the balance of power and confirm the liberal hypotheses, seeing that the results of the analysis show changes in the domestic structures of the great powers had a much larger impact on the emergence of new alliances and rivalries than did the international distribution of power. In the conclusion of the dissertation, I provide the reader with a discussion of the main theoretical implications of the empirical findings.