922 resultados para Data Streams Distribution
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
In this paper we extend semiparametric mixed linear models with normal errors to elliptical errors in order to permit distributions with heavier and lighter tails than the normal ones. Penalized likelihood equations are applied to derive the maximum penalized likelihood estimates (MPLEs) which appear to be robust against outlying observations in the sense of the Mahalanobis distance. A reweighed iterative process based on the back-fitting method is proposed for the parameter estimation and the local influence curvatures are derived under some usual perturbation schemes to study the sensitivity of the MPLEs. Two motivating examples preliminarily analyzed under normal errors are reanalyzed considering some appropriate elliptical errors. The local influence approach is used to compare the sensitivity of the model estimates.
Zeitreihen sind allgegenwärtig. Die Erfassung und Verarbeitung kontinuierlich gemessener Daten ist in allen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Finanzwelt vertreten. Das enorme Anwachsen aufgezeichneter Datenmengen, sei es durch automatisierte Monitoring-Systeme oder integrierte Sensoren, bedarf außerordentlich schneller Algorithmen in Theorie und Praxis. Infolgedessen beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der effizienten Berechnung von Teilsequenzalignments. Komplexe Algorithmen wie z.B. Anomaliedetektion, Motivfabfrage oder die unüberwachte Extraktion von prototypischen Bausteinen in Zeitreihen machen exzessiven Gebrauch von diesen Alignments. Darin begründet sich der Bedarf nach schnellen Implementierungen. Diese Arbeit untergliedert sich in drei Ansätze, die sich dieser Herausforderung widmen. Das umfasst vier Alignierungsalgorithmen und ihre Parallelisierung auf CUDA-fähiger Hardware, einen Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von Datenströmen und eine einheitliche Behandlung von Liegruppen-wertigen Zeitreihen.rnrnDer erste Beitrag ist eine vollständige CUDA-Portierung der UCR-Suite, die weltführende Implementierung von Teilsequenzalignierung. Das umfasst ein neues Berechnungsschema zur Ermittlung lokaler Alignierungsgüten unter Verwendung z-normierten euklidischen Abstands, welches auf jeder parallelen Hardware mit Unterstützung für schnelle Fouriertransformation einsetzbar ist. Des Weiteren geben wir eine SIMT-verträgliche Umsetzung der Lower-Bound-Kaskade der UCR-Suite zur effizienten Berechnung lokaler Alignierungsgüten unter Dynamic Time Warping an. Beide CUDA-Implementierungen ermöglichen eine um ein bis zwei Größenordnungen schnellere Berechnung als etablierte Methoden.rnrnAls zweites untersuchen wir zwei Linearzeit-Approximierungen für das elastische Alignment von Teilsequenzen. Auf der einen Seite behandeln wir ein SIMT-verträgliches Relaxierungschema für Greedy DTW und seine effiziente CUDA-Parallelisierung. Auf der anderen Seite führen wir ein neues lokales Abstandsmaß ein, den Gliding Elastic Match (GEM), welches mit der gleichen asymptotischen Zeitkomplexität wie Greedy DTW berechnet werden kann, jedoch eine vollständige Relaxierung der Penalty-Matrix bietet. Weitere Verbesserungen umfassen Invarianz gegen Trends auf der Messachse und uniforme Skalierung auf der Zeitachse. Des Weiteren wird eine Erweiterung von GEM zur Multi-Shape-Segmentierung diskutiert und auf Bewegungsdaten evaluiert. Beide CUDA-Parallelisierung verzeichnen Laufzeitverbesserungen um bis zu zwei Größenordnungen.rnrnDie Behandlung von Zeitreihen beschränkt sich in der Literatur in der Regel auf reellwertige Messdaten. Der dritte Beitrag umfasst eine einheitliche Methode zur Behandlung von Liegruppen-wertigen Zeitreihen. Darauf aufbauend werden Distanzmaße auf der Rotationsgruppe SO(3) und auf der euklidischen Gruppe SE(3) behandelt. Des Weiteren werden speichereffiziente Darstellungen und gruppenkompatible Erweiterungen elastischer Maße diskutiert.
An optimal multiple testing procedure is identified for linear hypotheses under the general linear model, maximizing the expected number of false null hypotheses rejected at any significance level. The optimal procedure depends on the unknown data-generating distribution, but can be consistently estimated. Drawing information together across many hypotheses, the estimated optimal procedure provides an empirical alternative hypothesis by adapting to underlying patterns of departure from the null. Proposed multiple testing procedures based on the empirical alternative are evaluated through simulations and an application to gene expression microarray data. Compared to a standard multiple testing procedure, it is not unusual for use of an empirical alternative hypothesis to increase by 50% or more the number of true positives identified at a given significance level.
The ability of cryogenic photonic crystals to carry out high performance microwave signal processing operations has been developed into systems that can: rapidly record broadband microwave spectra with fine resolution and high dynamic range; search for patterns in 40 gigabits per second data streams; and communicate via spread- spectrum signals that are well below the noise floor. The basic concepts of the technology and its many applications, along with an overview of university-industry partnerships and the growing photonics industry in Bozeman, will be presented.
The area between Bhutan in the west, Tibet in the north, the Kameng river in the east and Assam in the south is home to at least six distinct phyla of the Trans-Himalayan (Tibeto-Burman, Sino-Tibetan) language family. These phyla encompass a minimum of 11, but probably 15 or even more mutually unintelligible languages, all showing considerable internal dialect variation. Previous literature provided largely incomplete or incorrect accounts of these phyla. Based on recent field research, this article discusses in detail the several languages of four phyla whose speakers are included in the Monpa Scheduled Tribe, providing the most accurate speaker data, geographical distribution, internal variation and degree of endangerment. The article also provides some insights into the historical background of the area and the impact this has had on the distribution of the ethnolinguistic groups.
Data on distribution of dissolved and particulate organic matter obtained during Cruises 21 and 24 of R/V Akademik A. Nesmeyanov in June-August 1992 and 1993 are presented. In general a remarkable heterogeneity in distributions of both dissolved and particulate organic carbon is revealed. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon vary from 98 to 700 µmol/l and those of particulate organic carbon vary from 3 to 50 µmol/l. Maximum concentrations are commonly observed in the shelf region while minimum concentrations - in the central basin. Run-off of the Amur River raises dissolved matter concentration in the Sakhalin Bay, while oil exploitation at the Sakhalin shelf maximizes particulate organic carbon concentration and minimizes dissolved one. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the surface microlayer were estimated for the first time and are shown to be 1.5-2.0 times higher than in surface waters.
Data on distribution of zoobenthos in the Kemskaya Guba (or Kemskaya Bay - the estuary of the Kem' River entering the Onega Bay of the White Sea), which is strongly influenced by river runoff, are presented. The number of species at sampling stations varied from 4 to 65. Density of communities and zoobenthos biomass varied from 342±68 to 4293±96 #/m**2 and from 0.418±0.081 to 1975.22±494.36 g/m**2, respectively. Shannon index values varied between 1.19 to 4.7 bit/ind. At the upper part of the estuary, detritivores dominated, while in the central part and at outlets sestonophages prevailed. Changes in quantitative parameters of the zoobenthos along gradient of water salinity were traced, and relations of these parameters with seven other environmental factors were revealed. It was found that species composition, biodiversity, and trophic structure of the zoobenthos significantly correlated with some of parameters mentioned above. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess combined effect of factors, and it revealed which of them played a determining role in Kemskaya Guba: for species composition - depth, water color, and total concentration of suspended matter; for number of species - contents of <0.01 mm grain size (pelite) fraction and organic carbon in bottom sediments. Biomass depended on water salinity, water chromaticity, and organic carbon contents in bottom sediments and suspended matter. Values of the Shannon index of diversity are determined by water color, and contents of organic carbon and pelite fraction in bottom sediments. Calculations of ecological stress values revealed two zones with unstable state of the zoobenthos.
The paper reports data on distribution of dissolved (Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) and particulate (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Co) species of metals in hydrothermal plumes above the active TAG and Broken Spur hydrothermal fields (26° N and 29° N in the MAR rift valley, respectively). Sediment trap data on fluxes of hydrothermal sedimentary material in the areas indicate that (i) the predominant Zn source for metalliferous sediments at the TAG field is material precipitating from the neutrally buoyant plume, and (ii) the predominant source of Fe and Co is re-deposited ore material coming from the area of extensive settling of sulfides.
Helium isotope composition as an indicator of the mantle-derived component was studied in gases from mineral springs, stratal waters, and mud volcanoes developed west of the Teberda River valley (10 objects) and two springs in the central segment of the Greater Caucasus orogen between the active El'brus and Kazbek volcanoes. In the western segment of the orogen ratios of 3He/4He = R_corr vary from 46x10**-8 to 114x10**-8 (from 0.33 to 0.81 R_atm, where R_atm = 1.4x10**-6 is the atmospheric ratio). They are substantially lower relative to ratios in the vicinity of El'brus and Kazbek and close to those in samples from the central segment (from 70x10**-8 to 134x10**-8 (from 0.50 to 0.96 R_atm), as well as to ratios previously recorded in the Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW) area. Moreover, concentration of 3He in them is notably higher than its crustal radiogenic level characteristic of mud volcanoes in the Taman Peninsula, where 3He/4He varies from 1.4x10**-8 to 2.8x10**-8 (from 0.01 to 0.02 R_atm). Nitrogen-methane gas from northern piedmonts of the western Caucasus also contains nonatmogenic components including radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar/36Ar = 900), excessive nitrogen (~87% of total N2 concentration in sample) and mantle He. These data specify distribution of mantle derivates along the orogen strike and age of intrusive magmatic activity in its different segments.
The book summarizes data on distribution and composition of sedimentary material suspended in waters of the Atlantic Ocean and its seas. Results of observations of Soviet and foreign expeditions are given. Distribution of suspended matter in sections across the ocean, as well as in the most studied seas are shown. New data on grain size, mineral and chemical composition of suspended matter are published. Summary of history of investigation of bottom sediments from the Atlantic Ocean from the first scientific cruises to the present is done. A brief description of sediment types in the ocean and a detailed description of Mediterranean Sea sediments are given.
Rock material sampled from the Mir manned deep-sea submersibles and by dradges, grabs, and sediment cores over a vast area of the North Atlantic was analyzed to show that this material is of continental origin, unlike original rocks of the ocean floor. It is proved to be related to iceberg rafting during Quaternary glaciations. Independent data on distribution and composition of sandy and silty grains in sediment cores also support this relation to the recent glaciation. New criteria for identification of iceberg rock matter in pelagic sediments are presented on the base of analysis of all available data.
In this paper authors present and discuss data on distribution and mineral composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Franz Victoria Trough, collected during Cruise 14 of scientific icebreaker Akademik Fedorov in the northern Barents Sea in October 1998. Higher total SPM concentrations (0.4-1.8 mg/l) were measured in the near-bottom layer of the Franz Victoria Strait and central part of the trough. Potential source of mineral particles in SPM is fine fractions of Barents Sea bottom sediments. They form the nepheloid layer, which spreads on the continental slope along the trough together with Barents Sea waters at 350-400 m depth.