968 resultados para Dark matter theory


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There are a plethora of dark energy parametrizations that can fit current supernovae Ia data. However, these data are only sensitive to redshifts up to order one. In fact, many of these parametrizations break down at higher redshifts. In this paper we study the effect of dark energy models on the formation of dark halos. We select a couple of dark energy parametrizations which are sensible at high redshifts and compute their effect on the evolution of density perturbations in the linear and non-linear regimes. Using the Press-Schechter formalism we show that they produce distinguishable signatures in the number counts of dark halos. Therefore, future observations of galaxy clusters can provide complementary constraints on the behaviour of dark energy.


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In the weak field approximation of higher order gravity theory a gravitational potential is described by a Newtonian plus a Yukawa-like term. This new term is used to explain some aspects of galactic dynamics, without considering dark matter. Its presence modifies the scattering probability of a massive intruder star and relaxation time of the stellar system.


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It has been proposed recently the existence of a non-minimal coupling between a canonical scalar field (quintessence) and gravity in the framework of teleparallel gravity, motivated by similar constructions in the context of General Relativity. The dynamics of the model, known as teleparallel dark energy, has been further developed, but no scaling attractor has been found. Here we consider a model in which the non-minimal coupling is ruled by a dynamically changing coefficient α≡f,φ/(f)1/2, with f(φ) an arbitrary function of the scalar field φ. It is shown that in this case the existence of scaling attractors is possible, which means that the universe will eventually enter these scaling attractors, regardless of the initial conditions. As a consequence, the cosmological coincidence problem could be alleviated without fine-tunings. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We propose an alternative, nonsingular, cosmic scenario based on gravitationally induced particle production. The model is an attempt to evade the coincidence and cosmological constant problems of the standard model (Lambda CDM) and also to connect the early and late time accelerating stages of the Universe. Our space-time emerges from a pure initial de Sitter stage thereby providing a natural solution to the horizon problem. Subsequently, due to an instability provoked by the production of massless particles, the Universe evolves smoothly to the standard radiation dominated era thereby ending the production of radiation as required by the conformal invariance. Next, the radiation becomes subdominant with the Universe entering in the cold dark matter dominated era. Finally, the negative pressure associated with the creation of cold dark matter (CCDM model) particles accelerates the expansion and drives the Universe to a final de Sitter stage. The late time cosmic expansion history of the CCDM model is exactly like in the standard Lambda CDM model; however, there is no dark energy. The model evolves between two limiting (early and late time) de Sitter regimes. All the stages are also discussed in terms of a scalar field description. This complete scenario is fully determined by two extreme energy densities, or equivalently, the associated de Sitter Hubble scales connected by rho(I)/rho(f) = (H-I/H-f)(2) similar to 10(122), a result that has no correlation with the cosmological constant problem. We also study the linear growth of matter perturbations at the final accelerating stage. It is found that the CCDM growth index can be written as a function of the Lambda growth index, gamma(Lambda) similar or equal to 6/11. In this framework, we also compare the observed growth rate of clustering with that predicted by the current CCDM model. Performing a chi(2) statistical test we show that the CCDM model provides growth rates that match sufficiently well with the observed growth rate of structure.


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We study the interaction between dark sectors by considering the momentum transfer caused by the dark matter scattering elastically within the dark energy fluid. Describing the dark scattering analogy to the Thomson scattering which couples baryons and photons, we examine the impact of the dark scattering in CMB observations. Performing global fitting with the latest observational data, we find that for a dark energy equation of state w < -1, the CMB gives tight constraints on dark matter-dark energy elastic scattering. Assuming a dark matter particle of proton mass, we derive an elastic scattering cross section of sigma(D) < 3.295 x 10(-10)sigma(T) where sigma(T) is the cross section of Thomson scattering. For w > -1, however, the constraints are poor. For w = -1, sigma(D) can formally take any value.


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In this work we extend the first order formalism for cosmological models that present an interaction between a fermionic and a scalar field. Cosmological exact solutions describing universes filled with interacting dark energy and dark matter have been obtained. Viable cosmological solutions with an early period of decelerated expansion followed by late acceleration have been found, notably one which presents a dark matter component dominating in the past and a dark energy component dominating in the future. In another one, the dark energy alone is the responsible for both periods, similar to a Chaplygin gas case. Exclusively accelerating solutions have also been obtained.


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We investigate theoretical and observational aspects of a time-dependent parameterization for the dark energy equation of state w(z), which is a well behaved function of the redshift z over the entire cosmological evolution, i.e., z is an element of [-1, infinity). By using a theoretical algorithm of constructing the quintes-sence potential directly from the w(z) function, we derive and discuss the general features of the resulting potential for the cases in which dark energy is separately conserved and when it is coupled to dark matter. Since the parameterization here discussed allows us to divide the parametric plane in defined regions associated to distinct classes of dark energy models, we use some of the most recent observations from type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation peak and Cosmic Microwave Background shift parameter to check which class is observationally preferred. We show that the largest portion of the confidence contours lies into the region corresponding to a possible crossing of the so-called phantom divide line at some point of the cosmic evolution.


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The current cosmological dark sector (dark matter plus dark energy) is challenging our comprehension about the physical processes taking place in the Universe. Recently, some authors tried to falsify the basic underlying assumptions of such dark matterdark energy paradigm. In this Letter, we show that oversimplifications of the measurement process may produce false positives to any consistency test based on the globally homogeneous and isotropic ? cold dark matter (?CDM) model and its expansion history based on distance measurements. In particular, when local inhomogeneity effects due to clumped matter or voids are taken into account, an apparent violation of the basic assumptions (Copernican Principle) seems to be present. Conversely, the amplitude of the deviations also probes the degree of reliability underlying the phenomenological DyerRoeder procedure by confronting its predictions with the accuracy of the weak lensing approach. Finally, a new method is devised to reconstruct the effects of the inhomogeneities in a ?CDM model, and some suggestions of how to distinguish between clumpiness (or void) effects from different cosmologies are discussed.


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We discuss a new interacting model for the cosmological dark sector in which the attenuated dilution of cold dark matter scales as a(-3)f(a), where f(a) is an arbitrary function of the cosmic scale factor a. From thermodynamic arguments, we show that f(a) is proportional to the entropy source of the particle creation process. In order to investigate the cosmological consequences of this kind of interacting models, we expand f(a) in a power series, and viable cosmological solutions are obtained. Finally, we use current observational data to place constraints on the interacting function f(a).