957 resultados para Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary (Karnataka, Índia)
A report by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on the trends of Iowa wildlife populations and harvest.
A report by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on the trends of Iowa wildlife populations and harvest.
A report by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on the trends of Iowa wildlife populations and harvest.
A report by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on the trends of Iowa wildlife populations and harvest.
The information presented in this summary document has been based on the comprehensive,"Task Force Report on Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation, Fish and Wildlife." The overriding principle the main task force report conveyed is that Iowa should not forsake the remaining water-oriented fish and wildlife resource base in the name of economic development.The reader should refer to the task force document for more detailed information.
A figueira-da-índia é uma cactácea de origem mexicana, com grande potencial produtivo para as condições edafoclimáticas do Brasil, porém a falta de conhecimento faz com que a cultura seja pouco cultivada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a fenologia da figueira-da-índia, o presente trabalho foi realizado em plantas com 4 anos de idade, no espaçamento de 1,0 x 2,5 m, na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira - UNESP, localizada no município de Selvíria - MS, de agosto de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições, com uma planta por parcela experimental, ocasião em que foram avaliados a fenologia e o crescimento dos frutos. O período de emissão das gemas concentrou-se nos meses de setembro e outubro. O florescimento, ocorreu 30 dias após a emissão da gema florífera. Os frutos atingiram a maturidade fisiológica (ponto de colheita) aos 66 dias após o florescimento e aos 72 dias apresentavam-se maduros, aptos para o consumo. O período de desenvolvimento dos frutos, desde a emissão da gema florífera até a maturidade fisiológica, foi de 96 dias. A curva de crescimento dos frutos foi do tipo quadrática. A cultura da figueira-da-índia pode tornar-se uma alternativa principalmente para pequenos produtores, visto que não exige grandes investimentos para sua implantação e condução, além de se adaptar bem às condições ambientais de nosso País. Seus frutos possuem excelentes preços tanto no mercado nacional como no internacional, e o aproveitamento na forma de doces e geleias pode incrementar a renda dos produtores.
O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da forma de preparo na conservação pós-colheita de figos-da-índia minimamente processados. Foram utilizados figos-da-índia maduros de polpa alaranjada, provenientes de pomar comercial da região de Valinhos-SP. Após a seleção, os frutos foram lavados e higienizados em solução com Sumaveg® a 200 mg 100g-1 de cloro livre, por 5 minutos. Em seguida, os frutos foram levados à câmara fria, a 12±2°C, onde permaneceram por 12 horas prévias ao processamento. O processamento constituiu na retirada da casca e das extremidades para a obtenção dos frutos inteiros. Para a obtenção das metades, foi realizado um corte no sentido longitudinal da fruta descascada e, para obtenção das rodelas, foram realizados cortes, a cada 2 cm, transversais à altura do fruto descascado. Os tratamentos assim obtidos foram acondicionados em contentores de tereftalato de polietileno transparente e com tampa, com capacidade de 1.000 mL (marca Neoform® N-94). As embalagens foram armazenadas em expositores refrigerados a 3°C, por um período de 16 dias, sendo as análises realizadas a cada 4 dias. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, num esquema fatorial 3x5: três processamentos e cinco datas de amostragem (0;4;8;12 e 16 dias), com três repetições por tratamento. Avaliaram-se a perda de massa fresca, os teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), a relação (SS/AT), ácido ascórbico, além da análise sensorial dos produtos. Os frutos inteiros foram os preferidos quanto à intenção de compra e apresentaram melhores resultados quanto ao teor de sólidos solúveis, de acidez titulável, relação sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável e teor de ácido ascórbico. A maior perda de massa fresca foi verificada no processamento em rodelas.
Anthropogenic disturbance of wildlife is of growing conservation concern, but we lack comprehensive approaches of its multiple negative effects. We investigated several effects of disturbance by winter outdoor sports on free-ranging alpine Black Grouse by simultaneously measuring their physiological and behavioral responses. We experimentally flushed radio-tagged Black Grouse from their snow burrows, once a day, during several successive days, and quantified their stress hormone levels (corticosterone metabolites in feces [FCM] collected from individual snow burrows). We also measured feeding time allocation (activity budgets reconstructed from radio-emitted signals) in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Finally, we estimated the related extra energy expenditure that may be incurred: based on activity budgets, energy expenditure was modeled from measures of metabolism obtained from captive birds subjected to different ambient temperatures. The pattern of FCM excretion indicated the existence of a funneling effect as predicted by the allostatic theory of stress: initial stress hormone concentrations showed a wide inter-individual variation, which decreased during experimental flushing. Individuals with low initial pre-flushing FCM values augmented their concentration, while individuals with high initial FCM values lowered it. Experimental disturbance resulted in an extension of feeding duration during the following evening foraging bout, confirming the prediction that Black Grouse must compensate for the extra energy expenditure elicited by human disturbance. Birds with low initial baseline FCM concentrations were those that spent more time foraging. These FCM excretion and foraging patterns suggest that birds with high initial FCM concentrations might have been experiencing a situation of allostatic overload. The energetic model provides quantitative estimates of extra energy expenditure. A longer exposure to ambient temperatures outside the shelter of snow burrows, following disturbance, could increase the daily energy expenditure by >10%, depending principally on ambient temperature and duration of exposure. This study confirms the predictions of allostatic theory and, to the best of our knowledge, constitutes the first demonstration of a funneling effect. It further establishes that winter recreation activities incur costly allostatic behavioral and energetic adjustments, which call for the creation of winter refuge areas together with the implementation of visitor-steering measures for sensitive wildlife.
L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball de fi de grau és fer-se càrrec d’una traducció jurídica amb tot el què això implica: documentar-se a través de fonts fiables, emprar les eines adequades, lliurar-lo dins el termini establert, entre d’altres. En aquest cas, és una traducció de les lleis que regulen les adopcions a l’Índia. A més, en aquest treball també s’explica breument el dret civil a Catalunya i es compara amb el de l’Índia, ja que es basen en idees molt diferents. Aquests tipus de traduccions exigeixen precisió i claredat perquè els conceptes i les estructures sintàctiques acostumen a ser molt complexes. A continuació, hi ha detallat cada pas que s’ha seguit per tal d’assolir l’objectiu principal.
This work presents an optimized integrated experiment for isolation of clove bud essential oil, rich in eugenol, and subsequent utilization of the solid residue for furfural synthesis. The operationally simple laboratory protocols and utilization of water as a solvent in both operations, plus the use of biomass as the starting material for preparation of versatile intermediates in organic synthesis, make the experiments attractive for undergraduate experimental organic chemistry courses in the context of green chemistry. In addition, this is the first description of the use of biomass (clove bud) in the simultaneous preparation of two chemical feedstocks, eugenol and furfural, on experimental organic chemistry courses.
The study evaluated and compared the aerobic microbiota from the oral cavity, cloaca and venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus snakes, recently caught from the wild and kept under quarantine (WQ), individual captivity (IC) and collective captivity (CC). Antimicrobial drug effectiveness on isolated agents also was assayed. From group I, II and III were isolated, respectively, 29 (63.04%), 38 (90.48%) and 21 (42.86%) microorganisms from the cloaca; 15 (32.61%), 3 (7.14%) and 25 (51.02%) microorganisms from the oral cavity; and, 2 (4.35%), 1 (2.38%) and 3 (6.12%) microorganisms from venom. The most frequent bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and Morganella morganii, with sensitivity to amikacin, gentamicin, norfloxacin, sulfazotrin and tobramycin. Snakes kept in semi-open captivity exhibited the fewest microorganisms in oral cavities, perhaps due to the environment in captivity, with different temperature gradients, running water, absence of daily handling, circulating air, possibility of moving around, daily cleaning, and sunlight access.
Blood profiles were determined in 47 juvenile green turtles, Chelonia mydas, from São Paulo northern coast, Brazil. Twenty-nine were affected by fibropapillomas and 18 were tumor free. Complete gross and histopathologic examinations of the fibropapillo were performed in 21 green turtles. Biometrical data, size, location and amount of tumors were recorded. The papillomas varied in morphology, location, size, color and texture. We found hyperplastic stroma, rich in blood vessels and connective tissue with increase in thickness of the dermis. The tumors w0ere classified as papillomas or fibropapillomas according to their epithelial and/or stromal proliferation. The lowest Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM) values were observed in affected turtles.