Brachysaura is a monotypic genus of agamid lizard found in the Indian subcontinent; the identity and systematic position of B. minor has been long debated, and it has at times been subsumed into Agama, Charasia and Laudakia, with some authors suggesting affinities to Calotes. We constructed nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenetic trees including Brachysaura and allied agamid genera to resolve its phylogenetic position. We also compared osteology and external morphology with the genera Agama, Calotes and Laudakia. Hemipenial morphology was compared with Calotes and some other agamids from South Asia. Both nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies demonstrate that Brachysaura is nested within the widespread South and Southeast Asian genus Calotes, with which it also shares certain external morphological, osteological and hemipenial characters. Adaptations to ground dwelling in Brachysaura minor has resulted in unique modifications to its body plan, which is likely why generic allocation has been long confused. This study also highlights the need for an integrated systematic approach to resolve taxonomic ambiguity in Asian agamids.
The main factors affecting interrill erosion-including runoff discharge, rainfall intensity, mean flow velocity, and slope gradient-were analyzed by using a gray relational analysis. An equation for interrill erosion was derived by coupling this analysis with dimensional and regression analyses. The values of erosion rates predicted by this equation were in good agreement with experimental observations.
El presente estudio se realizó en la Granja Santa Rosa, ubicada en el km 13 a los 86° 09 36" longitud oeste y los 12° 08 15" latitud norte, al norte de la comunidad de Sabana Grande, Municipio de Managua, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Entre los meses de Septiembre y Diciembre de 1998. El objetivo principal del estudio fue la evaluación del Rendimiento en canal y Espesor de Grasa Dorsal en cerdos alimentados bajo los siguientes tratamientos: 10-0 % concentrado (TI), l00 % desperdicios de cocina (T2), 50 % desperdicios de cocina más 50% desperdicios de molinería (T3), 50% desperdicios de cocina más 50% desperdicios de galleta (T4) y 50% desperdicios de cocina más 25% desperdicios de galleta más 25 % desperdicios de maseca (T5). Se utilizó un análisis descriptivo, siendo las variables principales Rendimiento en Canal y Espesor de Grasa Dorsal Se sacrificaron 10 cerdos híbridos (5 hembras y 5 machos castrados), de un total de 40 animales, distribuidos en grupos de 8 cerdos (4 hembras y 4 machos castrados) por Cada tratamiento, sacrificados a un peso vivo promedio de 90 kg. El T2 presentó el mayor rendimiento en canal con un 81.20 %, superando en 3.95 % al TI Los cerdos alimentados con los tratamientos T2, T4 y T5 obtuvieron mayor rendimiento en canal que los cerdos de los tratamientos TI y T3. En todos los tratamientos exceptuando l00 % desperdicio de cocina los machos castrados tuvieron mayor espesor de grasa dorsal que las hembras estas diferencias oscilan entre 0.2 y 1.5 cm coo un promedio de 0.85 cm. Los cerdos alimentados con los tratamientos TI y T2 obtuvieron un mayor porcentaje de carne y costillas que los alimentados con el resto de los tratamientos. El tratamiento T3 obtuvo mayor porcentaje de cabeza que el resto de los tratamientos. El porcentaje de hueso fue mayor en los cerdos de los tratamientos TI, T2 y T3.
El presente trabajo se realizó en el período de postrera (Octubre, 1991) en el Centro Experimental La Compañía, localizado en San Marcos, Carazo. Trata sobre la caracterización y evaluación preliminar de 19 accesiones de frijol tepari (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray). El germoplasma utilizado fue colectado por el Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN). en diferentes localidades de Chinandega, León, Masaya y Rivas. El diseño utilizado consistió en un arreglo típico de ensayos preliminares sin réplicas en el que se incluyó una parcela del testigo cada 3 accesiones. El análisis de los caracteres cuantitativos se utilizó el valor máximo, promedio, mínimo coeficiente de variación y la desviación estándar y para los cualitativos se incluyó la variante predominante dentro del carácter. Para los diferentes caracteres en estudio presentaron variación entre y dentro de las accesiones, esto puede atribuirse a las condiciones ambientales, genotipo y la interacción de ambos. En las condiciones ecológicas en que se efectuó el experimento, las accesiones. 2261, 1796 y 1652 superaron al testigo (Revolución 79A) en rendimiento. La accesiones 2281, 245, 1798, 1852, 1991, 1996 y 2105 mostraron los menores grados de severidad para la enfermedad Mancha angular (lsariopsis griseola Sacc). Se presenta un catálogo de 19 accesiones estudiados conteniendo el valor máximo, promedio, mínimo, desviación estándar y coeficiente de variación para los caracteres cuantitativos y la moda para caracteres cualitativos
Mollusks were sorted from samples of shell hash (obtained as bycatch during NOAA-sponsored studies of larval and juvenile fish distribution), and analyzed to gain qualitative insights on species composition, distribution and habitat affinities of the molluscan fauna on the continental shelf off Georgia. Samples came from beam trawls at 37 stations located in the immediate vicinity and offshore of the Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) at depths of 4.9 to 103 m. Two hundred sixty-three (263) taxa of mollusks (~58% as dead shells only) were collected, and nearly all (~99%) were identified to the species level. Ninety-seven of these taxa appeared in samples from one or more of the four stations established near the corners of the GRNMS. Samples were highly variable in terms of appearance, volume and species composition of mollusks, reflecting the extreme patchiness of benthic habitats within this region of the continental shelf. With very few exceptions, the mollusks were generally characteristic of either the Carolinian or Caribbean faunal provinces. The Georgia continental shelf, however, was outside the previously reported ranges for at least 16 of the species reported here. Most of these extralimital species were known previously from the East Coast of Florida, and represented northerly range extensions of 1-5° Latitude (110-560 km). One species represented a more significant range extension from the Bahamas and the southern Caribbean, and two represented southerly range extensions, known previously from only as close as off North Carolina. The high incidence of range extensions found in this study and the potential for discovery of additional species are discussed in the context of the diversity and patchiness of benthic habitats on the continental shelf of the region, and the sensitivity of species recruitment to variability in Gulf Stream patterns and global climate change. (PDF contains 52 pages)
A series of studies was initiated to assess the condition of benthic macroinfauna and chemical contaminant levels in sediments and biota of the Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) and nearby shelf waters off the coast of Georgia. Four key objectives of the research are (1) to document existing environmental conditions within the sanctuary in order to provide a quantitative benchmark for tracking any future changes due to either natural or human disturbances; (2) to examine broader cross-shelf spatial patterns in benthic fauna and sediment contaminant concentrations and to identify potential controlling factors associated with the observed patterns; (3) to assess any between-year temporal variability in benthic fauna; and (4) to evaluate the importance of benthic fauna as prey for higher trophic levels. Such questions are being addressed to help fulfill long-term science and management goals of the GRNMS. However, it is anticipated that the information will be of additional value in broadening our understanding of the surrounding South Atlantic Bight (SAB) ecosystem and in bringing the knowledge to bear on related resourcemanagement issues of the region. We have begun to address the first three of these objectives with data from samples collected in spring 2000 at stations within GRNMS, and in spring 2001 at stations within the sanctuary and along three cross-shelf transects extending from the mouths of Sapelo, Doboy, and Altamaha Sounds out to sanctuary depths (about 17-20 m). This report provides a description of baseline conditions within the sanctuary, based on results of the spring 2000 survey (Section II), and uses data from both 2000 and 2001 to examine overall spatial and temporal patterns in biological and chemical variables within the sanctuary and surrounding inner-shelf environment (Section III). (PDF contains 65 pages)
Wilmington is situated on the divide of two major watersheds, the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. All surface waters in Wilmington drain to one of these two water bodies and are divided into two groups: tidal creeks and Cape Fear River tributaries. Cape Fear River tributaries drain directly to the Cape Fear River and comprise the western portion of Wilmington’s surface waters. Tidal creeks drain directly into the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and make up the eastern portion of Wilmington’s surface waters. (PDF contains 4 pages)
Intrinsically fuzzy morphological erosion and dilation are extended to a total of eight operations that have been formulated in terms of a single morphological operation--biased dilation. Based on the spatial coding of a fuzzy variable, a bidirectional projection concept is proposed. Thus, fuzzy logic operations, arithmetic operations, gray-scale dilation, and erosion for the extended intrinsically fuzzy morphological operations can be included in a unified algorithm with only biased dilation and fuzzy logic operations. To execute this image algebra approach we present a cellular two-layer processing architecture that consists of a biased dilation processor and a fuzzy logic processor. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America
An ordered gray-scale erosion is suggested according to the definition of hit-miss transform. Instead of using three operations, two images, and two structuring elements, the developed operation requires only one operation and one structuring element, but with three gray-scale levels. Therefore, a union of the ordered gray-scale erosions with different structuring elements can constitute a simple image algebra to program any combined image processing function. An optical parallel ordered gray-scale erosion processor is developed based on the incoherent correlation in a single channel. Experimental results are also given for an edge detection and a pattern recognition. (C) 1998 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(98)00306-7].
O objetivo desta tese foi abordar a diversidade de Mycale Gray, 1867 sob um ponto de vista multidisciplinar. No Capítulo 1 foram realizadas reconstruções filogenéticas supra- e subgenéricas com base em dados moleculares, utilizando os marcadores 16S, 28S e cox1, a fim de estabelecer uma hipótese evolutiva para o grupo. No capítulo 2 são realizadas reconstruções ancestrais das características morfológicas do gênero dada a hipótese filogenética estabelecida no capítulo anterior, além de determinar limites na variação morfológica das anisoquelas tipo I por meio de análises morfométricas e estimar o padrão evolutivo das dimensões dos principais tipos espiculares de Mycale. No Capítulo 3 foi estimada a variabilidade genética do complexo Mycale (Carmia) microsigmatosa Arndt, 1927 por meio de análise de haplótipos do gene 16S do RNA ribossomal mitocondrial, além de correlacionar a sua variabilidade morfológica, estimada por meio de dimensões espiculares, com fatores genéticos e geográficos. No Capítulo 4 foram estabelecidas hipóteses biogeográficas para Mycale por meio de análise de três itens tendo como base as reconstruções filogenéticas moleculares e também foram determinados padrões de distribuição geográfica do gênero a partir da ocorrência de espécies em áreas de endemismo. Por fim, no Capítulo 5, os perfis metabólicos de três espécies do gênero Mycale foram obtidos por espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear dos núcleos de hidrogênio (RMN 1H) e comparados estatisticamente, além de suas similaridades terem sido contrastadas com suas relações filogenéticas e suas diferenças entre grupos de indivíduos metabolicamente relacionados determinadas.
Acredita-se que os primeiros progenitores da hematopoese definitiva surjam da diferenciação do endotélio da aorta dorsal, na altura da região da Aorta-Gônada-Mesonefros (AGM). Com o intuito de estudar esta região e o fenótipo das células do endotélio da aorta dorsal nesta posição topográfica, ovos galados de Gallus gallus domesticus L. foram incubados em chocadeira, classificados em estádios de E16 a E25 e processados histotecnologicamente para obtenção de secções seriadas na altura da região AGM. Estas passaram por coloração por Hematoxilina-Eosina, histoquímica para PAS, PAS-diastase e Alcian Blue pH 1.0 e pH 2.5, histoquímica por lectinas fluoresceinadas e imunofluorescência para moléculas de superfície, citoesqueleto e matriz extracelular. Foi observada hipertrofia endotelial no assoalho da aorta nos estádios observados, o qual se apresentava positivo ao PAS, com ocorrência frequente de vacuolizações basais PAS negativas, e o surgimento ocasional de grupamentos celulares intravasculares. Nestes, as células que se destacavam da membrana basal do endotélio expressavam progressivamente mais material PAS positivo, o qual, no entanto, em nenhum momento pareceu se tratar de glicogênio. Em relação às glicosaminoglicanas, notamos a presença predominante de ácido hialurônico por todo o mesênquima da região e em outras estruturas como periferia da notocorda, tubo neural e mesoderma lateral. Ocorreu co-expressão de fibronectina e α-actina de músculo liso em células circunjacentes à aorta, na face ventral do vaso. GFAP e BMP-4 são expressas entre as células do tubo neural e em sua periferia, assim como na notocorda do embrião. As lectinas Abrus precatorius, Lens culinarise Ricinus communis mostraram-se positivas principalmente na região subedotelial do assoalho da aorta nos estádios observados neste trabalho. Bandeiraea simplicifolia exibiu pouca marcação na aorta dorsal e a Arachis hypogeae foi negativa. Outras estruturas da região AGM também expressaram resíduos de açúcares revelados por estas lectinas, tais como: notocorda, tubo neural, mesênquima, intestino primitivo e saco vitelínico. Estes resultados acrescentam elementos morfológicos e bioquímicos ao conhecimento sobre a região AGM de embriões de galinha e sobre o endotélio, possivelmente hemogênico, da aorta dorsal.
Measurements of 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios in the carbonate of juvenile gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) sagittal otoliths collected during 2001–2005 from different southern Florida regions indicated significant variations in the ratios between Florida Bay and surrounding areas. Annual differences in isotopic composition were also observed. Classification accuracy of individual otoliths to a region averaged 80% (63% to 96%), thereby enabling the probability of assigning an unknown individual to the appropriate juvenile nursery habitat. Identification of isotopic signatures in the otoliths of gray snapper from Florida Bay and adjacent ecosystems may be important for distinguishing specific portions of the bay that are crucial nursery grounds for juveniles. Separation of gray snapper between geographic regions and nursery sites is possible and has the potential to establish a link between adult gray snapper present on offshore reefs and larvae and juveniles at nursery habitats in Florida Bay or adjacent areas.
The increase in the abundance of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) in Texas bays and estuaries over the past 30 years is correlated to increased wintertime surface water temperatures. Trends in the relative abundance of gray snapper are evaluated by using monthly fishery-independent monitoring data from each of the seven major estuaries along the Texas coast from 1978 through 2006. Environmental conditions during this period demonstrated increasing annual sea surface temperatures, although this increase was not seasonally uniform. The largest proportion of temperature increases was attributed to higher winter temperature minimums since 1993. Positive phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation, resulting in wetter, warmer winters in the eastern United States have occurred nearly uninterrupted since the late 1970s, and unprecedented positive index values occurred between 1989 and 1995. Increases in water temperature in Texas estuaries, beginning in the early 1990s, are postulated to provide both favorable over-wintering conditions for the newly settled juveniles and increased recruitment success. In the absence of cold winters, this species has established semipermanent estuarine populations across the entire Texas coast. A shift to negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation will likely result in returns to colder winter temperature minimums that could reverse any recent population gains.
Microsatellites are codominantly inherited nuclear-DNA markers (Wright and Bentzen, 1994) that are now commonly used to assess both stock structure and the effective population size of exploited fishes (Turner et al., 2002; Chistiakov et al., 2006; Saillant and Gold, 2006). Multiplexing is the combination of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products from multiple loci into a single lane of an electrophoretic gel (Olsen et al., 1996; Neff et al., 2000) and is accomplished either by coamplification of multiple loci in a single reaction (Chamberlain et al., 1988) or by combination of products from multiple single-locus PCR amplifications (Olsen et al., 1996). The advantage of multiplexing micro-satellites lies in the significant reduction in both personnel time (labor) and consumable supplies generally required for large genotyping projects (Neff et al., 2000; Renshaw et al., 2006).