967 resultados para DNA SEQUENCES
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Intra-and inter-population genetic variability and the demographic history of Heliothis virescens (F.) populations were evaluated by using mtDNA markers (coxI, coxII and nad6) with samples from the major cotton-and soybean-producing regions in Brazil in the growing seasons 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10. AMOVA indicated low and non-significant genetic structure, regardless of geographical scale, growing season or crop, with most of genetic variation occurring within populations. Clustering analyzes also indicated low genetic differentiation. The haplotype network obtained with combined datasets resulted in 35 haplotypes, with 28 exclusive occurrences, four of them sampled only from soybean fields. The minimum spanning network showed star-shaped structures typical of populations that underwent a recent demographic expansion. The recent expansion was supported by other demographic analyzes, such as the Bayesian skyline plot, the unimodal distribution of paired differences among mitochondrial sequences, and negative and significant values of neutrality tests for the Tajima's D and Fu's F-S parameters. In addition, high values of haplotype diversity ((H) over cap) and low values of nucleotide diversity (pi), combined with a high number of low frequency haplotypes and values of theta(pi)<theta(W), suggested a recent demographic expansion of H. virescens populations in Brazil. This demographic event could be responsible for the low genetic structure currently found; however, haplotypes present uniquely at the same geographic regions and from one specific host plant suggest an initial differentiation among H. virescens populations within Brazil.
The circumscription of genera belonging to tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) has traditionally been complex, with only a few genera having stable circumscriptions in the various classification systems proposed for the tribe. The genus Lundia, for instance, is well characterized by a series of morphological synapomorphies and its circumscription has remained quite stable throughout its history. Despite the stable circumscription of Lundia, the circumscription of species within the genus has remained problematic. This study aims to reconstruct the phylogeny of Lundia in order to refine species circumscriptions, gain a better understanding of relationships between taxa, and identify potential morphological synapomorphies for species and major clades. We sampled 26 accessions representing 13 species of Lundia, and 5 outgroups, and reconstructed the phylogeny of the genus using a chloroplast (ndhF) and a nuclear marker (PepC). Data derived from sequences of the individual loci were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian inference, and the combined molecular dataset was analyzed with Bayesian methods. The monophyly of Lundia nitidula, a species with a particularly complex circumscription, was tested using Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) test and the approximately unbiased test for phylogenetic tree selection (AU test). In addition, 40 morphological characters were mapped onto the tree that resulted from the analysis of the combined molecular dataset in order to identify morphological synapomorphies of individual species and major clades. Lundia and most species currently recognized within the genus were strongly supported as monophyletic in all analyses. One species, Lundia nitidula, was not resolved as monophyletic, but the monophyly of this species was not rejected by the AU and SH tests. Lundia sect. Eriolundia is resolved as paraphyletic in all analyses, while Lundia sect. Eulundia is monophyletic and supported by the same morphological characters traditionally used to circumscribe this section. The phylogeny of Lundia contributed important information for a better circumscription of species and served as basis the taxonomic revision of the genus.
The Malpighian tubule cell nuclei of male Panstrongylus megistus, a vector of Chagas disease, contain one chromocenter, which is composed solely of the Y chromosome. Considering that different chromosomes contribute to the composition of chromocenters in different triatomini species, the aim of this study was to determine the contribution of AT-, GC-, and methylated cytidine-rich DNA in the chromocenter as well as in euchromatin of Malpighian tubule cell nuclei of P. megistus in comparison with published data for Triatoma infestans. Staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole/actinomycin D and chromomycin A(3)/distamycin, immunodetection of 5-methylcytidine and AgNOR test were used. The results revealed AT-rich/GC-poor DNA in the male chromocenter, but equally distributed AT and GC DNA sequences in male and female euchromatin, like in T. infestans. Accumulation of argyrophilic proteins encircling the chromocenter did not always correlate with that of GC-rich DNA. Methylated DNA identified by immunodetection was found sparsely distributed in the euchromatin of both sexes and at some points around the chromocenter edge, but it could not be considered responsible for chromatin condensation in the chromocenter, like in T. infestans. However, unlike in T. infestans, no correlation between the chromocenter AT-rich DNA and nucleolus organizing region (NOR) DNA was found in P. megistus. (c) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Primary biogenic aerosol (PBA) particles account for large proportions of air particulate matter, and they can influence the hydrological cycle and climate as nuclei for water droplets and ice crystals in clouds, fog, and precipitation. Moreover, they can cause or enhance human, animal, and plant diseases. The actual abundance and properties of PBA particles and components in the atmosphere are, however, still poorly understood and quantified. rnIn this study, the identity, diversity, and frequency of occurrence of PBA particles were investigated by DNA analysis. Methods for the extraction, amplification, and analysis of DNA from aerosol filter samples were developed and optimized for different types of organisms, including fungi, bacteria, and plants. The investigations were focused on fungal DNA, and over 2500 sequences were obtained from air samples collected at different locations and climatic zones around the world (tropical, mid-latitude, sub-polar; continental, marine). rnNearly all fungal DNA sequences could be attributed to the phyla of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. With regard to species richness, the ratio of Basidiomycota to Ascomycota was much higher in continental air samples (~60:40) than in marine air samples (~30:70). Pronounced differences in the relative abundance and seasonal cycles of various groups of fungi were detected in coarse and fine particulate matter from continental air, with more plant pathogens in the coarse and more human pathogens and allergens in the respirable fine particle fraction (<3 µm). The results of this study provide new information and insights into the sources of PBA particles and the interactions of the biosphere with the atmosphere, climate, and public health. rn
Die DNA hat sich durch die herausstechende Eigenschaft zur Selbstorganisation in den Naturwissenschaften zu einem beliebten Werkzeug entwickelt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Oligonukleotidselbsterkennung zum Aufbau komplexer Multiblockcopolymere genutzt. Dabei dienten komplementäre einzelsträngige Oligonukleotidsequenzen (ssDNA) als adressierbare Verbindungsstücke zwischen synthetischen Blöcken. Als Bausteine wurden asymmetrische Dreiblockcopolymere der Form DNA1-Polymer-DNA2 aus einer flexiblen Polymereinheit (PEO bzw. PPO) die an beiden Enden mit unterschiedlichen Oligonukleotidsequenzen „funktionalisiert“ ist, verwendet. Diese Bausteine konnten durch die Kombination von Festphasensynthese der Oligonukleotide und Blockkopplung dargestellt werden. Die Oligonukleotidsequenzen wurden so gewählt, dass deren Hybridisierung zu einer bei Raumtemperatur stabilen Verbindung führt. Durch die Verwendung dieser Bausteine erhält man ein modulares System, dass sich durch seine hohe Flexibilität auszeichnet. Aus den dargestellten Dreiblockcopolymeren konnten verschiedene alternierende Multiblockcopolymere aufgebaut werden, wobei die Anzahl der Blöcke (von 11 bis 15) und das PEO / PPO- Verhältnis variiert wurden. Derartige Strukturen sind auf der Grundlage chemischer Synthesen unerreichbar. Die Flexibilität dieses modularen Systems konnte gezeigt werden, indem einzelne Blockbausteine zur Strukturaufklärung einfach ausgetauscht oder weggelassen werden konnten. Durch geeignete Wahl der DNA-Sequenzen konnte zusätzlich das Polymerisationsverhalten dieser Bauelemente untersucht werden. Die Integration längerer kettensteifer DNA-Abschnitte in die Multiblockstrukturen erfolgte durch die Verwendung teilkomplementärer Oligonukleotide. Diese bieten den Vorteil, dass bis zu einer Größe von etwa 150 bp sowohl die Länge als auch die Sequenz der Doppelstrangabschnitte und sticky-ends frei variiert werden können. Die biosynthetischen Dreiblockcopolymere dienten hier als Linkermoleküle zwischen den einzelnen dsDNA-Blöcken. Nach diesem Konzept wurde ein Nonamer als Modellsystem eines mehrfach gebrochenen Stäbchens synthetisiert. Außerdem wurden mit Hilfe der Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) semiflexible DNA Abschnitte erzeugt. Durch die Wahl des Synthesewegs konnte sowohl die Länge der semiflexiblen Einheit als auch die Länge und die Sequenz des sticky-ends variiert werden. Anhand dieser Modellverbindungen wurde dann das Hybridisierungsverhalten in Abhängigkeit der Linker- und Segmentlängen untersucht.
The presence of damaged nucleobases in DNA can negatively influence transcription of genes. One of the mechanisms by which DNA damage interferes with reading of genetic information is a direct blockage of the elongating RNA polymerase complexes – an effect well described for bulky adducts induced by several chemical substances and UV-irradiation. However, other mechanisms must exist as well because many of the endogenously occurring non-bulky DNA base modifications have transcription-inhibitory properties in cells, whilstrnnot constituting a roadblock for RNA polymerases under cell free conditions. The inhibition of transcription by non-blocking DNA damage was investigated in this work by employing the reporter gene-based assays. Comparison between various types of DNA damage (UV-induced pyrimidine photoproducts, oxidative purine modifications induced by photosensitisation, defined synthetic modified bases such as 8-oxoguanine and uracil, and sequence-specific single-strand breaks) showed that distinct mechanisms of inhibition of transcription can be engaged, and that DNA repair can influence transcription of the affectedrngenes in several different ways.rnQuantitative expression analyses of reporter genes damaged either by the exposure of cells to UV or delivered into cells by transient transfection supported the earlier evidence that transcription arrest at the damage sites is the major mechanism for the inhibition of transcription by this kind of DNA lesions and that recovery of transcription requires a functional nucleotide excision repair gene Csb (ERCC6) in mouse cells. In contrast, oxidisedrnpurines generated by photosensitisation do not cause transcriptional blockage by a direct mechanism, but rather lead to transcriptional repression of the damaged gene which is associated with altered histone acetylation in the promoter region. The whole chain of events leading to transcriptional silencing in response to DNA damage remains to be uncovered. Yet, the data presented here identify repair-induced single-strand breaks – which arise from excision of damaged bases by the DNA repair glycosylases or endonucleases – as arnputative initiatory factor in this process. Such an indirect mechanism was supported by requirement of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) for the inhibition of transcription by synthetic 8-oxodG incorporated into a reporter gene and by the delays observed for the inhibition of transcription caused by structurally unrelated base modifications (8-oxoguanine and uracil). It is thereby hypothesized that excision of the modified bases could be a generalrnmechanism for inhibition of transcription by DNA damage which is processed by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Further gene expression analyses of plasmids containing single-strand breaks or abasic sites in the transcribed sequences revealed strong transcription inhibitory potentials of these lesions, in agreement with the presumption that BER intermediates are largely responsible for the observed effects. Experiments with synthetic base modifications positioned within the defined DNA sequences showed thatrninhibition of transcription did not require the localisation of the lesion in the transcribed DNA strand; therefore the damage sensing mechanism has to be different from the direct encounters of transcribing RNA polymerase complexes with DNA damage.rnAltogether, this work provides new evidence that processing of various DNA basernmodifications by BER can perturb transcription of damaged genes by triggering a gene silencing mechanism. As gene expression can be influenced even by a single DNA damage event, this mechanism could have relevance for the endogenous DNA damage induced in cells under normal physiological conditions, with a possible link to gene silencing in general.
Repression of many tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in cancer is mediated by aberrantly increased DNA methylation levels at promoter CpG islands (CGI). About one-fourth of empirically defined human promoters are surrounded by or contain clustered repetitive elements. It was previously observed that a sharp transition of methylation occurs between highly methylated repetitive elements (SINE or LINE) and unmethylated CGI-promoters (e.g. P16, VHL, CDH and RIL) in normal tissues. The functions that lead to increased CGI methylation in cancer remain poorly understood. We propose that CGI-promoters contain cis-elements for triggering de novo DNA methylation. In the first part of our project, we established a site-specific integration system with enforced local transcriptional repression in colorectal cancer cells and monitored the occurrence of de novo DNA methylation in exogenous fragments containing a CGI-promoter and repetitive elements. Initial de novo methylation was seeded at specific CG sites in a repetitive element, and accelerated by persistent binding of a KRAB-containing transcriptional repressor. Furthermore, additional repetitive elements (LINE and SINE) located adjacent to the promoter could confer DNA methylation spreading into the CGI particularly in the setting of KRAB-factor binding. However, a repressive chromatin alone was not sufficient to initiate DNA methylation, which required specific DNA sequences and was integration-site (and/or cell-line) specific. In addition, all the methylation observed showed slow and gradual accumulation over several months of culture. Overall, these results demonstrate a requirement for specific DNA sequences to trigger de novo DNA methylation, and repetitive elements as cis-regulatory factors to cooperate with strengthened transcriptional repression in promoting methylation spreading. In the second part, we re-introduced disrupted DNMT3B or DNMT1 into HCT116 DKO cells and mapped the remethylation pattern through a profiling method (DREAM). Moderate remethylation occurred when DNMT3B was re-expressed with a preference toward non-CGI and non-promoter regions. Hence, there exists a set of genomic regions with priority to be targets for DNMT3B in somatic cells.
During the development of the somatic genome from the Paramecium germline genome the bulk of the copies of ∼45 000 unique, internal eliminated sequences (IESs) are deleted. IES targeting is facilitated by two small RNA (sRNA) classes: scnRNAs, which relay epigenetic information from the parental nucleus to the developing nucleus, and iesRNAs, which are produced and used in the developing nucleus. Why only certain IESs require sRNAs for their removal has been enigmatic. By analyzing the silencing effects of three genes: PGM (responsible for DNA excision), DCL2/3 (scnRNA production) and DCL5 (iesRNA production), we identify key properties required for IES elimination. Based on these results, we propose that, depending on the exact combination of their lengths and end bases, some IESs are less efficiently recognized or excised and have a greater requirement for targeting by scnRNAs and iesRNAs. We suggest that the variation in IES retention following silencing of DCL2/3 is not primarily due to scnRNA density, which is comparatively uniform relative to IES retention, but rather the genetic properties of IESs. Taken together, our analyses demonstrate that in Paramecium the underlying genetic properties of developmentally deleted DNA sequences are essential in determining the sensitivity of these sequences to epigenetic control.
FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Vance C. et al., 2009]. FUS is a 53 kDa nuclear protein that contains structural domains, such as a RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a zinc finger motif, that give to FUS the ability to bind to both RNA and DNA sequences. It has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA processing, gene expression control and transcriptional regulation [Fiesel FC. and Kahle PJ., 2011]. Moreover, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response: mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and, in response to double-strand breaks, FUS is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [Kuroda M. et al., 2000; Hicks GG. et al., 2000; Gardiner M. et al., 2008]. Furthermore, preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS protein, highlighted the interactions with proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS is involved in this pathway, even though its role still needs to be clarified. This study aims to investigate the biological roles of FUS in human cells and in particular the putative role in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y upon FUS inducible depletion, by a quantitative proteomic approach. The SH-SY5Y cell line that will be used in this study expresses, in presence of tetracycline, a shRNA that targets FUS mRNA, leading to FUS protein depletion (SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells). To quantify changes in proteins expression levels a SILAC strategy (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture) will be conducted on SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells and a control SH-SY5Y cell line (that expresses a mock shRNA) and the relative changes in proteins levels will be evaluated after five and seven days upon FUS depletion, by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics analysis. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells, when subjected to genotoxic stress (high dose of IR), upon inducible depletion of FUS, showed a increased phosphorylation of gH2AX with respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response.
Riemerella anatipestifer, the causative agent of septicemia anserum exsudativa (also called new duckling disease), belongs to the family Flavobacteriaceae of gram-negative bacteria. We determined the DNA sequences of the rrs genes encoding the 16S rRNAs of four R. anatipestifer strains by directly sequencing PCR-amplified rrs genes. A sequence similarity analysis confirmed the phylogenetic position of R. anatipestifer in the family Flavobacteriaceae in rRNA superfamily V and allowed fine mapping of R. anatipestifer on a separate rRNA branch comprising the most closely related species, Bergeyella zoohelcum, as well as Chryseobacterium balustinum, Chryseobacterium indologenes, and Chryseobacterium gleum. The sequences of the rrs genes of the four R. anatipestifer strains varied between 0.5 and 1.0%, but all of the strains occupied the same position on the phylogenetic tree. In general, differences in rrs genes were observed among R. anatipestifer strains, even within a given serotype, as shown by restriction fragment length polymorphism of PCR-amplified rrs genes.
The DNA analogue tricyclo-DNA, built from conformationally rigid nucleoside analogues that were linked via tertiary phosphodiester functions, can efficiently be synthesized from the corresponding phosphoramidites by conventional solid-phase cyanoethyl phosphoramidite chemistry. 5'-End phosphorylated tricyclo-DNA sequences are chemically stable in aqueous, pH-neutral media at temperatures from 0 to 90 C. Tricyclo-DNA sequences resist enzymatic hydrolysis by the 3'-exonuclease snake venom phosphodiesterase. Homobasic adenine- and thymine-containing tricyclo-DNA octa- and nonamers are extraordinarily stable A-T base-pairing systems, not only in their own series but also with complementary DNA and RNA. Base mismatch formation is strongly destabilized. As in bicyclo-DNA, the tricyclo-DNA purine sequences preferentially accept a complementary strand on the Hoogsteen face of the base. A thermodynamic analysis reveals entropic benefits in the case of hetero-backbone duplex formation (tricyclo-DNA/DNA duplexes) and both an enthalpic and entropic benefit for duplex formation in the pure tricyclo-DNA series compared to natural DNA. Stability of tricyclo-DNA duplex formation depends more strongly on monovalent salt concentration compared to natural DNA. Homopyrimidine DNA sequences containing tricyclothymidine residues form triplexes with complementary double-stranded DNA. Triple-helix stability depends on the sequence composition and can be higher when compared to that of natural DNA. The use of one tricyclothymidine residue in the center of the self-complementary dodecamer duplex (d(CGCGAAT t CGCG), t = tricyclothymidine) strongly stabilizes its monomolecular hairpin loop structure relative to that of the corresponding pure DNA dodecamer ( T m = +20 C), indicating (tetra)loop-stabilizing properties of this rigid nucleoside analogue.
The globin gene family of Xenopus laevis comprises pairs of closely related genes that are arranged in two clusters, each pair of genes being co-ordinately and stage-specifically expressed. To get information on putative regulatory elements, we compared the DNA sequences and the chromatin conformation 5' to the co-ordinately expressed adult alpha-globin genes. Sequence analysis revealed a relatively conserved region from the cap site up to position -289, and further upstream seven distinct boxes of homology, separated by more diverged sequences or deletions/insertions. The homology boxes comprise 22 to 194 base-pairs showing 78 to 95% homology. Analysis of chromatin conformation showed that DNase I preferentially cuts the upstream region of both genes at similar positions, 5' to the T-A-T-A and the C-C-A-A-T boxes, only in chromatin of adult erythroblasts and erythrocytes, where adult globin genes are expressed, but not in chromatin of adult liver cells or larval erythrocytes, where these genes are silent. This suggests that cell- and stage-specific activation of these genes coincides with specific changes in chromatin conformation within the proximal upstream region. No difference was found in the nucleotide sequence within the DNase I hypersensitive region proximal to the adult alpha 1-globin gene in DNA from embryonic cells, in which this gene is inactive, and adult erythrocytes, expressing this gene.
Repetitive DNA sequences present in the genome of Dicrocoelium dendriticum were identified by hybridization of genomic DNA that had been digested with different restriction enzymes with 32P-labeled genomic D. dendriticum DNA. DNA fragments containing repetitive sequences were isolated from PstI-digested D. dendriticum DNA and were subcloned into a plasmid vector. Plasmids containing repetitive sequences were identified by colony hybridization. One of these plasmids, designated Ddr-IV, was isolated and used as a probe in further studies. Ddr-IV is specific for D. dendriticum since it does not hybridize to DNA isolated from other trematodes. In addition, Ddr-IV was capable of detecting D. dendriticum metacercariae in ants (Formica cunicularia, F. rufibarbis, and Lasius sp.), which act as second intermediate hosts in the parasite's life cycle. Since metacercariae constitute the infectious stage of the parasite for grazing animals, Ddr-IV will provide a useful tool for epidemiology studies of dicrocoeliosis.