724 resultados para DISULFIDE-ISOMERASE


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Transmembrane signaling by bacterial chemoreceptors is thought to involve relative movement among the four transmembrane helices of the homodimer. We assayed that movement by measuring effects of ligand occupancy on rates of oxidative cross-linking between cysteines introduced into neighboring helices of the transmembrane domain of chemoreceptor Trg from Escherichia coli. Measurements were done on chemoreceptors in their native environment, intact cells that were motile and chemotactically responsive. Receptor occupancy did not appear to cause drastic rearrangement of the four-helix structure since, among 67 cysteine pairs tested, the same 19 exhibited oxidative cross-linking in the presence or absence of saturating chemoattractant. However, occupancy did cause subtle changes that were detected as effects on rates of cross-linking. Among the seven disulfides appropriate for measurements of initial rates of formation, ligand occupancy had significant and different effects on all three cross-links that connected the two helices within a subunit but had minimal effects on the four that spanned the packing interface between subunits. This constitutes direct evidence that the conformational change of transmembrane signaling involves significant movement within a subunit and minimal movement between subunits, a pattern deduced from several previous studies and now documented directly. Among possible modes of movement between the two helices of a subunit, axial sliding of one helix relative to the other was the conformational change that best accounted for the observed effects on cross-linking.


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The disulfide bonding pattern of the fourth and fifth epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains within the smallest active fragment of thrombomodulin have been determined. In previous work, this fragment was expressed and purified to homogeneity, and its cofactor activity, as measured by Kcat for thrombin activation of protein C, was the same as that for full-length thrombomodulin. CNBr cleavage at the single methionine in the connecting region between the domains and subsequent deglycosylation yielded the individual EGF-like domains. The disulfide bonds were mapped by partial reduction with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine according to the method of Gray [Gray, W. R. (1993) Protein Sci. 2, 1732-1748], which provides unambiguous results. The disulfide bonding pattern of the fourth EGF-like domain was (1-3, 2-4, 5-6), which is the same as that found previously in EGF and in a synthetic version of the fourth EGF-like domain. Surprisingly, the disulfide bonding pattern of the fifth domain was (1-2, 3-4, 5-6), which is unlike that found in EGF or in any other EGF-like domain analyzed so far. This result is in line with an earlier observation that the (1-2, 3-4, 5-6) isomer bound to thrombin more tightly than the EGF-like (1-3, 2-4, 5-6) isomer. The observation that not all EGF-like domains have an EGF-like disulfide bonding pattern reveals an additional element of diversity in the structure of EGF-like domains.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB proteins are essential for gene transfer from bacteria to plants. These proteins are postulated to form a transport pore to allow transfer of the T-strand DNA intermediate. To study the function of the VirB proteins in DNA transfer, we developed an expression system in A. tumefaciens. Analysis of one VirB protein, VirB9, by Western blot assays showed that under nonreducing conditions VirB9, when expressed alone, migrates as a approximately 31-kDa band but that it migrates as a approximately 36-kDa band when expressed with all other VirB proteins. The 36-kDa band is converted to the 31-kDa band by the reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol. Using strains that contain a deletion in a defined virB gene and strains that express specific VirB proteins, we demonstrate that the 36-kDa band is composed of VirB9 and VirB7 that are linked to each other by a disulfide bond. Mutational studies demonstrate that cysteine residues at positions 24 of VirB7 and 262 of VirB9 participate in the formation of this complex.


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Delta 5-3-Ketosteroid isomerase (EC promotes an allylic rearrangement involving intramolecular proton transfer via a dienolic intermediate. This enzyme enhances the catalytic rate by a factor of 10(10). Two residues, Tyr-14, the general acid that polarizes the steroid 3-carbonyl group and facilitates enolization, and Asp-38 the general base that abstracts and transfers the 4 beta-proton to the 6 beta-position, contribute 10(4.7) and 10(5.6) to the rate increase, respectively. A major mechanistic enigma is the huge disparity between the pKa values of the catalytic groups and their targets. Upon binding of an analog of the dienolate intermediate to isomerase, proton NMR detects a highly deshielded resonance at 18.15 ppm in proximity to aromatic protons, and with a 3-fold preference for protium over deuterium (fractionation factor, phi = 0.34), consistent with formation of a short, strong (low-barrier) hydrogen bond to Tyr-14. The strength of this hydrogen bond is estimated to be at least 7.1 kcal/mol. This bond is relatively inaccessible to bulk solvent and is pH insensitive. Low-barrier hydrogen bonding of Tyr-14 to the intermediate, in conjunction with the previously demonstrated tunneling contribution to the proton transfer by Asp-38, provide a plausible and quantitative explanation for the high catalytic power of this isomerase.


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The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB7 lipoprotein contributes to the stabilization of VirB proteins during biogenesis of the putative T-complex transport apparatus. Here, we report that stabilization of VirB7 itself is correlated with its ability to form disulfide cross-linked homodimers via a reactive Cys-24 residue. Three types of beta-mercaptoethanol-dissociable complexes were visualized with VirB7 and/or a VirB7::PhoA41 fusion protein: (i) a 9-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7 homodimer, (ii) a 54-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB7::PhoA41 mixed dimer, and (iii) a 102-kDa complex corresponding to a VirB7::PhoA41 homodimer. A VirB7C24S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB7C24S::PhoA41 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable homodimers or mixed dimers with wild-type VirB7. We further report that VirB7-dependent stabilization of VirB9 is correlated with the ability of these two proteins to dimerize via formation of a disulfide bridge between reactive Cys-24 and Cys-262 residues, respectively. Two types of dissociable complexes were visualized: (i) a 36-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9 heterodimer and (ii) an 84-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9::PhoA293 heterodimer. A VirB9C262S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB9C262S::PhoA293 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable heterodimers with wild-type VirB7. Taken together, these results support a model in which the formation of disulfide cross-linked VirB7 dimers represent critical early steps in the biogenesis of the T-complex transport apparatus.


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Correct folding of newly synthesized proteins is proposed to be assisted by molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. To identify cellular factors involved in the initial stages of this process we searched for proteins associated with nascent polypeptide chains. In an Escherichia coli transcription/translation system synthesizing beta-galactosidase we identified a 58-kDa protein which associated with translating ribosomes but dissociated from these ribosomes upon release of nascent beta-galactosidase. N-terminal sequencing identified it as trigger factor, previously implicated in protein secretion. Direct evidence for association of trigger factor with nascent polypeptide chains was obtained by crosslinking. In a wheat germ translation system complemented with E. coli lysates, epsilon-4-(3-trifluoromethyldiazirino)benzoic acid-lysine residues were incorporated into nascent secretory preprolactin and a nonsecretory preprolactin mutant. Trigger factor crosslinked to both types of nascent chains, provided they were ribosome bound. Trigger factor contains key residues of the substrate-binding pocket of FK506-binding protein-type peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases and has prolyl isomerase activity in vitro. We propose that trigger factor is a folding catalyst acting cotranslationally.


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Several disulfide benzamides have been shown to possess wide-spectrum antiretroviral activity in cell culture at low micromolar to submicromolar concentrations, inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 (HIV-1) clinical and drug-resistant strains along with HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus [Rice, W. G., Supko, J. G., Malspeis, L., Buckheit, R. W., Jr., Clanton, D., Bu, M., Graham, L., Schaeffer, C. A., Turpin, J. A., Domagala, J., Gogliotti, R., Bader, J. P., Halliday, S. M., Coren, L., Sowder, R. C., II, Arthur, L. O. & Henderson, L. E. (1995) Science 270, 1194-1197]. Rice and coworkers have proposed that the compounds act by "attacking" the two zinc fingers of HIV nucleocapsid protein. Shown here is evidence that low micromolar concentrations of the anti-HIV disulfide benzamides eject zinc from HIV nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) in vitro, as monitored by the zinc-specific fluorescent probe N-(6-methoxy-8-quinoyl)-p-toluenesulfonamide (TSQ). Structurally similar disulfide benzamides that do not inhibit HIV-1 in culture do not eject zinc, nor do analogs of the antiviral compounds with the disulfide replaced with a methylene sulfide. The kinetics of NCp7 zinc ejection by disulfide benzamides were found to be nonsaturable and biexponential, with the rate of ejection from the C-terminal zinc finger 7-fold faster than that from the N-terminal. The antiviral compounds were found to inhibit the zinc-dependent binding of NCp7 to HIV psi RNA, as studied by gel-shift assays, and the data correlated well with the zinc ejection data. Anti-HIV disulfide benzamides specifically eject NCp7 zinc and abolish the protein's ability to bind psi RNA in vitro, providing evidence for a possible antiretroviral mechanism of action of these compounds. Congeners of this class are under advanced preclinical evaluation as a potential chemotherapy for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


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Substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide that mediates multiple physiological responses including transmission of painful stimuli and inflammation via an interaction with a receptor of known primary sequence. To identify the regions of the SP receptor, also termed the NK-1 receptor, involved in peptide recognition, we are using analogues of SP containing the photoreactive amino acid p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa). In the present study, we used radioiodinated Bpa8-SP to covalently label with high efficiency the rat SP receptor expressed in a transfected mammalian cell line. To identify the amino acid residue that serves as the site of covalent attachment, a membrane preparation of labeled receptor was subjected to partial enzymatic cleavage by trypsin. A major digestion product of 22 kDa was identified. Upon reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol the mass of this product decreased to 14 kDa. The 22-kDa tryptic fragment was purified in excellent yield by preparative SDS/PAGE under nonreducing conditions. Subcleavage with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and endoproteinase ArgC yielded fragments of 8.2 and 9.0 kDa, respectively. Upon reductive cleavage, the V8 protease fragment decreased to 3.0 kDa while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment decreased to 3.2 kDa. Taking into consideration enzyme specificity, molecular size, determination of the presence or absence of N-glycosylation sites, and recognition by antibodies to specific sequences of the SP receptor, the V8 protease fragment is Thr-173 to Glu-183, while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment is Val-178 to Arg-190. These two fragments share the common sequence Val-Val-Cys-Met-Ile-Glu (residues 178-183). The site of covalent attachment of radioiodinated Bpa8-SP is thus restricted to a residue within this overlap sequence. The data presented here also establish that the cysteine residue in this sequence Cys-180, which is positioned in the middle of the second extracellular loop, participates in a disulfide bond that links the first and second extracellular loops of the receptor.


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Disulfide bond formation is catalyzed in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. This process involves at least two proteins: DsbA and DsbB. Recent evidence suggests that DsbA, a soluble periplasmic protein directly catalyzes disulfide bond formation in proteins, whereas DsbB, an inner membrane protein, is involved in the reoxidation of DsbA. Here we present direct evidence of an interaction between DsbA and DsbB. (Kishigami et al. [Kishigami, S., Kanaya, E., Kikuchi, M. & Ito, K. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 17072-17074] have described similar findings.) We isolated a dominant negative mutant of dsbA, dsbAd, where Cys-33 of the DsbA active site is changed to tyrosine. Both DsbAd and DsbA are able to form a mixed disulfide with DsbB, which may be an intermediate in the reoxidation of DsbA. This complex is more stable with DsbAd. The dominance can be suppressed by increasing the production of DsbB. By using mutants of DsbB in which one or two cysteines have been changed to alanine, we show that only Cys-104 is important for complex formation. Therefore, we suggest that in vivo, reduced DsbA forms a complex with DsbB in which Cys-30 of DsbA is disulfide-bonded to Cys-104 of DsbB. Cys-104 is rapidly replaced by Cys-33 of DsbA to generate the oxidized form of this protein.


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The exon theory of genes proposes that the introns of protein-encoding nuclear genes are remnants of the DNA spacers between ancient minigenes. The discovery of an intron at a predicted position in the triose-phosphate isomerase (EC gene of Culex mosquitoes has been hailed as an evidential pillar of the theory. We have found that that intron is also present in Aedes mosquitoes, which are closely related to Culex, but not in the phylogenetically more distant Anopheles, nor in the fly Calliphora vicina, nor in the moth Spodoptera littoralis. The presence of this intron in Culex and Aedes is parsimoniously explained as the result of an insertion in a recent common ancestor of these two species rather than as the remnant of an ancient intron. The absence of the intron in 19 species of very diverse organisms requires at least 10 independent evolutionary losses in order to be consistent with the exon theory.


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The gene encoding the glycolytic enzyme triose-phosphate isomerase (TPI; EC has been central to the long-standing controversy on the origin and evolutionary significance of spliceosomal introns by virtue of its pivotal support for the introns-early view, or exon theory of genes. Putative correlations between intron positions and TPI protein structure have led to the conjecture that the gene was assembled by exon shuffling, and five TPI intron positions are old by the criterion of being conserved between animals and plants. We have sequenced TPI genes from three diverse eukaryotes--the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and the insect Heliothis virescens--and have found introns at seven novel positions that disrupt previously recognized gene/protein structure correlations. The set of 21 TPI introns now known is consistent with a random model of intron insertion. Twelve of the 21 TPI introns appear to be of recent origin since each is present in but a single examined species. These results, together with their implication that as more TPI genes are sequenced more intron positions will be found, render TPI untenable as a paradigm for the introns-early theory and, instead, support the introns-late view that spliceosomal introns have been inserted into preexisting genes during eukaryotic evolution.


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Secretion of IpaB, IpaC, and IpaD proteins of Shigella flexneri, essential for the invasion of epithelial cells, requires a number of proteins encoded by the spa and mxi loci on the large plasmid. Introduction of dsbA::Tn5 into S.flexneri from Escherichia coli K-12 reduced invasiveness, which resulted from a decrease in the capacity to release IpaB, IpaC, and IpaD proteins into the external medium. Examination of the surface-presented Ipa proteins of the dsbA mutant, however, revealed Ipa proteins at levels similar to those on wild-type cells. Since the defective phenotype was similar to that of the spa32 mutant of S. flexneri and the Spa32 sequence possessed two Cys residues, the effect of dsbA mutation of the folding structure of Spa32 under reducing conditions and on the surface expression of Spa32 was investigated. The results indicated that Spa32 was a disulfide-containing protein whose correctly folded structure was required for its presentation on the outer membrane. Indeed, replacing either one of the two Cys residues in Spa32 with Ser by site-directed mutagenesis reduced its capacity to release Ipa proteins into the external medium and led to the accumulation of Spa32 protein in the periplasm. These results indicated that the DsbA protein performs an essential function during the invasion of mammalian cells, by facilitating transport of the Spa32 protein across the outer membrane.


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Thesis (doctoral)--


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Thesis (doctoral)--Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat zu Freiburg im Breisgau, 1907.