967 resultados para DENEGRI LUNA, FÉLIX, 1919-1998
A tabulated summary is presented of the main fisheries data collected to date (1998) by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project, together with a current overview of the fishery. The data are given under the following sections: 1) Fishing localities and types; 2) Frame survey data; 3) Number of licensed fishermen by state; 4) Mesh size distribution; 5) Fishing net characteristics; 6) Fish yield; 7) Total annual fishing effort by gear type; 8) Total annual value of fish landed by gear type; 9) Graphs of effort and CPUE by gear type. (PDF contains 36 pages)
Length frequency data was collected for the 6 main species from the Kainji Lake fishery for up to 16 months. Growth parameters were estimated and used for virtual - population and length based cohort analysis. The results from cohort analysis suggest that before the ban on beach seines the maximum economic yield from the fishery was overshot by 70%. Yield per recruit analysis showed that the fish are caught far below their optimum size. Fishing gears and the timing responsible for this early mortality have been identified. After the eradication of seines from the lake a 10% increase in total catch revenue can be expected from the fishery. This is equivalent to an increase in income of Naira 18,300 per annum for each fishing entrepreneur using other methods. A scenario for the regulation of cast net mesh size together with the ban of beach seines has been presented. A further increase of Naira 142 million (N25,500 per entrepreneur) can be anticipated if this is implemented by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit. It is expected that the annual increase in fishing effort presently experienced will cause future yields to decline. The rate of the decline has been reduced by the eradication of the beach seine fishery and will further fall if the minimum mesh size for cast nets is implemented. A recommendation is made to the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit to first consolidate the beach seine ban and then to implement a ban of undersized cast nets. (PDF contains 70 pages)
This report contains results from the fourth cruise of the MODIS Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE). Also resented are oceanographic data from two MOBY maintenance cruises L-20 and L-25. The MOCE4 cruise was the first NOAAINESDIS-Ied SeaWiFS Initialization cruise during which a variety ofspectroradiometric observations ofthe upper water column and atmosphere were made by investigators from NOAA, the University of Miami, CHORS and MLML. Data presented in this report were obtained by oceanographic CTD profiler: salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence~ and by water samplers: total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen, salinity and dissolved oxygen. (PDF contains 142 pages).
This paper tries to develop more generally some fundamental bases for the ecological study of freshwater plankton. A special attention is given to the phytoplankton associations which can be separated out and made into groups according to their dependence upon changing environments. Plankton formations in different types of water bodies (ponds, lakes and rivers) are studied.
En fecha tan temprana como 1622 aparece en Inglaterra la primera publicación periódica. Ese mismo año Ben Jonson, escritor teatral contemporáneo de William Shakespeare, compone una mascarada, la primera obra literaria que alude al fenómeno del periodismo. Cuatro años después, en 1626, escribe y hace representar toda una comedia cuyo tema central y escenario es un periódico. Por primera vez en español damos ahora en traducción ambas obras, Noticias del Nuevo Mundo descubierto en la Luna (News from the New World discover’d in the Moon) y El comercio de noticias (The staple of news). Especialmente esta última es, además de una apreciable pieza dramática, un excelente retrato de un fenómeno emergente que no solamente describe las características del incipiente periodismo, sino además una reflexión sobre cuestiones tales como la democracia, la participación ciudadana, la monarquía, la estructura empresarial o los derechos de autor. La obra de Jonson es el retrato de una época oscura, apenas dos décadas de albores del periodismo, y su literatura es la única capaz de devolvernos algo de su efímero esplendor. Pero es también el retrato de una profesión cuyas principales características, que el escalpelo crítico de Jonson tan ácidamente pone de manifiesto, siguen siendo contemporáneas. Con sus casi cuatro siglos de solera, en la oficina de noticias que Jonson nos pinta está teniendo lugar una escena que no ha perdido su vigencia.
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, France and Nicaragua in 1973, Vanuatu in 1990, Venezuela in 1992, and El Salvador in 1997. Canada withdrew from the IATTC in 1984. The 60th meeting of the IATTC was held in La Jolla, California, USA, on February 7, 1998. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de un convenio suscrito originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. El convenio, vigente desde 1950, está abierto ala afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales y especies afines en el Océano Pacifico oriental (OPO). Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá seafilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973, Vanuatu en 1990, Venezuela en 1992, y El Salvador en 1997. México se retiro de la CIAT en 1978, y Canadá en 1984. La 60a reunión de la CIAT tuvo lugar el 7 de febrero de 1998. (PDF contains 358 pages.)
Background: The impact of socio-demographic factors and baseline health on the mortality burden of seasonal and pandemic influenza remains debated. Here we analyzed the spatial-temporal mortality patterns of the 1918 influenza pandemic in Spain, one of the countries of Europe that experienced the highest mortality burden. Methods: We analyzed monthly death rates from respiratory diseases and all-causes across 49 provinces of Spain, including the Canary and Balearic Islands, during the period January-1915 to June-1919. We estimated the influenza-related excess death rates and risk of death relative to baseline mortality by pandemic wave and province. We then explored the association between pandemic excess mortality rates and health and socio-demographic factors, which included population size and age structure, population density, infant mortality rates, baseline death rates, and urbanization. Results: Our analysis revealed high geographic heterogeneity in pandemic mortality impact. We identified 3 pandemic waves of varying timing and intensity covering the period from Jan-1918 to Jun-1919, with the highest pandemic-related excess mortality rates occurring during the months of October-November 1918 across all Spanish provinces. Cumulative excess mortality rates followed a south-north gradient after controlling for demographic factors, with the North experiencing highest excess mortality rates. A model that included latitude, population density, and the proportion of children living in provinces explained about 40% of the geographic variability in cumulative excess death rates during 1918-19, but different factors explained mortality variation in each wave. Conclusions: A substantial fraction of the variability in excess mortality rates across Spanish provinces remained unexplained, which suggests that other unidentified factors such as comorbidities, climate and background immunity may have affected the 1918-19 pandemic mortality rates. Further archeo-epidemiological research should concentrate on identifying settings with combined availability of local historical mortality records and information on the prevalence of underlying risk factors, or patient-level clinical data, to further clarify the drivers of 1918 pandemic influenza mortality.
Front cover. Table of Contents.
Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a sobrevida e fatores prognósticos para o câncer de mama feminino, com ênfase no papel de variáveis relacionadas aos serviços de saúde. Foram analisadas 782 mulheres com câncer invasivo da mama e submetidas à cirurgia curativa, que realizaram tratamento cirúrgico e/ou terapia complementar no município de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, com diagnóstico da doença entre 1998 e 2000. O recrutamento dos casos foi efetuado a partir de busca ativa nos registros médicos de todos os serviços de saúde que prestam atendimento em oncologia na cidade. O seguimento foi realizado mediante retorno aos prontuários e complementado por busca no banco do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM), contato telefônico e consulta de situação cadastral no Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF). As principais variáveis analisadas foram: cor da pele, idade ao diagnóstico, tamanho do tumor, comprometimento de linfonodos, estadiamento, cidade de residência e variáveis relativas aos serviços de saúde, entre outras. As funções de sobrevida foram calculadas por meio do método de Kaplan-Meier. Foi utilizado o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox para avaliação dos fatores prognósticos. No primeiro artigo, foi observada taxa de sobrevida específica em cinco anos de 80,9%, sendo identificados tamanho tumoral e comprometimento de linfonodos axilares como importantes fatores prognósticos associados de forma independente à sobrevida pela doença na população de estudo (HR=1,99, IC95%: 1,27-3,10 e HR=3,92, IC95%: 2,49-6,16, respectivamente). No segundo artigo, quando consideradas as variáveis relativas aos serviços de saúde, foi verificada pior sobrevida para as mulheres assistidas no serviço público, embora com significância limítrofe (p=0,05), e para aquelas que não tinham plano privado de saúde, apesar de não significativa (p=0,1). As funções de sobrevida não ajustadas e estratificadas por natureza do serviço de saúde exibiram sobrevida mais desfavorável para as mulheres não brancas e para os casos com nenhum ou menos de 10 linfonodos isolados somente no serviço público, embora com significâncias estatísticas apenas marginais (p=0,09 e p=0,07, respectivamente). Na análise multivariada, foi observado maior risco de óbito nas mulheres que não fizeram uso de hormonioterapia apenas para os casos assistidos no serviço público (HR=1,56; IC95%: 1,01-2,41), independentemente do tamanho tumoral e do status ganglionar axilar. Tais achados sugerem desigualdades sociais e disparidades na prevenção primária e secundária da doença na região estudada, com desvantagem para o serviço público de saúde, enfatizando a maior necessidade de esclarecimento sobre a doença, assim como de diagnóstico e tratamento dos casos em estádios mais precoces. Destacou-se, ainda, o valor de se trabalhar com informações produzidas pelos serviços de saúde responsáveis pela assistência oncológica no país, possibilitando a caracterização do perfil e da sobrevida das pacientes assistidas e fornecendo subsídios aos órgãos competentes do setor saúde local para nortear a adoção de estratégias de prevenção direcionadas ao controle da doença na população avaliada.
The fishing activity in Inhambane Bay is still strictly artisanal, with predominance of trawl and line fishing among other methods. Trawl fishing in particular, is considered to be the most important fishing method in terms of revenue and potential for the future.
In February 1996 A Strategy for the Management of Salmon in England and Wales was launched by the National Rivers Authority. The strategy concentrates on four main objectives for the management of salmon fisheries in England and Wales: (i) Optimise the number of salmon returning to home water fisheries, (ii) Maintain and improve the fitness and diversity of salmon stocks, (iii) Optimise the total economic value of surplus stocks, (iv) Ensure necessary costs are met by beneficiaries. These four objectives will be addressed through local Salmon Action Plans (SAPs) which will be produced for each of the principle salmon rivers in England and Wales by the year 2001. This Salmon Action Plan for the River Lune reviews the status of the stock and the fisheries, seeks to identify the main factors limiting performance, to draw up and cost a list of options to address these, and to consult with local interest groups.