164 resultados para DELAMINATION
Condicionantes de la adherencia y anclaje en el refuerzo de muros de fábrica con elementos de fibras
Es cada vez más frecuente la rehabilitación de patrimonio construido, tanto de obras deterioradas como para la adecuación de obras existentes a nuevos usos o solicitaciones. Se ha considerado el estudio del refuerzo de obras de fábrica ya que constituyen un importante número dentro del patrimonio tanto de edificación como de obra civil (sistemas de muros de carga o en estructuras principales porticadas de acero u hormigón empleándose las fábricas como cerramiento o distribución con elementos autoportantes). A la hora de reparar o reforzar una estructura es importante realizar un análisis de las deficiencias, caracterización mecánica del elemento y solicitaciones presentes o posibles; en el apartado 1.3 del presente trabajo se refieren acciones de rehabilitación cuando lo que se precisa no es refuerzo estructural, así como las técnicas tradicionales más habituales para refuerzo de fábricas que suelen clasificarse según se trate de refuerzos exteriores o interiores. En los últimos años se ha adoptado el sistema de refuerzo de FRP, tecnología con origen en los refuerzos de hormigón tanto de elementos a flexión como de soportes. Estos refuerzos pueden ser de láminas adheridas a la fábrica soporte (SM), o de barras incluidas en rozas lineales (NSM). La elección de un sistema u otro depende de la necesidad de refuerzo y tipo de solicitación predominante, del acceso para colocación y de la exigencia de impacto visual. Una de las mayores limitaciones de los sistemas de refuerzo por FRP es que no suele movilizarse la resistencia del material de refuerzo, produciéndose previamente fallo en la interfase con el soporte con el consecuente despegue o deslaminación; dichos fallos pueden tener un origen local y propagarse a partir de una discontinuidad, por lo que es preciso un tratamiento cuidadoso de la superficie soporte, o bien como consecuencia de una insuficiente longitud de anclaje para la transferencia de los esfuerzos en la interfase. Se considera imprescindible una caracterización mecánica del elemento a reforzar. Es por ello que el trabajo presenta en el capítulo 2 métodos de cálculo de la fábrica soporte de distintas normativas y también una formulación alternativa que tiene en cuenta la fábrica histórica ya que su caracterización suele ser más complicada por la heterogeneidad y falta de clasificación de sus materiales, especialmente de los morteros. Una vez conocidos los parámetros resistentes de la fábrica soporte es posible diseñar el refuerzo; hasta la fecha existe escasa normativa de refuerzos de FRP para muros de fábrica, consistente en un protocolo propuesto por la ACI 440 7R-10 que carece de mejoras por tipo de anclaje y aporta valores muy conservadores de la eficacia del refuerzo. Como se ha indicado, la problemática principal de los refuerzos de FRP en muros es el modo de fallo que impide un aprovechamiento óptimo de las propiedades del material. Recientemente se están realizando estudios con distintos métodos de anclaje para estos refuerzos, con lo que se incremente la capacidad última y se mantenga el soporte ligado al refuerzo tras la rotura. Junto con sistemas de anclajes por prolongación del refuerzo (tanto para láminas como para barras) se han ensayado anclajes con llaves de cortante, barras embebidas, o anclajes mecánicos de acero o incluso de FRP. Este texto resume, en el capítulo 4, algunas de las campañas experimentales llevadas a cabo entre los años 2000 y 2013 con distintos anclajes. Se observan los parámetros fundamentales para medir la eficacia del anclajes como son: el modo de fallo, el incremento de resistencia, y los desplazamientos que permite observar la ductilidad del refuerzo; estos datos se analizan en función de la variación de: tipo de refuerzo incluyéndose el tipo de fibra y sistema de colocación, y tipo de anclaje. Existen también parámetros de diseño de los propios anclajes. En el caso de barras embebidas se resumen en diámetro y material de la barra, acabado superficial, dimensiones y forma de la roza, tipo de adhesivo. En el caso de anclajes de FRP tipo pasador la caracterización incluye: tipo de fibra, sistema de fabricación del anclajes y diámetro del mismo, radio de expansión del abanico, espaciamiento longitudinal de anclajes, número de filas de anclajes, número de láminas del refuerzo, longitud adherida tras el anclaje; es compleja la sistematización de resultados de los autores de las campañas expuestas ya que algunos de estos parámetros varían impidiendo la comparación. El capítulo 5 presenta los ensayos empleados para estas campañas de anclajes, distinguiéndose entre ensayos de modo I, tipo tracción directa o arrancamiento, que servirían para sistemas NSM o para cuantificar la resistencia individual de anclajes tipo pasador; ensayos de modo II, tipo corte simple, que se asemeja más a las condiciones de trabajo de los refuerzos. El presente texto se realiza con objeto de abrir una posible investigación sobre los anclajes tipo pasador, considerándose que junto con los sistemas de barra embebida son los que permiten una mayor versatilidad de diseño para los refuerzos de FRP y siendo su eficacia aún difícil de aislar por el número de parámetros de diseño. Rehabilitation of built heritage is becoming increasingly frequent, including repair of damaged works and conditioning for a new use or higher loads. In this work it has been considered the study of masonry wall reinforcement, as most buildings and civil works have load bearing walls or at least infilled masonry walls in concrete and steel structures. Before repairing or reinforcing an structure, it is important to analyse its deficiencies, its mechanical properties and both existing and potential loads; chapter 1, section 4 includes the most common rehabilitation methods when structural reinforcement is not needed, as well as traditional reinforcement techniques (internal and external reinforcement) In the last years the FRP reinforcement system has been adopted for masonry walls. FRP materials for reinforcement were initially used for concrete pillars and beams. FRP reinforcement includes two main techniques: surface mounted laminates (SM) and near surface mounted bars (NSM); one of them may be more accurate according to the need for reinforcement and main load, accessibility for installation and aesthetic requirements. One of the main constraints of FRP systems is not reaching maximum load for material due to premature debonding failure, which can be caused by surface irregularities so surface preparation is necessary. But debonding (or delamination for SM techniques) can also be a consequence of insufficient anchorage length or stress concentration. In order to provide an accurate mechanical characterisation of walls, chapter 2 summarises the calculation methods included in guidelines as well as alternative formulations for old masonry walls as historic wall properties are more complicated to obtain due to heterogeneity and data gaps (specially for mortars). The next step is designing reinforcement system; to date there are scarce regulations for walls reinforcement with FRP: ACI 440 7R-10 includes a protocol without considering the potential benefits provided by anchorage devices and with conservative values for reinforcement efficiency. As noted above, the main problem of FRP masonry walls reinforcement is failure mode. Recently, some authors have performed studies with different anchorage systems, finding that these systems are able to delay or prevent debonding . Studies include the following anchorage systems: Overlap, embedded bars, shear keys, shear restraint and fiber anchors. Chapter 4 briefly describes several experimental works between years 2000 and 2013, concerning different anchorage systems. The main parameters that measure the anchorage efficiency are: failure mode, failure load increase, displacements (in order to evaluate the ductility of the system); all these data points strongly depend on: reinforcement system, FRP fibers, anchorage system, and also on the specific anchorage parameters. Specific anchorage parameters are a function of the anchorage system used. The embedded bar system have design variables which can be identified as: bar diameter and material, surface finish, groove dimensions, and adhesive. In FRP anchorages (spikes) a complete design characterisation should include: type of fiber, manufacturing process, diameter, fan orientation, anchor splay width, anchor longitudinal spacing and number or rows, number or FRP sheet plies, bonded length beyond anchorage devices,...the parameters considered differ from some authors to others, so the comparison of results is quite complicated. Chapter 5 includes the most common tests used in experimental investigations on bond-behaviour and anchorage characterisation: direct shear tests (with variations single-shear and double-shear), pullout tests and bending tests. Each of them may be used according to the data needed. The purpose of this text is to promote further investigation of anchor spikes, accepting that both FRP anchors and embedded bars are the most versatile anchorage systems of FRP reinforcement and considering that to date its efficiency cannot be evaluated as there are too many design uncertainties.
The degradation observed on a 7-kWp Si-x photovoltaic array after 17 years of exposure on the roof of the Solar Energy Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid is presented. The mean peak power degradation has been 9% over this time, or an equivalent to 0.53% per year, whereas peak power standard deviation has remained constant. The main visual defects are backsheet delamination at the polyester/polyvinyl fluoride outer interface and cracks in the terminal boxes and at the joint between the frame and the laminate. Insulation resistance complies well with the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission 61215 tests.
Carbon fiber (CF)-reinforced high-temperature thermoplastics such as poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS) are widely used in structural composites for aerospace and automotive applications. The porosity of CF-reinforced polymers is a very important topic for practical applications since there is a direct correlation between void content and mechanical properties. In this study, inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulphide (IF-WS2) lubricant nanoparticles were used to manufacture PPS/IF-WS2/CF laminates via melt-blending and hot-press processing, and the effect of IF-WS2 loading on the quality, thermal and mechanical behaviour of the hybrid composites was investigated. The addition of IF-WS2 improved fiber impregnation, resulting in lower degree of porosity and increased delamination resistance, compression and flexural properties; their reinforcement effect was greater at temperatures above the glass transition (Tg). IF-WS2 contents higher than 0.5 wt % increased Tg and the heat deflection temperature while reduced the coefficient of thermal expansion. The multiscale laminates exhibited higher ignition point and notably reduced peak heat release rate compared to PPS/CF. The coexistence of micro- and nano-scale fillers resulted in synergistic effects that enhanced the stiffness, strength, thermal conductivity and flame retardancy of the matrix. The results presented herein demonstrate that the IF-WS2 are very promising nanofillers to improve the thermomechanical properties of conventional thermoplastic/CF composites.
3D woven composites reinforced with either S2 glass, carbon or a hybrid combination of both and containing either polyethylene or carbon z-yarns were tested under low-velocity impact. Different impact energies (in the range of 21–316 J) were used and the mechanical response (in terms of the impact strength and energy dissipated) was compared with that measured in high-performance, albeit standard, 2D laminates. It was found that the impact strength in both 2D and 3D materials was mainly dependent on the in-plane fiber fracture. Conversely, the energy absorption capability was primarily influenced by the presence of z-yarns, having the 3D composites dissipated over twice the energy than the 2D laminates, irrespective of their individual characteristics (fiber type, compaction degree, porosity, etc.). X-ray microtomography revealed that this improvement was due to the z-yarns, which delayed delamination and maintained the structural integrity of the laminate, promoting energy dissipation by tow splitting, intensive fiber breakage under the tup and formation of a plug by out-of-plane shear.
Delamination reduces the strenght of the composites, mainly in compression. Several methods exist to overcome this problem, but they are either not feasible for large scale production or too expensive. 3D composites are a promising solution.
Aunque las primeras fábricas de tubos de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio en España datan del año 1984, no es sino hasta el año 1996 cuando se comienza su utilización masiva como un sustituto de las tuberías de fribrocemento, que ya habían sido prohibidas por la legislación, debido a los efectos cancerígenos de este material. Desde entonces se ha prodigado la utilización de todas las diferentes tipologías de esta clase de tubería, de conformidad a los procesos de fabricación empleados que se encuentran recopilados en el AWWA Manual M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design), obteniéndose muy diversos resultados. Durante estos años, ha surgido una creciente preocupación en los usuarios de este tipo de tuberías dadas las continuas y numerosas averías en todo el ámbito geográfico. Esto ha promovido el desarrollo de la presente investigaicón, que se ha dividido en dos partes y que ha concluido con la determinación de un nuevo mecanismo específico de fractura. La primera parte se centró en la obtención y desarrollo del modelo teórico que hemos venido a denominar como "Teoría de la Caja Mecánicamente Contaminada", y que está basado en la contaminación o separación por un impacto de dos de las tres capas que forman la tubería, la capa intermedia de arena y la capa más interna o "inner layer". La consecuencia es la disminución del canto resistente, la rotura del inner layer y la entrada de fluido a la capa de arena. Para la evaluación de la magnitud de esta separación se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico que ha determinado la existencia de una relación cuadrática que la rige, y que ha sido verificado mediante ensayos de impacto sobre probetas de tuberías, alcanzando ajustes de hasta el 92%. Así, se ha determinado que impactos de muy baja intensidad, del entorno de 90 a 160 Julios en tuberías Filament Winding continuo PN 16-20 (de 800 a 1000mm) pueden comprometer seriamente la integridad estructural de la tubería sin dejar, en un principio, muesca o traza alguna que pueda alertar del problema. Los siguientes pasos en el estudio se dirigieron a determinar qué otros mecanismos, aparte del golpe, podrían contaminar la tubería y a estudiar el consiguiente avance de la fractura a las capas externas. Se trataba además de analizar la aparición en el tubo de unas misteriosas manchas en forma de "piel de leopardo" y de otros fenómenos aparecidos en las averías como que algunas de las deformaciones de la rotura por presión interna son hacia el interior del tubo y no al revés, como habría sido de esperar a priori. Se optó entonces por comenzar la que ha constituido la segunda parte de la investigación. Para ello se recurrió a realizar ensayos hidráulicos en banco de pruebas a alta presión, cuyos resultados fueron sorprendentes al descubrir que en el proceso se producía la hidrólisis de la resina de poliéster no catalizada que fluía hacia el exterior del tubo. Como consecuencia se llevaron a cabo nuevos ensayos físicos y químicos para estudiar la migración del material y la hidrólisis producida en el proceso de fractura. En este estudio, resultó muy relevante el hecho de sobrepasar o no la presión que producía el desagarro entre las capas del tubo. En definitiva, en esta investigación, que ha constado de estudios analíticos y estudios experimentales, químicos y numéricos, se ha determinado un nuevo mecanismo de fractura que explica gran parte de los fallos acontecidos en las tuberías de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio. Como aplicación se exponen recomendaciones para mejorar el comportamiento mecánico de esta tipología y evitar así los sobrecostes millonarios producidos por su reposición. Numerous and continuous failures in fiberglass reinforced polyester pipes of different companies and manufacturing processes of the AWWA Manual M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design), have prompted the development of this research, that has concluded with a specific mechanism describing pipe fractures. This research was carried out via two independent studies. The first one is the development of the hypothesis that turned into the Mechanically Contaminated Layer Theory. This theory describes the fracture mchanism which explains a significant part of massive failures due to the existence of a sand layer placed near the neutral axis in the core making the composite very sensitive to impacts in fibreglass reinforced polyester pipes. These failures create interface delamination and consequently fluid can leak into supporting sand backfill thereby iniating the fracture process. In order to assess the delimination magnitude, an analytic method is developed and a squared root law between delamination and energy applied proposed. Vertical blunt ram testts on samples extracted from complete pipes have been carried out to verify this theory, reaching a goodness of fit up to 92%. It is concluded that low energy impacts, around 90-160J in 800-1000mm diameter PN 16-20 continuous filament winding pipes, can seriously compromise their structural integraty with no external trace. The next step in the study was to determine what other mechanism, apart from the brittle hit, could contaminate the pipe and to analyse the consequente advance of the fracture to the external layers. Another aim was to analyse two phenomena occurred in real pipe failures. The first one is the appearance on the tube of "leopard fur" stains on some of the analysed failures, and the other phenomenon is the "inverse fracture", in which the deformations of the failure due to internal pressure are towards the inside of the tube and not the other way round, as it would be expected. It was then chosen to follow a new branch of the investigation by hydraulic high-pressure bench tests that study seepage and load transmission. The results were very surprising as it was discovered that in the process, hydrolysis of the non-catalysed polyester resin occured, flowing towards the outer of the pipe, which entailed the development of chemical and physical tests of the exuded material to study material migration and hydrolysis of the fracture process. In this particular study it was relevant to exceed or not the pressure that produced the rip between the layers of the tube. In conclusion, a new breakage mechanism in FRP pies with sand-filled layer has been found, which explains a high part of the failure global cases. The whole failure process is justified by the Mechanically Contaminated Layer Theory, which has been corroborated by means of analytical, numerical and experimental studies. Several recommendations are also provided in order to improve the mechanical behaviour of this typology and avoid the millionaire overruns generated by its massive failures.
El gran esfuerzo realizado durante la última década con el fin de integrar los diferentes materiales superconductores en el campo de los sistemas eléctricos y en otras aplicaciones tecnológicas ha dado lugar a un campo de investigación amplio y prometedor. El comportamiento eléctrico de los Superconductores de Alta Temperatura (SAT) crítica (masivo y cintas) depende de diferentes parámetros desde su fabricación hasta la aplicación final con imanes o cables. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones prácticas de estos materiales están fuertemente vinculadas con su comportamiento mecánico tanto a temperatura ambiente (manipulación durante fabricación o instalación) como a temperaturas criogénicas (condiciones de servicio). En esta tesis se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico de materiales masivos y cintas de alta temperatura crítica a 300 y 77 K (utilizando nitrógeno líquido). Se han obtenido la resistencia en flexión, la tenacidad de fractura y la resistencia a tracción a la temperatura de servicio y a 300 K. Adicionalmente, se ha medido la dureza mediante el ensayo Vickers y nanoindentación. El módulo Young se midió mediante tres métodos diferentes: 1) nanoindentación, 2) ensayos de flexión en tres puntos y 3) resonancia vibracional mediante grindosonic. Para cada condición de ensayo, se han analizado detalladamente las superficies de fractura y los micromecanismos de fallo. Las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales se han comparado con el fin de entender la influencia de las técnicas de procesado y de las características microestructurales de los monocristales en su comportamiento mecánico. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento electromecánico de cintas comerciales superconductoras de YBCO mediante ensayos de tracción y fatiga a 77 y 300 K. El campo completo de deformaciones en la superficie del material se ha obtenido utilizando Correlación Digital de Imágenes (DIC, por sus siglas en inglés) a 300 K. Además, se realizaron ensayos de fragmentación in situ dentro de un microscopio electrónico con el fin de estudiar la fractura de la capa superconductora y determinar la resistencia a cortante de la intercara entre el substrato y la capa cerámica. Se ha conseguido ver el proceso de la fragmentación aplicando tensión axial y finalmente, se han implementado simulaciones mediante elementos finitos para reproducir la delaminación y el fenómeno de la fragmentación. Por último, se han preparado uniones soldadas entre las capas de cobre de dos cintas superconductoras. Se ha medido la resistencia eléctrica de las uniones con el fin de evaluar el metal de soldadura y el proceso. Asimismo, se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización mecánica de las uniones mediante ensayos "single lap shear" a 300 y 77 K. El efecto del campo magnético se ha estudiado aplicando campo externo hasta 1 T perpendicular o paralelo a la cinta-unión a la temperatura de servicio (77 K). Finalmente, la distribución de tensiones en cada una de las capas de la cinta se estudió mediante simulaciones de elementos finitos, teniendo en cuenta las capas de la cinta mecánicamente más representativas (Cu-Hastelloy-Cu) que influyen en su comportamiento mecánico. The strong effort that has been made in the last years to integrate the different superconducting materials in the field of electrical power systems and other technological applications led to a wide and promising research field. The electrical behavior of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) materials (bulk and coated conductors) depends on different parameters since their processing until their final application as magnets or cables. However, practical applications of such materials are strongly related with their mechanical performance at room temperature (handling) as well as at cryogenic temperatures (service conditions). In this thesis, the mechanical behavior of HTS bulk and coated conductors was investigated at 300 and 77 K (by immersion in liquid nitrogen). The flexural strength, the fracture toughness and the tensile strength were obtained at service temperature as well as at 300 K. Furthermore, their hardness was determined by Vickers measurements and nanoindentation and the Young's modulus was measured by three different techniques: 1) nanoindentation, 2) three-point bending tests and 3) vibrational resonance with a grindosonic device. The fracture and deformation micromechanics have been also carefully analyzed for each testing condition. The comparison between the studied materials has been performed in order to understand the influence of the main sintering methods and the microstructural characteristics of the single grains on the macroscopic mechanical behavior. The electromechanical behavior of commercial YBCO coated conductors was studied. The mechanical behavior of the tapes was studied under tensile and fatigue tests at 77 and 300 K. The complete strain field on the surface of the sample was obtained by applying Digital Image Correlation (DIC) at 300 K. Addionally, in situ fragmentation tests inside a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) were carried out in order to study the fragmentation of the superconducting layer and determine the interfacial shear strength between substrate and ceramic layer. The fragmentation process upon loading of the YBCO layer has been observed and finally, Finite Element Simulations were employed to reproduce delamination and fragmentation phenomena. Finally, joints between the stabilizing Cu sides of two coated conductors have been prepared. The electrical resistivity of the joints was measured for the purpose of qualifying the soldering material and evaluating the soldering process. Additionally, mechanical characterization under single lap shear tests at 300 and 77 K has been carried out. The effect of the applied magnetic field has been studied by applying external magnetic field up to 1 T perpendicular and parallel to the tape-joint at service temperature (77 K). Finally, finite element simulations were employed to study the distribution of the stresses in earch layer, taking into account the three mechanically relevant layers of the coated conductor (Cu-Hastelloy-Cu) that affect its mechanical behavior
The deformation and damage mechanisms of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy laminates deformed in shear were studied by means of X-ray computed tomography. In particular, the evolution of matrix cracking, interply delamination and fiber rotation was ascertained as a function of the applied strain. In order to provide quantitative information, an algorithm was developed to automatically determine the crack density and the fiber orientation from the tomograms. The investigation provided new insights about the complex interaction between the different damage mechanisms (i.e. matrix cracking and interply delamination) as a function of the applied strain, ply thickness and ply location within the laminate as well as quantitative data about the evolution of matrix cracking and fiber rotation during deformation
Nesta Tese foram preparados, em solução, filmes híbridos de argila e poliestireno provenientes de copos descartáveis comercializados no mercado brasileiro, com acetato de etila e glicerol. Posteriormente, foi adicionado o Hemi-hidrato de sulfato de cálcio como carga de reforço. Tanto a argila quanto o glicerol, assim como o hemihidrato de sulfato de cálcio, foram utilizados nos percentuais relativos à massa do poliestireno fragmentado correspondendo a 1%,2%, 3%,4%, 5% e 7%. Dos filmes, nos percentuais 3, 4, 5 e 7, exclui-se o percentual de 4% e os demais foram fragmentados e submetidos a extrusão, com resfriamento natural, à seco, produzindo-se grãos com os quais foi avaliado o índice de fluidez e injetados para a moldagem de corpos de prova rígidos. O desempenho dos corpos rígidos, foi comparado com os resultados do HIPS 484, e o GPPS comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Os filmes foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), além dos testes de resistência à tração, fluorescência de raios X, EDS e FTIR. Amostra do filme, ultrafino, obtido a partir da solução com o percentual de 5% foi observada ao microscópio ótico e no microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, assim como amostras de corpos rígidos microtomizadas. Nos corpos rígidos, além das análises instrumentais citadas, foram avaliadas a resistência à flexão, modulo de flexão, resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto Izod. O desempenho sob chama foi avaliado em amostras de filme e também do corpo rígido. Resultados do DRX, e da MET foram coerentes com a bibliografia para nanocompósitos argila-polímero e, associado às respostas dos demais ensaios, indicaram um material de boa qualidade morfológica e boas propriedades mecânicas comparadas ao HIPS 484 e ao GPPS. Sob a chama o material produzido apresentou maior resistência à queima avaliado pela quantidade aparente de material residual para um mesmo tempo sob fogo. Constatou-se, também, uma boa dispersão das cargas na matriz polimérica, assim como uma adequada interação entre os elementos orgânicos e inorgânicos do material, a delaminação parcial da argila e quebra da estrutura do hemi-hidrato. Isto resultou em um bom desempenho mecânico e térmico do compósito que pode ser atribuído, tanto a uma forte influência dos íons metálicos presentes nas cargas inorgânicas, quanto às adições presentes na formulação dos copos descartáveis.
The use of hydrogen as an energy vector leads to the development of materials with high hydrogen adsorption capacity. In this work, a new layered stannosilicate, UZAR-S3, is synthesized and delaminated, producing UZAR-S4. UZAR-S3, with the empirical formula Na4SnSi5O14·3.5H2O and lamellar morphology, is a layered stannosilicate built from SnO6 and SiO4 polyhedra. The delamination process used here comprises three stages: protonation with acetic acid, swelling with nonylamine and the delamination itself with an HCl/H2O/ethanol solution. UZAR-S4 is composed of sheets a few nanometers thick with a high aspect ratio and a surface area of 236 m2/g, twenty times higher than that of UZAR-S3. At −196 °C for UZAR-S4, H2 adsorption reached remarkable values of 3.7 and 4.2 wt% for 10 and 40 bar, respectively, the latter value giving a high volumetric H2 storage capacity of 26.2 g of H2/L.
H– and Na–saponite supports have been prepared by several synthesis approaches. 5% Cu/saponite catalysts have been prepared and tested for soot combustion in a NOx + O2 + N2 gas flow and with soot and catalyst mixed in loose contact mode. XRD, FT-IR, N2 adsorption and TEM characterization results revealed that the use of either surfactant or microwaves during the synthesis led to delamination of the saponite support, yielding high surface area and small crystallite size materials. The degree of delamination affected further copper oxide dispersion and soot combustion capacity of the Cu/saponite catalysts. All Cu/saponite catalysts were active for soot combustion, and the NO2-assisted mechanism seemed to prevail. The best activity was achieved with copper oxide supported on a Na–saponite prepared at pH 13 and with surfactant. This best activity was attributed to the efficient copper oxide dispersion on the high surface area delaminated saponite (603 m2 g−1) and to the presence of Na. Copper oxide reduction in H2-TPR experiments occurred at lower temperature for the Na-containing catalysts than for the H-containing counterparts, and all Cu/Na–saponite catalysts were more active for soot combustion than the corresponding Cu/H–saponite catalysts.
Exquisite album of calligraphy (muraqqaʻ or murakkaa) with design for a monumental inscription to appear in stone on a commemorative range marker (menzil taşı) of Bilâl Ağa (d.1807?), likely executed by Yesari Mehmed Esad Efendi (d.1798), the great Ottoman master of nastaʻlīq (talik).
Wurtzite GaN epilayers bombarded at 300 K with 200 MeV Au-197(16+) ions are studied by a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Rutherford backscattering/channeling spectrometry (RBS/C). Results reveal the formation of near-continuous tracks propagating throughout the entire similar to1.5-mum-thick GaN film. These tracks, similar to100 Angstrom in diameter, exhibit a large degree of structural disordering but do not appear to be amorphous. Throughout the bombarded epilayer, high-resolution TEM reveals planar defects which are parallel to the basal plane of the GaN film. The gross level of lattice disorder, as measured by RBS/C, gradually increases with increasing ion fluence up to similar to10(13) cm(-2). For larger fluences, delamination of the nitride film from the sapphire substrate occurs. Based on these results, physical mechanisms of the formation of lattice disorder in GaN in such a high electronic stopping power regime are discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Hydrophilic layered silicate/polyurethane nanocomposites were prepared via twin screw extrusion and solvent casting. Good dispersion and delamination was achieved-regardless of processing route, illustrating that the need for optimised processing conditions diminishes when there is a strong driving for de for intercalation between the polymer and organosilicate. Evidence for altered polyurethane microphase morphology in the nanocomposites was provided by DMTA and DSC. WAXD results suggested that the appearance of an additional high temperature melting endotherm in some melt-compounded nanocomposites was not due to the formation of a second crystal polymorph, but rather due to more well-ordered hard microdomains. Solvent casting was found to be the preferred processing route due to the avoidance of polyurethane and surfactant degradation associated with melt processing. While tensile strength and elongation were not improved on organosilicate addition, large increases in stiffness were observed. At a 7 wt% organosilicate loading, a 3.2-fold increase in Young's modulus was achieved by solvent casting. The nanocomposites also displayed higher hysteresis and permanent set. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report a simple but efficient method to prepare stable homogeneous suspensions containing monodispersed MgAl layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanoparticles that have wide promising applications in cellular drug ( gene) delivery, polymer/LDH nanocomposites, and LDH thin films for catalysis, gas separation, sensing, and electrochemical materials. This new method involves a fast coprecipitation followed by controlled hydrothermal treatment under different conditions and produces stable homogeneous LDH suspensions under variable hydrothermal treatment conditions. Moreover, the relationship between the LDH particle size and the hydrothermal treatment conditions ( time, temperature, and concentration) has been systematically investigated, which indicates that the LDH particle size can be precisely controlled between 40 and 300 nm by adjusting these conditions. The reproducibility of making the identical suspensions under identical conditions has been confirmed with a number of experiments. The dispersion of agglomerated LDH aggregates into individual LDH crystallites during the hydrothermal treatment has been further discussed. This method has also been successfully applied to preparing stable homogeneous LDH suspensions containing various other metal ions such as Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Cd2+, and Gd3+ in the hydroxide layers and many inorganic anions such as Cl-, CO32-, NO3-, and SO42-.