963 resultados para Culture, development journalism, Fiji, journalist, Pacific, professional views survey, watchdog


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Along with the recognition of the increasing environmental and social problems stemming from globalization, the need to address these problems and to develop the relevant international framework has strengthened since the 1970s. The scope of this cooperation gradually broadened and eventually it embraced all issues, which were considered to be critical for sustainable development. The summits on sustainability, namely, the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, the “Rio+5” in 1997 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, wished to respond to all unsustainable processes by adopting, reinforcing and expanding a global program. This program is based on a series of important principles and includes various goals and instruments adopted by consensus; however, it also reflects delicate compromises between development related aspirations and environmental barriers, and also between the developed and the developing countries. Actually, there is a serious implementation gap and there are also new challenges. Referring to these problems, the idea of convening an extraordinary summit in 2012 was raised and it was eventually adopted but with a rather narrow mandate and agenda. It turned out that besides the “usual” conflicts between the developed and developing countries e.g. upon the common but differentiated responsibilities or international development financing, there were also diverting views on the green economy and on the ways of institutional strengthening of the international sustainable development and environmental governance. As a consequence, the 2012 Conference concluded with rather modest results.


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Study abroad is a highly encouraged component of the undergrad business program at Bella Lake University, with the large majority of undergraduate students choosing to study and live in a foreign country to expand on their international experiences. Currently, there is no learning structure or learning outcome expectation for students that will participate in the study abroad experience. This project focuses on the development of a course that supports students in the pre-departure phase of their study abroad journey and prepares them to set goals, understand the learning process and the practices of experiential learning to encourage students to achieve both personal and professional goals, and encourage the development of intercultural competence. The discourse surrounding the perceptions and efficacy of the course development is based on a self-assessment survey completed by 121 undergraduate business students that participated in the pre-departure sessions prior to leaving for study abroad in March 2016. The self-assessment results overall showed that the course achieved its aims with the majority of students rating that they were more likely to understand and engage in experiential learning, set goals for their study abroad experience and felt more prepared for study abroad after attending the pre-departure sessions. The project concludes that in order for the pre-departure course to maintain its value, the conversation with students surrounding experiential learning in study abroad needs to continue with further course development focusing on both during and post-study abroad. Further exploration can also be done to find varying ways to motivate different students to engage in the learning potential of study abroad.


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Aim This paper will report findings from the first phase of an evaluation of a new e-health intervention designed to allow mothers to ‘see’ their baby in neonatal care (NNU) when they are not able to be with them. The intervention, MyLittleOne, involves a web-camera being placed over the incubator in NNU, which transmits a real-time video wirelessly to a coupled tablet device at the mother’s bedside. Guided by the MRC Framework for the Development and Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions (MRC, 2008), the aim was to explore parent and professional views of the technology and make recommendations for its future development, use and evaluation. Methods A qualitative approach was adopted, guided by a critical realist perspective (McEvoy and Richards, 2003). The study took place in a Level 3 NNU in Scotland. Participants were recruited purposively and included parents (n = 33) and a range of health professionals working in neonatal and postnatal care (n = 21). The data were collected during semi-structured individual, paired and small group interviews and were analysed thematically using NVivo v10. Results The majority of parents and professionals spoke positively about MyLittleOne. Perceptions were that: use of the technology assisted bonding and responsiveness; it promoted the recovery process following birth; and, for mothers who wished to breast-feed, being able to see their baby on the tablet device encouraged the ‘let-down’ reflex. An additional benefit was that siblings and others who may not be able to visit the NNU were able to see the baby. In contrast, for a small number of mothers, viewing their baby remotely appeared to increase their levels of anxiety. Switching off the camera during a medical procedure and back on after the procedure was completed was found to be problematic, at times and in different ways, for both parents and professionals. Conclusions Findings from this preliminary evaluation will guide future developments of the technology, including its use in family homes following the mother’s discharge. The findings will also inform the design of a feasibility study and subsequent RCT to assess the impact of MyLittleOne on a range of psychological indicators of postnatal adjustment.


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Framed on a wider project on Individual Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD), this project aims to explore Individual Career Management and Development (CMD) as an emergent professional field of HRMD.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar:O relatório de estágio para a qualificação profissional foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada na Educação Pré-Escolar, sendo esta parte integrante do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Todo o trabalho desenvolvido no presente relatório teve como objetivo dar a conhecer, de forma crítica, reflexiva e sustentada, as experiências vividas pela formanda com o grupo de crianças que acompanhou, num total de 210 horas de estágio, iniciado em fevereiro e terminado em junho do presente ano. A prática pedagógica de um educador de infância influencia diretamente o desenvolvimento das crianças, bem como o desenvolvimento do próprio docente, contituindo para o desenvolvimento de competências fundamentais para a sua prática futura. Com vista a uma planificação focada nas necessidades e interesses evidenciados pelo grupo de crianças, o educador deve observar, planear, agir, avaliar, comunicar e articular, levando a cabo, paralelamente, a investigaçãoação como forma de refletir sobre a sua prática e sobre os efeitos da mesma, em si e nas crianças. Tendo por base estes pressupostos, foram observadas necessidades de desenvolvimento, interesses e resultados de aprendizagem, que permitiram a planificação de atividades a realizar, por forma a atingir os objetivos traçados para o desenvolvimento de capacidades nas crianças. Para isso, recorreu-se a estratégias inovadoras e diversificadas, suportadas pelos modelos curriculares High/Scope e Reggio Emilia, e também pela Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto. O trabalho desenvolvido em torno da unidade curricular visa competências como a mobilização de saberes, a adoção de estratégias diferenciadas, a tomada de decisões conscientes e adequadas, o desenvolvimento de projetos de investigação e o desenvolvimento e consolidação de competências socioprofissionais e pessoais. Neste sentido, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento pessoal e para o crescimento profissional da mestranda, através das intervenções realizadas com o grupo de crianças. As diferentes etapas do processo educativo acompanharam afincadamente esta etapa, na medida em que contribuiram para um maior conhecimento da formanda quanto à ação e à planificação. Importa salientar que as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo deste período visaram o desenvolvimento de todas as áreas e domínios de conteúdo, nas crianças, com mais ênfase na área da formação pessoal e social e na área do conhecimento do mundo.


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The development of molecular markers for genomic studies in Mangifera indica (mango) will allow marker-assisted selection and identification of genetically diverse germplasm, greatly aiding mango breeding programs. We report here our identification of thousands of unambiguous molecular markers that can be easily assayed across genotypes of the species. With origin centered in Southeast Asia, mangos are grown throughout the tropics and subtropics as a nutritious fruit that exhibits remarkable intraspecific phenotypic diversity. With the goal of building a high density genetic map, we have undertaken discovery of sequence variation in expressed genes across a broad range of mango cultivars. A transcriptome sequence reference was built de novo from extensive sequencing and assembly of RNA from cultivar 'Tommy Atkins'. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in protein coding transcripts were determined from alignment of RNA reads from 24 mango cultivars of diverse origins: 'Amin Abrahimpur' (India), 'Aroemanis' (Indonesia), 'Burma' (Burma), 'CAC' (Hawaii), 'Duncan' (Florida), 'Edward' (Florida), 'Everbearing' (Florida), 'Gary' (Florida), 'Hodson' (Florida), 'Itamaraca' (Brazil), 'Jakarata' (Florida), 'Long' (Jamaica), 'M. Casturi Purple' (Borneo), 'Malindi' (Kenya), 'Mulgoba' (India), 'Neelum' (India), 'Peach' (unknown), 'Prieto' (Cuba), 'Sandersha' (India), 'Tete Nene' (Puerto Rico), 'Thai Everbearing' (Thailand), 'Toledo' (Cuba), 'Tommy Atkins' (Florida) and 'Turpentine' (West Indies). SNPs in a selected subset of protein coding transcripts are currently being converted into Fluidigm assays for genotyping of mapping populations and germplasm collections. Using an alternate approach, SNPs (144) discovered by sequencing of candidate genes in 'Kensington Pride' have already been converted and used for genotyping.


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Nos últimos anos, um conjunto de mudanças de natureza tecnológica institucional, legal e cultural alteraram as funções, a responsabilidade social e a estrutura das organizações de saúde. Estas transformações estão na base do debate actual sobre supervisão clínica em enfermagem enquanto estratégia de promoção da satisfação profissional, segurança e qualidade dos cuidados. A emergência da supervisão clínica em enfermagem permitiu interrogar e dar visibilidade a novas modalidades de formação no contexto de trabalho. A supervisão clínica é um processo multidimensional que inclui encontros regulares entre supervisores e supervisados, com o objectivo de analisar experiências de trabalho e de formação. Dedica-se especial atenção às dimensões emocionais, qualidade de cuidados, relação terapêutica e desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. A presente pesquisa assume a forma de um estudo de caso realizado num hospital psiquiátrico (Hospital Magalhães Lemos). O objectivo principal do estudo consistiu em compreender o processo amplo e complexo de aprendizagens desenvolvidas em contexto clínico e a forma como estas condicionam as estratégias supervisivas. Recorrendo ao modelo bioecológico de Bronfenbrenner, o estudo interroga de forma sistemática a origem e as relações entre formação e supervisão. Os participantes do estudo foram 18 enfermeiros do referido hospital. Contamos, igualmente, com a colaboração de três peritos com profundo conhecimento da cultura e realidade hospitalar. A informação foi colhida com base em questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. O questionário (Clinical Supervision Nursing Inventory – CSNI - V1) inclui três partes. A parte I e II foram relevantes para caracterizar os participantes e o contexto clínico. A parte III do instrumento inclui um inventário com 24 itens. O Alfa de Cronbach calculado pelo autor foi de 0,93 para os 24 itens da escala, indicando excelentes resultados psicométricos. A entrevista semi-estruturada foi usada para a recolha de dados junto dos três peritos. Os enfermeiros possuem uma atitude positiva perante a supervisão clínica. O desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos enfermeiros estava relacionado com as oportunidades de formação emergentes no contexto das práticas. Embora a expressão “supervisão clínica” seja por vezes utilizada de forma incorrecta nas organizações, concluímos que existiam no hospital boas práticas a nível da supervisão dos cuidados, relacionando desenvolvimento pessoal, qualidade de cuidados e competências profissionais. Tentámos problematizar as experiências supervisivas partindo de teorias sócio-culturais e bio-ecológicas. Os participantes do estudo referiram que há necessidade de formalizar o sistema de supervisão clínica em enfermagem, evitando relacionálo com o sistema de supervisão de gestão. São apresentados e discutidos diversos subsídios para o desenvolvimento do sistema de supervisão clínica em enfermagem, no hospital.


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Screening Diversity: Women and Work in Twenty-first Century Popular Culture explores contemporary representations of diverse professional women on screen. Audiences are offered successful women with limited concerns for feminism, anti-racism, or economic justice. I introduce the term viewsers to describe a group of movie and television viewers in the context of the online review platform Internet Movie Database (IMDb) and the social media platforms Twitter and Facebook. Screening Diversity follows their engagement in a representative sample of professional women on film and television produced between 2007 and 2015. The sample includes the television shows, Scandal, Homeland, VEEP, Parks and Recreation, and The Good Wife, as well as the movies, Zero Dark Thirty, The Proposal, The Heat, The Other Woman, I Don’t Know How She Does It, and Temptation. Viewsers appreciated female characters like Olivia (Scandal), and Maya (Zero Dark Thiry) who treated their work as a quasi-religious moral imperative. Producers and viewsers shared the belief that unlimited time commitment and personal identification were vital components of professionalism. However, powerful women, like The Proposal’s Margaret and VEEP’s Selina, were often called bitches. Some viewsers embraced bitch-positive politics in recognition of the struggles of women in power. Women’s disproportionate responsibility for reproductive labor, often compromises their ability to live up to moral standards of work. Unlike producers, viewsers celebrated and valued that labor. However, texts that included serious consideration of women as workers were frequently labelled chick flicks or soap operas. The label suggested that women’s labor issues were not important enough that they could be a topic of quality television or prestigious film, which bolstered the idea that workplace equality for women is not a problem in which the general public is implicated. Emerging discussions of racial injustice on television offered hope that these formations are beginning to shift.


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Purpose: To develop liposome formulations containing monoclonal antibody anti-HER2 (MabHer2), and Paclitaxel (PTX). Methods: Seven different liposomal systems containing PTX, or MabHer2 or a combination of PTX and MabHer2 were made using lipid film hydration technique and sonication. The effects of liposome preparation conditions and extraction methods on antibody structure were investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The characteristics of the liposomes were determined by a zetasizer, while drug-loading efficiency was evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The cytotoxic effect of the liposome formulations was evaluated on MDA-MB-453 (HER2+) and MCF-7 (HER2-) breast cancer cell lines by MTT assay. Results: The antibody was not significantly affected by the stress conditions and the method of extraction. The particle size of liposomes was < 200 nm while the amount of incorporated PTX was 97.6 % for liposome without cationic agent and 98.2 % for those with cationic agent. Recovery of MabHer2 was 94.38 % after extraction. Combined PTX/MabHer2 liposome was more toxic on HER2 overexpressing positive MDA-MB-453 cell line than PTX-loaded liposomes and MabHer2. MabHer2 and combined PTX/MabHer2 liposomes showed no toxic effects on HER2 overexpressing negative MCF-7 cells relative to cationic PTX-loaded liposomes. Conclusions: This results obtained show that PTX can be encapsulated successfully into liposoma systems and that owing to Her2 specific antibody, these systems can be delivered directly to the target cell.


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Objective To provide a brief historical overview of the achievement of key milestones in the development of mechanisms for operationalising professional nursing ethics in Australia; examples of such milestones include: the publication of the first Australian text on nursing ethics (1989), the provision of the first Australian national distance education course on nursing ethics for registered nurses (1990), the adoption of the first code of ethics for Australian nurses (1993), and the commissioning of the first regular column on nursing ethics by the Australian Nurses Journal (2008).

Setting Australian nursing ethics.

Primary argument
An historical perspective on the achievement of key milestones in the development of mechanisms for operationalising professional nursing ethics in Australia has been poorly documented. As a consequence an authentic ‘Australian voice’ is missing in global discourses on the history and development of nursing ethics as a field of inquiry. Compared with other countries, the achievement of key milestones pertinent to the operationalisation of nursing ethics in Australia has been relatively slow. Even so, over the past three decades an Australian perspective on nursing ethics has gained a notable voice in the international arena with Australian nursing scholars now making a significant contribution to the field.

Conclusion Nursing ethics in Australia remains a ‘work in progress’. Although significant achievements have been made in the last three decades, the ongoing development of mechanisms for advancing nursing ethics in Australia would benefit from the development and implementation of a strategic agenda of collaborative, internationally comparative, cross disciplinary scholarship, research and critique.


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This paper reports on part of a study which was aimed at assessing the views of leading researchers, theorists or clinicians working in the field of bereavement on key issues including, as reported here, concepts of different forms of grief as well as favoured theoretical orientations. Of a range of conceptual models the most favoured, by a large margin, were attachment theory and the psychodynamic model. The views of the “experts’ were canvassed with respect to the use of seven selected terms used to denote some variant of the grieving process. There was, on the part of the respondents, reasonable support for the syndromes of “delayed’, “chronic’, “anticipatory’ and “absent’ grief. “Inhibited’ and “unresolved’ grief tended to be described using one of the four terms already supported, while the use of the term “distorted grief’ attracted little support.


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Rapidly changing economic, social, and environmental conditions have created a need for urban and regional planning practitioners who are resilient, innovative, and able to cope with the increasingly complex and cosmopolitan nature of major metropolitan areas. This need should be reflected in planning education that allows students to experience a diverse range of approaches to problems and challenges, and that exposes students to the diverse array of perspectives on planning issues. This paper investigates the outcomes of a collaborative regional planning exercise organised jointly by planning academics from both Queensland University of Technology and the International Islamic University of Malaysia, and involving planning students from both universities. The regional planning exercise consisted of a regional appraisal and report topics of the area under investigation, Klang Valley – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It culminated with the presentation of regional development strategies for the area, with a field trip to Malaysia being the cornerstone of the project. The collaborative exercise involved a series of workshops and seminars organised locally, in which both Australian and Malaysian planning students participated, as well as meetings with local and federal planning officials, and also a forum for Young Planners of Australian and Malaysian Planning Institutes. The experience attempted to bridge the teaching of theoretical concepts of regional planning and development and the regional, more professional knowledge of planning practice, as it relates to specific political, institutional and cultural contexts. A survey of participating students, from both Queensland University of Technology and the International Islamic University of Malaysia, highlights the benefits of such project in terms of leaning experience and exposure to different cultural contexts.


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The impact of the Internet on our lives has been pervasive. People are increasingly turning to the social interaction available on the Internet to satisfy their needs, whether these are professional or personal. The Internet offers users fast access to social contacts such as online chat groups and discussion lists helping us to make connections with others. Online communities are being increasingly used by teachers for professional support, guidance and inspiration. They present as a source of continuous professional development for teachers as they are able to deliver authentic and personalised opportunities for learning. This book will present the findings of a study that was conducted on three online communities for teachers. It will explore the nature of online community membership and offer some conclusions regarding their potential as a source of professional learning for teachers.


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Aims and objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore the social construction of cultural issues in palliative care amongst oncology nurses. ---------- Background: Australia is a nation composed of people from different cultural origins with diverse linguistic, spiritual, religious and social backgrounds. The challenge of working with an increasingly culturally diverse population is a common theme expressed by many healthcare professionals from a variety of countries. ---------- Design: Grounded theory was used to investigate the processes by which nurses provide nursing care to cancer patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. ---------- Methods: Semi-structured interviews with seven Australian oncology nurses provided the data for the study; the data was analysed using grounded theory data analysis techniques. ---------- Results: The core category emerging from the study was that of accommodating cultural needs. This paper focuses on describing the series of subcategories that were identified as factors which could influence the process by which nurses would accommodate cultural needs. These factors included nurses' views and understandings of culture and cultural mores, their philosophy of cultural care, nurses' previous experiences with people from other cultures and organisational approaches to culture and cultural care. ---------- Conclusions: This study demonstrated that previous experiences with people from other cultures and organisational approaches to culture and cultural care often influenced nurses' views and understandings of culture and cultural mores and their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours in providing cultural care. ---------- Relevance to clinical practice: It is imperative to appreciate how nurses' experiences with people from other cultures can be recognised and built upon or, if necessary, challenged. Furthermore, nurses' cultural competence and experiences with people from other cultures need to be further investigated in clinical practice.


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The professional doctorate is a degree that is specifically designed for professionals investigating real-world problems and relevant issues for a profession, industry and/or the community. The exploratory study on which this paper is based sought to track the scholarly skill development of a cohort of professional doctoral students who commenced their course in January 2008 at an Australian university. Via an initial survey and two focus groups held six months apart, the study aimed to determine if there had been any qualitative shifts in students’ understandings, expectations and perceptions regarding their developing knowledge and skills. Three key findings that emerged from this study were: (i) the appropriateness of using a blended learning approach in this professional doctoral program; (ii) the challenges of using wikis as an online technology for creating communities of practice; and (iii) the transition from professional to scholar is a process that requires the guided support inherent in the design of this particular doctorate of education program.