870 resultados para Cuidadores Leigos
Este estudo explorou o conhecimento de cuidadoras sobre o desenvolvimento de crianças em acolhimento institucional com um instrumento de triagem. Participaram deste estudo quatro crianças na faixa etária de 5 anos de idade e as cuidadoras responsáveis. O instrumento utilizado foi o Ages and Stages Questionnaires, que contém 21 questionários que envolvem seis áreas de desenvolvimento. Os resultados revelaram que a comunicação foi uma das áreas pouco pontuadas pelas crianças. Suas principais dificuldades estão em verbalizar e se concentrar nas tarefas propostas. A área da coordenação motora ampla, que envolve, entre outras coisas, o correr e pular, incentivada pelo próprio ambiente da instituição, foi considerada dentro das expectativas para o desenvolvimento e recebeu pontuação máxima de acordo com o ASQ-3. As cuidadoras como pessoas de referência para as crianças, foram essenciais para aplicação do ASQ-3, que se mostrou sensível na identificação dos problemas do desenvolvimento.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the levels of functional dependence of elderly living in the community, the burden related to care and the perception of quality of life in familiar caregivers. METHODS: This is an observational, descriptive and analytical study, using non probabilistic sampling selected by convenience in the period from December 2008 to May 2009, in the urban area of Curitiba and Colombo, state of Paraná, Brazil. Interviews were applied to caregivers, using demographic inquiry, functional evaluation of the aged, burden interview (Zarit-Burden-Interview) and quality of life instrument (WHOQOL-Bref). Spearman, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis coefficients were used to analyze the correlations between instruments and socio-demographic variables. Bivariate analyses identified which variables correlate with burden, and the most significant were included in a multiple linear regression. RESULTS: Forty-five caregivers were interviewed, mostly women (91.11%) with high educational level attending dependent elderly (66.77%). Moderate/severe burden was perceived in 75.55% of the sample. We found correlation between dependence, more severe burden in caregivers (r=-0.281, p=0.013) and worse perception of quality of life. The multiple linear regression identified strong association between burden related to care and psychological domain from WHOQOL-bref and time as caregiver (R²=0.58, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In a sample of familiar caregivers, we identified correlations between lower burden related to care and better quality of life perceptions, as well as higher disability and less satisfactory quality of life perceptions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study aimed to identify the presence of indicators of stress, levels of stress and overload with the formal and informal caregivers of cancer patients. Participated in the survey 33 caregivers of cancer patients in total, 16 formal and 17 informal. To collect data, we used: 1) Roadmap for characterization of participants; 2) Inventory of Stress Symptoms Lipp - ISSL and 3) Protocol Zarit Burden Interview - ZBT. The results revealed that 43 % of informal carers were in the resistance phase, 29 % in the burnout stage, 14 % at the stage of exhaustion and almost 14 % in the alert phase. Formal caregivers 25 % are in the exhaustion phase and 75 % in the resistance. The overload has also performed on a larger scale in informal than formal caregivers, 47 % to 18,7 % charge respectively. However, the results revealed no statistically significant difference between groups for the incidence of stress but indicated a difference against overloading pointing out that professional caregivers in the incidence is lower. The results suggest the need to implement support for informal and formal caregivers programs, develop coping strategies, handling the situations of overload and stress, aiming to better quality of life for the caregiver, and consequently for the patient who is receiving care.
Com a reforma psiquiátrica o modelo de atenção à saúde mental sofreu transformações, retirando a centralização do poder do hospital psiquiátrico por meio da implantação de programas e serviços substitutivos de atenção e cuidado aos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico, sendo que uma das principais estratégias adotadas é a consolidação dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. O retorno do sujeito ao convívio familiar após longos anos de internação coloca em questão a dificuldade do convívio social e familiar, assim como a retomada dos cuidados da família em relação a este. Assumir os cuidados de um paciente psiquiátrico pode gerar sobrecarga e muitas vezes, significa renunciar às próprias necessidades, projetos e desejos, colocando os do paciente/familiar em primeiro plano. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar a presença de indicadores de sobrecarga em cuidadores informais de pessoas com transtornos mentais atendidas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial - CAPS de um município do interior de São Paulo. Participaram da presente pesquisa 37 cuidadores informais de pessoas com transtornos mentais. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos: um roteiro de entrevista para caracterização da amostra e o protocolo ZaritBurden Interview (ZBT) para avaliar a presença de indicadores de sobrecarga. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com os escores atribuídos no manual de aplicação da escala padronizada. Os resultados obtidos revelam o predomínio da sobrecarga moderada e modera da severa (78%), indicando a necessidade de intervenção junto aos cuidadores no sentido de desenvolver estratégias que favoreçam o cuidado e ao mesmo tempo preservem sua saúde.
Currently , as a result of the significant increase in the number of elderly, one can observe an increase in the number of chronic diseases , among them Alzheimer's disease (AD) , which affects both patients and their caregivers , that due care with the patient , just overwhelmed , anxious and depressed. Therefore, this study aims to draw a profile of caregivers of Alzheimer's patients, correlating the physical activity of patients with levels of overload, anxiety, depression caregivers. For both sample consisted of 40 patients with AD to characterize the physical activity levels and perform activities of daily living. In addition, we evaluated 40 caregivers. Patient assessment was made through a medical history, beyond the score Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), Mini - Mental State Examination (MMSE), Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults (MBQ) , Functional Activities Questionnaire PFEFFER (QAFP) , and the Self Perception Performance in Activities of Daily Living (EAPAVD). For assessing the caregiver was also used an interview, then the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), anxiety and depression scale (HAD) Scale and the Zarit caregiver burden (Zarit). The data were processed using descriptive procedures for the analysis of characterization of samples, such as cognitive screening and physical activity level and profile of caregivers. There was a normal distribution of the data using the Shapiro Wilk, For data with normal distribution were used parametric descriptive procedures using One Way ANOVA to compare groups and applying a post hoc Bonferroni. As for the data that showed the destruction not normal was used to standardize the test by Z -score , and then treated by means of parametric statistical procedures , as presented earlier . The Pearson correlation was used to identify possible associations between variables. It was assumed significance level of 5 % (p ≤ 0.05) for all analyzes. Given these results, we conclude that...
The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is a chronic, neurodegenerative and progressive disorder, characterized by cognitive decline, affecting brain functions like memory, reasoning and communication, occurrence of behavioral disturbances and difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADLs). These conditions lead to patient’s dependence, which can cause depressive symptoms in caregivers, due to physical and mental burden caused by of the difficulties of the act of caring. Whereupon, it became necessary to find strategies to improve the caregivers’ quality of life. An interesting hypothesis is that physical activity can be considered a non-pharmacological alternative in reducing depressive symptoms, being an important factor for maintaining the physical and mental well-being of the general population, especially on positive changes in mood and social interaction. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a physical activity protocol on depressive symptoms and burden of caregivers of patients with AD. This experimental study, of longitudinal character, comprised a sample of 19 caregivers, of both genders, divided into two groups: a) intervention group – IG (10 caregivers who participated in a physical activity protocol) and b) control group – CG (9 caregivers who didn’t participate in the physical activity protocol). This protocol, which worked the components of functional ability and social interaction of participants, was held three times a week, being 48 sessions of 60 minutes each, for 16 weeks. Data collect was performed at pre and post-intervention for both groups. The assessment instruments used were: a) Zarit Burden Interview, b) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and c) battery of motor tests of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). Nonparametric statistics was used, with intra-group comparison by Wilcoxon test... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Beside aging process comes the incidence of dementia and, among them Alzheimer's disease (AD) accounts for approximately 60% of cases. This disease is characterized as a neuropathology with unknown etiology that causes cognitive deficits and behavioral disorders. Caring for patients with AD can cause an overload, both physical and psychological, which can cause high levels of stress on the primary caregiver. It is necessary that the caregiver also receives attention and develop activities that promote health benefits, while providing moments of distraction from the task of caring. Nonpharmacological interventions may be favorable for improving health with consequent decreased on the levels of stress. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of scientific papers that aimed to verify the effect of nonpharmacological interventions on stress levels in caregivers of patients with AD. To contamplate this goal was accomplished a systematic search in the following databases: Biological Abstracts, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, LILACS and SciELO. The following keywords and Boolean operators was used: “caregivers” OR “family” and “nonpharmacological interventions” OR “support groups” OR “therapies” AND “Alzheimer's disease” OR “Alzheimer's dementia” OR “Alzheimer” OR “elderly” AND “stress”. There were found 3studies that met inclusion criteria adopted for the present work, and none showed significant results for the variable stress. It is not possible to affirm, according to the studies, that nonpharmacologial interventions programs for caregivers of patients with AD are effective to influence and to control the stress. However, studies show benefits for other variables such as self-efficacy and confidence in relation to care... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: The responsibility of giving care to patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may result in health changes in the older caregiver. It is important to explore the factors which influence the presence of care burden and to create strategies to face this condition. In this context, the aims of present study were to investigate the relationships between psychoneuroimmunological parameters and determine the predictors to burden in older caregivers of patients with AD. Material and methods: A total of 30 AD older caregivers participating in the «Cognitive and Functional Kinesiotherapy Program in Elderly with Alzheimer’s disease«(PRO-CDA)», de Rio Claro, SP-Brazil, were submitted to an assessment protocol to evaluate the psychoneuroimmunological parameters. A descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regressions were performed.
Aim: compare the evaluation of orthodontics and lay people on facial attractiveness of pattern II and III subjects. Methodology: thirty orthodontists and 30 laymen judged a profile facial photos of 64 subjects standard II and III (34 standard II e 30 standard III), making as visual analogical scale (VAS) with 10 cm. Results: after evaluation, the results were submitted to a statistics analysis (Mann- Whitney test) showed that the groups of evaluators orthodontists and lay people differed in their assessments, and these differences are statistically significant. Conclusions: the laymen was more rigorous than orthodontics, and both considered the female pattern III more agradable.