142 resultados para Crucible


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A series of aluminum alloys containing additions of scandium, zirconium, and ytterbium were cast to evaluate the effect of partial ytterbium substitution for scandium on tensile behavior. Due to the high price of scandium, a crucible-melt interaction study was performed to ensure no scandium was lost in graphite, alumina, magnesia, or zirconia crucibles after holding a liquid Al-Sc master alloy for 8 hours at 900 °C in an argon atmosphere. The alloys were subjected to an isochronal aging treatment and tested for conductivity and Vickers microhardness after each increment. For scandium-containing alloys, peak hardnesses of 520-790 MPa, and peak tensile stresses of 138-234 MPa were observed after aging from 150-350 °C for 3 hours in increments of 50 °C, and for alloys without scandium, peak hardnesses of 217-335 MPa and peak tensile stresses of 45-63 MPa were observed after a 3 hour, 150 °C aging treatment. The hardness and tensile strength of the ytterbium containing alloy was found to be lower than in the alloy with no ytterbium substitution.


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Partiendo de la idea constructivista de la interacción social en situación, el primer apunte es la relación entre la formación de grupo, de comunidad, en el equipo de fútbol. Se sigue el argumento hacia la relación de este fenómeno con la vida comunitaria del espectador. La perspectiva de observación cierra el círculo con la relación inversa, la soledad del espectador del fútbol por televisión y la espectacularización del juego en la cancha. Dos matrices de vida encontradas y en relación dialéctica. ¿Cuántos escenarios de construcción de vida social derivan de este encuentro? ¿Cuántas formas de vida se configuran en este crisol construccionista del mundo? ¿Cuáles son las variantes de los tipos básicos de configuración de construcción de vida social a partir del fenómeno del fútbol? El texto se completa con algunos apuntes sobre los elementos constructivistas a observar en la vivencia del espacio-tiempo situacional de la vida social asociada al fútbol


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Partiendo de la idea constructivista de la interacción social en situación, el primer apunte es la relación entre la formación de grupo, de comunidad, en el equipo de fútbol. Se sigue el argumento hacia la relación de este fenómeno con la vida comunitaria del espectador. La perspectiva de observación cierra el círculo con la relación inversa, la soledad del espectador del fútbol por televisión y la espectacularización del juego en la cancha. Dos matrices de vida encontradas y en relación dialéctica. ¿Cuántos escenarios de construcción de vida social derivan de este encuentro? ¿Cuántas formas de vida se configuran en este crisol construccionista del mundo? ¿Cuáles son las variantes de los tipos básicos de configuración de construcción de vida social a partir del fenómeno del fútbol? El texto se completa con algunos apuntes sobre los elementos constructivistas a observar en la vivencia del espacio-tiempo situacional de la vida social asociada al fútbol


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Partiendo de la idea constructivista de la interacción social en situación, el primer apunte es la relación entre la formación de grupo, de comunidad, en el equipo de fútbol. Se sigue el argumento hacia la relación de este fenómeno con la vida comunitaria del espectador. La perspectiva de observación cierra el círculo con la relación inversa, la soledad del espectador del fútbol por televisión y la espectacularización del juego en la cancha. Dos matrices de vida encontradas y en relación dialéctica. ¿Cuántos escenarios de construcción de vida social derivan de este encuentro? ¿Cuántas formas de vida se configuran en este crisol construccionista del mundo? ¿Cuáles son las variantes de los tipos básicos de configuración de construcción de vida social a partir del fenómeno del fútbol? El texto se completa con algunos apuntes sobre los elementos constructivistas a observar en la vivencia del espacio-tiempo situacional de la vida social asociada al fútbol


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Results are presented of application of laser stepwise photoionization of atoms in combination with thermal atomization of matter in vacuum for direct determination of aluminum dissolved in sea and interstitial waters. Dry residue from evaporation of 40 ?l sea water was atomized in a crucible at 1800°C, and aluminum atoms in the beam thus formed were energized into Rydberg state in two steps by two tunable dye laser beams; the atoms were then ionized by an electric pulse and resulting ions were recorded by secondary emission electron multiplier (ion detector). Ionic signal dependence on sample vaporization time was studied. The procedure is suggested for separating out a selective signal in a single measurement. Dissolved aluminum concentrations in interstitial waters of the Indian Ocean and in waters of the river-sea zone were determined using preliminarily plotted calibration characteristics for aluminum solutions in deionized and sea waters. The minimum detectable Al concentration in seawater was 1 ?g/l that corresponds to 40 pg of Al in a sample.


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Issued in the interests of Dixon's graphite productions.


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The consumable electrode arc melting of cold-compacted thorium powder has been developed to produce dense, clean and soft ingots which can be hot rolled without cracking. By using a water-cooled copper crucible, contamination has been prevented and resultant ingots cleaner than the original powder have been produced.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The instant need ; and the ultimate need -- Must we be brayed in a mortar before our folly depart from us? -- The children of the crucible -- Washington and Lincoln -- A square deal in law enforcement -- Industrial justice ; the tool-owner and the tool-user -- Social justice ; the brotherly court of Philadelphia -- Socialism versus social reform -- The farmer ; the corner-stone of civilization -- The word of Micah ; the religion of service -- The parasite woman ; the only indispensable citizen -- Birth reform ; from the positive, not the negative side -- Appendix A. Why we are at war ; the German horror -- Appendix B. Fair play for all Americans -- Appendix C. Murder is not debatable -- Appendix D. The "conscientious objector." -- Appendix E. The Hun within our gates -- Appendix F. Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time -- Appendix G. Correspondence with the President and the secretary of war.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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To capitalise on the strengthening potential of zirconium as a potent grain refiner for magnesium alloys, the mechanisms of adding zirconium to magnesium and its subsequent grain refining action need to be understood. Using a Mg-33.3Zr master alloy (Zirmax supplied by Magnesium Elektron Ltd) as a zirconium alloying additive, the influence of different alloying conditions on the dissolution of zirconium in magnesium was investigated. It was found that owing to the highly alloyable microstructure of Zirmax, the dissolution of zirconium was generally complete within a few minutes in the temperature range 730 to 780degreesC. Prolonging and/or intensifying stirring were found to have no conspicuous influence on further enhancing the dissolution of zirconium. In all cases studied, the average grain size increased with increasing holding time at temperature while the total zirconium content decreased. The finest grain structure and highest total zirconium content corresponded to sampling immediately after stirring. Pick up of iron by molten magnesium from the mild steel crucibles used for melting and holding, was significantly delayed or avoided in the temperature range 730 to 780degreesC by coating the crucibles with boron nitride. It is therefore feasible to conduct zirconium alloying at 730degreesC without the need of a considerable excess of Zirmax addition using a properly coated or lined steel crucible.


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Several pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli exploit type III secretion to inject effector proteins into human cells, which then subvert eukaryotic cell biology to the bacterium's advantage. We have exploited bioinformatics and experimental approaches to establish that the effector repertoire in the Sakai strain of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7 is much larger than previously thought. Homology searches led to the identification of > 60 putative effector genes. Thirteen of these were judged to be likely pseudogenes, whereas 49 were judged to be potentially functional. In total, 39 proteins were confirmed experimentally as effectors: 31 through proteomics and 28 through translocation assays. At the protein level, the EHEC effector sequences fall into > 20 families. The largest family, the NleG family, contains 14 members in the Sakai strain alone. EHEC also harbors functional homologs of effectors from plant pathogens (HopPtoH, HopW, AvrA) and from Shigella (OspD, OspE, OspG), and two additional members of the Map/IpgB family. Genes encoding proven or predicted effectors occur in > 20 exchangeable effector loci scattered throughout the chromosome. Crucially, the majority of functional effector genes are encoded by nine exchangeable effector loci that lie within lambdoid prophages. Thus, type III secretion in E. coli is linked to a vast phage metagenome, acting as a crucible for the evolution of pathogenicity.


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The deoxidation of steel with complex deoxidisers was studied at 1550°C and compared with silicon, aluminium and silicon/aluminium alloys as standards. The deoxidation alloy systems, Ca/Si/Al, Mg/Si/Al and Mn/Si/Al, were chosen for the low liquidus temperatures of many of their oxide mixtures and the potential deoxidising power of their constituent elements. Product separation rates and compositional relationships following deoxidation were examined. Silicon/aluminium alloy deoxidation resulted in the product compositions and residual oxygen contents expected from equilibrium and stoichiometric considerations, but with the Ca/Si/Al and Mg/Si/Al alloys the volatility of calcium and magnesium prevented them participating in the final solute equilibrium, despite their reported solubility in liquid iron. Electron-probe microanalysis of the products showed various concentrations of lime and magnesia, possibly resulting from reaction between the metal vapours and dissolved oxygen.The consequent reduction of silica activity in the products due to the presence of CaO and hgO produced an indirect effect of calcium and magnesium on the residual oxygen content. Product separation rates, indicated by vacuum fusion analyses, were not significantly influenced by calcium and magnesium but the rapid separation of products having a high Al2O3Si02 ratio was confirmed. Manganese participated in deoxidation, when present either as an alloying element in the steel or as a deoxidation alloy constituent. The compositions of initial oxide products were related to deoxidation alloy compositions. Separated products which were not alumina saturated, dissolved crucible material to achieve saturation. The melt equilibrated with this slag and crucible by diffusion to determine the residual oxygen content. MnO and SiO2 activities were calculated, and the approximate values of MnO deduced for the compositions obtained. Separation rates were greater for products of high interfacial tension. The rates calculated from a model based on Stoke's Law, showed qualitative agreement with experimental data when corrected for coalescence effects.


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The kinetic parameters of the pyrolysis of miscanthus and its acid hydrolysis residue (AHR) were determined using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The AHR was produced at the University of Limerick by treating miscanthus with 5 wt.% sulphuric acid at 175 °C as representative of a lignocellulosic acid hydrolysis product. For the TGA experiments, 3 to 6 g of sample, milled and sieved to a particle size below 250 μm, were placed in the TGA ceramic crucible. The experiments were carried out under non-isothermal conditions heating the samples from 50 to 900 °C at heating rates of 2.5, 5, 10, 17 and 25 °C/min. The activation energy (EA) of the decomposition process was determined from the TGA data by differential analysis (Friedman) and three isoconversional methods of integral analysis (Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose, Ozawa–Flynn–Wall, Vyazovkin). The activation energy ranged from 129 to 156 kJ/mol for miscanthus and from 200 to 376 kJ/mol for AHR increasing with increasing conversion. The reaction model was selected using the non-linear least squares method and the pre-exponential factor was calculated from the Arrhenius approximation. The results showed that the best fitting reaction model was the third order reaction for both feedstocks. The pre-exponential factor was in the range of 5.6 × 1010 to 3.9 × 10+ 13 min− 1 for miscanthus and 2.1 × 1016 to 7.7 × 1025 min− 1 for AHR.


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In 1972 the ionized cluster beam (ICB) deposition technique was introduced as a new method for thin film deposition. At that time the use of clusters was postulated to be able to enhance film nucleation and adatom surface mobility, resulting in high quality films. Although a few researchers reported singly ionized clusters containing 10$\sp2$-10$\sp3$ atoms, others were unable to repeat their work. The consensus now is that film effects in the early investigations were due to self-ion bombardment rather than clusters. Subsequently in recent work (early 1992) synthesis of large clusters of zinc without the use of a carrier gas was demonstrated by Gspann and repeated in our laboratory. Clusters resulted from very significant changes in two source parameters. Crucible pressure was increased from the earlier 2 Torr to several thousand Torr and a converging-diverging nozzle 18 mm long and 0.4 mm in diameter at the throat was used in place of the 1 mm x 1 mm nozzle used in the early work. While this is practical for zinc and other high vapor pressure materials it remains impractical for many materials of industrial interest such as gold, silver, and aluminum. The work presented here describes results using gold and silver at pressures of around 1 and 50 Torr in order to study the effect of the pressure and nozzle shape. Significant numbers of large clusters were not detected. Deposited films were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) for roughness analysis, and X-ray diffraction.^ Nanometer size islands of zinc deposited on flat silicon substrates by ICB were also studied by atomic force microscopy and the number of atoms/cm$\sp2$ was calculated and compared to data from Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). To improve the agreement between data from AFM and RBS, convolution and deconvolution algorithms were implemented to study and simulate the interaction between tip and sample in atomic force microscopy. The deconvolution algorithm takes into account the physical volume occupied by the tip resulting in an image that is a more accurate representation of the surface.^ One method increasingly used to study the deposited films both during the growth process and following, is ellipsometry. Ellipsometry is a surface analytical technique used to determine the optical properties and thickness of thin films. In situ measurements can be made through the windows of a deposition chamber. A method for determining the optical properties of a film, that is sensitive only to the growing film and accommodates underlying interfacial layers, multiple unknown underlayers, and other unknown substrates was developed. This method is carried out by making an initial ellipsometry measurement well past the real interface and by defining a virtual interface in the vicinity of this measurement. ^