866 resultados para Crowd Sourcing and Funding


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These proceedings on ‘Achievements and Prospects of tef Improvement’ is the outcome of the Second International Tef Workshop held at Debre Zeit (Ethiopia), the location which represents the major tef growing areas in the country as well as the oldest and biggest center on tef research. As an indigenous crop, the bulk of tef research is carried out in the country by scientists based at various higher-learning and research institutions. Hence, unlike major crops of the world such as wheat and rice, research on tef benefited little from modern improvement techniques. However, in the recent years, there is an increasing interest by several researchers and funding organizations in developed nations to promote tef research and development through implementation of modern genetic and genomic tools. The recent efforts and progresses made on tef research and development were presented and discussed in detail at the workshop. The tef research and development in Ethiopia has recently shown tremendous improvement. This is witnessed by the decision of the Ethiopian government to award a Gold Medal in November 2012 to our Institute for the discovery and promotion of a very popular Quncho variety. At this juncture, I would like to congratulate all involved in research and development of tef as the achievement was obtained due to concerted efforts of the tef community. The editors of the proceedings did a wonderful job of undertaking the painstaking task of editing all 23 manuscripts presented at the workshop. In addition, the proceedings include a 44-point roadmap for future tef research and development which can be used as a guideline for researchers, development workers and policy makers. I would like to extend my thanks to sponsors of the workshop and the publication of the proceedings.


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En los últimos años, el Ge ha ganado de nuevo atención con la finalidad de ser integrado en el seno de las existentes tecnologías de microelectrónica. Aunque no se le considera como un canddato capaz de reemplazar completamente al Si en el futuro próximo, probalemente servirá como un excelente complemento para aumentar las propiedades eléctricas en dispositivos futuros, especialmente debido a su alta movilidad de portadores. Esta integración requiere de un avance significativo del estado del arte en los procesos de fabricado. Técnicas de simulación, como los algoritmos de Monte Carlo cinético (KMC), proporcionan un ambiente atractivo para llevar a cabo investigación y desarrollo en este campo, especialmente en términos de costes en tiempo y financiación. En este estudio se han usado, por primera vez, técnicas de KMC con el fin entender el procesado “front-end” de Ge en su fabricación, específicamente la acumulación de dañado y amorfización producidas por implantación iónica y el crecimiento epitaxial en fase sólida (SPER) de las capas amorfizadas. Primero, simulaciones de aproximación de clisiones binarias (BCA) son usadas para calcular el dañado causado por cada ión. La evolución de este dañado en el tiempo se simula usando KMC sin red, o de objetos (OKMC) en el que sólamente se consideran los defectos. El SPER se simula a través de una aproximación KMC de red (LKMC), siendo capaz de seguir la evolución de los átomos de la red que forman la intercara amorfo/cristalina. Con el modelo de amorfización desarrollado a lo largo de este trabajo, implementado en un simulador multi-material, se pueden simular todos estos procesos. Ha sido posible entender la acumulación de dañado, desde la generación de defectos puntuales hasta la formación completa de capas amorfas. Esta acumulación ocurre en tres regímenes bien diferenciados, empezando con un ritmo lento de formación de regiones de dañado, seguido por una rápida relajación local de ciertas áreas en la fase amorfa donde ambas fases, amorfa y cristalina, coexisten, para terminar en la amorfización completa de capas extensas, donde satura el ritmo de acumulación. Dicha transición ocurre cuando la concentración de dañado supera cierto valor límite, el cual es independiente de las condiciones de implantación. Cuando se implantan los iones a temperaturas relativamente altas, el recocido dinámico cura el dañado previamente introducido y se establece una competición entre la generación de dañado y su disolución. Estos efectos se vuelven especialmente importantes para iones ligeros, como el B, el cual crea dañado más diluido, pequeño y distribuido de manera diferente que el causado por la implantación de iones más pesados, como el Ge. Esta descripción reproduce satisfactoriamente la cantidad de dañado y la extensión de las capas amorfas causadas por implantación iónica reportadas en la bibliografía. La velocidad de recristalización de la muestra previamente amorfizada depende fuertemente de la orientación del sustrato. El modelo LKMC presentado ha sido capaz de explicar estas diferencias entre orientaciones a través de un simple modelo, dominado por una única energía de activación y diferentes prefactores en las frecuencias de SPER dependiendo de las configuraciones de vecinos de los átomos que recristalizan. La formación de maclas aparece como una consecuencia de esta descripción, y es predominante en sustratos crecidos en la orientación (111)Ge. Este modelo es capaz de reproducir resultados experimentales para diferentes orientaciones, temperaturas y tiempos de evolución de la intercara amorfo/cristalina reportados por diferentes autores. Las parametrizaciones preliminares realizadas de los tensores de activación de tensiones son también capaces de proveer una buena correlación entre las simulaciones y los resultados experimentales de velocidad de SPER a diferentes temperaturas bajo una presión hidrostática aplicada. Los estudios presentados en esta tesis han ayudado a alcanzar un mejor entendimiento de los mecanismos de producción de dañado, su evolución, amorfización y SPER para Ge, además de servir como una útil herramienta para continuar el trabajo en este campo. In the recent years, Ge has regained attention to be integrated into existing microelectronic technologies. Even though it is not thought to be a feasible full replacement to Si in the near future, it will likely serve as an excellent complement to enhance electrical properties in future devices, specially due to its high carrier mobilities. This integration requires a significant upgrade of the state-of-the-art of regular manufacturing processes. Simulation techniques, such as kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithms, provide an appealing environment to research and innovation in the field, specially in terms of time and funding costs. In the present study, KMC techniques are used, for the first time, to understand Ge front-end processing, specifically damage accumulation and amorphization produced by ion implantation and Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth (SPER) of the amorphized layers. First, Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) simulations are used to calculate the damage caused by every ion. The evolution of this damage over time is simulated using non-lattice, or Object, KMC (OKMC) in which only defects are considered. SPER is simulated through a Lattice KMC (LKMC) approach, being able to follow the evolution of the lattice atoms forming the amorphous/crystalline interface. With the amorphization model developed in this work, implemented into a multi-material process simulator, all these processes can be simulated. It has been possible to understand damage accumulation, from point defect generation up to full amorphous layers formation. This accumulation occurs in three differentiated regimes, starting at a slow formation rate of the damage regions, followed by a fast local relaxation of areas into the amorphous phase where both crystalline and amorphous phases coexist, ending in full amorphization of extended layers, where the accumulation rate saturates. This transition occurs when the damage concentration overcomes a certain threshold value, which is independent of the implantation conditions. When implanting ions at relatively high temperatures, dynamic annealing takes place, healing the previously induced damage and establishing a competition between damage generation and its dissolution. These effects become specially important for light ions, as B, for which the created damage is more diluted, smaller and differently distributed than that caused by implanting heavier ions, as Ge. This description successfully reproduces damage quantity and extension of amorphous layers caused by means of ion implantation reported in the literature. Recrystallization velocity of the previously amorphized sample strongly depends on the substrate orientation. The presented LKMC model has been able to explain these differences between orientations through a simple model, dominated by one only activation energy and different prefactors for the SPER rates depending on the neighboring configuration of the recrystallizing atoms. Twin defects formation appears as a consequence of this description, and are predominant for (111)Ge oriented grown substrates. This model is able to reproduce experimental results for different orientations, temperatures and times of evolution of the amorphous/crystalline interface reported by different authors. Preliminary parameterizations for the activation strain tensors are able to also provide a good match between simulations and reported experimental results for SPER velocities at different temperatures under the appliance of hydrostatic pressure. The studies presented in this thesis have helped to achieve a greater understanding of damage generation, evolution, amorphization and SPER mechanisms in Ge, and also provide a useful tool to continue research in this field.


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Traditionally, libraries have provided a modest amount of information about grants and funding opportunities to researchers in need of research funding. Ten years ago, the University of Washington (UW) Health Sciences Libraries and Information Center joined in a cooperative effort with the School of Medicine to develop a complete, library-based grant and funding service for health sciences researchers called the Research Funding Service. The library provided space, access to the library collection, equipment, and electronic resources, and the School of Medicine funded staff and operations. The range of services now includes individual consultation appointments, an extensive Web site, classes on funding database searching and writing grant applications, a discussion series that frequently hosts guest speakers, a monthly newsletter with funding opportunities of interest to the six health sciences schools, extensive files on funding sources, and referral services.


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In May 2014, around one in four Europeans voted for protest parties and anti-establishment candidates in the first pan-European poll since the euro crisis began. The rise of populism across Europe has brought more extremism of various kinds into the European Parliament. It could change the balance of power between the institutions, and be detrimental to EU policies, legislation and funding that nurture open societies. This chapter will consider the impact of xenophobic populist parties, who have also become increasingly anti-EU, not considering here the extreme left Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who entered the Parliament.


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This publication is one in a series of guides designed to assist in the statewide promotion of balanced and restorative justice. BARJ is a philosophy of justice that can guide the work of individuals who deal with juvenile offenders, their victims, and the communities in which they live.


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This publication is one in a series of guides designed to assist in the statewide promotion of balanced and restorative justice. BARJ is a philosophy of justice that can guide the work of individuals who deal with juvenile offenders, their victims, and the communities in which they live.


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Civil society is recognised as comprising complex and multifaceted entities, resilient to and yet responsive to both the state apparatus and global market processes. Civil society in the Philippines, long regarded as one of the most vibrant, diverse and innovative in Asia, has emerged as a significant actor in the field of conflict resolution and peace-building. In thinking about the work of peace, this paper engages with the effectiveness of civil society in mobilising societal awareness for a ‘just and lasting peace’ in the southern Philippines. Shaped by development paradigms that privilege concepts such as social capital, the paper aims to interrogate how such concepts situated within the development–security nexus proposed by the Philippine government and funding agencies have influenced conflict-transformation initiatives in Mindanao, Philippines.


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In Australia indigenous peoples have never had a treaty with the dominant cultures; and their on-going marginalisation is some testimony to this. However, they have not languished entirely in a policy free environment: media is one area where some policy advances have been made; but media policy development has experienced a number of problems. It has tended to be monolithic in a situation demanding multi and complex treatments. And funding, as always, never seems sufficient to meet those multi and complex needs. This paper examines a small remote community on the island of Milingimbi off the northern coast of Arnhem Land in Australia's far north. People in East Arnhem Land refer to themselves collectively as Yolngu. This community is not typical of many documented cases of media relations between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples; however, the fact that it tends to overturn much of the conventional scholarship surrounding indigenous peoples and the media, helps shed new light on the inadequacy of not only monolithic media policy, but the inadequacy of media-only approaches to policy. Arguably, the significance of the media in Milingimbi is part of a 'triangulated' relationship between indigenous and dominant cultures. That triangulation also involves appropriate forms of government and education, which coupled with appropriate media appear to offer new ways of seeing self-government alongside relative cultural and economic autonomy.


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We relate the technological and factor price determinants of inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to its potential productivity and labour market effects on both host and home economies. This allows us to distinguish clearly between technology-sourcing and technologyexploiting FDI, and to identify FDI that is linked to labour cost differentials. We then empirically examine the effects of different types of FDI into and out of the UK on domestic (i.e. UK) productivity and on the demand for skilled and unskilled labour at the industry level.


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The traditional paradigm of foreign direct investment (FDI) suggests that FDI is undertaken principally to exploit some firm-specific advantage in a foreign country which provides a locational advantage to the investor. However, recent theoretical work suggests a model of FDI in which the motivation is not to exploit existing technological advantages in a foreign country, but to access such technology and transfer it from the host economy to the investing multinational corporation via spillover effects. This paper tests the technology sourcing versus technology exploiting hypotheses for a panel of sectoral FDI flows between the United States and major OECD nations over a 15 year period. The research makes use of Patel and Vega's (Research Policy, 28, 145-55, 1999) taxonomy of sectors which are likely a priori to exhibit technology sourcing and exploiting behaviour respectively. While there is evidence that FDI flows into the United States are attracted to R and D intensive sectors, very little support is found for the technology sourcing hypothesis either for inward or outward FDI flows. The results suggest that, in aggregate, firm-specific 'ownership' effects remain powerful determinants of FDI flows.


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We relate the technological and factor price determinants of inward and outward FDI to its potential productivity and labour market effects on both host and home economies. This allows us to distinguish clearly between technology sourcing and technology exploiting FDI, and to identify FDI which is linked to labour cost differentials. We then empirically examine the effects of different types of FDI into and out of the United Kingdom on domestic (i.e. UK) productivity and on the demand for skilled and unskilled labour at the industry level. Inward investment into the UK comes overwhelmingly from sectors and countries which have a technological advantage over the corresponding UK sector. Outward FDI shows a quite different pattern, dominated by investment into foreign sectors which have lower unit labour costs than the UK. We find that different types of FDI have markedly different productivity and labour demand effects, which may in part explain the lack of consensus in the empirical literature on the effects of FDI. Our results also highlight the difficulty for policy makers of simultaneously improving employment and domestic productivity through FDI.


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Drawing knowledge from external sources in the UK, or internationally, has become increasingly important to small and medium-sized firms (SMEs). SMEs cannot generate all they need to know to develop new products and processes within their own companies, they need to look elsewhere for new ideas and expertise. This practice is known as knowledge sourcing. This report provides a detailed review of patterns of knowledge sourcing, and the key factors influencing these patterns, particularly from a small business perspective. We present key findings from a survey of 393 UK companies and analyse the results. We also highlight case studies of UK SMEs that work closely with overseas partners and agents to widen their own knowledge.


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Background and Objective: Clozapine has been available since the early 1990s. Studies continue to demonstrate its superior efficacy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Despite this, numerous studies show under-utilisation, delayed access and reluctance by psychiatrists to prescribe clozapine. This retrospective cross-sectional study compared the prescribing of clozapine in two adult cohorts under the care of large public mental health services in Auckland (New Zealand) and Birmingham (United Kingdom) on 31 March 2007. Method: Time from first presentation to clozapine initiation, prior antipsychotics trialled and antipsychotic co-prescribing were compared. Data included demographics, psychiatric diagnosis, co-morbid conditions, year of first presentation, admissions and pharmacological treatment (clozapine dose, start date, prior antipsychotics, co-prescribed antipsychotic). Results: Overall, 664 people were prescribed clozapine (402 Auckland; 262 Birmingham); mean daily dose of 384 mg (Auckland) and 429 mg (Birmingham). 53 % presented after 1990 and the average duration of time before starting clozapine was significantly longer in the Birmingham cohort (6.5 vs. 5.3 years) but this reduced in both cohorts to a 1-year mean in those presenting within the last 3 years. The average number of antipsychotics trialled pre-clozapine for those presenting since 1990 was significantly higher in the Birmingham cohort (4.3 vs. 3.1) but in both cohorts this similarly reduced in those presenting within the last 3 years. Antipsychotic co-prescribing was significantly higher in the Birmingham cohort (22.9 vs. 10.7 %). Conclusions: There is evidence that access to clozapine has improved over time in both cohorts, with a reduction in the duration between presentation and initiation of clozapine and number of different antipsychotics trialled pre-clozapine. These are very positive findings in terms of optimising outcomes with clozapine and are possibly due to the impact of guideline recommendations, increasing clinician, consumer and carer knowledge, and experience with clozapine and funding changes. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.


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Purpose: This research paper aims to examine the global trends in publishing in the leading marketing journals between 1964 and 2008, focusing on how public policy intervention in the assessment and funding of academic research has influenced Britain's relative productivity in the world's leading marketing journals. Design/methodology/approach: The method was an audit of contributions to the leading journals based on the authors' affiliation, country of origin and country in which they obtained their doctoral training. Findings: The results show that the proportion of leading marketing publications by authors affiliated to British universities have held steady at about 2 per cent, while the productivity of several other countries has accelerated past Britain. However, to retain that share, Britain has increasingly depended upon importing people whose PhD is not British. This contrasts with some other European countries that are now more productive than Britain, but mainly recruit locals with local PhDs. The pattern of decline in the UK is related to the impact of Britain's research assessment exercise and the continuation of relatively weak social science research training. Research limitations/implications: The analysis is limited by only looking at one academic discipline and only the top few academic journals in the field. Practical implications: The findings have implications at several levels. At a national policy level it questions the value of the research assessment exercises that appear to have presided over a decline in research productivity. For institutions, it questions the value in investing in developing local talent when success has come to those who buy talent internationally. Perhaps, the major implication arises from Britain's academic productivity declining while neighbouring countries have grown in international excellence. Originality/value: At a time when the continuation of expensive university research assessments is being questioned the research findings add value to the current debate in showing how that very process has accompanied academic decline. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.