996 resultados para Cretaceous Sediments


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Three lower Barremian to middle/upper Cenomanian samples from DSDP Hole 549 and three lower Cenomanian to lower Maestrichtian samples from DSDP Hole 550B were investigated by organic geochemical and organic petrographic methods. The samples came from wells drilled in the area of the Goban Spur in the northeastern Atlantic; they represent gray to greenish gray carbonaceous mud or siltstones from the deeper parts of the Cretaceous sequences penetrated and light-colored chalks from the shallower ones. The total amount of organic carbon is below 1% in all samples; it is especially low in the Cenomanian to Maestrichtian chalks. Terrigenous organic matter predominates; only the Barremian sample shows a moderate number of marine phytoclasts. As indicated by several parameters, the maturity of the organic matter is low, corresponding to about 0.4% vitrinite reflectance.


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Lower Cretaceous sediments are frequently characterized by a well expressed cyclicity. While the processes influencing environments above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) are reasonably well understood, almost nothing is known about the deep ocean. Cretaceous sub-CCD sediments from the Tethys and Atlantic Oceans typically show rhythmic black/green shale successions. To gain insight into the nature of these black/green shale cycles, we performed detailed geochemical analyses (X-ray fluorescence, Rock-Eval and reactive iron analysis) on a 3 m long section of latest Aptian age. The major-element distribution of the analyzed shale sequence indicates a periodic change from a high-productivity and well-oxygenated green shale mode to a low-productivity oxygen-deficient black shale mode. It is proposed here that the preservation of organic matter was dependent on the strength of salinity-driven deepwater generation. Furthermore, the data show that the Corg content covaries with changes in the detrital composition. Therefore we hypothesize that Tethyan deepwater circulation was sensitive to changes in the monsoonal system. Time series analysis suggests that these changes are periodic in nature, although we are currently unable to prove that the dominant periodicity is related to the precession component of the Milankovitch frequencies.


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The sediments of the Argo and Gascoyne abyssal plains are generally lean in organic matter, are immature, and contain hydrocarbons trapped during sediment deposition rather than those generated during sediment catagenesis. TOC concentrations in the Argo Abyssal Plain Cenozoic sediments are 0.5 wt%, and organic matter appears to be from mixed marine and reworked, degraded, organic matter sources, with the latter being contributed by turbidity flows from the nearby continental margin. TOC concentrations within the Cenozoic sediments of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain are mostly undetectable (<0.1 wt%). Biomarker distributions determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) indicate that organic matter extracted from the Lower Cretaceous sediments from both sites is predominantly marine with varying contributions from terrestrial organic matter. The specific marine biomarker, 24-n-propylcholestane is in relatively high abundance in all samples. In addition, the relatively high abundance of the 4-methylsteranes with the 23,24-dimethyl side chain (in all samples) indicates significant dinoflagellate contributions and marine organic matter. The ratios of n-C27/n-C17 reflect relative contributions of marine vs. terrestrial organic matter. TOC, while generally low at Argo, is relatively high near the Barremian/Aptian boundary (one sample has a TOC of 5.1 wt%) and the Aptian/Albian boundary (up to 1.3 wt% TOC), and two samples from the Barremian and Aptian sections contain relatively high proportions of terrestrial organic carbon. TOC values in the Lower Cretaceous sediments from Gascoyne Abyssal Plain are low (<0.1 wt%) near the Aptian/Barremian boundary. TOC values are higher in older sediments, with maxima in the upper Barremian (1.02 wt%), the Barremian/Hauterivian (0.6 wt%), and Valanginian (1.8 wt%). Sediments from the upper Barremian contain higher amounts of terrestrial organic carbon than older sediments.


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Sediments from the Argo Abyssal Plain (AAP), northwest of Australia, are the oldest known from the Indian Ocean and were recovered from ODP Site 765 and DSDP Site 261. New biostratigraphic and sedimentologic data from these sites, as well as reinterpretations of earlier findings, indicate that basal sediments at both localities are of Late Jurassic age and delineate a history of starved sedimentation punctuated by periodic influx of calcareous pelagic turbidites. Biostratigraphy and correlation of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments is based largely on calcareous nannofossils. Both sites yielded variably preserved nannofossil successions ranging from Tithonian to Hauterivian at Site 765 and Kimmeridgian to Hauterivian at Site 261. The nannofloras are comparable to those present in the European and Atlantic Boreal and Tethyan areas, but display important differences that reflect biogeographic differentiation. The Argo region is thought to have occupied a position at the southern limit of the Tethyan nannofloral realm, thus yielding both Tethyan and Austral biogeographic features. Sedimentary successions at the two sites are grossly similar, and differences largely reflect Site 765's greater proximity to the continental margin. Jurassic sediments were deposited at rates of about 2 m/m.y. near the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) and contain winnowed concentrations of inoceramid prisms and nannofossils, redeposited layers rich in calcispheres and calcisphere debris, manganese nodules, and volcanic detritus. Lower Cretaceous and all younger sediments accumulated below the CCD at rates that were highest (about 20 m/m.y.) during mid-Cretaceous and Neogene time. Background sediment in this interval is noncalcareous claystone; turbidites dominate the sequence and are thicker and coarser grained at Site 765. AAP turbidites consist mostly of calcareous and siliceous biogenic components and volcanogenic smectite clay; they were derived from relatively deep parts of the continental margin that lay below the photic zone, but above the CCD. The Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous section is about the same thickness across the AAP; turbidites in this interval appear to have had multiple sources along the Australian margin. The Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic section, however, is three times thicker at Site 765 than at Site 261; turbidites in this interval were derived predominantly from the south. Patterns of sedimentation across the AAP have been influenced by shifts in sea level, the CCD, and configuration of the continental margin. Major pulses of calcareous turbidite deposition occurred during Valanginian, Aptian, and Neogene time-all periods of eustatic lowstands and depressed CCD levels. Sediment redeposited on the AAP has come largely from the Australian outer shelf, continental slope, or rise, rather than the continent itself. Most terrigenous detritus was trapped in epicontinental basins that have flanked northwestern Australia since the early Mesozoic.


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Abundant Fe-Mn carbonate concretions (mainly siderite, manganosiderite, and rhodochrosite) were found in the hemipelagic claystones of Site 603 on the eastern North American continental rise. They occur as nodules, micronodules, or carbonate-replaced burrow fills and layers at a subbottom depth of between ~ 120 (Pliocene) and 1160 m (Albian-Cenomanian). In general, the Fe-Mn carbonate concretions form from CO3- produced by the microbiological degradation of organic matter in the presence of abundant Fe + or Mn + and very low S- concentrations. However, there is also some evidence for diagenetic replacement of preexisting calcite by siderite. The carbon isotope composition of diagenetic Fe-Mn carbonate nodules is determined by CO2 reduction during methanogenesis. Carbonate nodules in Cretaceous sediments at sub-bottom depths of 1085 and 1160 m have distinctly lower d13C values (- 12.2 and - 12.9 per mil) than Neogene siderites, associated with abundant biogenic methane in the pore space (-8.9 to 1.7 per mil between 330 and 780 m depth). Since no isotopic zonation could be detected within individual nodules, we assume that the isotopic composition reflects more or less geochemical conditions at the present burial depth of the carbonate nodules. Carbonates did not precipitate within the zone of sulfate reduction (approximately 0.01 to 10 m), where all of the pyrite was formed. The oxygen isotope composition indicates precipitation from seawater-derived interstitial waters. The d18O values decrease with increasing burial depth from + 5.1 to - 1.2 per mil, suggesting successively higher temperatures during carbonate formation.


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We present new revised composite depth scales for Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198 Sites 1209, 1210, and 1211, drilled at Shatsky Rise in the western Pacific Ocean. Reinterpretation of high-resolution physical property data, with the main focus on magnetic susceptibility as the primary parameter for hole-to-hole correlation, revealed that the shipboard composite records had to be revised below 124.87 meters composite depth (mcd) for Site 1209, below 142.45 mcd for Site 1210, and below 88.64 mcd for Site 1211. The revised composite records comprise Paleogene and Cretaceous sediments at all three sites. As a result of the additional adjustments, the revised mcd records of Sites 1209 and 1210 are 13.48 and 2.69 m longer than the original spliced records, respectively. The original splice of Site 1211 has undergone minor adjustments only to match those of Sites 1209 and 1210. Moreover, detailed correlation of sections outside the new spliced records enable samples already taken to be placed into the new revised composite depth scale.


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Alkali-basalt clasts in Upper Cretaceous sediments from Site 466 on southern Hess Rise suggest that parts of Hess Rise were constructed by off-ridge volcanic activity. Apparently, tectonic adjustments at Hess Rise occurred during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian), when parts of the original volcanic pedestal were uplifted and provided source rocks for the clasts. Synchronous volcanism may have occurred. Causes for the Late Cretaceous tectonic adjustments (and volcanism?) are not known, but they may be related to intraplate movement along the Mendocino Fracture Zone.


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Paleomagnetic results from sediments acquired from the continental margin at DSDP Sites 548, 549, 550, and 551 are described. Where possible, the results were used to construct a polarity reversal stratigraphy for the sections sampled, thus enabling the biostratigraphic dating of the sediments to be refined. Several sections in this study were found to be suitable for magnetostratigraphic work, in particular the upper Paleocene to middle Eocene sediments from Site 549, which contained rich faunal assemblages. These sediments are underlain by a thick sequence of Cretaceous sediments that formed during the Long Cretaceous normal polarity interval. Sediments that formed during the later part of this magnetically quiet interval were also recovered at Site 550. Three short reverse polarity intervals were also recovered at this site; they lie directly over basement and are thought to represent a mixed-polarity interval of late Albian age. They may therefore provide important evidence concerning the age of the earliest sediments at this site. In addition, measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and intensity of remanent magnetism proved to be of interest. A significant decrease in the susceptibility and intensity values close to the early/middle Eocene boundary was noted at Sites 548 and 549. This decrease may be correlated with the results from Holes 400A and 401, which were drilled on DSDP Leg 48 in the northeast Bay of Biscay. The decrease may represent an abrupt reduction in the supply of terrigenous material at the end of the early Eocene, reflecting, perhaps, a change in sediment transport processes at that time


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Organic geochemical and organic petrographic methods were used to study three Lower to middle Cretaceous sediment samples from Hole 535 in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico for organic matter contents and origin and level of maturation. All three samples contain mixed kerogen Type II/III organic matter with a maturity corresponding to about 0.4% vitrinite reflectance. The marine component increases with stratigraphic age, and microbial reworking of the organic matter is significant in each age. The lower two samples of Hauterivian to Valanginian age appear to be impregnated (or contaminated) with soluble polar organic compounds, but there is only a weak indication for the presence of more mature, nonindigenous hydrocarbons.


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High molecular weight aliphatic hydrocarbons were extracted from sediments at two sites (741 and 742) drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 119 in Prydz Bay, a major embayment on the continental shelf of East Antarctica. The distributions of n-alkanes and triterpenoid and steroid hydrocarbons suggest that the n-alkanes and steranes are mainly of terrestrial origin and that the hydrocarbons are immature to slightly mature in the Lower Cretaceous sediments and immature to mature in the Tertiary sediments. At Site 741, the Lower Cretaceous depositional sequence, which is generally characterized by immature hydrocarbons, is interrupted by sediment having more mature components, suggesting a change of source during part of Early Cretaceous time. At Site 742, the mature geochemical parameters of a Pliocene sample correlate with results reported elsewhere for Site 739. In all but one of the other Tertiary samples, the geochemical parameters indicate intermediate maturity. The Lower Cretaceous and Pliocene sediments average about 1.9% organic carbon, a value of interest from the point of view of potential sources of petroleum offshore from Antarctica.


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The organic facies of Early and middle Cretaceous sediments drilled at DSDP Site 534 is dominated by terrestrially derived plant remains and charcoal. Marine organic matter is mixed with the terrestrial components, but through much of this period was diluted by the terrestrial material. The supply of terrestrial organic matter was high here because of the nearness of the shore and high runoff promoted by a humid temperate coastal climate. Reducing conditions favored preservation of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, the terrestrial materials having reached the site mostly in turbidity currents or in the slow-moving, near-bottom nepheloid layer. An increase in the abundance of terrestrial organic matter occurred when the sea level dropped in the Valanginian and again in the Aptian-Albian, because rivers dumped more terrigenous elastics into the Basin and marine productivity was lower at these times than when sea level was high. A model is proposed to explain the predominance of reducing conditions in the Valanginian-Aptian, of oxidizing conditions in the late Aptian, and of reducing conditions in the Albian-Cenomanian. The model involves influx of oxygen-poor subsurface waters from the Pacific at times of high or rising sea level (Valanginian-Aptian, and Albian- Cenomanian) and restriction of that influx at times of low sea level (late Aptian). In the absence of a supply of oxygenpoor deep water, the bottom waters of the North Atlantic became oxidizing in the late Aptian, probably in response to development of a Mediterranean type of circulation. The influx of nutrients from the Pacific led to an increase in productivity through time, accounting for an increase in the proportion of marine organic matter from the Valanginian into the Aptian and from the Albian to the Cenomanian. Conditions were dominantly oxidizing through the Middle Jurassic into the Berriasian, with temporary exceptions when bottom waters became reducing, as in the Callovian. Mostly terrestrial and some marine organic matter accumulated during the Callovian reducing episode. When Jurassic bottom waters were oxidizing, only terrestrial organic matter was buried in the sediments, in very small amounts.


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"Bound" and "free" solvent-extractable lipids have been examined from Sections 440A-7-6, 440B-3-5, 440B-8-4, 440B-68-2, and 436-11-4. The compound classes studied include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. Carotenoids and humic acids have also been examined. The quantitative results are considered in terms of input indicators, diagenesis parameters, and structural classes. A difference in input is deduced across the Japan Trench, with a higher proportion of autochthonous components on the western inner trench slope compared with the more easterly, outer trench, wall and greater input in the early Pleistocene than in the Miocene. A variety of diagenetic transformations is observed at Site 440 as sample depth increases. Results are compared with those of samples from Atlantic Cretaceous sediments and from the Walvis Bay high productivity area.