999 resultados para Crescimento desenvolvimento
Marine shrimp farming has grown exponentially during the last years in Brazil. In spite of the promising economical situation, this activity is facing an increasing criticism due to its environmental impact. Thus, the necessity of alternatives to mitigate environmental degradation caused by this activity. An alternative that is being studied is the policulture that is the integrated culture of two or more organisms, normally one of them a filtering organism. Among filtering organisms, macroalgae are very practicable because they are efficient in the removal of the exceeding nutrients of the water and do not leave residues in the water. Besides, the integrated culture with macroalgae allows the economical exploration of the seaweed (for the manufacture of jelly and jam, for the dairy industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) along with possibility of a sustainable aquaculture. In the present experiment, the development of the seaweed Gracilaria birdiae, the influence and tolerance of this species to the environmental parameters, and its absorption efficiency in relation with the three kinds of macronutrients (NH4+, NO3- and PO4-3) found in the effluents of marine shrimp farming was studied. The experiment was divided in two parts: a laboratorial part and one part carried under natural conditions. The water used in the laboratory trial was collected in the shrimp ponds of Tecnaro farm and distributed in aquaria containing 20 g of G. birdiae. In the field trial, 0.5 kg of G. birdiae was inserted in PVC cages cultivated in the farm. The results of the study showed a modest growth of G. birdiae, probably due to its low tolerance to highly eutrophicated environments. However, the removal of nutrients was very expressive. Ammonia was reduced in approximately 34 %. Ortho-phosphate showed a reduction of 93.5 %. The capacity of biofiltration of the NO3- by the macro algae was of 100 %, showing that G. birdiae is a seaweed-filtered with a high level of removal for this nutrient under laboratorial conditions. In spite of the low growth of the macro algae in the experiment, the results in relation to the removal of nutrients of the water was encouraging, suggesting that this species can be an efficient biofilter and thus, a strong candidate to be used in a sustainable aquaculture
The accompanying the growth and development of the child is the guiding line of basic health measures directed at this public, acting within the scope of health monitoring and inferring positively in the rate of infant morbidity and mortality, which are still a preoccupation worldwide and in Brazil. However, mostly, this practice is based on the biomedical model of care, individualized, with emphasis on the medicalization and complaints, favoring the passivity of users. Given this issue, aim to develop accompanying the growth and development of the child in a Basic Unit Family Health, through a collective approach of medical care next to a health team, especially nurses and caregivers. This is a qualitative study, with the research-action method. Involved the four nurses and twenty-six of children's caregivers of the area of Basic Unit Family Health of Cidade Nova, in Natal, in the period from February to July 2010. The results were analyzed following the direction of the thematic analysis of Freire. In the situation analysis of the current reality of the accompanying the growth and development the children in the Basic Unit Family Health, through participant observation and applying a questionnaire to the nurses, we realize that despite these professionals have a knowledge tied to the paradigm of health promotion, in practice the monitoring of child is done through individual consultations in outpatient room, based on complaints brought by caregivers, with little solvability in actions employed. Given the need for change in medical care model, we decided jointly, in the focal group, for the collective monitoring of children's the growth and development, featuring then this proposal to the multidisciplinary team, discussing the participation of professional categories and planned collectively the actions. In the implementation stage of collective action, we contemplate the execution by the caregivers of anamnesis and physical examination, recording data in the Child Health Handbook and discussion of clinical findings, under the supervision of nurses and facilitators. In the evaluation, we found that this collective accompanying strategy allowed to caregivers learn new knowledge, exchange experiences, assistance in home care, beyond reduce the waiting time for medical care and creating opportunity of more time for debate about the children‟s health situation, differing of ambulatory care. As difficulties, we face with a high rate of defaulters (53.8%), lack of motivation and passivity of the users, little participation of other health professionals and nurses' involvement in other activities, technical and bureaucratic in the moment of care. Thus, we note also a strong rooting of individual clinical model on the way of thinking and acting of nurses and caregivers
The nurses assistance in monitoring the growth and development of children has been characterized mostly a service based on the biological dimension of illness, when in reality, the actions should be combined in the reorientation of care model of the Family Health Strategy. Thus, the research aimed to examine the role of nurses in the growth and development of children. This is an exploratory and descriptive, qualitative approach. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion No. 191/2012. Data collection was developed in the Health Units from the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. Survey participants were nurses who worked in the Family Health Strategy for at least two years and who performed the monitoring of child growth and development in the health unit selected. Data were collected through an in-depth interview, and seized material from speeches was treated as categorical thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. This process revealed three themes, which were analyzed in the light of Relief Models and Process Work in Health and Nursing and discussed based on the findings literary. The results elucidated that nurses consider their performance satisfactory as it has favored the accession of mothers of children under one year nursing visits, contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality due to prevalent diseases, as well as the establishment of a connection between the professionals and mothers. It was shown that despite having a promotion and prevention with the use of lightweight technologies, the nurses also emphasized the care of mothers in complaints and signs and symptoms of children, followed by referrals to professionals in the unit or to other sectors. Furthermore, we found that the process of working nurses face challenges regarding the organizational structure of services and social situation of the family. Given these statements, it is observed that despite the strong interference from hegemonic health model in the performance of nurses, it is found that these professionals have been investing in promotion and prevention to injuries to children in care, with a focus on family context. Thus, nurses are embarking on making the reorientation of health care through the use of relational technologies, which has contributed to solving the integral care to the pediatric population
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os aspectos da germinao e avaliar o efeito de concentraes de sacarose no crescimento in vitro de Cattleya violacea. Sementes provenientes de cpsulas fechadas foram semeadas em meio de cultura Murashige e Skoog (MS) e a morfologia externa da semente plntula foi fotodocumentada em estereomicroscpio e microscpio eletrnico de varredura. Plntulas com 90 dias aps a semeadura foram repicadas em meio de cultura MS (com metade da concentrao de macronutrientes) com diferentes concentraes de sacarose (0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 g L-1), incubadas nas mesmas condies in vitro por mais 150 dias e em seguida as plntulas foram avaliadas quanto ao nmero de razes, comprimento da maior raiz, nmero de folhas, comprimento da parte area, massa fresca e seca total. Os dados biomtricos foram submetidos anlise estatstica e a eles ajustadas curvas de regresso. As sementes apresentaram testa reticulada com uma extremidade micropilar (aberta) e calazal (fechada); o embrio originou uma estrutura tuberiforme clorofilada denominada protocormo que pode apresentar rizides, fololos e quando provido de raiz considerado plntula. A ausncia de acar ou a maior concentrao avaliada de sacarose foram prejudiciais ao crescimento da planta. A concentrao de 27 g L-1 proporcionou maior crescimento in vitro possibilitando maior eficincia para a propagao massal dessa espcie de elevado potencial ornamental.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
A pitaya uma cactcea de sub-bosque, originria de florestas tropicais do Mxico e das Amricas Central e do Sul, pouco estudada no Brasil, principalmente quanto sua resposta intensidade luminosa e adubao. Nesse sentido, realizou-se um experimento objetivando avaliar crescimento e desenvolvimento inicial da pitaya em funo da intensidade luminosa e adubao orgnica. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos casualizados, com tratamentos distribudos em esquema fatorial 5 x 3, referentes, respectivamente, aos nveis de adubao orgnica (0; 5; 10; 20 e 30 L de esterco bovino cova-1) e aos percentuais de luz (0; 50 e 75% de sombreamento), com quatro repeties. Foram avaliados semanalmente dimetro do claddio (mm), altura de estacas (cm) e comprimento do ramo secundrio (cm); ao final do experimento, massa fresca da parte area e massas secas de raiz e parte area (g), sendo que para as variveis mensuradas, semanalmente, foram calculados os respectivos incrementos percentuais semanais. Segundo os resultados do presente trabalho, no cultivo da pitaya, necessrio o uso de cobertura contra a incidncia direta dos raios solares, onde as estruturas com 50% ou 75% de luminosidade podem ser usadas. O fornecimento de 20 L cova-1 de esterco bovino pode ser adotado como quantitativo no preparo de covas de pitaya, nas condies de clima e solo de Bom Jesus-PI.
Os efeitos de reguladores vegetais do grupo das giberelinas e citocininas, bem como do nitrato de potssio, foram estudados no crescimento e desenvolvimento do porta-enxerto de limoeiro `Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck). As sementes foram extradas de frutos maduros, lavadas, secas sombra e armazenadas em cmara fria (4 - 5oC) durante sessenta dias, at o ms de maio/1993, quando foram semeadas nos canteiros de semeadura. As pulverizaes com os fitorreguladores foram realizadas no viveiro e tiveram incio com as plantas aos 8 meses de idade, contados a partir da semeadura, sendo efetuadas um total de 4 pulverizaes, realizadas a intervalos quinzenais. Os tratamentos corresponderam a: 25, 50 e 75 ppm de GA3; 25, 50 e 75 ppm de GA4+GA7+fenilmetil-aminopurina; 20 ppm de fenilmetilpiranil-aminopurina; 0,2% de KNO3 e testemunha (sem pulverizao). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as pulverizaes com os reguladores vegetais e com o nitrato de potssio, realizadas no perodo de janeiro a maro (vero), no tiveram efeito na diminuio do tempo de formao das plantas jovens de limoeiro `Cravo', tendo inclusive, o tratamento com KNO3 0,2%, exercido efeito depressivo no desenvolvimento das mesmas.
O msculo estriado esqueltico formado pela associao de fibras musculares com a matriz extracelular. Esse tecido possui alta plasticidade e o conhecimento das caractersticas morfolgicas, da miognese, e da dinmica do crescimento importante para o entendimento da morfofisiologia bem como para a seleo de animais visando a melhoria na produo de carne. A maioria dos msculos estriados originam-se de clulas precursoras do mesoderma a partir dos somitos do embrio e o controle da diferenciao ocorre pela ao de fatores indutores ou inibidores. Um grupo de fatores transcricionais, pertencentes famlia MyoD tem um papel central na diferenciao muscular. Coletivamente chamados de Fatores de Regulao Miognica (MRFs), so conhecidos quatro tipos: MyoD, myf-5, miogenina e MRF4. Esses fatores ligam-se seqncias de DNA conhecidas como Ebox (CANNTG) na regio promotora de vrios genes msculo-especficos, levando expresso dos mesmos. As clulas embrionrias com potencial para diferenciao em clulas musculares (clulas precursoras miognicas) expressam MyoD e Myf-5 e so denominadas de mioblastos. Essas clulas proliferam, saem do ciclo celular, expressam miogenina e MRF4, que regulam a fuso e a diferenciao da fibra muscular. Uma populao de mioblastos que se diferencia mais tardiamente, as clulas miossatlites, so responsveis pelo crescimento muscular no perodo ps natal, que pode ocorrer por hiperplasia e hipertrofia das fibras. As clulas satlites quiescentes no expressam os MRFs, porm, sob a ao de estmulos como fatores de crescimento ou citocinas, ocorre a ativao desse tipo celular que prolifera e expressa os MRFs de maneira similar ao que ocorre com as clulas precursoras miognicas durante a miognese. Os mecanismos de crescimento muscular so regulados pela expresso temporal dos (MRFs), que controlam a expresso dos genes relacionados com o crescimento muscular.
Currently, the cultivation of the cotton plant is based on a scale production model, characterized by high yields and intensive use of fertilizers, agrochemicals and mechanization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different row spacings on cotton crops, with or without growth regulator, and their effects in crop development and yield. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks, in a 3x3 factorial scheme with 4 replications, using three row spacings: 0.45, 0.70 and 0.90 m. Three growth regulator conditions were tested: a) application split into four stages, b) single application at 70 d.a.e, and c) no regulator application. The project was conducted in the city of Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul state, in November 2005. It was verified that the application of growth regulator is efficient in the limitation of plant height. The highest yield and boll mass was found in the split application of the regulator. The number of bolls and reproductive branches per plant was higher in the wider row spacings.
Incluye Bibliografa
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)