991 resultados para Costa de Marfil


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Proximate and ultimate explanations of interactions between infants and nonmothers vary depending upon the relatedness of the interactors. We investigated interactions of infants and nonmothers from a 22-month continuous study and from the long-term monitoring of the mantled howler population of La Pacifica, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Relatedness is low or absent in these mantled howler groups. Juvenile females appeared to practice care skills with older infants, but as most first infants died, they failed to benefit. Infant positive interactions with adults occurred with the mother and probable father. Other adult females behaved aggressively toward the youngest infants. Mothers were retentive of infants and responded negatively to these interactions, suggesting that they perceived them as threatening. Interactions with infants appear to reflect competition in groups of unrelated adults. A review of other populations of Alouatta palliata and other species of howlers indicate variability in social group size and suggest variability in intragroup relatedness. We suggest that further study will confirm that social behavior (including interactions with infants) will vary by resource availability (group size) and associated demographic patterns (male and female migration) that affect relatedness in howler social groups.


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We evaluated the intention, implementation, and impact of Costa Rica's program of payments for environmental services (PSA), which was established in the late 1990s. Payments are given to private landowners who own land in forest areas in recognition of the ecosystem services their land provides. To characterize the distribution of PSA in Costa Rica, we combined remote sensing with geographic information system databases and then used econometrics to explore the impacts of payments on deforestation. Payments were distributed broadly across ecological and socioeconomic gradients, but the 1997-2000 deforestation rate was not significantly lower in areas that received payments. Other successful Costa Rican conservation policies, including those prior to the PSA program, may explain the current reduction in deforestation rates. The PSA program is a major advance in the global institutionalization of ecosystem investments because few, if any, other countries have such a conservation history and because much can be learned from Costa Rica's experiences.


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El propósito de esta comunicación es el de analizar los lineamientos contenidos en los programas de estudio de matemática del tercer ciclo y de la educación diversificada del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica, relacionados con la resolución de problemas.


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El presente artículo recopila la experiencia de expertos en la etnomatemática, de un grupo de discusión en RELME 27. Sus cuestionamientos se fundamentan, en la etnomatemática y el impacto de esta en el currículo escolar. Se toma en cuenta las características sociales del sistema educativo latinoamericano, los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio y el impacto de ambos, sobre la educación matemática de los pueblos originarios. Se plantean retos futuros y una visión sobre la recuperación de los saberes matemáticos. Metodológicamente se sustenta como una investigación de enfoque cualitativo, con diseño de teoría fundamental, donde sus datos se analizan por codificación abierta axial.


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Estuarine clams Scrobicularia plana were sampled from 108 intertidal locations around the English Channel and adjacent areas. Although S. plana is believed to be a strict gonochorist, 58% of the populations sampled included intersexed individuals (described as male clams exhibiting ovotestis). Over the entire region, on average, 8.6% of male clams exhibited intersex, although proportions of affected males ranged from 0% to 53% depending on location. The severity of intersex was assessed using a simple classification scale, with the majority of individuals showing low levels of impact. Sex ratios were significantly skewed at some sites. There were no significant relationships between the incidence and severity of intersex; or of associations with size or parasitism of individual clams. Intersex in S. plana is a useful tool to assess endocrine disruptive effects in estuaries, although mechanisms of impact and causative agents remain uncertain.


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Se estudian y describen las comunidades arbustivas dominadas por el acebuche (Olea europaea) y el laurel (Laurus nobilis), así como algunos encinares, en el litoral de la cornisa cantábrica. Los inventarios de tales comunidades vegetales se someten a análisis multivariante,definiéndose dos nuevas asociaciones: Lithodoro diffusae-Oleetum europaeae y Hedero-Lauretum nobilis.