622 resultados para Coseismic Uplift


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The ratite moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) were a speciose group of massive graviportal avian herbivores that dominated the New Zealand (NZ) ecosystem until their extinction �600 years ago. The phylogeny and evolutionary history of this morphologically diverse order has remained controversial since their initial description in 1839. We synthesize mitochondrial phylogenetic information from 263 subfossil moa specimens from across NZ with morphological, ecological, and new geological data to create the first comprehensive phylogeny, taxonomy, and evolutionary timeframe for all of the species of an extinct order. We also present an important new geological/paleogeographical model of late Cenozoic NZ, which suggests that terrestrial biota on the North and South Island landmasses were isolated for most of the past 20–30 Ma. The data reveal that the patterns of genetic diversity within and between differentmoaclades reflect a complex history following a major marine transgression in the Oligocene, affected by marine barriers, tectonic activity, and glacial cycles. Surprisingly, the remarkable morphological radiation of moa appears to have occurred much more recently than previous early Miocene (ca. 15 Ma) estimates, and was coincident with the accelerated uplift of the Southern Alps just ca. 5–8.5 Ma. Together with recent fossil evidence, these data suggest that the recent evolutionary history of nearly all of the iconic NZ terrestrial biota occurred principally on just the South Island.


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The Early–mid Cretaceous marks the confluence of three major continental-scale events in eastern Gondwana: (1) the emplacement of a Silicic Large Igneous Province (LIP) near the continental margin; (2) the volcaniclastic fill, transgression and regression of a major epicontinental seaway developed over at least a quarter of the Australian continent; and (3) epeirogenic uplift, exhumation and continental rupturing culminating in the opening of the Tasman Basin c. 84 Ma. The Whitsunday Silicic LIP event had widespread impact, producing both substantial extrusive volumes of dominantly silicic pyroclastic material and coeval first-cycle volcanogenic sediment that accumulated within many eastern Australian sedimentary basins, and principally in the Great Australian Basin system (>2 Mkm3 combined volume). The final pulse of volcanism and volcanogenic sedimentation at c. 105–95 Ma coincided with epicontinental seaway regression, which shows a lack of correspondence with the global sea-level curve, and alternatively records a wider, continental-scale effect of volcanism and rift tectonism. Widespread igneous underplating related to this LIP event is evident from high paleogeothermal gradients and regional hydrothermal fluid flow detectable in the shallow crust and over a broad region. Enhanced CO2 fluxing through sedimentary basins also records indirectly, large-scale, LIP-related mafic underplating. A discrete episode of rapid crustal cooling and exhumation began c. 100–90 Ma along the length of the eastern Australian margin, related to an enhanced phase of continental rifting that was largely amagmatic, and probably a switch from wide–more narrow rift modes. Along-margin variations in detachment fault architecture produced narrow (SE Australia) and wide continental margins with marginal, submerged continental plateaux (NE Australia). Long-lived NE-trending cross-orogen lineaments controlled the switch from narrow to wide continental margin geometries.


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Strike-slip faults commonly display structurally complex areas of positive or negative topography. Understanding the development of such areas has important implications for earthquake studies and hydrocarbon exploration. Previous workers identified the key factors controlling the occurrence of both topographic modes and the related structural styles. Kinematic and stress boundary conditions are of first-order relevance. Surface mass transport and material properties affect fault network structure. Experiments demonstrate that dilatancy can generate positive topography even under simple-shear boundary conditions. Here, we use physical models with sand to show that the degree of compaction of the deformed rocks alone can determine the type of topography and related surface fault network structure in simple-shear settings. In our experiments, volume changes of ∼5% are sufficient to generate localized uplift or subsidence. We discuss scalability of model volume changes and fault network structure and show that our model fault zones satisfy geometrical similarity with natural flower structures. Our results imply that compaction may be an important factor in the development of topography and fault network structure along strike-slip faults in sedimentary basins.


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Low cycle fatigue cracking of light gauge metal roofing was investigated by testing a number of two-span corrugated roofing assemblies with different spans and fastening systems under cyclic uplift wind loading. Fatigue results correlated quite well with the corresponding static results reported earlier, and revealed the dependence of fatigue behaviour on the fastening system used. A comparison was made of one fastening system with the other regarding fatigue performance .


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When steel roof and wall cladding systems are subjected to wind uplift/suction forces, local pull-through/dimpling failures or pull-out failures occur prematurely at their screwed connections. During extreme wind events such as storms and hurricanes, these localized failures then lead to severe damage to buildings and their contents. An investigation was therefore carried out to study the failure that occurs when the screw fastener pulls out of the steel battens, purlins, or girts. Both two-span cladding tests and small-scale tests were conducted using a range of commonly used screw fasteners and steel battens, purlins, and girts. Experimental results showed that the current design formula may not be suitable unless a reduced capacity factor of 0.4 is used. Therefore, an improved design formula has been developed for pull-out failures in steel cladding systems. The formula takes into account thickness and ultimate tensile strength of steel, along with thread diameter and the pitch of screw fasteners, in order to model the pull-out behavior more accurately. This paper presents the details of this experimental investigation and its results.


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Crest-fixed steel claddings made of thin, high strength steel often suffer from local pull-through failures at their screw connections during high wind events such as storms and hurricanes. Currently there aren't any adequate design provisions for these cladding systems except for the expensive testing provisions. Since the local pull-through failures in the less ductile steel claddings are initiated by transverse splitting at the fastener hole, analytical studies have not been able to determine the pull-through failure loads. Analytical studies could be used if a reliable splitting criterion is available. Therefore a series of two-span cladding tests was conducted on a range of crest-fixed steel cladding systems under simulated wind uplift loads. The strains in the sheeting around the critical fastener holes were measured until the pull-through failure. This paper presents the details of the experimental investigation and the results including a strain criterion for the local pull-through failure.


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When crest-fixed thin steel roof cladding systems are subjected to wind uplift, local pull-through or pull-out failures occur prematurely at their screwed connections. During high wind events such as storms and cyclones these localised failures then lead to severe damage to buildings and their contents. In recent times, the use of thin steel battens/purlins has increased considerably. This has made the pull-out failures more critical in the design of steel cladding systems. Recent research has developed a design formula for the static pull-out strength of steel cladding systems. However, the effects of fluctuating wind uplift loading that occurs during high wind events are not known. Therefore a series of constant amplitude cyclic tests has been undertaken on connections between steel battens made of different thicknesses and steel grades, and screw fasteners with varying diameter and pitch. This paper presents the details of these cyclic tests and the results.


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We report major and trace element composition, Sr–Nd isotopic and seismological data for a picrite–basalt–rhyolite suite from the northern Tarim uplift (NTU), northwest China. The samples were recovered from 13 boreholes at depths between 5,166 and 6,333 m. The picritic samples have high MgO (14.5–16.8 wt%, volatiles included) enriched in incompatible element and have high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios (εNd (t) = −5.3; Sri = 0.707), resembling the Karoo high-Ti picrites. All the basaltic samples are enriched in TiO2 (2.1–3.2 wt%, volatiles free), have high FeOt abundances (11.27–15.75 wt%, volatiles free), are enriched in incompatible elements and have high Sr and low Nd isotopic ratios (Sri = 0.7049–0.7065; εNd (t) = −4.1 to −0.4). High Nb/La ratios (0.91–1.34) of basalts attest that they are mantle-derived magma with negligible crustal contamination. The rhyolite samples can be subdivided into two coeval groups with overlapping U–Pb zircon ages between 291 ± 4 and 272 ± 2 Ma. Group 1 rhyolites are enriched in Nb and Ta, have similar Nb/La, Nb/U, and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions to the associated basalts, implying that they are formed by fractional crystallization of the basalts. Group 2 rhyolites are depleted in Nb and Ta, have low Nb/La ratios, and have very high Sr and low Nd isotopic ratios, implying that crustal materials have been extensively, if not exclusively, involved in their source. The picrite–basalt–rhyolite suite from the NTU, together with Permian volcanic rocks from elsewhere Tarim basin, constitute a Large Igneous Province (LIP) that is characterized by large areal extent, rapid eruption, OIB-type chemical composition, and eruption of high temperature picritic magma. The Early Permian magmatism, which covered an area >300,000 km2, is therefore named the Tarim Flood Basalt.


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Light gauge steel roofing systems made of thin profiled roof sheeting and battens are used commonly in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. Their critical design load combination is that due to wind uplift forces that occur during high wind events such as tropical cyclones and thunderstorms. However, premature local failures at their screw connections have been a concern for many decades since cyclone Tracy that devastated Darwin in 1974. Extensive research that followed cyclone Tracy on the pull-through and pull-out failures of roof sheeting to batten connections has significantly improved the safety of roof sheeting. However, this has made the batten to rafter/truss connection the weakest, and recent wind damage investigations have shown the failures of these connections and the resulting loss of entire roof structures. Therefore an experimental research program using both small scale and full scale air-box tests is currently under way to investigate the pull-through failures of thin-walled steel battens under high wind uplift forces. Tests have demonstrated that occurrence of pull-through failures in the bottom flanges of steel batttens and the need to develop simple test and design methods as a function of many critical parameters such as steel batten geometry, thickness and grade, screw fastener sizes and other fastening details. This paper presents the details of local failures that occur in light fauge roofing systems, a review of the current design and test methods for steel battens and associated short comings, and the test results obtained to date on pull-through failures of battens from small scale and full scale tests. Finally, it proposes the use of suitable small scale test methods that can be used by both researchers and manufacturers of such screw-fastened light gauge steel batten systems.


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Profiled steel roof claddings in Australia and its neighbouring countries are commonly made of very thin high tensile steel and are crest-fixed intermittently with screw fasteners. The failure of the roof cladding systems was due to a local failure (dimpling of crests I pull-through) at the fasteners under wind uplift Cyclic wind uplift during cyclones causes fatigue cracking to occur at the fastener holes which leads to pull-through failures at lower load levels. At present the design of these claddings is entirely based on testing. In order to improve the understanding of the behaviour and the design and test methods of these claddings under wind uplift loading during storms and cyclones, a detailed investigation consisting of finite element analyses, static and fatigue experiments and cyclonic wind modelling was carried out on two-span roofing assemblies of three common roofing profiles. This paper presents the details of this investigation and its important results.


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When thin steel roof and wall cladding systems are subjected to wind uplift/suction forces, local pull-through or pull-out failures occur prematurely at their screwed connections. During high wind events such as stom1s and cyclones, these localized failures then lead to severe damage to buildings and their contents. In recent times, the use of thin steel battens, purlins and girts has increased considerably, which has made the pull-out failures more critical in the design of steel cladding systems. An experimental investigation was therefore carried out to study the pull-out failure using both static and cyclic tests for a range of commonly used screw fasteners and steel battens, purlins and girts. This paper presents the details ofthis experimental investigation and its results.


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While numerous full scale experimental programs have been conducted around the world over the past 50 years to investigate the behaviour of steel portal frame buildings, none have comprehensively investigated the behaviour of such buildings under wind uplift. Wind uplift loads often govern designs in the Australian environment and this became the subject of a recent research project at Queensland University of Technology (OUT). This paper describes the full scale experiments on a steel portal frame building subject to wind uplift, racking and gravity loads. The portal rafter and column members utilised hollow flange beam (HFB) sections [5-8] though the paper's findings on the theoretical and experimental building responses relate to conventional types of steel portal frame buildings.


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The profiled steel roof and wall cladding systems in Australia are commonly made of very thin high tensile steels, and are crest-fixed with screw fasteners. A review of current literature and design standards indicated the need to improve the understanding of the behaviour of crest-fixed steel cladding systems under wind uplift/suction loading, in particular, the local failures. Therefore a detailed experimental study using a series of small scale tests and some two-span cladding tests was conducted to investigate the local pull-through and dimpling failures in the commonly used steel cladding systems. The applicability of the current design formulae for the pull-through strength of crest-fixed steel classing systems was investigated first. An improved design formula was then developed in terms of the thickness and ultimate tensile strenth of steel cladding material and diameter of screw head or washer. This paper presents the details of this investigation and its results. A review of current design and test methods is also included.


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Urban planning policies in Australia presuppose apartments as the new dominant housing type, but much of what the market has delivered is criticised as over-development, and as being generic, poorly-designed, environmentally unsustainable and unaffordable. Policy responses to this problem typically focus on planning regulation and construction costs as the primary issues needing to be addressed in order to increase the supply of quality, affordable apartment housing. In contrast, this paper uses Ball’s (1983) ‘structures of provision’ approach to outline the key processes informing apartment development and identifies a substantial gap in critical understanding of how apartments are developed in Australia. This reveals economic problems not typically considered by policymakers. Using mainstream economic analysis to review the market itself, the authors found high search costs, demand risk, problems with exchange, and lack of competition present key barriers to achieving greater affordability and limit the extent to which ‘speculative’ developers can respond to the preferences of would be owner-occupiers of apartments. The existing development model, which is reliant on capturing uplift in site value, suits investors seeking rental yields in the first instance and capital gains in the second instance, and actively encourages housing price inflation. This is exacerbated by lack of density restrictions, such as have existed in inner Melbourne for many years, which permits greater yields on redevelopment sites. The price of land in the vicinity of such redevelopment sites is pushed up as landholders' expectation of future yield is raised. All too frequently existing redevelopment sites go back onto the market as vendors seek to capture the uplift in site value and exit the project in a risk free manner...


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The development and changes in the distribution of herbivorous mammal communities during the Neogene is complex. The Eurasian scale environmental patterns reflect the large scale geographical and climatic patterns. The reorganization of these affect the biome distribution throughout the continent. The distribution of mammal taxa was closely associated with the distribution of biomes. In Eurasia the Neogene development of environments was twofold. The early and middle Miocene that seemed to have been advantageous for mammals was followed by drying of environments during the late Neogene. The mid-latitude drying was the main trend, and it is the combined result of the retreat of Paratethys, the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and changes in the ocean currents and temperatures. The common mammals were "driving" the evolution of mammalian communities. During the late Miocene we see the drying affecting more and more regions, and we see changes in the composition of mammalian communities.