989 resultados para Corvinus, Antonius, 1501-1553.
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Added t.p.: Pervyi︠a︡ sorok li︠e︡tʺ snosheniĭ mezhdu Rossiei︠u︡ i Angliei︠u︡, 1553-1593 / gramoty, sobrannyi︠a︡ perepisannyi︠a︡ i izdannii︠a︡ I︠U︡riemʺ Tolstymʺ.
Thesis (doctoral)--Groningen.
Our basic storyline is how the business and economics higher education landscape has changed with the introduction of the Bologna programs. We borrowed the fashionable long tail concept from e-business, and used it for modeling the new landscape of internationalization of universities. Internationalization, mobility, and the appearance of the internet generation at the gates of our universities in our opinion has brought us to a new e-era which, appropriately to our web analogies we might as well call Education 2.0.In our paper first we show the characteristics of the long tail model of the Bologna-based European higher education and potential messages for strategy making in this environment. We illustrate that benchmarking university strategies situated in the head of the long tail model will not always provide strategic guidance for universities sitting in the tail. For underlining some key concerns in the Hungarian niche, we used Corvinus University as a case study to illustrate some untapped challenges of the Hungarian Bologna reform. We explored three areas which are crucial elements of the “tail” strategy in our opinion: a) the influence of state regulation, b) social situations and impacts and c) internal university capabilities.
The European Union with its sophisticated institutional system is the most important regional integration on Earth. This tight form of economic integration converges to the level that Dani Rodrik calls hyperglobalization in his model, the political trilemma of globalisation. In our paper we develop the mentioned model and then we apply it to the case of the European Integration. We argue that if we want to maintain the deep integration among member states in the EU we have to pass more and more functions of the nation states to the federation level. In case of the EMU that means that federal fiscal policy is needed which could lead to multi-speed Europe considering new member states’ reluctance to give up their specific institutions.
Hypothesis of the paper is that the monetary room for manoeuvre in the European Community is determined by the institutional and strategic characteristics of the ECB, moreover the financial market environment composed by multi-state community. The methodology of the paper is built on the evaluation of the decision making and strategy of ECB as institutional aspect, and the monetary transmission in national financial markets. In policy evaluation, the monetary targeting is surveyed through HICP, monetary base, central bank rates, exchange rates and treatment of price impacts. The transmission is examined through analysis of structure of the member state’s financial markets.
As more and more transition coutries join the eurozone it is becoming reasonable to investigate what monetary policy might be most successful for countries prior to the introduction of the euro. One possible alternative is inflation targeting, which has found application in numerous economies in the last two decades, including the Visegrád Countries. In this paper I am introducing some important aspects and an empirical examination of the monetary policy of the Visegrád Countries. I am providing an overview of previous empirical findings and trying to make some comparisons of new EU and recommendations for pre-accession countries, such as Croatia.
The financial crisis of 2007-2009 has shaken both money and capital markets. Its consequences have not even left European markets untouched and divided spirits in the financial world. In some countries efforts by the monetary policy to protect the national currency throughout the crisis seemed to be ineffective. In the present paper we are investigating the effect of the most important macroeconomic and economic policy factors on the exchange rate of the forint and zloty in the last decade. For an analysis of exchange rates we are relying on some preceding research results based on equilibrium exchange rate theories.
A vállalatvezetés történetével a külföldi szakirodalom évtizedek óta foglalkozik – hazánkban azonban ez meglehetősen elhanyagolt területnek számít. Bár egyes vállalatok történetéről már számos összefoglaló született (sokakat ezek közül éppen maguk az érintett vállalatok finanszíroztak és publikáltak), összefoglaló történelmi elemzést a modern kori Magyarország nagyvállalatainak vezetési módszertanáról és filozófiájáról nemigen találunk. Az OTKA kutatás, melynek keretében ez a tanulmány is született, ennek a hiánynak a pótlásával foglalkozik.
A cikk a tudományos hálózatok publikációs és hivatkozási mintáit mutatja be az elmúlt közel negyed évszázadban a kelet-közép-európai régióról szóló agrárgazdasági szakirodalom alapján. Az elemzések során láthatóvá válnak a nemzetközi agrárgazdasági szakma vezető kutatói és a közöttük megjelenő szerzői és hivatkozási kapcsolatok. A minta alapját az 1990–2013 között a régióról írt 238 angol nyelvű tudományos cikk adja. Az eredmények szerint a régió agrárgazdasági szakirodalmát alapvetően néhány szűk szerzői csoport (klikk) írja, ami jelzi e csoportok kiemelt szerepét a tudományos előrehaladásban. Világossá válik továbbá az is, hogy az egy-egy klikkbe tartozó szerzők az átlagnál gyakrabban hivatkoznak egymásra, gyorsítva ezzel tudományos karrierjük haladását. Végül az adatok azt is alátámasztják, hogy a "központi" szerzőkre az átlagnál gyakrabban hivatkoznak.
Besides researching the last goal of the execution of a trial between Francisco Pizarro, governor of Peru, and his mandatory, Pedro de Barrantes on behalf of the gold sent to Spain, the present work reviews all the data found in the Archives of the Grenade Chancellery on the arrival of gold to Spain. Also, a curious trial on a subject of Preste Juan is included.
Many 16th century Spanish chroniclers and missionaries, arriving at what they interpreted as a New World, saw the Devil as a “hermeneutic wildcard” that allowed them to comprehend indigenous religions. Pedro Cieza de León, a soldier in the conquest of Peru, is a case in point. Cieza considers the Devil responsible for the most aberrant religious practices and customs of the Indians, although he views the natives in a positive light, as men susceptible to divine salvation. From a providentialist perspective of the history of the conquest, Cieza interprets that the evangelization and conversion of the Indians and the implantation of Christian civilization by the Spanish Crown, were able to defeat the Devil.
One of the earliest examples of work printed by Richard Pynson, the King's Printer between 1508 and 1530, to make reference to the fact that the work in question was printed under the protection of the King. The royal printing privilege provided one of two different models for preventing the unauthorised reproduction of works after publication which prefigured the introduction of statutory copyright in the early eighteenth century.
The commentary describes the early attitudes of the monarchy towards the regulation of the printing trade within England, and the exercise of the royal prerogative in granting printing privileges not just to the royal printer, but to other favoured subjects both in relation to individual works as well as to entire classes of work (with the latter more often referred to as printing patents).