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Let me begin today by thanking you, Regent Hassebrook, as Task Force Chair, and each of you who is a member of this Task Force, for focusing on outreach and economic development at the University as we work on behalf of Nebraska. We thank Regent Chair Howard Hawks for appointing this task force. The level of commitment this shows for the university's role in outreach and economic development is very important both to us in the university and to Nebraskans.


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Four Citrus species (C. sinensis, cvs. Pera and Lima; C. latifolia Tanaka cv. Tahiti; C limettioides Tanaka cv. Sweet lime and C. reticulate, cv. Ponkan) grown in Brazil were characterised in relation to contents of minerals, ascorbic acid, total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of pulps and peels. In general, the peels demonstrated significantly higher contents of all compounds than the pulps (p < 0.05), with the exception of the Pera orange pulp that presented the highest acid ascorbic content (68 mg/100 ml), while the Tahiti lime peel presented the lowest (8 mg/100 g). Citrus showed high levels of potassium, calcium and magnesium, and the peels were considered sources of these minerals. The Ponkan mandarin peel presented the highest antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant capacity of citrus was correlated both to vitamin C and phenolics. Aside from citrus pulps, the peels are also good sources of bioactive compounds and minerals, and can be explored for their health promoting values in food products. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this this study, glycerol content and its incorporation method on tensile and barrier properties of biodegradable films (BF) based on cassava starch were analyzed. ANOVA showed that the glycerol incorporation method did not influence the results (P > 0.05), however the glycerol content influenced significantly the tensile and barrier properties of the films (P < 0.05). Films prepared with lower glycerol content presented better tensile and barrier properties than films with higher content. Films were then prepared with addition of clay nanoparticles and their tensile and barrier properties and glass transition temperature were measured. ANOVA indicated that both glycerol and clay nanoparticles influenced significantly the tensile and barrier properties (P < 0.05), diminishing film permeability when clay nanoparticles were present, while the glass transition temperature was not influenced (P > 0.05). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, it was evaluated the effect of moisture content on the structural and dielectric properties of cassava starch films by means of Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), impedancimetric, and gravimetric analysis. The film samples were equilibrated in hermetically sealed desiccators, containing different saturated salts in water in order to promote activity of water between 0.11 and 0.85. The position and amplitude of the peaks in the fingerprint region of the FTIR spectra were changed due to the modifications in the interactions between the polymeric chains and water molecules. These effects may be related to the formation of semi-crystalline regions in the film structure. The dielectric properties of the films were also strongly dependent on the moisture content, showing a non-linear and a linear region, which was attributed to the domain of bound and free water in the film, respectively. The gravimetric analyzes showed the typical sigmoidal behavior, attributed to the way the water interacts with the biopolymer. Finally, the flexibility of the films increased with water content increasing.


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Cattle in three experiments were scanned with ultrasound as feeders to measure ribeye area and thickness of fat cover to determine if cattle could be sorted into outcome groups with respect to carcass yield. Sorting the cattle into low fat cover or large ribeye groups resulted in improved carcass yield grades. There were no effects on carcass quality grades related to sorting of the cattle. Cattle with greater fat cover at the beginning of the feeding period were heavier, seemed to be more mature and had less muscle growth during the finishing period. There were no significant differences in gain among the groups, but cattle with more fat cover had poorer feed efficiency. Ultrasound seems to have potential to sort feeder cattle, but before it can be used in practice, growth curves need to be developed to predict final end points of individual cattle.


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Previous results indicated that translation of four mitochondrion-encoded genes and one nucleus-encoded gene (COX4) is repressed in mutants (pgs1Delta) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. COX4 translation was studied here using a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescence protein (mtGFP) fused to the COX4 promoter and its 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). Lack of mtGFP expression independent of carbon source and strain background was established to be at the translational level. The translational defect was not due to deficiency of mitochondrial respiratory function but was rather caused directly by the lack of phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin in mitochondrial membranes. Reintroduction of a functional PGS1 gene under control of the ADH1 promoter restored phosphatidylglycerol synthesis and expression of mtGFP. Deletion analysis of the 5' UTR(COX4) revealed the presence of a 50-nucleotide fragment with two stem-loops as a cis-element inhibiting COX4 translation. Binding of a protein factor(s) specifically to this sequence was observed with cytoplasm from pgs1Delta but not PGS1 cells. Using HIS3 and lacZ as reporters, extragenic spontaneous recessive mutations that allowed expression of His3p and beta-galactosidase were isolated, which appeared to be loss-of-function mutations, suggesting that the genes mutated may encode the trans factors that bind to the cis element in pgs1Delta cells.


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We evaluated the role of microzooplankton (sensu latto, grazers <500 µm) in determining the fate of phytoplankton production (PP) along a glacier-to-open sea transect in the Greenland subarctic fjord, Godthabfjord. Based on the distribution of size fractionated chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations we established 4 zones: (1) Fyllas Bank, characterized by deep chl a maxima (ca. 30 to 40 m) consisting of large cells, (2) the mouth and main branch of the fjord, where phytoplankton was relatively homogeneously distributed in the upper 30 m layer, (3) inner waters influenced by glacial melt water and upwelling, with high chl a concentrations (up to 12 µg/l) in the >10 µm fraction within a narrow (2 m) subsurface layer, and (4) the Kapisigdlit branch of the fjord, ice-free, and characterized with a thick and deep chl a maximum layer. Overall, microzooplankton grazing impact on primary production was variable and seldom significant in the Fyllas Bank and mouth of the fjord, quite intensive (up to >100% potential PP consumed daily) in the middle part of the main and Kapisigdlit branches of the fjord, and rather low and unable to control the fast growing phytoplankton population inhabiting the nutrient rich waters in the upwelling area in the vicinity of the glacier. Most of the grazing impact was on the <10 µm phytoplankton fraction, and the major grazers of the system seem to be >20 µm microzooplankton, as deducted from additional dilution experiments removing this size fraction. Overall, little or no export of phytoplankton out of the fjord to the Fyllas Bank can be determined from our data.


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This paper reports the results of the investigations of 2006-2007 on the distribution and migration forms of artificial radionuclides and chemical elements in the Ob-Irtysh water system. Three regions were studied. One of them is a local segment of the Ob River upstream from the confluence with the Irtysh River; its investigation allowed us to estimate the general radioecological state of the aquatic environment affected by the activity of the Tomsk 7 plant. The second region is a local segment of the Irtysh River upstream from its confluence with the Ob River, where the influence of emissions from the NPO Mayak could be estimated. The third region is the water area of the Ob River after its confluence with the Irtysh River. It characterizes the real level of radioactive and chemical contamination of the middle reaches of the Ob River. In order to explain horizontal variations in the distribution of radionuclides in the upper layer of bottom sediments collected at various sites, the results of sorption-kinetic experiments with radioactive tracers in the precipitate-solution system were used. The investigation of the migration forms of trace elements and radionuclides occurring in river water was based on the method of tangential-flow membrane filtration. Chemical element contents were determined in 400-ml water samples. A set of Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 8, 1.2, 0.45, 0.1, and 0.025 µm was employed. Taking into account the ultralow specific concentrations of radionuclides in the water, they were analyzed in 300-500 litre samples using Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 0.45 µm and 15 kDa. This allowed us to estimate the percentages of cesium-137 and plutonium-239, 240 in the suspended particulate fraction, colloids, and dissolved species.


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Calcium carbonate precipitation in sea ice is thought to potentially drive significant CO2 uptake by the ocean. However, little is known about the quantitative spatial and temporal distribution of CaCO3 within sea ice, although it is hypothesized that high quantities of dissolved organic matter and/or phosphate (common in sea ice) may inhibit its formation. In this quantitative study of hydrous calcium carbonate as ikaite, sea ice cores and brine samples were collected from pack and land fast sea ice between September and December 2007 during two expeditions, one in the East Antarctic sector and the other off Terre Adélie. Samples were analysed for CaCO3, salinity, dissolved organic carbon/nitrogen, inorganic phosphate, and total alkalinity. No relationship between these parameters and CaCO3 precipitation was evident. Ikaite was found mostly in the uppermost layers of sea ice with maximum concentrations of up to 126 mg ikaite per litre melted sea ice being measured, although both the temporal and horizontal spatial distributions of ikaite were highly heterogeneous. The precipitate was also found in the snow on top of the sea ice at some of the sampling locations.


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The Prydz Bay area is a key region for studying and understanding the history of the eastern Antarctic Continental Ice Sheet (O'Brien, Cooper, Richter, et al., 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.188.2001). Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1165 is situated in a water depth of 3357 m on the continental rise offshore from Prydz Bay and lies in front of the outlet for the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system that today drains 22% of East Antarctica. The site was drilled into mixed pelagic and hemipelagic sediments from the southwestern side of the Wild Drift. The drift is an elongate sediment body formed by the interaction of sediment supplied from continental shelf and slope with westward-flowing bottom currents. The sedimentary sequence is characterized by alternations between a generally gray to dark gray facies and a green to greenish gray facies. The greenish facies are structureless diatom-bearing clays with common bioturbation and larger amounts (>15%-20%) of biogenic silica, dispersed clasts, and lonestones than the dark gray facies, which are mostly less bioturbated clay with some silt laminations (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.188.103.2001). High-quality advanced piston corer and extended core barrel cores containing nearly complete sections of middle Miocene to early Pliocene age allow a detailed characterization of sedimentary cycles and can provide indications for ice advances of the Lambert Glacier system into Prydz Bay, for the extent of sea ice, and for changes in oceanic circulation. The purpose of this work is to provide a data set of coarse-fraction mass percentage (>63, >125, and >250 µm) and biogenic silica content measured on sediments of late Miocene to early Pliocene age drilled at Site 1165. Additionally, high-resolution records of magnetic susceptibility (MS) and gamma ray attenuation (GRA) bulk density are presented. These shipboard data sets were edited postcruise. Furthermore, I provide a high-resolution dry bulk density record that is derived from GRA bulk density and can be used for the calculation of mass accumulation rates. These sedimentological and physical parameters will be used in future work to understand the depositional pattern of alternating biogenic and terrigenous sediments that was observed at Site 1165 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.188.103.2001).