945 resultados para Consumption behavior
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Technology Assessment Division, Washington, D.C.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
There is a substantial body of work in the scientific literature discussing the role of risk-taking behavior in the causation of injury. Despite the quantity of diverse writings on the subject most is in the form of theoretical commentaries. This review was conducted to critically assess the empirical evidence supporting the association between injury and risk-taking behavior. The review found six case-control studies and one retrospective cohort study, which met all the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was not possible due to the diversity of the independent and outcome variables in each of the studies reviewed. Overall the review found that risk-taking behavior, however it is measured, is associated with an increased chance of sustaining an injury except in the case of high skilled, risk-taking sports where the effect may be in the other direction. Drawing specific conclusions from the research presented in this review is difficult without an agreed conceptual framework for examining risk-taking behavior and injury. Considerable work needs to be done to provide a convincing evidence base on which to build public health interventions around risk behavior. However, sufficient evidence exists to suggest that effort in this area may be beneficial for the health of the community. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether injury mechanism among injured patients is differentially distributed as a function of acute alcohol consumption (quantity, type, and drinking setting). Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted between October 2000 and October 2001 in the Gold Coast Hospital Emergency Department, Queensland, Australia. Data were collected quarterly over a 12-month period. Every injured patient who presented to the emergency department during the study period for treatment of an injury sustained less than 24 hours prior to presentation was approached for interview. The final sample comprised 593 injured patients (males = 377). Three measures of alcohol consumption in the 6 hours prior to injury were obtained from self-report: quantity, beverage type, and drinking setting. The main outcome measure was mechanism of injury which was categorized into six groups: road traffic crash (RTC), being hit by or against something, fall, cut/piercing, overdose/poisoning, and miscellaneous. Injury intent was also measured (intentional vs unintentional). Results: After controlling for relevant confounding variables, neither quantity nor type of alcohol was significantly associated with injury mechanism. However, drinking setting (i.e., licensed premise) was significantly associated with increased odds of sustaining an intentional versus unintentional injury (odds ratio [OR] = 2.79, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4-5.6); injury through being hit by/against something versus other injury types (OR = 2.59, 95% CI = 1.4-4.9); and reduced odds of sustaining an injury through RTC versus non-RTC (OR = 0.02, 95% CI = 0.004-0.9), compared with not drinking alcohol prior to injury. Conclusions: No previous analytical studies have examined the relationship between injury mechanism and acute alcohol consumption (quantity, type, and setting) across all types of injury and all injury severities while controlling for potentially important confounders (demographic and situational confounders, risk-taking behavior, substance use, and usual drinking patterns). These data suggest that among injured patients, mechanism of injury is not differentially distributed as a function of quantity or type of acute alcohol consumption but may be differentially distributed as a function of drinking setting (i.e., RTC, intentional injury, being hit). Therefore, prevention strategies that focus primarily on the quantity and type of alcohol consumed should be directed generically across injury mechanisms and not limited to particular cause of injury campaigns.
Photosynthesis of zooxanthellate stony corals may be limited by inorganic carbon at high irradiances. We demonstrated that oxygen consumption of expanded corals is higher than that of contracted corals in both night-expanding and day-expanding corals. It is assumed that at the single-polyp level, the expansion of tentacles increases the surface area for solute exchange with the surrounding water, which may alleviate potential carbon limitation and excess oxygen levels in the tissue under high irradiance. We investigated this hypothesis using stable carbon isotope (613 C) analysis of coral species from the Red Sea exhibiting different morphologies. delta C-13 ratios in zooxanthellae of branched coral colonies with small polyp size that extend their tentacles during daytime (diurnal morphs) showed lower delta C-13 values in their zooxanthellae - 13.83 +/- 1.45 parts per thousand, compared to corals from the same depth with large polyps, which are usually massive and expand their tentacles only at night (nocturnal morphs). Their algae delta C-13 was significantly higher, averaging - 11.33 +/- 0.59 parts per thousand. Carbon isotope budget of the coral tissue suggests that branched corals are more autotrophic, i.e., that they depend on their symbionts for nutrition compared to massive species, which are more heterotrophic and depend on plankton predation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the theoretical aspects of sustainable consumption. The conditions for consumers’ social responsibility and the formation of environmentally conscious behavior patterns will also be discussed, along with possible methods for motivating behavioral changes. The authors have completed a primary research study with the purpose of surveying environmentally conscious consumption patterns in Hungary. They also examined how the provision of appropriate information and the raising of awareness might encourage sustainable consumption. According to their findings, the respondents’ knowledge on environmentally conscious behavior was rather limited, and reinforcement was needed in identifying appropriate activity alternatives. This paper provides a summary of the qualitative research phase which employed in-depth interviews, logging and focus groups. The consecutive application of these methods enabled the authors to keep track of the process and the consequences of raising awareness.
A virtuális szociális világok, úgy mint a Second Life, egyre nagyobb népszerűségre téve szert, hamar az üzleti érdeklődés középpontjában találták magukat. A szerző célja, hogy feltérképezze a virtuális identitás és a fogyasztói magatartás közötti kapcsolat mibenlétét a Second Life világában. Ezért először bemutatja, hogy miként működik a Second Life és milyen jellemzőkkel rendelkezik. Másodszor ismerteti, hogy az on-line identitásalkotás miként befolyásolja üzleti szempontból az individuális viselkedést. A Second Life vizsgálata során a virtuális identitás fogalmát használja föl, mely összevethető az egyén valódi életbeli identitásával. Harmadszor: rátér a kutatási részre, amely során a Second Life világában kialakított identitás jellemzőit vizsgálta. Négy virtuális identitástípust azonosított, melyeknek más és más kapcsolata van a virtuális fogyasztás jelenségével. Végezetül: kiemeli azokat az eredményeket és megállapításokat, melyeket a vállalatoknak különösképpen figyelembe kell venniük a pszichológiai nézőpont szempontjából ahhoz, hogy eredményesen szerepeljenek a virtuális világokban. ________ Given their increasing popularity, virtual worlds, such as Second Life, attracted the attention of the business media. The aim of the present article is to explore the relationship between virtual identity and consumer behaviour in Second Life. First, the author reviews Second Life functions and particular characteristics. Second, he illustrates how online identity construction affects one’s behaviour in such environments from a business perspective. Third, the author demonstrates his findings associated with identity construction in Second Life. More specifically, four different types of virtual identities can be identified, each with slightly different implications toward virtual consumption. Finally, he highlights the major points to which companies should pay particular attention in their virtual social world activities, focusing on the psychological mechanisms that influence people’s online behaviour and thinking.
Environmental protectionism and sustainable development has been gaining increased attention among governments, investors and consumers alike. As a result, firms are facing growing pressure from the various stakeholders to improve their environmental performance. This study is focusing on the food industry, which in recent years has been a subject of increased scrutiny due to their role in resource consumption, waste generation and unsustainable production practices. Our research is aiming to examine how the financial community evaluates the environmental stewardship of food industry companies as proxied by market reactions in response to environmental news. Are all company related environmental news items evaluated equally, and which financial and non-financial firm-specific attributes can influence market responses? Have there been changes in reactions on the stock exchange in the past two decades?
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the University of Konstanz, Germany. The first author was supported by a fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (Fellowship P2ZHP1_155103).
Background: Evidence-based medication and lifestyle modification are important for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease but are underutilized. Mobile health strategies could address this gap but existing evidence is mixed. Therefore, we piloted a pre-post study to assess the impact of patient-directed text messages as a means of improving medication adherence and modifying major health risk behaviors among coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Hainan, China.
Methods: 92 CVD patients were surveyed between June and August 2015 (before the intervention) and then between October and December 2015 (after 12 week intervention) about (a) medication use (b) smoking status,(c) fruit and vegetable consumption, and (d) physical activity uptake. Acceptability of text-messaging intervention was assessed at follow-up. Descriptive statistics, along with paired comparisons between the pre and post outcomes were conducted using both parametric (t-test) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon signed rank test) methods.
Results: The number of respondents at follow-up was 82 (89% retention rate). Significant improvements were observed for medication adherence (P<0.001) and for the number of cigarettes smoked per day (P=.022). However there was no change in the number of smokers who quitted smoking at follow-up. There were insignificant changes for physical activity (P=0.91) and fruit and vegetable consumption.
Marketers have long looked for observables that could explain differences in consumer behavior. Initial attempts have centered on demographic factors, such as age, gender, and race. Although such variables are able to provide some useful information for segmentation (Bass, Tigert, and Longdale 1968), more recent studies have shown that variables that tap into consumers’ social classes and personal values have more predictive accuracy and also provide deeper insights into consumer behavior. I argue that one demographic construct, religion, merits further consideration as a factor that has a profound impact on consumer behavior. In this dissertation, I focus on two types of religious guidance that may influence consumer behaviors: religious teachings (being content with one’s belongings), and religious problem-solving styles (reliance on God).
Essay 1 focuses on the well-established endowment effect and introduces a new moderator (religious teachings on contentment) that influences both owner and buyers’ pricing behaviors. Through fifteen experiments, I demonstrate that when people are primed with religion or characterized by stronger religious beliefs, they tend to value their belongings more than people who are not primed with religion or who have weaker religious beliefs. These effects are caused by religious teachings on being content with one’s belongings, which lead to the overvaluation of one’s own possessions.
Essay 2 focuses on self-control behaviors, specifically healthy eating, and introduces a new moderator (God’s role in the decision-making process) that determines the relationship between religiosity and the healthiness of food choices. My findings demonstrate that consumers who indicate that they defer to God in their decision-making make unhealthier food choices as their religiosity increases. The opposite is true for consumers who rely entirely on themselves. Importantly, this relationship is mediated by the consumer’s consideration of future consequences. This essay provides an explanation to the existing mixed findings on the relationship between religiosity and obesity.
Since the industrial revolution, [CO2]atm has increased from 280 µatm to levels now exceeding 380 µatm and is expected to rise to 730-1,020 µatm by the end of this century. The consequent changes in the ocean's chemistry (e.g., lower pH and availability of the carbonate ions) are expected to pose particular problems for marine organisms, especially in the more vulnerable early life stages. The aim of this study was to investigate how the future predictions of ocean acidification may compromise the metabolism and swimming capabilities of the recently hatched larvae of the tropical dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus). Here, we show that the future environmental hypercapnia (delta pH 0.5; 0.16 % CO2, ~1,600 µatm) significantly (p < 0.05) reduced oxygen consumption rate up to 17 %. Moreover, the swimming duration and orientation frequency also decreased with increasing pCO2 (50 and 62.5 %, respectively). We argue that these hypercapnia-driven metabolic and locomotory challenges may potentially influence recruitment, dispersal success, and the population dynamics of this circumtropical oceanic top predator.
Energy efficient policies are being applied to network protocols, devices and classical network management systems. Researchers have already studied in depth each of those fields, including for instance a long monitoring processes of various number of individual ICT equipment from where power models are constructed. With the development of smart meters and emerging protocols such as SNMP and NETCONF, currently there is an open field to couple the power models, translated to the expected behavior, with the realtime energy measurements. The goal is to derive a comparison on the power data between both of the processes in the direction of detection for possible deviations on the expected results. The logical assumption is that a fault in the usage of a particular device will not only increase its own energy usage, but also may cause additional consumption on the other devices part of the network. A platform is developed to monitor and analyze the retrieved power data of a simulated enterprise ICT infrastructure. Moreover, smart algorithms are developed which are aware of the different states that are occurring on each device during their typical use phase, as well as to detect and isolate possible anomalies. The produced results are obtained and validated with the use of Cisco switches and routers, Dell Precision stations and Raritan PDU as part of the monitored infrastructure.
Ye’elimite based cements have been studied since 70’s years in China, due to the irrelevant characteristics from a hydraulic and environmental point of view. One of them is the reduced fuel consumption, related to the lower temperature reaction required for this kind of cement production as compared to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), another characteristic is the reduced requirement of carbonates as a typical raw material, compared to OPC, with the consequent reduction in CO2 releases (~22%)from combustion. Thus, Belite-Ye’elimite-Ferrite (BYF) cements have been developed as potential OPC substitutes. BYF cements contain belite as main phase (>50 wt%) and ye´elimite as the second content phase (~30 wt%). However, an important technological problem is associated to them, related to the low mechanical strengths developed at intermediate hydration ages (3, 7 and 28 days). One of the proposed solutions to this problem is the activation of BYF clinkers by preparing clinkers with high percentage of coexisting alite and ye'elimite. These clinkers are known Belite-Alite-Ye’elimite (BAY) cements. Their manufacture would produce ~15% less CO2 than OPC. Alite is the main component of OPC and is responsible for early mechanical strengths. The reaction of alite and ye´elimite with water will develop cements with high mechanical strengths at early ages, while belite will contribute to later curing times. Moreover, the high alkalinity of BAY cement pastes/mortars/concretes may facilitate the use of supplementary cementitious materials with pozzolanic activity which also contributes to decrease the CO2 footprint of these ecocements. The main objective of this work was the design and optimization of all the parameters evolved in the preparation of a BAY eco-cement that develop higher mechanical strengths than BYF cements. These parameters include the selection of the raw materials (lime, gypsum, kaolin and sand), milling, clinkering conditions (temperature, and holding time), and clinker characterization The addition of fly ash has also been studied. All BAY clinker and pastes (at different hydration ages) were mineralogically characterized through laboratory X-ray powder diffraction (LXRPD) in combination with the Rietveld methodology to obtain the full phase assemblage including Amorphous and Crystalline non-quantified, ACn, contents. The pastes were also characterized through rheological measurements, thermal analyses (TA), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The compressive strengths were also measured at different hydration times and compared to BYF.